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New Shark CDs?

July 14, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Looks like Shark has just released his brand new CD series over at the www.attractanddate.com site.  Here are the details…

  • 8 CD’s.
  • Coupon for our workshops is included in each order.
  • Packed full of seduction training.
  • Card transactions handled securely by Paypal.com
  • Paypal account not required
  • Comes packaged in a plain envelope (nothing written outside)
  • Questions about buying CD email here: CD questions

I’ve never met Shark, so I can’t say anything about his skills as a Pick Up Artist, but he sure does have one soothing voice…  =)

Get Your Free Guide Here!


84 Responses to “New Shark CDs?”
  1. THE_ONE says:

    I highly endorse Shark’s 8 CD program.
    (Then again, he is my business partner.)

    All joking aside, I only Endorse things that I do believe in.

    Shark is an innovator and a unique person in this community. HE has endured SO MUCH BULLSHIT and So many f*cking insults from so many people in the community.

    Finally, all of these “experts” have realized that Shark’s advice truly does wonders and it does work.

    By the way, yes, I have heard the CDs.
    They are excellent.

    The One

  2. SHARK says:

    Thundercat it is a pity you were not near me on your trip to Europe few months ago, when we meet we will go out sarging!

  3. Jason says:

    Hurry up and write proper sales letter so that we know what to expect in the cds!!

  4. Ninja says:

    I’ve listened to the Shark CD and can say I enjoyed how he explained the psychology behind women. The Direct Openers he gave were cool too, get’s right to the point.

    “If you can look at me like that, I think you can talk to me too”

  5. Alek says:

    I highly endorse Shark’s 8 CD program.
    (Then again, he is my business partner.)

    And I endorse whatever product “the one” will come out with ;)

    But then again I like his posts :D

  6. Señorlukas says:

    I got Shark’s first CD and I loved it. I did find it hard to understand him with his English, and so I recommend listening with headphones and/or no other ambient noise. However the material is fantastic.

    I saw Cameron present yesterday and will be commenting on his presentation and all the others in my review.


  7. phpeters87 says:

    It would be cool if the CD’s came with a MS Word.doc transcription as Shark is somewhat hard to understand at times.

    I don’t buy PU products anymore, although I would probably buy this one, but I’ll wait for more reviews to come in.

  8. The One says:


    You should have said hello. (Perhaps you did?)

    For Phpeters, I have listened to his CDs and they are not hard to understand at all.

    His approach and mentality is SO VASTLY DIFFERENT than everyone else out there.
    It’s a very unique approach that is not endorsed much in the community, but it’s my inclination that community will be moving towards this direction.

    Senior, looking forward to your review.

    The One

  9. mrbird says:

    is the_one the guy who got aids ?

  10. JT says:

    ‘is the_one the guy who got aids ?’

    His name is Cameron
    he’s a Fidentia instructor.I met him twice last year but had no clue he was ill.No word about aids.Maybe he should let us know b e f o r e we have a beer with him.

  11. phpeters87 says:

    I’m basing my opinion on the Shark Basic CD that was sold previously.

    Shark’s accent is a bit hard to understand at first, but gets easier the more one listens to it.

    I did have to backtrack a few times and re-listen to certain parts because of the accent though.

    No knock on Shark, as I enjoyed his previous CD and got a lot out of it.

    Probably more so than any other seduction product, especially when it came to changing my viewpoints and getting rid of any “excuser” behavior.

  12. Robert Torrey says:

    “some audio samples will be put up on the website soon”

  13. ‘is the_one the guy who got aids ?’

    His name is Cameron
    he’s a Fidentia instructor.I met him twice last year but had no clue he was ill.No word about aids.Maybe he should let us know b e f o r e we have a beer with him.

    TAKE comments here VERY LIGHTLY.

    “Rumors are rumors and facts are facts. ”

    Comments here can be faked by anyone as what has been happening lately.

    The only fact in above is Cameron Teone is also known as The_One

  14. xmen says:

    Hey Robert,

    “Rumors are rumors and facts are facts. ”

    The story about Cameron The_one Teone is a fact.
    Another fact is:Teone is a fake name.A lot of us know his real name by now.Who are you foolin’?
    Many stories are false,made-up,or true stories with false elements added to them.The_one told the aids story on the net,nobody made his story up.That’s a fact,btw!

    Mrbird writes:
    “Maybe he should let us know b e f o r e we have a beer with him.”


  15. The_One says:


    Don’t bother getting involved in the drama here.

