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Cliff’s List Seminar Report, Part I

August 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Here is part 1 (of 2) of the Cliff’s List Seminar Report.  Special thanks to Senior Lucas for writing this up.  Part 2 will be up tomorrow.

Montréal, QC – 15 to 17 July 2005

Arriving at the seminar the morning of July 15, I had just finished my two-week hiatus. I had decided to take a full two weeks of not reading any seduction materials, including books, newsletters or videos. Since I am an avid reader and love this topic, this was very hard to do, very much like breaking an addiction. I took this break on the understanding that the subconscious mind cannot properly absorb information to the point of implementation, if it is constantly being fed new data without any breaks for meditation and absorption. So when I arrived at the seminar, my mind was eager and hungry!

Montreal is a beautiful city that is in a time warp. Almost everything looks as it did in the late 1970’s. Overspending on the 1976 Olympics put the city in a deep hole from which it is still recovering. The hotel was elegant and mostly well maintained but again I felt like I was in the 1970s by the look and feel of the place.

The seminar room was an elegant ballroom, smaller than those typically used by David DeAngelo. There were soft white lighting panels for the cameras, which are far less harsh on the eyes than the floodlights I had seen at DYD seminars.

The stage had two chairs and much of the seminar was conducted in an interview format, with a guy named Claude William from the Montreal Lair asking much of the questions. William asked some great questions and was an excellent interviewer, but he needs to watch the DYD Body Language video; he regularly sat with his legs crossed, which as I understand from several women is a big NO-NO for an Alpha Male! Other than that, he was great.

Some questions from the audience we allowed as well, and I got a chance to ask several. This was breakthrough number one for me! I had been working on inner confidence, approach anxiety, and so forth, and here I was conversing with PUAs and asking them questions in front of a live audience. For some reason, I had a bigger mental obstacle with AMOGs than I ever did with women, and I am glad to be getting this handled.

DISCLOSURE: I am in no way “affiliated” with this seminar. I did buy Craiger a drink on Friday night, and he works for David D., but I don’t think he remembers. I have helped out at a couple of David D. seminars in the past.

First up was Stephane Hemon of He is advocating a completely natural approach to seduction. He claimed he did not rehearse for the part because he is working hard on being in the here and now and believes that routines imply that you’re a lower-value person to begin with. He discussed the four types of energy suckers that you want to avoid in the world and how to recognize them. He talked briefly about how to give women squirting orgasms. And the most important point of his presentation was the idea that he no longer “games” women; he simply qualifies them, based on REAL criteria that he has and no false qualifier B.S.

Next up was Dr. Alex Benzer aka Dr. Tao. A very well spoken and highly educated man from Harvard and Cambridge. He teaches a “complete system” mix of Western and Eastern knowledge. The three components are: 1. Abundance/Wealth-consciousness; 2. Enlightened Self-Interest; and 3. The Be-Do-Have Philosophy of Success.

The latter was interesting: to be a PUA, first you need to BE a PUA, internally. Next you need to DO the things that a PUA does. THEN, and only then, will you have the results of a PUA. In other words, techniques, although important, come LAST on your development path. In that regard he did give some specific sexual exercises to help one become more proficient in bed. These three simple steps apply to all areas of life, and most people take these steps backwards, which is why they are not successful.

Next up was Dave M. of 97% of men quit online dating within four months due to lack of results, and there are four reasons why they suck:

  1. Their profiles suck
  2. Their photos are horrible
  3. They send out bad emails
  4. They do not understand the psychological process.

The first thing you need to do is define your target market, and then become immersed in what you’re doing by learning, applying and modifying. The magic formula is Mystery (the concept, not the guy) + Intrigue = Interest. You need to have a powerful, positive intent. If you have five dates lined up for the week, as opposed to just one, your entire physiology will change and this will be evident to each of the five women you see.

A lot of good tips by Dave M. if you’re interested in online dating. I got a chance to talk to him a couple of times and he is a good, down-to-earth guy with a lot of insight. You would not think of him as a PUA if you just met him and were discussing other topics.

