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New Shark CDs?

July 14, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Looks like Shark has just released his brand new CD series over at the site.  Here are the details…

  • 8 CD’s.
  • Coupon for our workshops is included in each order.
  • Packed full of seduction training.
  • Card transactions handled securely by
  • Paypal account not required
  • Comes packaged in a plain envelope (nothing written outside)
  • Questions about buying CD email here: CD questions

I’ve never met Shark, so I can’t say anything about his skills as a Pick Up Artist, but he sure does have one soothing voice…  =)

Get Your Free Guide Here!


82 Responses to “New Shark CDs?”
  1. Geese Howard says:

    Yea man and I dont care what side of the fence any of you guys are on. “Blah Blah Blah… so and so has Cancer or Aids or whatever…”

    What does THAT have to do with anything???

    Thats just Lame and childish, maaaannn.

    I can’t think of a single movie that wouldn’t Benefit from a Lesbian Sex Scene.

  2. Seth says:

    Yes, I am a fidentia instructor and I do have an astrocytoma….its a type of glioma. Speaking english I have a primary brain tumor, that typically gives someone about 5 years to live, I’m only 24. Happy? I don’t appreciate having my personal life blown up online, but like donald trump says, just remember to get my name right it’s S-E-T-H.
    And for the asshole who is putting my personal life online, I don’t appreciate it.

  3. karma says:

    Looks like Karma biting you in the ass.

    Does anyone you associate with in any way (not your company) violate anyone else’s privacy that you might know of? Do some investigation and you might find out that they have.

    If they did it to them, and you ignored it because it was convenient to do so, why do you whine when they eventually do it to you?

    You sound like an abused woman who knew what her man was about and just thought he’d never hit her.

  4. Seth says:

    That’s hands down one of the most ludacris things I’ve heard. I associate with a LOT of people. All people do things that are “wrong”. And from your comment is highly “hobsian” so to speak. You are kind of insisting that knowing people is a bad thing, because no one is a saint. So you are going to have happen to you, things that every other person you know is doing wrong? PLEASE.

    Let me put it to you this way karma- karma originated from the idea that if you piss somebody off(say me for example), you’ll be bit in the ass because other people who cared about that person would get you back(for example some of my loved ones). It was never meant to be some humbo jumbo mysticcism until somebody realized they could market it.

    Secondly morality comes in multiple forms the two most likely are dogmatic and deontilogical.

    Dogmatic: religious.
    I’ve always had a problem with people using religion to push their own motives… You can interpret any story in any religion almost any way you want.

    Deontilogical: You create your own set of morals…
    You’re on this forum, tell me is it MORAL to fuck a girl who is married or has a bf?

    So hopefully then karma will come back and bite you in the ass…

    But hey, you just associated with me, so by the transitive property….

  5. The_One says:

    “Mike” wrote,

    “Dreamweaver,another fidentia instructor,is sick with cancer,another lie???”

    Dear mysterious Mike,

    So you try to badmouth your competition by sharing information about a person’s cancer. (Which is no secret on the lounge.)

    What does that say about your character?

    Perhaps you ought to be focusing on how you can make a better product and helping people in your workshops instead of stooping so low to reveal information about cancer patients.

    You’ve clearly crossed the line.

  6. kon says:

    haha oh for goodness sake The_One. STop encouraging random people to start hosting workshops. Uve got to stop this “every negative comment is by my evil ex colleagues” thing.

    And laughing at someone with Cancer….. to report that on here. Shame on you Mike. What kind of pleasure does that give you?

  7. themagicmonkey says:

    yes mike what are you invincible or something. you might not be so quick to broadcast rumours about peoples private health issues when the day arrives when you yourself find out you ve got some horrible terminal illness you fuckin cunt.

  8. YouMeSex? says:

    Shark, Seth, The One -

    This CD set, does it contain guidelines for full on rapport conversation? I heard the first CD Shark made, and this was totally omitted, something which is to me the most important part of the game: what to say and how to keep it rolling naturally, and getting deeper and deeper and deeper….

    Here’s hoping

  9. whirlwind says:

    Just chanced upon this from the latest comments column.


    Revealing such a personal detail about someone else’s life in a public forum is not just in poor taste but also very disrespectful to their privacy.

    And since you’ve raised the topic of ‘karma’, it’s nothing but an abridged version of ‘What goes around comes around’.
    Remember that next time you decide to open your trap.

    To Seth,
    I have only one message for you :


  10. SHARK says:

    “something which is to me the most important part of the game: what to say and how to keep it rolling naturally, and getting deeper and deeper and deeper…”

    yes it has detailed converstaion plans and guidlines to make you a great, irresistible talker.

  11. Karl says:

    Is there anyone out there who has listened to it and has any comments? :)

  12. Alek says:

    I don’t think the above two comments were posted by the real Shark or the real Karl.

  13. YouMeSex? says:

    Shit, why not? I need to know the answer to my question

  14. Jacob says:

    The Cd set does not have any rapport guidelines. Instead it has Ranko’s view of the world and talks about not excusing yourself as a man.

