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Bishop Reveals The TRUTH About MINE’99!

May 27, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors


Okay, so I haven’t been reading every single response on my blog lately, due to that fact that I’ve been travelling a lot and have been busy with work.  But when I do sit down to catch up on things, oh what gems I find!

It seems Bishop and MINE’99 have been going at each other’s throats again, and it’s all been happening on my blog!  Shocking, considering Bishop has proclaimed he’d "never post on my blog again" and MINE’99 seems to hate this website so (but spends almost all of his free time on it, it appears).

It all started on the "Louis & Copeland vs… David DeAngelo???" thread where MINE’99 went on the offensive attacking David D. for running more than one website selling stuff that no one really cares about.  Then Bishop swoops in and fires the opening salvo in the "Revenge Of The Sith"-epic flame ware that is to follow.

Read on, you’re not gonna want to miss this one…

Bishop writes:

"Now, why, oh WHY if Thundercat even had a modicum of integrity,
objectivity or fairness, wouldn’t he be asking, I mean
Christian Carter..ooops, I mean, no, no, I mean Eben
Pagan..about all of this."

You tell them Ross Jeffries…er, I mean Paul Ross. Don’t throw stones when you’re hiding behind a fake name yourself.

"Guys, I have been saying for years: DeAngelo is a hack, in it SOLELY
for the money, and he doesn’t really give one diddly fuck about whether
he helps you or not."

Hmm, so how is that less ethical than you taking credit for other people’s creations?

"Is the message getting through YET?

Thundercat, WHY THE SILENCE on this?

This ought to be the COMMUNITY SCANDAL OF THE DECADE, but Thundy is
SO afraid of losing his business affiliation with Deangelo, our
intrepid blogger dare not open his donut-crumb encrusted mouth.


Don’t get a boner, Paul, but I actually agree with you here. Thundy
would be all over your ass on this. As for if he lacks the testicular
abundance to give it the same attention and mention since it’s David
D., I can not comment, as only now can it be proven that he will be
aware of this information. The oppourtunity to prove you wrong (which
he has demonstrated many times having a passion for) is here for him.

"Now, someone PLEEEEEEEEEEESE ask DeAngelo about this, during his talk, at Cliff’s seminar.

Someone PLEASE video tape the exchange and put it up on the web for all to see."

Just curious why you would want this done, Paul. How does this situation benefit you?

In response to "Canoe Connor" who wrote:

"Eben and I had a falling out over a woman. I’m not necessarily proud
of what I did, and in some ways think it was pretty fucked up and

Is this a direct quote??? I don’t feel like looking for it myself.
But if it IS a direct quote, I am sickened that he feels what he did
was only "in some ways" pretty fucked up and wrong. Well, if this IS a
direct quote, and Mr. Grand PooBah of Upper Scum Sack truly feels it
was fucked up and wrong only in "some ways" then he should have NO
problem giving the details and letting YOU GUYS decide for yourself
just how fucked up and wrong it was.
After all, he doesn’t hesitate to share details of other people’s
stumbles (and in SOME cases he fabricates or speculates the details).

So how about it, Ross…er, I mean Paul? Care to beat me to the punch by sharing the details yourself?

Oh, and Paul? That whole "Obi-Ross" thing, is the wrong side of the
force, bud. You’re more like Palpatine, actually. He too presented
himself one way to the masses, while in private he had a darker and
hidden agenda. I don’t think he had a cat though, so that was

Hmm, so in this little universe of ours, would Thundy be Jabba, or just
some pudgy stormtrooper in the background, telling the rest of the
group "I’ll catch up with you later."

Lando played all the angles in "Empire" so that would be…naw, I won’t say his name.

Who would be Chewie? HYPNOTICA! Yeah, he’s pretty hairy!
So would that mean that Piccus is Han Solo???

Okay, I’m done. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go play with my
"Amidala." (No, that doesn’t mean my right hand…it’s my left hand
turned palm down)

Before we go on, to answer a few questions, my silence on this "scandal" was for a couple reasons:

1.  I wasn’t following the thread, therefor not reading any of the replies.
2.  It’s not shocking to me that a business man on the internet has different products he sells.  Only people who know nothing about how business on the internet works (I’m looking at you, MINE’99) would think this is a scandal.
3.  The domain’s are registered by David DeAngelo’s company.  From what I understand, he hires people to create these other products and run the sites for him, while the profits go to his company.  So to get upset about this is like getting upset at Pepsi for making "Pepsi One, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi with Lemon, etc"

Secondly, I don’t think I’m Jabba in the Star Wars Universe.  Seeing as how my blog is pretty much the "Mos Eisley Cantina" of the seduction community (it’s the wretched hive of scum and villainy where all the best and worst the universe has to offer hang out), I look at myself as more of a "Han Solo" type.  =)  Roguish and always getting into adventures, that’s me!


Anyway, back to the drama…

A poster named Canoe Connor replied to Bishop about MINE’99′s quote:

Canoe Connor writes:
Yes, the above was a DIRECT quote.  It was taken from a post Ross wrote to on Nov 10, 2002. 

In that post, Ross also goes on to say that

"Truth: Eben saw a way to make some bucks and personally strike back at me by
creating DYD."


DYD "is basically ONE trick and it doesn’t work even for Eben if the
personal reports I’ve had are true, and I see no reason to disbelieve

The post is still available via dejanews as of today..

So then MINE’99 rears his ugly head and spews this bit of venom:

MINE’99 writes:


Don’t have time to duel with you, but I’ll make one small comment:

At the time it all went down, when I told you what happened, I will
never forget your response, You said, and I quote, "I don’t blame you
at all. I would have done the same thing."

So much for your moralistic posturing. Goodness, I recall you
promising that one day you would buy me a house because I had made "all
your fantasies come true".

How the worm turns.

Good luck all.

Then, Bishop comes back with this little NUCLEAR BOMB…

Bishop writes:


Don’t have time to duel with you, but I’ll make one small comment:

At the time it all went down, when I told you what happened, I will
never forget your response, You said, and I quote, "I don’t blame you
at all. I would have done the same thing." "

Incorrect quote. Initially you made it sound like she came over alone,
and implied that she was using wanting to be hypnotized as just an
excuse to come over. Which of course made it sound like she was
cheating on Eben. So of course I didn’t blame you under THAT implied
condition. Do I advocate finger fucking your friend’s girlfriend? No.
But if she’s making the effort to get intimate with me, and I think
she’s hot, I might have let it happen. Which is what I had actually
said. While it’s not the best way to honor your friendship with Eben, I
was speaking hypothetically, and trying to put you more at ease, as a
true friend would do.
But you KNOW that once you told me the WHOLE story, the FIRST WORDS out
of my mouth were, "Dude, that’s not right. Why’d you do that?"