    People will post all sorts of garbage about everyone else. The more important point is understanding who is behind it. ;-)

    The One

  16. Ninja says:

    People will post all sorts of garbage about everyone else. The more important point is understanding who is behind it. ;-)

    The One

    Everyone here knows the SS Cult boys are behind it, doing so with RJ’s permission, in fact, he even encourages it. They dont get laid using SS, so they come on here and KJ to death about nothing.

    P.S. I enjoyed Shark’s Playboy Lifestyle CD, but this new program has no description of what it contains. I need to read that before I purchase.

  17. The One says:


    I highly doubt it’s Ross. Ross and I have never had any problems and I have always treated him with respect.

    I believe that the smear campaign is coming from some former people I used to work with.

    I suspect it will only get worse. The better reviews Fidentia receives, the more garbage will be written about me.
    You’ll probably hear all sorts of crap written about me from these few guys: Illegitimate children, herpes, alimony checks, who knows what…..

    Anyhow, thanks for the good words regarding the Shark CD. The new ones are even that much better, better recording, more content, and etc…. The first one was a real underground guerilla project.


  18. Robert Torrey says:

    “P.S. I enjoyed Shark’s Playboy Lifestyle CD, but this new program has no description of what it contains. I need to read that before I purchase.”

    Tnks Ninja
    I know, I know. I just spend 2 weeks for 8 hrs a day editing the damn things. Cutting tracks and so forth. I needed a break from the CD’s so that I could listen to them with a clear mind and than hear some of the features and benefits. I’ll cut some sound tracks and put them on the website and than give a description.

    It took Shark 11 months to produce these 8 CD’s.

  19. Loyal SS Subject says:

    Cameron or TheOne

    I suspect it will only get worse. The better reviews Fidentia receives, the more garbage will be written about me.
    You’ll probably hear all sorts of crap written about me from these few guys: Illegitimate children, herpes, alimony checks, who knows what…..

    You are right, it will get worse. I’d like to point out that you still haven’t denyed the rumor. You have danced around it very gracefully, which indicates you are a man that strives to be honest.
    Now it doesn’t matter to me and probally doesn’t to most if it is true. If it is, it is a very sad thing, I feel for anyone that has it.
    Now if it is true I can see where you would be concerned that it would hurt your image, however most guys need to realize that if you have sex you always are taking a risk… condom or not. It in no way affects what a man has to teach or offer.
    I guess my point is that I have no point…truly I wish it to be just a rumor..:)

    Loyal SS Subject

  20. Sissily says:

    It is a Rumor, dont worry. I know Cameron -and I mean “I know” him, not “I f*cked him”- (not every woman can fall for your stupid games, right?) since 1998 and I know every single Detail about the “Aids-Story”. As most of you know (at least the one´s who got that “famous” CD – you know who you are…) Cameron had Sex with a HIV infected woman, but that´s all.

    1. He has no Aids
    2. He´s not HIV infected.
    3. That little Story is about 3 or 4 years old.

    The mysterious Guy who sent Copies of the “famous CD” to a lot of you Community guys is someone I talk to almost every day, he´s a PUA and found me by stealing something from Cameron´s house (yes, the famous CD). For those of you who got that CD: I am Sissily aka “VirginSnoww”, and as you could read in the 1000s of Chats I had with Cameron, I have (thanks God) absolutely nothing to do with your stupid Community. I came to this website because I heard about the “Cameron-has-Aids”-Rumor, I came here to remove that Rumor, and to ask you to finally stop sending me 100s of Emails a day to my Email account. Thanks a lot.

    To Thundercrap (sorry, typo, I meant ThunderCAT): I have read your sad Article about the really really evil Women of this Planet. You sound as if you have never met ANY woman at all lol (and I mean “women” not your usual Bar bimbos, in case you dont know the difference).
    Nice website afterall, I guess Spermheads just need such places to feel superalpha for a few Minutes a day. Have fun :-)

  21. Loyal SS Subject says:


    Thank you…I’m very glad that it is just a rumor. Thank God..:)

    Loyal SS Subject

  22. The One says:

    Loyal Subject wrote:

    You are right, it will get worse. I’d like to point out that you still haven’t denyed the rumor. You have danced around it very gracefully, which indicates you are a man that strives to be honest.

    If I were to issue a response every time someone wrote a rumor about me, I’d be spending half my time defending against various allegations.

    The truth is anyone can go on anonymous board and say “Person X is this or that.”

    I do not believe this warrants a response.
    If a legitimate and identifiable person made an allegation, then perhaps it’d warrant a reply depending on the situation.