  15. Jacob says:

    The Cd set does not have any rapport guidelines. Instead it has Ranko’s view of the world and talks about not excusing yourself as a man. They are quite good.

  16. YouMeSex? says:

    Well that’s depressing

  17. Jason says:

    Any more you can say about it Jacob?

  18. Alek says:

    Yo Jacob man. If you do have the CD-set. Please write a review. There’s a bootload of people waiting for one.

    You’ll be their hero ;)

  19. Nightlife says:

    Considering nobody named Jacob has bought the CD’s if he is using his real first name he will have trouble reviewing them.

    “The Cd set does not have any rapport guidelines. Instead it has Ranko’s view of the world and talks about not excusing yourself as a man.”

    His review is MAINLY of the original CD.
    There are rapport guidelines in the CD set.
    It covers every area of a seduction.

    The ability to Break out of your mental prison

    Allow you to give yourself permission to be a man.

    Break the “Work=sex” model

    Understanding how women feel,

    Understanding what they feel,

    Understanding why they have those feelings,

    Understanding what they want,

    How most guys sabotage themselves,

    Emotion and logic and how they affect us,

    Male/female emotional incongruence,

    Male female communication.

    Women’s genetic programming and your response,

    Understanding deep rapport,
    How to stop being an excuser

    Specific Missions designed by Ranko to help you with each step of the way

    Dating guidelines and why arguing in a relationship is a lost cause

    Approach exercises

    Specific instructions on how to approach

  20. super7 says:

    I was reluctant to post a review about Shark’s new CD
    set because his first CD has made the second greatest
    inpact in my life after Tony Robin’s Personal Power

    Making my way from a way bellow AFC to a calm,
    strategic and experienced PUA in five years was the
    greatest and most enjoyable journey of my life.

    I have studied and applied an extensive selection of
    PU products and I was expecting this new CD set from
    Shark to blow my mind.

    Well, did it meet my expectations?
    Yes and no.

    Let me explain, my expectations were very high because
    I felt that Shark was going to explain something that
    he mentions on his first CD which I think is THE most
    important thing. He refers to it as “riding the wave”
    after the opener. For those of you who haven’t
    listened to his first CD, it’s basically, verbal
    game(strong rapport and connection, telling them what
    they want to hear and escalating physically)

    I’m sad to say that none of that is covered in depth
    in these new CDs. Furthermore, if you’ve read Shark’s
    posts where he shows total disregard for group
    tactics, opinion openers, routines… You’ll be
    surprised and disapointed like me, to hear Shark tell
    you to approach the guy first in a mixed set and
    befriend him before engaging your target.

    What??? I’m confused. Isn’t he the one always saying
    to approach the girl first?

    I have nothing against group tactics and building
    social proof and all that, I’ve done it for years, but
    I especificaly was looking up to Shark to teach me his
    natural direct game. So you can imagine my shock when
    he gives one of his missions to go to a department
    store women’s section and ask a HB about bars and
    clubs to go in the city. I thought it was a joke.

    I realize that maybe these exercises are designed for
    newbies to get over fear of approaching in the
    deshying process and I have conquered my fears long
    ago so maybe I’m too advanced for the exercises he

    Nonetheless, I felt like he was holding back on the
    outer-game strategies and techniques and even
    word-for-word lines. Damm it, as I was listening I
    kept hoping that the good stuff was gonna be in the
    next CD but I listened to all the 8 CDs continuosly at
    once in one sitting and sometimes it felt like an
    infomercial for Fidentia’s workshop.

    So, in conclusion, his background, his philosophies,
    beliefs, mentality, and analogies are all phenomenaly
    super fantastic for the inner-game. Unfortunately, the
    outer-game presented in these CDs is just not
    congruent with his posts, his first CD and what I have
    been accostumed to expect from Shark; direct natural game.

  21. The One says:

    Super 7,

    You are correct that some of the missions on the CD are designed for beginners. This is due to the fact that most people who purchase products are NOT advanced.

    The overall affect of this CD is to change your mentality. As you listen to them, you feel empowered and inspired.

    It’s to create a paradigm shift than enables you to not give a shit anymore. (Everything from Shark’s childhood stories to present day is designed to wake people up.)

    The approaches-befriending the guy are not Shark’s direct method per se, but rather they are MISSIONS that push the person further one step each way.

    Super7, thinks about this: Once you defeat all the excuses inside your head, how much strategy do you really need to approach direct?
    There are no routines, no 131 steps, no IUDs, everything then becomes natural.

    The CD is designed to shift paradigms so people can get there, while understanding the reasoning behind it.


    Ps. Plus, can you really ever get tired of listening to the stories about the Ski-team, or the Tennis Coach??

  22. super7 says:

    The One,

    the Attract and Date CDs are a bait-and-switch product designed to get the beginners in the field approaching and then they will get frustrated with lack of consistent results so they will sign up for a Fidentia workshop.

    It’s Okay, I’m a business man myself and I do whatever is best for the bottom line of my business.