So if you want to continue to make it sound like I would have done
what you ACTUALLY did, then you will leave me no choice but to crack
open my journal and share the details I wrote after we hung up that
night. Yes, I made a journal entry. At the time I did it as a reminder
of how not to let my abilities go too far. I didn’t use any real names,
just in case it got read by someone. But it was all written within the
hour after you called me, so many exact details are there. Think I’m
bluffing? Here’s an excerpt, exactly as it is written:

"…"P" then said, "I started to unbutton her pants, and she wasn’t
stopping me. She was just letting me do it." I asked, "No shit?" "P"
replied, "No, I’m dead serious! So I’m thinking I’ll go for it. So I
start sucking on one of her nipples, and I’m reaching into her pants
and I start to finger her. And she’s wet, Bish, she’s totally getting
into this." I asked, "Holy shit. And you’re doing all this and (the
boyfriend)is just in the next room?" He laughed and said, "He was
sitting in my living room, yeah. So I’m sucking on my finger, and she
tastes good, Bish. And I make her suck my finger, taste herself. She
was gone, I could have done whatever I wanted…"

Funny how the many things I initially wrote down from my experiences
with you, were for learnings and life lesson purposes. Yet when
combined now, reveal so many things about you that I had been blind to
back then.

You’ve managed to spend quite an abundant amount of time detailing
shit about ME, so give that same time and detail to sharing what REALLY
happened, as YOU remember it.
or, maybe since I never used actual names 

"So much for your moralistic posturing."

I’M not the one who finger fucked a friend’s girlfriend, that was
YOU. If we’re going to talk morality, then how moral was it when you
spoke with me and Zack about being your "Generals" in your plan to
create your own "organization" of followers? Have you shared this
little plan with any of your students? Ever shared it with the
community? I have that little episode in my journal too, so if you’ve
forgotten the exact words, I can refresh your memory.

"Goodness, I recall you promising that one day you would buy me a house because I had made "all your fantasies come true".

How the worm turns."

You LITERALLY thought I was going to buy you a house???? I would
have thought you would have taken that no more literally than me taking
it literally when you said one day that you might ask me to fire a
bullet for you. Oh, wait, were you actually SERIOUS about that after

"Good luck all.

Mr. Carter, I mean, DeAngelo, still has to explain why he wrote an
ebook telling women how to defeat the vary advice he sold to men with
his FIRST e-book."

First of all, since the book is not yet available, you are (as
always) speculating. You have no clue what the details are in the book.
Plus, who says that DAVID wrote it??? You sold MY book, but I was the
one who wrote it.

"That issue stands and is completely separate from whatever went
down with Pagan, er, DeAngelo, er, whatever his name’s former G-F and
no amount of distraction and monkey dust is going to make it go away."

It would be in your best interest for it to not go away. It draws the
attention away from your own shitty ethics. You still have no addressed
why you even CARE about all this. I mean, unless it;s pissing you off
that david beat you to the punch, I fail to see what any of it has to
do with you and your business? Has David made statements that are a
contrdiction to this latest discovery? Or is it simply a case of a
scared 46 year old man who is feeling his once strong grip on the
community, slipping more and more? You used to always go on and on at
your seminars about "I don’t know if I’ll want to do this next year"
(Usually right before, or just after, plugging the expensive "Speed
Life" seminar)So why not just take a consultation position, and retire
from the other things? We all must credit you for starting us on the
seduction path, but I would imagine that you would WANT to retire,
especially after being told you can’t attend the Montreal seminar in
July. Isn’t it humiliating as piss to be told that if you were coming
to the Montreal seminar that some of us Masters were going to decline
coming? What the hell is it going to take for you to realize that you
pissed off every great contact you ever had, and now it’s coming back
to bite you on the ass!
What is it going to take for you to take a serious look at your
reality, and realize that despite all your past success, you punish
yourself for your own success by betraying (or feeling betrayed by)
those you let into your inner circle. Well, except Kimmy, but that’s
only because she dumped you and sent your ego into supplication mode
through the anchors she’s set on you.

"Why won’t Thundy address it?

Is ANYONE going to ask DeAngelo about it, during his talk at Cliff’s seminar?"

Why don’t YOU ask him at the seminar? Oh, that’s right, you can’t,
because you’re banned from even ATTENDING. Gee, how unfair, given your
high level of loyalty and ethical standards.

"Now, I’m off to learn the intricate details of teleseminars, which will be a big part of my business coming up soon."

I think you should cast the Verison Wireless guy for your role in
the teleseminar. Hey, are you going to include the scenes where you
tell guys not to supplicate to women, while you continue supplicating
to some short, toad-faced, femi-nazi? That would be gripping
television, Paul.

Now if you’re excuse me, I have to get back to my friends (You remember having those, once upon a time. Right, Paul?).

Wow, where to begin…

Bishop actually WROTE DOWN his actual conversation with MINE’99 after the "incident" occured!  That’s simply amazing.  I always knew MINE’99 was a scumbag, but now there’s actually PROOF.

For those of you who missed it, here’s the breakdown so far:

MINE’99 isolated David D’s then girlfriend, hypnotized her, unbuttoned her pants, and fingered her while David DeAngelo, his then student and "friend," was in the next room.

In a way, I am shocked.  Not only at the sheer depravity that MINE’99 continues to display, but also at the fact that he was actually able to finger some poor girl without having to pay for it.  Bravo, MINE’99.  There may actually be something to your SS stuff after all!  Though not taking into account that you did not do the work to actually go out and find a girl for yourself, and the fact that since David D probably used SS to get that girl in the first place (therefor she was probably a natural "trance zombie"), I wouldn’t consider it all too amazing of a feat.

But none the less, you should add that to your precious testimonials page.  "Learn how to finger your friend’s girlfriend in the next room!"  You’ll sell a million copies of whatever crap you’re now peddling, I’m sure.