We broke for lunch and came back to see Brent of He was once roommates with David D. and Rick. Everything we choose to do gives us a reward on some level. For example, what am I GAINING by not being consistent with women? Perhaps it’s the ability to be right in my view of the world, or to avoid rejection. Fear of success is a real issue for people. Stop trying to become successful with women, just BE that way. I must decide what I want and give the brain continuous reinforcement. Be attached to nothing and yet committed to everything. I become what I think about most. Understand that failure is the best teacher. Always act and believe that she is hitting on me, because whatever I know will happen is exactly what will happen!

Next was Tyler Durden. He talked about the two types of PUA, the Naturally Attractive guy, and the Mechanical Genius. Both skill sets are important and one follows the other. There are constant seeming contradictions in the knowledge we get from this community, like chick logic for guys. As in the advice “just be yourself man! Don’t put on an act!” vs. “hey, being myself isn’t getting results, so I need to change who I am to get results!”, and so on. However, Tyler has found that there are certain universals common to all good PUAs:

  1. The frame I adopt (Direct vs. Indirect, etc.) is not as important as my confidence in the frame.
  2. It is easiest for the high-status person in any interaction to be the least reactive when it comes to eye contact, laughter, clear voice projection and so forth.
  3. The logical brain of the female is attracted to rich, tall, handsome. The emotional brain is captivated by social proof, and is attracted to the man that is sucking people in to his reality (this is why bartenders, bouncers, managers can attract without having any good game).
  4. To be High Status I need to be non-reactive, as discussed in point 2, but I also need to be PROACTIVE, as in going after what I want. I’ve found I’ve done quite well at body language and being the high-status person, but not so well in being proactive going after what I want . I need both! (Mental Breakthrough!)
  5. Congruence is the prerequisite to being cool. When learning new BL or routine, it can look dorky at the outset, and may have to go through a period of being a tryhard.

TONS of great info from Tyler and you’re going to have to get the product for the rest. He was definitely one of the speakers with the greatest volume of good information.

Next up, Cameron Teone (The One) from Fidentia. The word Fidentia is Latin for confidence and boldness, which is what these guys are all about. A lot of his presentation was based on his mASF post “The Freedom to Exist”, which I highly recommend. Basically it’s about being comfortable in my own skin, adding what is useful to my personality and discarding what is not. Most people say they are comfortable with themselves but in actual fact it is very rare. Body language is the first thing to be worked on. Recognize that logic does NOT attract women sexually, but emotion does. This is why as a general rule scientists, computer programmers, and so forth are not ladies men. So I need to release or unlock the emotional and creative side of my brain. The entire seduction process is about changing emotional states.

So stop analyzing and go for this fundamental change: adopt the five core attributes of a successful PUA (not techniques!):

  1. Non-verbal communication. 55% Body language, 38% voice tonality
  2. Verbal attributes. How interesting of a person am I? Develop ability to convey this through stories.
  3. The ability to relate and connect on an emotional level with the woman.
  4. Living a strong reality.
  5. Confidence and a strong belief system.

You can read about “The Attributes” at

The only small criticism I have for Cameron is his diction. In his enthusiasm, some of his words and phrases were hard to decipher. This is something that can be improved with conscious awareness and practice. His information was great and his confidence was very strong, otherwise.

Next, Will from It’s a good idea to befriend the bouncers where you go. Do this by getting there early. When I arrive, stop at the door and pan the room. Have a game plan: what type of woman am I looking for? This will set my state properly and help narrow my search. Gave some great tips on using a wing woman. Here are some universal cold reading things you can say to almost any woman with positive results:

  1. I like how your eyes close when you laugh hard.
  2. I can tell you are a very passionate person.
  3. I can tell that you meter your words and think before you speak.
  4. I can tell you give it your all when something is important to you.
  5. You are a very sensual person that likes to be touched in just the right way.
  6. You’re secure; love being a woman; friends would say you’re loyal.
  7. Very difficult and a pain in the ass sometimes.
  8. Friends would say you’re nuturing and caring.

Clothing is very important, and shoes are absolutely the number one item you need right. Always use double meanings when talking to women, as it’s extremely effective! Use backhanded compliments. Most women are proud of their work and their ethnic heritage, so these are good things to ask about in comfort to get her talking if you want. Make sure the sex you give her is her best ever; if so, she will put up with a LOT of BS from you. Be the guy with the “fun table” everywhere you go.