    The One

  23. kualityc says:

    “I believe that the smear campaign is coming from some former people I used to work with.”

    I only know u love implying that RSD is out to smear you. And almost every single half negative thing written about you is an RSD spy or TD in disguise. Even things that i write anonymously.

    All i can say is that i have not seen even one public article or comment by an RSD instructor who has even mentioned you or your company in any way. Only you do the “implying” most of the time.

    We have already got it. You don’t like RSD, they didn’t love you and appreciate you enough. And we found this all out from you and not from any of them.

  24. Truth says:

    Kualityc wrote, “Even things that i write anonymously.”

    Well, atleast we finally know who the troll on this board is…..

    …and that’s the….


  25. test says:




  26. seymour says:

    see how easily this got from Shark and onto some other crap…

    think I’ll go back to not reading this forum for a long while again…

    have fun guys…

  27. The One says:

    All i can say is that i have not seen even one public article or comment by an RSD instructor who has even mentioned you or your company in any way. Only you do the “implying” most of the time.

    Dear Sir,

    This is probably because I when post, I use my real identity. Something which you chose to hide, might I remind you. ;-)

    By the way, I have worked with different people, other than RSD.

    Seymore is very correct: This post was supposed to be about Shark’s breakthrough 8 CD-series which is going to be one of the best products in the history of this community.

    Through various accusations and distractions, however, it has degenerated into what it has become now.

    Who gains from this? I am just asking questions.

    The One

  28. “To Thundercrap (sorry, typo, I meant ThunderCAT): I have read your sad Article about the really really evil Women of this Planet. You sound as if you have never met ANY woman at all lol (and I mean “women” not your usual Bar bimbos, in case you dont know the difference).
    Nice website afterall, I guess Spermheads just need such places to feel superalpha for a few Minutes a day. Have fun :-)

    Posted by: Sissily”

    By Jove, she’s got it!


  29. amanaplanacanalpanama says:

    My ability to converse/interact/connect with women improved vastly once I put the many dating/seduction “products” that I had purchased away (for good?). More approaches, more numbers, dates, lays than ever before, hum…this happen to anyone else here??

    Time to clear your head…

  30. sandworm77 says:

    The One wrote:


    I highly doubt it’s Ross. Ross and I have never had any problems and I have always treated him with respect.

    I believe that the smear campaign is coming from some former people I used to work with.

    I suspect it will only get worse. The better reviews Fidentia receives, the more garbage will be written about me.
    You’ll probably hear all sorts of crap written about me from these few guys: Illegitimate children, herpes, alimony checks, who knows what…..

    Anyhow, thanks for the good words regarding the Shark CD. The new ones are even that much better, better recording, more content, and etc…. The first one was a real underground guerilla project.



    Not that you need to hear it, but for the record, I have NOTHING to do with this. Though I suspect I know who is doing it.

    Cam is correct; he’s always been friendly and respectful with me and I have no problem with him. In fact, he’s welcome to attend any of my events, as my guest, any time.

    Having been on the receiving end of lies and slander(especially from Ninja) I know what it is like.



  31. Ninja says:

    Awww look at RJ trying to align himself with the up and coming next generation leaders of the seduction community. Is it that obvious you’re fading away into oblivion making room for the likes of Fidentia, New Alpha, Real Social Impact, Juggler, etc., that you’re trying to make new friends on this board. Don’t worry RJ, I think Tabbitha Jean is still your friend, maybe she’ll even talk to you.

    Let’s not forget you RJ has never slandered anyone in the community ever, no way, that would be way beneath you as a Goo-Roo. He leaves that up to his minions like Yates so that he doesn’t have to take the blame. I wouldn’t want to list all the people who you have never slandered, the list might be too long. He even goes as far as giving away people’s real identities like David Deangelo (Eban Pagan) and disclosing your who your parents are (TC’s dad) when you leave him with a sour taste in his mouth.

    Back to the thread……. I hope you guys post some audio clips soon. Just make sure RJ doesn’t steal your ideas…… we suspect that’s why he wants you to come to his seminar as a guest. In fact, why doesnt he invite Style and Mystery to a seminar and see what kind of publicity that generates. I’ll bet these new 8 CD’s are 100 times better than even the best material in the SS catalog.

  32. RJFan says:

    “Awww look at RJ trying to align himself with the up and coming next generation leaders of the seduction community. Is it that obvious you’re fading away into oblivion making room for the likes of Fidentia, New Alpha, Real Social Impact, Juggler, etc., that you’re trying to make new friends on this board. Don’t worry RJ, I think Tabbitha Jean is still your friend, maybe she’ll even talk to you.”