The next bit of information I find amazingly (though not surprisingly) interesting is Bishop revealing that MINE’99 essentially wanted to recruit him for what he planned to create, which is essentially a cult.

I find this interesting because when I was heavily involved in SS myself, it certainly did feel a lot like a cult.  Examples:

  • SS is a closed system and people who use it are discouraged to learn other methods, and often ridiculed for doing so.
  • There is a clear "us vs. them" attitude meant to strengthen the solidarity of the group.
  • People are referred to as "Brother (name)" quite often, suggesting a secret society atmosphere.
  • Elements of religion are present (psychic influence, anyone?), meant to create a unique belief system in it’s members.
  • Heavy emphasis is placed on new "technologies" to control other people’s minds and remove any resistence they may have.
  • Any dissent is immediately shut down, either by ridicule, threats, or banishment from the group.
  • MINE’99 is looked upon as an infallible leader, and any who question him are dealt with in a harsh manner — ie: yelled at, ridiculed, discredited, called names, etc. (just look at MINE’99′s posts towards me on this site for examples of how this works).

I can go on, but you get the idea.  MINE’99 aims to create a CULT with his students, and he wanted to include Bishop in it as a "general."

Bishop also claims that MINE’99 is still hung up on his former girlfriend and supplicates to her relentlessly.  Not exactly "guru" behavior, is it?  Oh, but I forgot.  It’s "Do what I say, not what I do" in the SS camp.  After all, it’s only about who’s a "better teacher," right?

After something like this, you’d expect MINE’99 to roar back with his typical "LIES! LIBEL!  I’LL SUE YOU ALL" rebuttal.  But his response is like a little girl limp-wristedly trying to swat away an attacker while crying:

MINE’99 writes:

Has anyone else noticed how Mike Emery is so desperate to drum up
sales for his books, the only way he can think to get attention for his
stuff is by consistently attacking me, the person who he credits in the
beginning of Bishop’s Journal as being such an inspiration.

Mike, it’s obvious that you are either desperate to generate sales
or just too lazy to think of any other method. You don’t deserve to be
tied to my name.

Bishop fights back, pressing his advantage:

Bishop writes:

Paul, Paul, Paul.
Still avoiding the subject of doing a one-on-one "sarge-off" against me as usual.
That’s cool, I’d be scared of me too.

As for me being "desperate" to generate sales, that’s cute.
And to say this is the motive behind my "attacks" on you, is laughable.
You brought these "attacks" on yourself by attacking others, genius!
You made quite an effort to smear my name, yet which one of us was not
only invited to attend, but also to speak at THE BIGGEST SEDUCTION

Which one of us is willing to pit his abilities against the other in a public challenge?

Which one of us lost everything, yet has managed to not only survive, but is also more powerful than when he left?

You pissed off a lot of people, Paul, and these "attacks" are just
an example of the outcome of your actions. You called me your "best
student" then when I pulled my products, I was suddenly a fake. I have
news for you; Talk to anyone who has a copy of my seduction book. They
can verify the quality of women I’m with in the pics. Funny how you
don’t seem to have any such pics of yourself with hot women, outside
paid publicity pics. (PLUG: Very soon, I’ll be adding many pics to my
website to show what’s possible to get with my materiels. Not just
women *I* get, but the women my students get as well. Where’s YOUR
pics, Paul???)

Paul, you attack the intelligence of your own students, you attack
women’s decisions to not go for you, you attack people on this board,
and you attack other Masters. Yet you still seemed surprised that those
of us who once learned from you, are now disgusted by you. None more so
than me; the one you tried so hard to completely vanquish. Yet here I
am. Not only have I once again proven myself to the community that I am
legit, but I stand here, looking you right in the eyes and saying, "Sit
down, and be quiet!" There is SO much I have held back, that I could
easily ruin you with. Yet I don’t wish to see you ruined. But I also
don’t care to protect you any longer. So you really do have a choice,
and you need to give it a lot of thought. You can either admit to the
community that you lied, and that "Bishop’s Journal" was NOT a work of
fiction, or you can try to protect yourself from what I do about your
defiance. Unlike you, I have no desire to use my power to vanquish you.
I simply want the record to be set straight. A true Jedi, if you still
are one, would not try to discredit the other Jedi Masters.

But, like I said, it’s your choice. I won’t make any threats, I don’t
need to. You know what I know about you, so your own knowledge of that
is threat enough.

As for the video testimonials, those are already in the works. As I
don’t do seminars, the logistics are different than what you have
available. I’m scheduling a couple of female testimonials too. Do you
have any female testimonials???

I heard a rumor that some of the testimonials you use are actually
employees of Straightforward, or their family members. Any truth to

Then, Bishop finishes MINE’99 off with this little killing blow:

Bishop writes:

In response to "Ross" who spewed:

"BTW, and for the record, I have NEVER said that Bishop’s Journal
was/is a fraud and I defy Emery or anyone else to cite any quote of
mine where I said any such thing."

Okay, you’re on.

"I have always said I have NO idea to what extent Emery actually
experienced the adventures he wrote about, but that they don’t seem all
that implausible as he is applying standard SS stuff that has worked
for thousands of students in the past."

Gee, what a difference. Nice not-so-subtle way to make it SEEM like an acknowledgement while promoting yourself.

"Yates, my business partner, has made the statement that Bishop’s Journal was a work of fiction."

I guess you fail to realize where Yates ends and you begin. As your
business partner, he is representing you, so you are responsible for
what comes out of his mouth to your students. That is, if you’re really
the one in charge. If you’re NOT, then my statement of you being
nothing more than Yates’ voicebox is accurate.

So which is it?

"Mr. Emery was booted from my camp for cheating my students; he took
money for book orders that he never delivered upon and then he lied
about it. I also subsequently learned that he had a previous history of
cheating people on the internet(the Beanie Baby scandal) which he hid
from me, and then lied about when I confronted him."

I don’t recall challenging why you "booted" me. At the most, I just
mentioned how interesting it is that I was booted months AFTER the
so-called "scam". Like, a few weeks after I pulled my products from
your catalog. I challenge you to PROVE it didn’t happen that way. I can
certainly prove that it DID.

"The veracity of Bishop’s Journal and Mr. Emery’s seduction skills were NEVER any part of why he was booted."