Steve Piccus of talked about the necessity of having goals in life if I hope to attain anything. In order to get a deep understanding of women, he modeled lipstick lesbians, and learned all he could about them. Also he took massage classes. Massage can help a woman feel relaxed and intimate. He believes that women absolutely can pick up on the thoughts of men, so I need to feed the happy, positive side of myself and not the jealous, vindictive side. Gave several different eye contact techniques such as “Soul Gazing”, based on ancient rituals. Recommended eating fava beans and reading The Green Pharmacy by James Duke for sexual health. Check out his web site for soon-to-be-released videos on squirting orgasms.

Friday night was the after party at an art studio in Montréal. It was pretty cool. The music, in my 36-year-old opinion, became too loud. Impossible to talk to anyone! I enjoyed the first couple of hours though, before it got too cranked. There was nude body painting and acrobats, and other cool shit.

I brought my girlfriend to the party and this was a huge breakthrough for me! In the past I would have been nervous to intentionally take a hot woman to a location that I new was going to be filled with high-status males, and probably would have avoided it. Mystery, Tyler, Will, David Shade, David DeAngelo, Craiger, Brent, Stephane and many others were all there. I introduced my GF to all of them except for David D. as I he was the only one I did not talk to at the party. I did not do any of the stupid clingy things I would have done in the past, either internally or externally, and I let her free for most of the night. A total mental breakthrough for me!

To be concluded…

Get Your Free Guide Here!


81 Responses to “Cliff’s List Seminar Report, Part I”
  1. Shinji says:

    Seeing as how secure and all you are now, I can’t wait to see a pic of your GF!

  2. themachievellian says:

    Awesome post. Cant wait for the 2nd one

  3. stuarth says:

    So what about the absense of Ross J, come on spill the dirt!

  4. optimus says:

    Nice post. Did Brent go into any more detail about his game? Anything else on “taking the power back,” etc? Did he talk about his personal beliefs at all?

  5. PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 201 says:

    What about Gunwitch? did they go into a discussion about his athlete’s foot fungus?

  6. Mars says:

    Does Brents website work for anybody else because it certainly does not work for me, and even though i put in my info i dont get any emails

  7. I was absent because I wasn’t there.

    But look for me on Prime Time Live’s one hour special on Neil Strauss’ book, “The Game”.

    I think THAT exposure to 20 million people will more than make up for not being heard in front of less than 100.

    And to the person who kept me from attending Cliff’s seminar-20 million viewers vs 100 is no contest, son.

    If only you would use your powers for good!

    Good luck all,


    “A man is just flesh and blood and can be defeated or ignored. But a symbol-as a symbol I can be incorruptible, everlasting”…………Bruce Wayne

  8. Wilson Fisk says:

    “I was absent because I wasn’t there.

    But look for me on Prime Time Live’s one hour special on Neil Strauss’ book, “The Game”

    About when will this air?

    I guess times have changed where the media isn’t going on the offensive anymore with the seduction community, maybe becasue style’s book is from a mainstream publisher and the media doesn’t want attach it’s own… But then again they must have chosen someone on that show to take a counter viewpoint

    I just can imagine all the butchered Incredible Connection patterns and “Power Puff girl” routines will start hearing after this special ends and the book comes out

  9. TomSawyer says:

    “I was absent because I wasn’t there.

    But look for me on Prime Time Live’s one hour special on Neil Strauss’ book, “The Game”.

    I think THAT exposure to 20 million people will more than make up for not being heard in front of less than 100.”

    I love it.

    RJ nearly had a heart attack when someone on the SS mailing list posted about Cliff’s List Seminar. Now RJ is going to be on tv talking about Style’s product.

    Will RJ talk about being on Prime Time Live on the SS list?

    Or will he ban himself from the SS list because he is dealing with Style’s product?

    Come on RJ, let your SS students talk about other seduction techniques on the SS list, since your going to be talking about Style’s book.

  10. Junebug says:

    TWENTY million people? Wow, under Thundy, with all his bitter RJ hating rage, will have a hard time spinning that in his usual venom filled hate rants against him.

  11. Jason says:

    Hmmm, seems from the review on that ‘Game’ will turn out to be a typical hollywood romance (ala tao of steve) (

    “As Strauss grows restless to talk about things other than number closes and phase shifts (the book’s glossary is a juicy read of its own), the mansion loses its appeal and he reluctantly grows up. When he meets a tough-talking band mate of Courtney Love’s named Lisa and they bond over music, we can guess where the narrative is headed”

    Though I am intrigued by this part “And then things really start to get strange — and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence” Yaaaasss, pua bitch fights!

