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Kind Regards

May 25, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

There certainly seem to be a lot of losers trolling this blog lately who only seem to like to spew venom and spread negativity wherever they go.  Though I can’t understand why anyone would put so much time and effort into such an endeavor, it certainly seems like there are a few bad apples posting that like to put people down, me in particular.

That’s why it’s always encouraging to get emails from people who actually appreciate the time it takes to keep a site like this up and running.  One email I got recently, in particular, was especially gratifying, and I wanted to share it here with you all…

Glamor writes:

Simply …. you are THE MAN…
there are three things I’d like to thank you for :-
1) Your website (Seductionlair.com) :-
No other website is more resourceful than yours… very organized
.. gets updated regularly.. and gets us the news from all those guys
from the seduction community (Mystery – RSD Guys – Swinggcat…etc) ..
and I know some of the stuff you have on your website is a collection
from other sites… but you pick the good stuff and just list them for
your members… Awesome.
2) The Interviews you do :-
First of all I just like how you pick the guys you wanna
interview… and who are really good and successful with what they
do…. I don’t like bashing at other people’s audio interviews but
there is another guy who is considered an advanced guy in the seduction
community.. and he has a series of interviews with pua’s .. but I don’t
think that guy checks the credibilty of the people he interviews.. and
I say that simply because one of the guys he interviewed really sucks
with women.. I’ve sarged with him… and also he took the Mystery
Seminar with me to improve..  but they lied to be on that guy’s
interview series…
and on top of it all… the way you do the interview is just
awesome… although audio quality and the short time wish to be
improved a bit… but that’s understandable.. you are basically
handling the website.. the interviews and the books alone by
yourself… alot of load on your shoulders… and actually in the last
interview with MasterClass.. both those catagory improved great deal…
and every interview you do is different and has it’s own thing going…
Superb work Thundy…
Honestly there are few books out there that are good.. to the
point and easy to read and follow… some authors are good I think..
but they are just not that informative or may be they don’t know how to
deliver the point.
I thought your first book kicked butt! … now I am not quite done
reading the 2nd edition.. but I am really really enjoying what I am
reading.. the framing things…. the confidence…etc.  ..I really like
how you are touching on these subject because they are really
important! …I learned alot from the first book… it made socializing
and picking up chicks alot easier for me…. in my opinion .. (DYD Book
- Swinggcat’s book – The Art of Approaching) .. are all what you need
bookwise to be a pua.. and the rest is up to the guy to sarge and
excute what he learned….
Seriously I am not bragging… when I tell you.. your book kicks ass…

I want to thank you man .. seriously for the excellent work you
are doing… and I know you are not getting enough credit for the work
you do… you deserve alot more..but I do truely appreciate your work
and I know many people do too…. and I just read about your Euro
Trip… so that would be a good thing for you to enjoy your time and
live it up…. and I hope you come back in time to attend the Cliff’s
List Seminar and give us the whole recap on it… since I am still
abroad but hope to be back home in Cali.. sometimes soon…. Thank you
Thundy.. keep up the great work… Regards.

I’d like to thank Glamor for his kind words, and thank all of you who also send me encouraging emails like the one I posted above.  It means a lot.  =)
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57 Responses to “Kind Regards”
  1. Truth says:

    Way to dodge your own failures. You made a blanket statement that I have an inability to learn. I gave evidence to the contrary. Rather than being a man and admitting you lost the debate, you went off on some tangent about buying you dinner.

    Since you can’t counter my claim that I do indeed have the ability to learn, and since you stated that you HATE guys who lose debates, I can only assume you now hate yourself. Either that, or you’re a liar. So are you a liar or do you hate yourself?

    As for my definition of GAME, YES!!! it’s all experience and self-improvement. If your nice guy friend had experience, he would know why what he was doing wasn’t working. If he was into self-improvement, he’d be working out at the gym and getting lots of social experience. Then he could get away with being nice b/c he’d have so much other things going for him. You can be nice and get women; it’s only KJ bullshit that says you can’t.

    Now, your assumption that it takes 10000 of sets to achieve experience is bs. Everyone has a diff. learning curve, and most guys can make great progress after only a few sets. It only takes as many approaches as it takes for the individual.

    What you fail to understand is that products sell experience. The whole idea of buying information is so that you don’t have to figure it out yourself. However, you can’t read about someone’s experience and then go out and duplicate it. You need experiences of your own. This is proven by most authors encouraging you to try the stuff out and test it.

    Furthermore, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a workshop, but the in-field part is mostly guys getting pushed into sets. This is so that they can get EXPERIENCE. Workshops, in a lot of ways, are venues for guys to get the experience that they lack. Therefore, it’s easy to conclude that if you got the experience on your own, you’d also make amazing improvements. Also, most workshops now tell you the kinds of improvements (self-improvements) to make.

    My experience and self-improvement mantra is also proven by guys who have never taken a workshop or bought a product but have gotten good. How do you think naturals got good? I’ll give you a hint, experience and self-improvement.

    “Like i said, i know people who have changed their lives learning from verbal instruction or just reading material. And you said it cannot happen.”

    No, I said it wouldn’t make much of a difference. The real difference is made with experience and self-imrpovement. It is only a minor thing that contributed to the change. I would argue that other factors as well helped those people as much, if not more, than the product.