Why the misdirection, Paul? You’re going on and on about why I was
booted. Show me where in the last dozen posts where the subject of why
I was booted was even mentioned, much less challenged. Oh, maybe that’s
what popped into your head when Ninja mentioned the smear campaign.
Hmm, sounds like your own thoughts just betrayed you.

"You cheat my students and don’t fill orders and you are gone, regardless and irrespective of your skills at seduction."

You’ve cheated your students in ways OTHER than that though. Shall we continue this?

"And there you have it. Now, Mr. Emery keeps making references to me,
challenging me in a thread that has nothing to do with him and
EVERYTHING to do with Mr. DeAngelo, because he sees it as a cheap way
to generate publicity for his products, which, without his connection
to me, would generate little interest or sales at all."

Actually, your skills of observation are way off.

You fail to realize that I don’t NEED to generate publicity here any longer. Most of the people here already bought from me.

My actual reasons for this dialogue today, is because I was disgusted
by the quote where you felt it was only "in some ways" fucked up what
you did that resulted to the falling out of you and Eben.

And you need to calm your ego, regarding thinking YOU deserve credit
for my sales. You tried to discredit me, and now you want the credit
for my sales???? I guess this is yet another example of you thinking
you created all good things in the seduction community. Wrap your head
around the fact that the people who have ever even heard of Bishop make
up an incredibly small percentage of the buyers of seduction products.
I suppose you also want to take responsibility for David D’s sales, and
Mystery’s as well??? Get over yourself, and go enjoy Jimbo, or Jumbo,
or whatever her name is.

"Mr. Emery, your pants are down and your Dunlop’s disease is showing
as well as your transparent motives. Perhaps a good therapist would
remind you that you can’t fool everyone all of the time and you ought
not to get so tense about the fact."

MY transparent motives??? What’s "transparent" is why you’re
attacking Davod D. various business connections. You’re scared, Paul.
You’re scared, and you’re pissed that he beat you to it. In your mind
you NEED to be the one who has the better ideas, the smarter decisions.
And when someone shows you that you have not done that, you have to
attack their credibility and ethics. I just find it ironic that the
person who’s credibility and "ethics" you’re attacking happens to be
David D.

You’ve become a JOKE, Paul. And the sad thing is, you’re writing the punchline yourself, wothout apparently even knowing it.


"P.S. I’m glad to hear about your imaginary friend you’d like to
send to talk to me, but honestly, it’s time to put all that stuff away
along with your Muppet Baby Underoos and grow up."

Perhaps you need your glasses again. I never said I was going to have someone talk to YOU.

"And I have real friends who are more than able to handle security,
including my friend and student Mr. B, the Federal Cop. You remember
him, don’t you?"

Security has no ability to do a damn thing about two people having a
conversation. Go ahead and send your "security" to try. But I bet my
"imaginary" friend accomplishes exactly what I send them to do.
As for "Mr. B, the Federal Cop" you assume that’s not who I was referring to sending. LOL

"I’m sure he’ll be happy to discuss your internet threats with you."

*Yawn* Riddle me this; what laws have I violated? None. But you
already know that. You’re just making weak attempts to sound
intimidating. Don’t insult these reader’s intelligence. But, then
again, that’s been one of your biggest problems: assuming the ignorance
of those in the seduction community.

"I even kept him on AFTER he committed his crime and I had bailed him out of jail."

Goody Goody. What’s your point????

Okay, I grow tired of you once again. I think I’ll go take a shit, in honor of you.

Wow, wow, wow.

I’d feel like this was some type of epic Greek tragedy if MINE’99 wasn’t such a nudge.  He’s less like a "Jedi" and more like a "Gollum," a figure that’s meant to be pitied as his own hatred and love of all that is evil rot him from the inside and end up ultimately destroying him.

I have known for a loooooong time what kind of person MINE’99 is, and few people believed me when I first started warning others on this site to be careful of him and his teachings.  Many of his SS Cult members still troll this board trying to make fun of me and discredit me by calling me a "virgin" or "fat" or a "fraud," (none of which is true, by the way… well, maybe the fat part =)  because I dare to call out their beloved "guru" on his actions.

In some ways, I feel vindicated by Bishop and his posts, as he has something I’ve never had — proof of how rotten this man is.  Bishop, I salute you for standing up to this charlatan.  I hope to get to meet you at Cliff’s Seminar in Montreal.

As for MINE’99′s declaration that I should "call out" David DeAngelo on his "Lies," maybe I’ll ask him personally and in private at his next seminar (of which I’m an invited guest) and save Cliff the headaches have having to deal with your SS clonetroopers… er, I mean "students" that may attend his seminar.

Some day, the ENTIRE truth will come out about you, MINE’99.  And I hope to be there when it does to see you reap all the bad seeds you’ve sown.

Get Your Free Guide Here!


62 Responses to “Bishop Reveals The TRUTH About MINE’99!”
  1. PlayaBoy says:

    God! is anybody tired of this bullsh*t!
    This thee problem with being in a organization or in any community there’s always political bullsh*t! Men! We are all we’ve got! Talk about “Tall Poppy Syndrome!”

  2. Dynamis says:

    Instead of an atmosphere of learning, where learning for the sake of learning is promoted, we have guys like this. No wonder so many of the ‘students’ are idiots instead of productive members of society. Why does there have to be so much hate and rivalry going on? I would think there should be a comraderie between people with a similar goal for learning and improving themselves. Of course, we have to have people like ross who relentlessly squabble with any ‘competition’. Weak. The gollum reference by thundy was pretty funny, though.


  3. terrelite says:

    Once I told you that this was useless… but I’ve come to mind that this is necessary… to show the truth and to make things clear…

  4. canoe connor says:

    Thundercat wrote:

    “The next bit of information I find amazingly (though not surprisingly) interesting is Bishop revealing that MINE’99 essentially wanted to recruit him for what he planned to create, which is essentially a cult.”

    I am surprised that Bishop didn’t mention that Ross was SUED for the SUICIDE of a roommate (by his roommate’s grieving parents).. Apparently they believe(d) that Ross’ “therapy” led to the tragedy…

  5. Canoe,

    I’m not positive, but I thought I DID mention that on some other thread. Maybe on the “Bishop drops a Mine99 Bombshell” thread.
    Tired…sleep…will look laterzzzZZZZZ

  6. What I find amazing about Emery is how he can take the following input:

    I took him from a nothing who hadn’t been laid in years to someone who, by his own confession to me, had made his wildest fantasies came true

    Gave him an opportunity to establish himself as someone in a community that looked up to him

    Offered him a market to make some money on his product

    Stood by him, bailed him out of prison, and then forgave a $3000 debt

    and turn it into an output of:


    If this doesn’t reveal a psyche incapable of gratitude, honest self-reflection, or any possible redeeming feature, I don’t know what does.