  12. Wilson Fisk says:

    I think it ‘s pretty much a forgone conclusion that Mystery , Style and who knows who elso will get a reality based show. Probably some pick up Olympics on the Fox network…where Mystery or Style finds “the One” and they fit into the US conditioning /propaganda machine

  13. All this speculation. I can tell you this: I was there to watch Neil’s sit down interview with John Quinones, and Neil did a SPECTACULAR job handling all of it. He comes across as human, real, vulnerable, genuinely touched by his own experiences and his own story.

    You are all going to be surprised and for those who were stupid enough to voluntarily OPT OUT of being interviewed, there will be weeping, wailing and GNA-SH-IN-G of TEETH!


  14. Señorlukas says:

    Mr. Jeffries said:

    “And to the person who kept me from attending Cliff’s seminar-20 million viewers vs 100 is no contest, son.”

    You still should have been there. It was an important event and it’s ridiculous that you weren’t there. It’s even more ridiculous that you believe someone could prevent you from attending and that you yourself had nothing to do with the decision.

    Wanting the respect of your peers in the community out of a desire to help other men, or looking to go mass market and make a lot of money, are two different topics. Good luck to you and maybe you will sell a lot more of your product. I’ve got no problem with people making lots of money, i think everyone should do it! But it does remind me of the way Win Doze has always outsold the Mac OS.


  15. The One says:

    Wilson wrote,

    where Mystery or Style finds “the One” and they fit into the US conditioning /propaganda machine

    Hey man, Style is a cool guy but rest assured, I have no intentions of dating him….. (well, maybe if ran a super DHV…….) lol

    The book should be very interesting and dramatic indeed……

    The One

  16. BTW, I have NO idea about how the interview with Neil will be edited; during the interview where I was present, they had him on the hot seat for around 2 hrs.

    They interviewed me 2 nights in a row. On Saturday they rigged my SAAB with cameras and John Q. and I went for a drive down Sunset and chatted.

    Then the following afternoon in a club in Hollywood before it opened for biz(that is where I watched Neil being interviewed).


  17. Ultraman says:

    About Brent’s website I got an email from him that it’s still under construction. So we’ll wait with baited breath since I signed up for his newsletter.

  18. Clifford says:

    The ABC TV show PRIME TIME LIVE which will feature the community is scheduled to be broadcast on Thursday, Sept. 1. I was on a conference call with the producer yesterday and that is their target date.


  19. Ninja says:

    You still should have been there. It was an important event and it’s ridiculous that you weren’t there. It’s even more ridiculous that you believe someone could prevent you from attending and that you yourself had nothing to do with the decision.

    Wanting the respect of your peers in the community out of a desire to help other men, or looking to go mass market and make a lot of money, are two different topics.


    P.S. It was at this latest seminar someone said that over 95% of people who discover the community will not get good because of the way they approach the community and what they do with the information. You can be sure he will try to anchor those poor souls to his products once he gets them in the door. Now that RJ has gotten sick of driving the SAAB, he wants to move up to the Mercedes Benz world by going mass market. PrimeTimeLive should give most of the coverage to Style for payback of all the ideas that RJ has stolen from other people in this community. THAT would be Karma.

    Did the John Quiñones and the producers read THIS?:
    Why You Shouldn’t Believe MINE’99

  20. Little Ceaser says:

    Primetime live recorded the entirity of the presentations at Cliff List seminar. 30 hours + of material. They were interviewing gurus in the corridors on cameras. I heard they were following Mystery around for a couple of weeks beforehand recording his bootcamps. There will be hundreds of hours of raw material to choose sound bites from. The final cut is an hour to tell a story that is interesting to the mainstream and promotes Styles book. MINE 99 might not make it. His chances would be better if he was at Cliffs List seminar.

  21. Ninja says:

    Primetime live recorded the entirity of the presentations at Cliff List seminar. 30 hours + of material. They were interviewing gurus in the corridors on cameras. I heard they were following Mystery around for a couple of weeks beforehand recording his bootcamps. There will be hundreds of hours of raw material to choose sound bites from. The final cut is an hour to tell a story that is interesting to the mainstream and promotes Styles book. MINE 99 might not make it. His chances would be better if he was at Cliffs List seminar.