    I also have a story for you; I remember when I first got my driver’s permit. My mother taught me how to drive in empty parking lots at first and then around the neighborhood so after a few months I was ready to take the road test but my mother told me that I should take a few lessons from a professional driving instructor so that I could learn how to parallel park.

    So, I went to the driving school and told the guy that I had been driving for a while and all I needed was to learn how to parallel park. The guy proceded to take my information and told me that I needed to pay for a package of 10 lessons.

    I think he didn’t even hear what I had just told him. I left because I didn’t have enough money to pay for 10 lessons.

    Later that day I told my friend what happened and he took me to his car and taught me how to parallel park in 5 minutes.

    He gave me very specific instructions; first you align the back wheels with the other car, then you turn the wheel this much and back up a little, now turn the wheel the other way and back up some more, now go foward and align the car. PRESTO!!!

    I practiced a few times and it became second nature. I thought my friend was a genius for being able to teach me so quick and effortless.

    Now,lets get back to the CDs. I was doing indirect game for years and was ready to try something different so I got the original Shark CD and I kept an open mind and told myself I would do the exercises and approaches exactly the way Shark instructed me.

    I got phenomenal results but I was unable to close the deal most of the times because my verbal game was all based on indirect stuff like C&F, push/pull, teasing…

    Some of them would put up with it but most would get turned off and I could see it in their faces.

    I was not being congruent but that was all I knew how to do. Well, eventually I got smarter and dropped the indirect stuff and started incorporating deep rapport and connection strategies along with solid BL, EC and KINO.

    I had to figure out most of it myself and I was still running into problems. I’ve developed my direct game by trial and error and being persistent to make it work.

    I thought that the new CD set would address all those problems but instead it has Shark telling guys to approach with opinion openers and group theory techniques. Which in my opinion is going to make them even more excusers.

    I’m sorry Shark, your original CD was the best and I don’t know why you went in the other direction on this new CD set but you were not true to yourself and you know it.

  23. Alek says:

    I’ve heard some other opinions of the CD-set as well. And the above seems to be quite correct. Yes this is the real Alek. Yes a student of Ranko’s… And yes I do feel that if all that is being said about the CD-set is true, then Ranko hasn’t been totally congruent with his own self in creating this CD-set.

    So basically… It’s half the shark CD philosophy basically stretched out on as many discs as possible… with brief interludes of excuser missions. Basically same as the ones in thundercat’s book.

    Hmm. Guys take a fidentia workshop. It’s the best thing you could possibly do. And get the shark CD. I’m still waiting for more reviews on the CD-set, but so far i’m not impressed.

  24. Alek says:

    You are correct that some of the missions on the CD are designed for beginners. This is due to the fact that most people who purchase products are NOT advanced.

    You know, probably more than anyone alive that even for beginners – direct (sincerely displaying yourself) is the best way to go.

    Damn… I can’t believe shark is giving out opinion openers… I feel betrayed.

  25. The One says:

    I understand what you are saying.
    It’s tough to make an advanced Direct-CD describing what Shark does.

    It’s because once you have removed all of the excuser/loser mentality, what do you say?
    You can say ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How do you teach that on a CD?
    What you can teach is how to remove the excuses.

    The openers are not doctrine. They are missions, and just that! Missions to be completed and discarded.

    You may view it as a bait and switch product, but it took Ranko 11 MONTHS to do this project. He invested a lot of time into figuring out the best way to slap people out of their comas.

    The CDs are meant to inspire and wake people up to live a new life.

    To be honest, even I find them inspiring and motivational, and I probably don’t qualify as a beginner.

    The One

    Ps. If you did purchase the CD, Feel free to email Ranko and ask him any questions.

  26. RANKO MAGAMI says:

    “I got phenomenal results but I was unable to close the deal most of the times because my verbal game was all based on indirect stuff like C&F, push/pull, teasing…

    Some of them would put up with it but most would get turned off and I could see it in their faces.”

    Super7 you obviously got many parts of your game handled. Thats good, it is best if you have made your own way. The cd set makes a super confident man out of an awerage excuzer. Use the parts that you need.

    Listen to the 8cd part where I talk what a women wants to hear. I estimate that is what you want. The 8CDs are more powerful than the first CD. The attitude you should pick up from them, not techniques.
    thechnuiques are not for us, but confidence and attitude:)

    OPENERS, you must listen the tonality and the attitude how they are delivered. and their purpose! the purpose!
    IF you write them down and read them after studying indirect it may seem simiral but it is tottaly different.

    The same way “I like you” seems supplicating if you write it down….


    I use many of stuff myself, but the EXERCISES are made for students to take them in the right direction. Not all of them I use, ofcourse.

    Anyone have a question, just email me

  27. Bonga Onga says:

    Ross Jeffries is just sooooo gay and weird. SS is a bunch of NLP nerds banging each other, but thinks they are bang HBs in their head. That’s just plain sick and wrong.

  28. echelon says:

    shark “attack & mate”…..hahaha

  29. BVZ_Moskva_P says:

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