    What is sadder is Mr. Emery probably really believes his own distortions and lies.

    I invite people to explore the truth about what I do by going to my website, and looking at real students telling their real stories in their own words:

    NO ONE else in the community can provide real video testimonials from real students sharing their results.

    As for Mr. Emery, he has no abililty to distinguish reality from fantasy, and that makes him a figure to be pitied more than anything else. He simply cannot learn from his lessons and will continue to repeat his errors. To me, that is truly sad.

    And he obviously is either obsessed by me because I rejected him and cannot process that he means simply nothing to me, and has not for years. To a narcissist and socio-path, the worst thing isn’t hating them, it’s letting them know they are utterly unimportant. It’s a threat to Mr. Emery’s entire view of the world.

    Finally, does anyone else notice the incredible amount of dust, smoke and fog that Thundy and Bishop are throwing up in an attempt to direct attention away from DeAngelo’s betrayal of his entire customer base by publishing a book for women on how to avoid the very things that he, DeAngelo, teaches men?

    When will Thundy grow a pair and address the question? Never, because DeAngelo has him bought, sold and in his back pocket.

    N’uff said and back to teaching the NYC seminar.

  7. actually says:

    old has been said: “NO ONE else in the community can provide real video testimonials from real students sharing their results”

    Actually, David DeAngelo has videos of his seminar takers commenting on them. Before you make a sweeping generalization, at least make a true one.

    And who cares (other than you) that he’s helping women to get guys anyway? And you don’t even know that it’s him, it could be an employee or friend, the book isn’t even out yet. You comment on how Bishop attacks you, what about your constant attacks on David D. What warrants them, other than your lack of a soul and fragile ego?

    Also, why should he credit you? Just because he learned from you, and may use some of your techniques doesn’t mean that he teaches them. He credits what he teaches.

    Another thing, you said Louis and Copeland ripped you off… that was common sense. Using descriptive language to talk to a girl? I haven’t purchased any of your products, but I knew that descriptive language was useful and powerful before I hit puberty. How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

    If there was any thought of buying your prodcuts before, there certainly isn’t after seeing how you conduct yourself.

  8. Intime says:

    I honestly cant believe some of you guys are over 45.

    Do you how you are obviously projecting? Havent u gained enough experience to actually write in a way that makes you look good? That makes yourself believable?

    After all these years of living you have ended up like that.

    That 20 years olds can give themselves a nicer “halo” than you.

    I could just imagine if it was my Dad, it honestly would be so sad to see him put so low. Its a good thing you don’t have children sir.

    Its all good to put your views out. It is human to put your enemies down. But i cannot stand incompetence, especially from people who have supposedly studied how to influence to at least some extent.

    Many of you don’t use your words well. And u seldom have. It never gets you to your goals. ( unless a goal is getting guys to laugh at u) And i have no idea why that is.

    Destroying your own psyche and esteem due to your own incompetence at debate and defending yourselves. If only you put more effort into these areas when you were younger. You might not have to feel how u do now.

    And for those of us that ARE younger. AT least now we know what is a skill we must acquire. ( Ok boys uve had enuff seduction learning for now, many of u still overly confuse urselves anyway. Now u know where you dont wana end up so u better know where to concentrate ur leaning)

    If you want to fight. At least win.

    For the perpectual sad cases. My reccomendation is never go into politics. You won’t know where to hide your faces after that.

  9. Ninja says:


    The bulletpoints Thundy put up on a cult is so accurate I got chills up my spine for even participating on that Speed Seduction list.

    The Bishop Alpha-List is much better and nothing resembling a cult. Just a cool guy dispensing advice to help you become a better man.

    I am meeting Bishop too in the future, I was wondering how I get my time with you Bishy, when I get to Las Vegas, how do I contact you so that you know it’s me?

  10. Stay the hell away from SS says:

    Paul Ross would only WISH that he could have his own cult.

    Here’s the similarities that I see in SS to a cult:

    1) They both have a self-appointed “guru”
    who’s word is viewed as the ONLY gospel truth by it’s members

    2) Members blindly accept without question the teachings of their “guru”

    3) Even though they don’t get results, they think that more DEVOTION to the cult with get them more results with women – HA! what a joke! (aka more time spent online or kissing RJ’s ass and siding with him in his petty flame wars)- get a LIFE boys and get laid for REAL.

    4)SS has it’s own vocabulary or words that only cult members would know.

    5) If the guru isn’t pleased he threatens to “kick and ban” any cult members from the “Brotherhood”

    6) It is largely a group of nerds lead by the BIGGEST nerd of them all => Paul Ross (Jeffries)

    7) He even uses a profane version of “Amazing Grace” in his seminars singing, “Amazing Grace has got big tits ” Whether this is meant to be an anchor or not is probably only Ross’s twisted mind would know.

    His seminars are not only offensive to women but to ANY Christian out there.

    So these are just a few of the reasons that any rational person should stay the hell away from SS and see it for the load of crap that it is.

    From a former SS student

  11. Just a quick clarification. Yes, I DO credit you Paul for helping me get started in seduction, and with my first book.
    And if you had simply stopped at just trashing me about your feelings that I ripped off your students, I would have let it go.
    BUT, you went BEYOND that. You took it upon yourself to air my private legal matters. Legal matters that had NOTHING to do with your students, or the seduction community. I have you the chance to back off, and you chose otherwise. You are under the impression that if I do not have power through my association with YOU, then I must be dillusional in thinking I have any power.
    I need point no further than the CLIFF’S LIST MONTREAL SEMINAR (July 15th – July 17th.)which you can not even BE SEEN AT, much less be invited to speak at. THE biggest seduction event of the year, and you got voted OUT of being a part of it. There were no “other plans” that you had, no “prior engagement” that ptrevents you from being there. It’s 100% ALL about the fact that some of us were refusing to come if you showed your face around there. And I can 100% prove it! TRY and come to the seminar. TRY and get invited to attend. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! And it’s your own fault that this is the case.