    Well let’s think about this. Most of the above are heavily, heavily, influened and in someways derivative of SS.

    Fidentia: Nightlife is a former SS student and alot of their stuff on conversation and rapport, talking slow and seductively is VERY similar to what Ross has taught for years. You can even hear Nightlife on the SS Technical Manual CDs.

    New Alpha: Do I even need to get into this? Bishop used to be RJs #1 student. Haven’t heard any of his new stuff, but he’s admitted that SS had a big influence on his seduction career.

    Rapid Social Impact: Definitely SS students. Their posts on “Natural Game” on asf have many SS elements in them. E.g. qualifying the the fuck out of chicks. Very RJ. I could go on…

    Juggler: not sure

    RJ, you rock. The children need to respect the master.


  33. Ninja is indeed a child in more ways than one.

    Thanks for the props. I like what some people you mentioned are doing: RSI in particuliar has a good, balanced approach. Dimitri and Woodhaven seem like good guys who are in it for more than the $$$$$$$$$$$$.

    To be fair to Fidentia, they are very much a “mixed arts” school. Yes, there are some SS elements in their, to be sure, but they are blending in lots of stuff from lots of people. No comment on the rest except to say that Mystery has stated over and over he uses SS in the comfort building phases of Mystery Method.


  34. Ninja says:

    LOL See how RJ let’s his minions do the dirty work for him? RJ invites you to his seminars with a smile on his face, but in the next breath the cult boys are actively seeking to take away any credit you may have in the seduction community.

    RJ is supposed to have created it all (RJ forget’s who taught him, except Bandler) and all of you are supposed to have stolen it from him. Thank God there is no trademark on seduction, otherwise, he’d charge you an arm and a leg to let you in on “forbidden secrets of laying average women.”

  35. Ninja says:

    No comment on the rest except to say that Mystery has stated over and over he uses SS in the comfort building phases of Mystery Method.


    Since we are quoting Mystery, he has also said:

    “Mystery talked about how most guys just want to get to the Seduction stage fast and ignore everything else. He went on to elaborate…

    Mystery: “I see two problems with this way of thinking. And that’s “Speed” and “Seduction.”

    At that, everyone cracked-up. Huge laughter and applause. Of course, you could see David DeAngelo visibly cringe in the back of the room at this joke. Mystery made a few other references to SS and MINE’99 during his talk, and each time it looked like David D had gotten punched in the fuckin’ face, Jlaix style, knowing he’s going to have to figure out a way to cut that stuff out of his final product.”

    Check it out for yourselves:
    DYD Masters Recap, Day 3

  36. Geese Howard says:

    Ninja did you write this script?

    Scene 1:

    Ninjas walk down street to go eat some food. Ninjas are all wearing black and looking totally sweet. There is some awesome music playing in the background to get the audience really pumped. Then some dude jumps out of nowhere. The ninjas start beating this guy’s ass bad. Then the dude starts trying to run away, but one ninja pulls out a ninja star (ninja weapon) and throws it at the dude. The ninja star cuts the guy’s head totally off. The head rolls over near this old dog that looks at the head and barfs all over the place, including the camera, which is awesome. The ninjas start flying and everybody starts screaming. Then the scene ends.

    Scene 2:

    A ninja is sleeping at his house. Some idiot walks by singing a super annoying song. Then the ninja wakes up super pissed and ready to rock. The guy just keeps walking and singing, while the ninja starts cutting down a building. When the guy walks by the building, it falls on him. (When the building is falling, a guitar will be wailing hard in the background.) There will be a close up of the dude’s feet sticking out from under the building. The feet explode all over the place, because of blood pressure. Then we see that the ninja was playing the guitar. Then all these babes start coming out of nowhere and the ninja starts wailing ever harder (if that’s even possible). Then the camera starts fading out and then explodes.


    -I thought of this script right before bedtime. I got so pumped I almost kicked my mom right in the face!

    (dude lighten up, it seems you don’t even care what you’re talking about, you just wanna fight. Use that energy for PickUps and I bet you wont be so angry anymore.)

  37. JBG says:

    LOL That book rocks the whole story is just well insane and I love it. If ninja really did write Real Ultimate Power I would do the little guy..

  38. SHARK (Ranko MAgami) says:

    The new CD set give a whole picture of the game.

    I tested it on many test subjects and they went out and had immediate success already after the 1 out of 8 CD!
    When we got to the 8th CD they had kisses and lays….