    Style is Mystery’s best friend, if they are going to feature anyone, it will have to be Mystery. Just read the NY times article where Mystery was the highlight and RJ was just mentioned as a grandpa of seduction.

    The real TEST to see if RJ is proud of the Prime Time Live piece, is if he mentions it on the SS List like TomSawyer wants.

    Little Ceaser, THAT is called KARMA.

  22. Shinji says:

    I just read Neil’s sarge of Britney Spears in Esquire. Good article, and of course tubbycat will ignore it. He uses what Ross teaches, and refers to him as the father of the seduction industry. Mystery pops up at the end of the piece almost as an afterthought.

  23. Little Ceaser says:

    Style in his Esquire article used entirely Mystery Method stuff. DHV is a MM concept. The mind reading is Mystery stuff that Style learned from Mystery (Mystery is a magician). I cant see any SS.

  24. Reading eye-accessing cues is something Style learned from me. It’s an NLP-based thing he saw me do years ago with two waitresses at the Daily Grill in Beverly Hills(across from the Beverly Center). He’ll tell you, when asked, they wound up fighting over me.

    The other parts of how he opened her DO seem like MM to me. So Style has combined both MM and SS, which he has said over and over is something he does.

    To learn what Style knows about SS, go to:

  25. TomSawyer says:

    “The real TEST to see if RJ is proud of the Prime Time Live piece, is if he mentions it on the SS List like TomSawyer wants.

    Little Ceaser, THAT is called KARMA.”

    RJ has boxed himself in by his own policies. Nowhere to go. Trapped by his limiting beliefs.

    “The other parts of how he opened her DO seem like MM to me. So Style has combined both MM and SS, which he has said over and over is something he does.”

    All good seducers/puas takes what works and uses it. They don’t just stick to SS. Yes again, another limiting belief of only sticking to just SS.

    Style has the honor of coming up with alot of stuff used by the community. Plus, I’ve had the pleasure of sarging with Style in Chicago back in Dec ’04. Great guy, and I learned alot from him, sarging in the field.
    When are you going to do a SS workshop in the field?

    Come RJ, ask yourself, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this discussion on the SS list?

  26. “Primetime live recorded the entirity of the presentations at Cliff List seminar. 30 hours + of material. They were interviewing gurus in the corridors on cameras. I heard they were following Mystery around for a couple of weeks beforehand recording his bootcamps. There will be hundreds of hours of raw material to choose sound bites from. The final cut is an hour to tell a story that is interesting to the mainstream and promotes Styles book. MINE 99 might not make it. His chances would be better if he was at Cliffs List seminar.”

    Utterly preposterous and I won’t even bother arguing why.

    I have an inside track here.

    $5,000 to your favorite charity if they don’t include a good piece of the sit-down interview with me.


  27. The Distinguishing Gentleman says:


    Sounds like a deal.

    If they don’t show your pretty face on the news, $5000 to the following charity:

    “The Young Man’s Cougar Hunting Lodge: Helping Strapping Young Lads to Bag Sexy Older Woman With Lots of Alimony to $pend”

    If they do show it, well, I’ll watch it and probably go to your website afterwards to see what you’re all about!



  28. Better yet, I will cut a check for $5,000 to Double Your Dating or any charity he cares to designate.

    Look: anyone who questions my media savvy is just NUTS. I’ve been on dozens of TV shows since I started in the early 90′s. One thing I know how to do, without question, is handle the media, deliver up what they want ANd get my own message across.

    Anyone who doubts it is just uninformed or willfully stupid.

    In fact, the Prime Time Live correspondent called me, and I quote, “a sound bite machine”.


  29. Machinist says:

    And what does this exposure get you? You’re just a media oddity, a freak they trot out to ridicule so middle america can feel good about themselves. DYD could still buy and sell you in a day, go wash your audi.

  30. Wilson Fisk says:

    After the PTL show airs, RJ, Mystery and whoever else is prominently featured in the story will make a windfall. Mystery will probably have a year long waiting list to get into his seminars.

    You’ll have all these bitter divorced guys who will see the value in learning seduction and what there divorces cost them and see the value in pua training.