    So don’t blame ME for YOUR lack of ethics and honor that makes this a reality. We call that “displacement” in Psychology, so realize you are displacing your anger and the blame, and try to salvage whatever relationships you have not yet ruined. Like maybe with Tabitha.

    The truth is, Paul, I give credit to those I learned from. ANYONE with a copy of ANY of my books can verify I do exactly that.
    I give credit to Riker, Rick, the Major, and every other person I learned soemthing of value from. For example: The whole “What are three great qualities about you, none of which can be about your looks” I have ALWAYS said I learned from Eben/David. The “3 Rules” thing I have ALWAYS said I learned from Riker. Even with our cavern-wide seperation, I have STILL given you credit for getting me started. Yet, me, the guy you use to openly say was “one of my best students” you decline to give credit to for the things I brought to SS that advanced things. Seems to me, your loyalties and honor are only as solid as the level of ego you get to suck out of a person. Once they show they no longer need you, they become a threat to you.

    Oh, and I love this quote from you, Paul:

    “To a narcissist and socio-path, the worst thing isn’t hating them, it’s letting them know they are utterly unimportant. It’s a threat to Mr. Emery’s entire view of the world.”

    For starters, I have never denied that I’m a little narcissistic. But, then, that’s one of the differences between you and I: *I* admit to my ego and my stumblings. As for me being a socio-path, I’ll admit to that, if the definition is “Socially selective.” Funny how you’re the one with few real friends and so many severed ties, yet it’s ME you call a socio-path.
    Riddle me this then: Outside of people you make money for, is there ANYONE who you know 100% would have you back if it was needed? I have such people. Which is odd, since according to you, I’m a socio-path. By the way, wasn’t aware that being a paralegal meant you were also a qualified to make psychological diagnosis. Then again, maybe in YOUR reality it’s true. Then again, in YOUR reality, you have the power of Green Lantern, Willy Wonka is President, and apparently all fine looking women in YOUR reality is what the rest of us call “fugly.”

    I again stand here, unwavering, issuing to you the challenge of pitting YOUR SS skills against MY fire of seduction skills. It will be the LAST time I give you this chance. After June 1st, if you have not chosen to accept, then it will stand as proof that you KNOW I greatly enhanced SS and surpassed your skills EVEN WHILE I WAS STILL ASSOCIATED WITH YOU. And that you are indeed someone who can TEACH but you’re not so good at actually GETTING high quality women. Again, in June I will be adding various pics of babes myself and MY students have gotten. I’ll bet you $10,000 the community would prefer to shag MY kind of women, instead of yours.
    You have NO IDEA what I can do these days, Paul. But if you grow some balls, you can certainyl find out through accepting my challenge.
    I’m not holding my breath though.


  12. In response to “Ninja” who wrote:


    The bulletpoints Thundy put up on a cult is so accurate I got chills up my spine for even participating on that Speed Seduction list.”

    Here’s a bullet to add:

    * He dangles “forbidden stuff” out there, and builds up the value of it, while saying it is only available to those HE deems worthy of learning this information.

    This creates a need in the student to please him, so they can receive the reward of this precious “forbidden stuff.” The student thus praises him in front of other students to gain the “forbidden stuff” (resulting in social proof to the other students) he uses the student as proof that his stuff works, thus creating a cycle of students eager to be a part of this elite group of “knowers of the forbidden stuff.”
    In Robert Chialdini’s book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuation” he talks about how he was driven to go to this Mormon chruch to see this special “section” that even all loyal Mormons do not get to see. The reason this “sction” was open to the public, is becasue it was being remodeled to such a degree, that it was considered “New” and apparently there’s something that says when a new Mormon structure is opened, all areas can be seen. Chialdini was not a Mormon, nor was he interested in becoming one. He was driven by the chance to see that which is otherwise forbidden.

    “The Bishop Alpha-List is much better and nothing resembling a cult. Just a cool guy dispensing advice to help you become a better man.”

    That sums the AlphaList up nicely, Ninja. Thanks for the endorsement. Oh, and as always: Modesty prevents me from disagreeing with you.

    “I am meeting Bishop too in the future, I was wondering how I get my time with you Bishy, when I get to Las Vegas, how do I contact you so that you know it’s me?”

    Well, if the e-mail address you provided on this message board is your legit e-mail address, that should prove you’re…YOU. So fly me an e-mail when you’re going to be in Vegas, and we’ll arrainge a time and location to meet.

    “Unleash What’s Within You”
    “Unleash What She’s Been Waiting For”

  13. The Furnace says:

    “His seminars are not only offensive to women but to ANY Christian out there.”

    Yeah christianity…the biggest cult of them all”

  14. Truth says:

    Unfortunately, Ross DID create a cult. He created the seduction community. A group of men who go out and “sarge” women. Men who are better than “AFC’s” b/c they think they are “PUAs”.

    The problem with Ross, was that he became too successful. His vocabulary and views took on a life of its own, and others wanted to become leaders of this cult. So much so, that they all steal ideas from more skillful memebers, in order to build up a fantasy guru status.

    Mystery is more of a cult leader than Ross is, at this point. I feel sorry for those who are so weak that they believe other men should be worshipped, just b/c those guys have sex. I feel even more sorry b/c most of these guys who are getting laid, aren’t doing so with good looking women. I feel the worst b/c I used to buy into all this crap, but not anymore.

    I’ll leave you with a quote from one of the more honest guys teaching seduction,” the only difference between me and you is up here *points to his head*”( Badboy, on the first day of a BB workshop).

    Once you begin to respect those who are getting laid, and are willing to learn from them, but are still strong enough to NOT become a follower of theirs and are capable of viewing them as equals…..

    …then you are no longer part of this cult……

    ….then you are truly free of what Ross masterfully created…..

    …then you are no longer a slave to any guru…..

    …b/c then you will know the…..


  15. RealGerman says:


  16. jabba says:

    I fucking hate that people call it ‘sarging’ or going out to ‘sarge’ lets change this.

    Anyone have some suggestions?

  17. Now u know says:

    How come this Truth guy seems to be posting all his opinions as hard facts all the time.

    Can’t he tell the difference?

  18. Horne says:

    On more than one occasion, I remember hearing Ross talk about his offensive personality. This doesn’t justify anything he has done, but he seems to be congruent with his behavior and proclivity to litigation.