    Ewery CD of the 8CD set gives ewen more power than my first CD.

    Don’t blame me if you loose all your excuses and phobias and have to many women to handle:)



  39. Ninja says:

    Having listened to the first Shark Playboy CD, I actually believe what Shark has just said. I hope the CD’s are a hotseller for you guys at Fidentia, I will purchase them.

  40. bigsend says:

    Christ.. this seems amazing..

    However I am still perfecting my normal social skills.

    Shark, are these CD’s designed for AFCs trying to get better, or is it advanced material on how to do direct like a pro?
    or both? Fuck, 8 CDs lol!


  41. Shark says:

    “Shark, are these CD’s designed for AFCs trying to get better, or is it advanced material on how to do direct like a pro?
    or both? Fuck, 8 CDs lol! ”

    they are both, it is about 8,5 hours of talk. They will improve anybodys game, I introduce a new concept.
    There is no more AFC and PUA and ratings, only how much excuses you can defeat and how confident you are and that results in the perfect man for the lady

  42. xmen says:

    I came to this website because I heard about the “Cameron-has-Aids”-Rumor, I came here to remove that Rumor

    posted by “Sissily”

    just found out he made her do that.Hey THE_ONE being HIV positive is nothing to be ashamed of so do not worry about it.Our prayers are with you.


  43. Alek says:

    You know… xmen… and all you other marketing trolls. Have you ever thought, even for just a second about something…

    1)Fidentia has about 40 active students, students who both stay in touch with fidentia and with one another…

    2) We see this crap being posted by fidentia’s competition all over the 7community

    3) We realize just fucking ridicilous and funny and pathetic it is. And how contrary to the truth it all is, since we have actually met and (some of us) communicate on a regular basis with these guys.

    4) We just get THAT MUCH MORE determined to go around and spread good word-of-mouth for fidentia and against other. I mean 10X more!

    In conclusion: you’re doing fidentia some awesome marketing, even though that’s opposite your intentions.

  44. The One says:


    I want you to notice the trend:

    Everytime, INTEREST IN THE SHARK CD BUILDS UP and PEOPLE BECOME EXCITED, there is a post that tries to take the focus away.

    A series of posts of people asking questions about the Shark CD leads to a troll attempting to cause distractions.

    Who gains the most from this??????? ;-)

    Anyhow, I presume trolling is not going to stop anytime soon.

    Back to the CDs:
    Shark worked 11 months on these CDs and they are very unique, designed to give the listern a paradigm shift. A shif that will snap him out of the excuser mentality perpetuated by many people, (including some in the community.)

    Take care
    The One

  45. xmen says:

    HEY Alek calm down man,I believe this story,I think you will too when you read it.This story was written by Cameron aka THE_ONE aka Lake85@aol.com !Why would I lie???
    Read the entire story!The story,which is not on the Internet (at least not yet),is damn scary.You know him so well,so,he can’t have aids???HA!Anyone,regardless of what they look like,can have aids.He’s got a disease he can’t hide forever man.MY prayers are with him!


  46. xmen says:

    Dreamweaver,another fidentia instructor,is sick with cancer,another lie???


  47. Karl says:

    Who cares if someone has a medical condition? Doesn’t matter, except for drama-queens, or some people who have nothing to talk about so they have to mine gossip at Thundercat’s Lair to have material for new routines! :D

    So anyway, I’ve listened to Shark’s CD-set, and my favorite parts of it were the philosophy itself, the world-view, and his understanding of and techniques for dealing with male-female differences and relationships, all of which are generations ahead of the rest of the stuff in the community.

    I may write a review soon! :)

  48. YouMeSex? says:

    “Dreamweaver,another fidentia instructor,is sick with cancer,another lie???”

    Dude, if that’s true, it’s horrible and you should keep it to yourself instead of posting it on an internet message board.

  49. Alek says:

    Karl your review is way overdue!!! Don’t make me come there and have you dictate it to me ha-ha.

    ANYONE who obtained the CD-set… This applies to you. You owe it to the rest of us to post a review. It’s kind of a larger investment, so it does warrant a few reviews/testimonials first for most of us before we decide to invest in it.

    Cameron: C’mon dude, I started seeing your book in my dreams man… Hurry up with it, before I have a mental breakdown! :)

  50. SHARK (Ranko Magami) says:

    Karl nice to hear from you:)

    The One those flamers are really annoying, I guess they will hide deep in their closets for rent when they hear it.

    Yes I am preety shure the 8CD set will bring a paradigm shift!

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