    But most will see Mystery’s pimping and flamboyance and say it’s nonsense or see SS as too far outside the box and go continue to buy hbs drinks because that’s what they have been led to believe all along.

    The show will attract a few more intelligent , open minded people to the pua arena…which is a good thing

  31. Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    Ross, you know, I’m starting to respect your stuff more. I ragged on you, made jokes about you and, yet, never gave your stuff a chance.

    While I don’t do advocate some of your more direct hypnotic-trance techniques, simply because of my personal ethics, I have certainly weaved some of your more basic principles into Storytelling and EV (see: MM/”Comfort”). Additionally, your use of such diverse areas as NLP/Hypnosis all the way to Yoga and Breathwork is certainly a nice addition to the repertoire of any Renaissance Ladies Man. Nicely done.

    So, here’s a Kudos from me….just behave yourself, dude.


  32. Truffaut says:

    If you were “media savvy” then why do you continually lose market share? Of course I already know the answer. You sell an inferior product. BTW being called a “sound bite machine” isn’t a compliment.

  33. silver says:

    mixing business/money making and PU seems to alter the subconcious mind of the PUA of its purity. now maybe i could apply this lesson or exact principle to real PU…this is where the money lesson lies brothers!!!


  34. Kevin Thatcher says:

    Hey Everyone,

    I’m kinda new to all this so please forgive my ignorance.

    What I’m curious about is this Ross Jeffries gentleman. There seems to a lot of anamosity against him. and hes obviously not backward in criticizing other people. he doesnt seem to be much concerned about coming across as a little arrogant – and obnoxious imho.

    So do people dislike him just because of his manner. or has he done stuff in the past that I should be aware of. Also i;m willing to put my initial perception aside if his stuff is any good.Is it? I’ve looked at his website and it reads well. am I just falling for the blurb?

    I’m a student so I’ve only got a limited budget. Where does someone new like me usually spend their dollars first. I dont have time to read all these sites. I need a good beginners summary product. Thanks for any help.

    Kevin Thatcher

  35. Hello, Kevin,

    Look, just go to the video proof section of my website. Watch all of the free videos. Judge for yourself. And sign up for my free newsletters.

    Try my free stuff in the newsletters and if that works, buy something.

    Judge for yourself.


  36. JBG says:

    Kevin I would reccomend you check out the double your dating ebook. Its packed with info and its like 40 bucks its a great start for sure. Its how I began. As for you RJ you come here over and over and over to argue with a bunch of guys who don’t like you why not just quit posting. You don’t know enough about these people or have the wit to cut them down enough to shut them up so why not just drop it

  37. Pimperonni says:

    The price of Double Your Dating was dropped to like $19.99 last time I heard, and it comes w/ 2 or 3 free interviews… that sounds like a good deal to me… hmmmm B-)

  38. “Ross, you know, I’m starting to respect your stuff more. I ragged on you, made jokes about you and, yet, never gave your stuff a chance.”

    Thanks. I’d wager most of the little boys who flame me here do so because they think it makes them “cool” and “in”, but in reality, they have ZERO knowledge of my work.

    “While I don’t do advocate some of your more direct hypnotic-trance techniques, simply because of my personal ethics, I have certainly weaved some of your more basic principles into Storytelling and EV (see: MM/”Comfort”). Additionally, your use of such diverse areas as NLP/Hypnosis all the way to Yoga and Breathwork is certainly a nice addition to the repertoire of any Renaissance Ladies Man. Nicely done.”

    Thanks. Mystery himself has said many times he uses SS in the comfort building phase.

    As for Yoga and Breathwork; as much as it frightens the little boys who fear it will make them wussy and “weak”, in reality, it is a very powerful combination for effective change work and for building an internal strength that combines intuition AND the ability to set a strong lead.

    I only teach it because it works.


    So, here’s a Kudos from me….just behave yourself, dude.


  39. “As for you RJ you come here over and over and over to argue with a bunch of guys who don’t like you why not just quit posting. You don’t know enough about these people or have the wit to cut them down enough to shut them up so why not just drop it”
    “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine taht did not wander off.”

    ………Matthew 18:12-13

  40. Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    “I only teach it because it works.”

    And, thank you for that. I only use what works.

    I have found that simply understanding the intricacies of chakras has helped me immensely in telling stories and leading them to connecting with me at a deep level. Being a Man with a very dominant heart chakra, being able to connect with a woman is very important to my attraction to her.