    Humans are creatures of habit, so one would expect him to do the same thing time and time again, which he has. In doing so has demonstrated the type of person he is.

    Ross was the first one to apply the techniques of NLP to seduction, but he didn’t develop any of it. Go read Bandler and Grinder. The guy started a website. Put it into perspective.

    In terms of selecting a favorite guru to study from, I think it really comes down to personal choice. Maybe something about Mystery appeals or DeAngelo or the Bishop. Ultimately though, you are joining them.

    Humans feel a need to belong to something, so when they do join, they will stand up for their leader when criticised, hence we have the constant arguments here about who really is the best.

    If you wear Jamiroquai hats, eye makeup, nail polish and 12″ lifts, then Mystery is your man.

    If you believe,
    “The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically, the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful
    sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman to surrender her chastity.” Then DeAngelo is your guy.

    But if you believe in being yourself no matter what, leaving the woman with a positive memory of your interaction and furthering yourself as a human being, then Bishop is the teacher for you.

  19. Jason says:

    “If you believe,
    “The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically, the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful
    sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman to surrender her chastity.” Then DeAngelo is your guy.”

    I wonder why David D thinks thats wrong… maybe cause Ross did that to his ex gf? Hehehe

  20. In response to “Horne” who wrote:

    “On more than one occasion, I remember hearing Ross talk about his offensive personality. This doesn’t justify anything he has done, but he seems to be congruent with his behavior and proclivity to litigation.”

    One thing about Ross, that I know quite well, is that he is great at “reward/punishment” behavior. He will come to you with a humble attitude, and sometimes self-repricating remarks. Which lowers your defenses. He is notorious for correcting you in some way initially, to get you slightly off balance, then he’ll compliment you on something you said and/or did, to reinforce the mentality that babes with asshole boyfriends have, which is: “He must care, because he busts my balls, and he’s sometimes pretty good to me.”
    As I have said before, when he was NOT in “Ross mode,” Paul was a really great guy to know. But more and more he seems to have surrendered to his “Ross” persona. Perhaps this conflict of identity has finally taken it’s toll on him. His behavior and words lately, have demonstrated a kind of “If you’re not with me completely, then you’re against me” thought process. He has recently been complimenting Mystery, which is speculative that it might just be an attempt to maintain some line of good standing with a well liked Jedi Master.

    Notice how those who have their own seduction products, but were never his students, he attacks on some level. And those of us with our own seduction products who WERE his students, he wants to take credit for our present success. He fails to accept that someone can actually be a high quality seducer without having gone through HIS products, and he fails to accept that just because we learned from him, does not qualify him for credit in our current sucess level.
    I learned how to read and write in grade school, but that does not mean my teachers deserve all the credit for my books becoming quality sellers. They taught me the foundations of reading and writing, but they did not show me how to write a successful book. That was MY doing.
    After all, if Paul/Ross thinks he can take credit for those of us who have succeeded with seduction, then he also must take the blame for those of us still struggling. But that’s not right. We are all responsible for what we do with what we learn.
    The fact is, we all have good points and bad points about us. I was having this exact conversation with a friend just today. Paul/Ross seems to have the belief that since I had trouble with the law, that that negates any value that I have to the seduction community. He seems to have the belief that just because David D. is part of various other products, that he is a sell-out, and someone not to be trusted. Yet,neither David nor myself ever abused our power. Neither one of us has ever said we are the sole quality source for seduction learning. Paul/Ross can not say the same on either point.
    I for one have always given him credit for my getting started in seduction. Yet, he seems to think that means he’s the ONLY one who deserves the crdit.
    Speaking only for myself, my ACTUAL success through Speed Seduction came only because of my PAST experiences and learning from people like Tony Robbins, Richard Bandler (The word NLP is what caught my attention about Ross in the first place)Robert Cialdini, Noam Chomsky, and Robin Williams, just to name a handful. So he needs to realize that just because he might have added the right ingredient that made my seduction work come together, back in the day, he’s certainly not the only person responsible for my initial success with seduction. And he needs to apply thats ame realization to every single one of us who were once his students.

    “Humans are creatures of habit, so one would expect him to do the same thing time and time again, which he has. In doing so has demonstrated the type of person he is.”

    I agree with that statement. I would add as well, he has yet to ever demonstrate that he has moved past the pain of having been that skinny ugly geek who never got laid.

    “Ross was the first one to apply the techniques of NLP to seduction, but he didn’t develop any of it. Go read Bandler and Grinder. The guy started a website. Put it into perspective.”

    Very good point. Also, the hypnotic aspects of Speed Seduction he got from Major Mark, so he didn’t develop any of that either. However, he does have a good mind for taking an aspect and expanding it. I’m not praising him, I’m simply keeping things in their proper peerspective. After all, unlike Paul/Ross, I can be objective enough to admit his good points, while bashing his bad points. Hmm, I’m not being a very good socio-path, am I? LOL

    “In terms of selecting a favorite guru to study from, I think it really comes down to personal choice. Maybe something about Mystery appeals or DeAngelo or the Bishop. Ultimately though, you are joining them.”

    I don’t see it as chosing ONE person to learn from. I don’t want guys to only learn from me and to only support me. I would prefer, and I strongly suggest, getting familiar with all the “gurus” who sound like they know what they’re talking about. Check out all of our work, then take pieces from this “guru” and that “guru” and fit it in with who you already are. As I said before, we all have good points and bad points, so it just makes sense to learn from multiple sources, than to get stuck in just ONE camp.

    “Humans feel a need to belong to something, so when they do join, they will stand up for their leader when criticised, hence we have the constant arguments here about who really is the best.”

    Two comment I want to make here.

    1. Yes, we all do have a need to belong. Otherwise none of us would give a shit about learning about seduction. We’d just call all women cunts, and live out our lives believing we don’t care to ever get laid. But I disagree that we will all stand up for our leaders. Many of us will do what’s “popular” to do. Especially in a field like seduction, where higher self esteem and acceptance are the most desired results sought. In seduction it just happens to be hot looking women that we want to havwe these results around. If a large group feels a leader is full of shit, then we might join that group, to satisfy THAT level of needing to belong. No one likes to be connected to a losing team. That’s why when our team wins the big game, we cry out “WE won!” but when our team loses we say “THEY lost.”