    “Since you supposedly have an ability to learn…learn from this.”

    Supposedly implies that you still don’t believe I have the ability to learn. You lost your argument, now just be a MAN and admit I do have the ability to learn, or offer evidence to the contrary.

    In order for me to learn from someone, I’d have to respect that person…….

    ….and I can’t respect someone who is a liar…..

    …or someone who doesn’t believe in self-improvement and experience…..

    ….but instead believes in throwing money at his problems…..

    ….and hoping that they go away;….

    ..someone like that is not someone I want to associate with b/c his advice would be nothing but bad…..

    …..and that’s the……


  2. Ok u win says:

    Ok Truth.

    Don’t burst a blood vessel.

    The reason why the point argued isn’t “your ability” to learn is because everyone knows that that sentence is just like most of your huge posts, it is just a useless rant used to present an opinion on how someone else feels about you.

    Only someone like Truth would take it literally.

    For example. When u call someone a PIG, Only a fool would start to argue about why he is part of the human race and how he is so smart because he has proved he isn’t an actual pig.

    But one baseless opinion versus ALL of your “truths”, i have to say u really have guts or real stupidity wanting to argue that you “have an ability to learn”.

    Btw, that was the point of the post before yours right? To not argue your points in a logical way, and to instead argue in an ineffective way like u.

    And you are quite an insect.

    Oh no. I think i’m going to get 5 paragraphs proving why you aren’t an insect. I better apolgise for it now. Before you start describing your anatomy.

    I’m Sorry Truth! Forgive me.

  3. Truth says:

    No bursting a blood vessel, as I wasn’t even angry. I just felt that someone who “HATED people who lose debates” would be more careful about making false statements. As for your statement about my arguing style, I find it to be the opinion of a very warped and angry man.

    The easiest way to tell who is losing an argument is by seeing who has to resort to name calling. Usually that person is so frustrated and angry that he is losing, that he will resort to calling people names like “insect”, or throwing other insults my way.

    The reason I argued my ability to learn, is b/c I wanted to prove the stupidity of your statement, and that you were the one who wasn’t logical. Either you make a statement b/c you believe it is true, or you were trying to insult me (b/c it certainly wasn’t funny). I chose the former b/c I didn’t realize that you were acoward who had to NETmog.

    Learn how to be a real man…….

    …..b/c you come across to me as petty….

    …..and frustrated; and I can’t respect …..

    …someone who doen’t value the…..


  4. Who_Me says:

    Damn. truth makes a great post and he is flamed saying that maybe teaching someone does work. Good way at moving the heat away from thundy. By the way…it wasnt one of the RSD guys who told me you where on the Mystery Lounge because you where a friend…it was actually one of the top 5 PUA,s in the community. Make a guess but I wont kill his trust. Thundy…you Sell a Product. You have to STAND by your product. You say that you dont need to prove anything…I can see that. But if a Doctor writes a book about heart surgery and he cant perform that surgery…would that be fraud? If a Navy seal writes a book about Flying a F-16 and he has never gotten on a plane before…would that be fraud? What we are saying is that ….you are on a money making machine here. you claim you are helping others when in fact…you are making a profit out of this. You started your blog with good intentions because I remember reading in the beginning. You put up a Swingcat interview which was really good….but then came the Greed. It did….and you know it. Once you started asking for money for your Ebook and that mystery interview and audio…everything went downhill from there. People started giving you shit because 95% of your post was stuff from other websites which lead to formhandle add that little copyright comment on every post. You had all these guys on your side. RSD, MM, Badboy…all of them at first where with you but eventually…some simply moved on. You are a KJ…and you know that thundy. You even disappeared for a few weeks claiming that you felt that all this was wrong and that these tactics was not what all this was about. That all you need is confidence…Ect..ect…Then you went right back to your old self. Taking material from other websites…pushing your interviews to your website…now pushing the book. Did you feel you needed more money. When you came back If I remember…you said that all this RSD, MM shit was not what this was all about. You mentioned on that post that you tried this stuff for months and it was not really working for you. Does that sound familiar to the SS fiasco you had? Look man. You got to look at yourself here. And say the truth. You are in it for the MONEY. All the PUgurus are In it for the money. Maybe their intentions at first where good but come on. Ebooks for 30-50 dollars, Workshops for 600 or bootcamps for 1000-2000 dollars! That is not helping guys…that is doing it for the money. If the Gurus really wanted to help guys…they would reduce these crazy prices and I can bet you that they would have workshops two times a week and the guys would keep coming. But they are all in it for the money. Including yourself. You act like you care and want to help these guys. Let me suggest you something. Why don’t you let ANYBODY download your ebook for the rest of this month.FOR FREE. You say you are here to HELP guys…this will help the rookies get started. But you wont do this….your excuse…that you put a lot of time in writing this book and the material there is very special and should not be given away for free. When the truth is that you do this for the money and you can care less what these rookies go through. You became a money whore. And you probably wont even answer this message because what I say….is right on the money

  5. nemo says:

    i think ur site may have driven who_me insane thundercat.

  6. Ray says:

    i wonder if Truth only likes to argue on this board

  7. 311204 159967amazing post. Ne?er knew this, regards for letting me know. 833581

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