    Since I am so new to your material – coming from a background in DYD with training by Juggler and RSD – I am looking forward to using your ideas to help me elicit core values and guide states, very much in the same way PlayboyLA would.

    I’ll say this, though, from my group of 10 or so guys, we all initially ignored your stuff because of the rowdy, childish arguments you were extending. I’m just being honest, RJ; it may be something that is driving away more honest, advanced men from your material.


  41. DG,

    I understand, but do understand, this is a blog..the Net equivalent of “International Championship Wrestling”.

    If you want exposure to my real ideas, and you are unsure, then do what DG did, and check out my material. Free videos and newsletters at:

    Proverbs 21:28

  42. Cock Blocker says:

    Back to the Bible quotes again Paul. What about your big threat a few weeks back? What happened to that?

    I noticed that now you try to use the words “Mystery” and/or “Style” in each sentence you write. Is that your way of seeking social proof from Thundy’s readers? Or is that some form of NLP to try to convince guys to buy your stuff? Either way it sounds pretty pathetic and sounds as if you’re begging guys to like you.

    But what can people expect from a bi-polar guy who seems almost semi-reasonable one moment and then the next goes off on insane rants provoked by nothing. I guess this means that your meds are working these days or that you’re doing some powerful breathing into your third eye to control the anger outbursts.

  43. Eat your heart out, CB!


  44. phpeters87 says:

    RJ, didn’t you learn eye-accessing cues from Tony Robbins?

  45. Ninja says:

    Thanks. Mystery himself has said many times he uses SS in the comfort building phase.

    If you’re so proud of this, why don’t you post THAT to the SS list instead of banning people for talking about Mystery. There was a guy on the SS list named Peter Forkes who you banned last year for mentioning Mystery on the list and now he has gone on to greater pastures with OTHER systems, including Mystery. Man is he proud to have been kicked off, it’s like a rite of passage into PUAdom for a real PUA.

    Stop vaguely saying that Mystery uses SS in comfort building phases. The only thing he has said he uses of SS is the Incredible Connection Pattern and variations of the Blow job Pattern. THAT’S IT, NOTHING MORE.

    SS list is useless. EVERYONE moves on to other systems when they figure it out for themsleves.

  46. Ninja says:

    Look: anyone who questions my media savvy is just NUTS. I’ve been on dozens of TV shows since I started in the early 90′s. One thing I know how to do, without question, is handle the media, deliver up what they want ANd get my own message across.

    Wait you mean like these 2 media articles pissing on you I just Googled using Ross Jeffries? DO YOU EVER TELL THE TRUTH ROSS?

    ‘Speed Seduction’ author Ross Jeffries says women actually want to be manipulated by his pick-up lines and techniques, although apparently not these models, one of whom left the shoot early, citing Jeffries’ ‘unprofessional’ conduct.Click here


    The place was full of Ross Groupies, guys that followed the “Pussy Prince” like it was a cult.

  47. Ninja says:

    So do people dislike him just because of his manner. or has he done stuff in the past that I should be aware of. Also i;m willing to put my initial perception aside if his stuff is any good.Is it? I’ve looked at his website and it reads well. am I just falling for the blurb?

    I’m a student so I’ve only got a limited budget. Where does someone new like me usually spend their dollars first. I dont have time to read all these sites. I need a good beginners summary product. Thanks for any help.


    Ross past is VERY shady. check it out:
    Why You Shouldn’t Believe MINE’99

    Bishop Reveals The TRUTH About MINE’99!

    If you’re starting out, you should probably go with the DYD, Shark CD, Fidentia, New-Alpha (former star Speed Seducer Bishop, but has since grown leaps and bounds further than anything SS could ever hope to be) sign up for some newsletters at,,, and see what will work for you.

    New Alpha


    Mystery Method


  48. Shinji says:

    Ninja, why do you feel so threatened by Ross? If he’s such a nothing like you say, why so many posts and links about him?

  49. Alek says:

    Soap operas have nothing on this blong…


  50. Shinji,

    Now, don’t go picking on little Ninja. Mommy and I told him we would take the computer away if he didn’t take his meds like a good boy and he’s doing MUCH better today with the I.V. and the Haldol suppositories.

    RJ, Ninja’s Pop!


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