    2. The “Best” is subjective. I’ve remarked on this before, saying that the top dogs in seduction each have something they are the best at. None of us is the best in ALL aspects, and none of us ALWAYS succeed. Anyone who claims to always succeed, is accepting VERY low level outcomes. I always succeed in getting a woman to say something to me. It might sometimes be “Fuck off, Jerk” or “WhatEVER” but the claim was that I always succeed in getting a woman to say something to me.
    So when you really strip it all down to the bare bones, we want a leader who seems to know exactly what our personal challenges are, and we want that leader to be able to motivate us beyond our own power. When someone can do that, they have people that will be led by them.
    But here’s the interesting thing; Even if a seduction Jedi Master is able to get laid whenever he wants to, has ZERO guarantee that YOU will be able to get laid even once a month. I frequently get physical with women I meet, while I’m doing a consult with a guy. But that doesn’t automatically mean that guy is going to have any better results just because he witnessed that I got a good result. Yet it seems to be accepted that if one of us is witnessed sucessfully seducing women, that you can get the same results just from seeing it. There is a HUGE difference between me being able to seduce a woman in front of you, and me being able to teach you how to do it too. It comes down to my effectiveness as a teacher. And since we are all different, we will get different results. So while I may be able to teach Bob and Brad how to get quality results, it might takes someone like David or Mystery to get Bill and Brian quality results. My point is, as good as I KNOW I am, I’m realiztic enough to know that I can not teach every single guy how to get the quality results he seeks. A lot of it comes down to personality. Mine is somewhat different than David’s, and David’s is somewhat different than Mystery’s, and Mystery’s is somewhat different than mine. So if you’re in conflict with my personality, you’re going to resist my teachings, but you may get better results from Mystery because his personality suits you better. You follow me?
    So, my personal opinion about “the best” is this: We all have a “best” about us, but none of us is “the best” for everyone.

    “If you wear Jamiroquai hats, eye makeup, nail polish and 12″ lifts, then Mystery is your man.”

    Actually, I was sent a “rough draft” copy of an alleged book he wrote/is writing, and if he actually wrote it, he has much more going on than just his peacocking. He’s quite accurate with his psychological understanding of many things regarding seduction and people in general.

    “If you believe,
    “The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically, the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful
    sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman to surrender her chastity.” Then DeAngelo is your guy.”

    Having actually hung out with David many moons ago, and having now looked into most of his materiels, I’m qualified to comment here. First, you have to understand that David is a sponge when it comes to learning. The dude had HUNDREDS of books when I was last at his pad. And I know he’s read them, because I even pulled a few at random and he was able to tell me the gist of them. So his view on ethical use of seduction is a very small drop in the bucket of his DYD philosophy. If you want to learn the best seduction theory on the planet, he seems to be the source. I give him full props, the guy’s better at theory than I am. But before you assume I’m saying he’s JUST about theory, let me correct you. Back when I hung out with David, he was quite good at putting his business influence skills to great use when it came to meeting and seducing women. That’s vital for you to also learn, because no matter if it’s business, seduction, or just interacting with friends, knowing how to get a person’s attention and knowing how to direct their focus, is how you get ANY result. It only becomes unethical by your motives for doing it. Which brings us back to the stated point of David’s view on seduction ethics. Also, I was there while David was still on the threshold of being who he is now. His very mannerisms and shared though processes reveal that he’s made great progress from the already good progress he was making when I knew him.

    “But if you believe in being yourself no matter what, leaving the woman with a positive memory of your interaction and furthering yourself as a human being, then Bishop is the teacher for you.”

    Wow! That’s the best simplified explaination of what I do, and what I strive for. I’m slightly more than that, but you nailed the most important part.


  21. lurker says:

    This is so funny… I was just watching a movie called ‘magnolia’. It was fu(k1n9 hiliarious to me because it has a character in it just like the ‘gurus’ who plugs a product called ‘seduce and destroy’. It is worth the watch for the laugh just to see how lame and cultish some areas/members of the community may be without the proper perspective. So worth the look, please check it out guys.

  22. Just correcting facts says:

    I’ll leave you with a quote from one of the more honest guys teaching seduction,” the only difference between me and you is up here *points to his head*”( Badboy, on the first day of a BB workshop).


    I have no arguements about what you said overall including the quote. The overall message is what’s really important.

    But one fact is WAY OFF you called BB honest.

    Hate to break it to the public but he was recently profiled in a Croatian Magazine as one of the 10 biggest liars in the entire country. A reporter didn’t like Dan’s trying to outalpha him. (no idea why Dan did that?) and soon the reporter did some research into the Miss Croatia lay reports, his being involved in the war as well as other claims he has over his forum and website.

    BB has banned his entire forum and website from Croatian IP’s due to this article.

    Now that’s the truth.

  23. Dynamis says:

    Bishop, that last post of yours is what I expect from someone that I want to learn from. Ultimately, I choose to learn from people that I in some way want to emulate (obviously) and the kind of behaviors I’ve seen on this forum and from… *cough*rj*cough* has been utterly pathetic.

    But your last post was eloquent, well written, and fair handed. And I agreed with most everything you had to say. I, myself, prefer David out of the people I’ve checked out so far, because his core values system and his huge knowledge cater to my tastes more… but like you said, it’s great to learn and take bits from all sources and that’s what I’ve been doing.


  24. Sh0t says:

    Which “gurus” said they would not come to Montreal if RJ showed up?

  25. Truffaut says:

    Ross is living proof that,
    “Character is Destiny.”

  26. Destify says:

    It’s very interesting to have read through most of the “seduction” material out there, and then hear the oppinions of the authors and there refection of credibilities. Bishop has only reinforced my personal concept of taking the info and applying it to my life in my way. No one should ever go comletely against there own moral beleif structure, but should always keep an open mind. “But if you believe in being yourself no matter what, leaving the woman with a positive memory of your interaction and furthering yourself as a human being, then Bishop is the teacher for you.” >>> This is what its all about folks, positivity!

  27. Ninja says:

    This is not my real email address so we can’t contact each other this way. We will be in touch when the time comes Bish and then you can model me, but only if you bring me a 1-lb bag of Skittles. And as always, please don’t expect more from me than I’m comfortable with ;-)

    If any of you remember the reason I chose this fake email address was because I was pissed at the bullshit a poster known as Shinji was saying about how wonderful Speed Seduction is while I saw it with my own eyes at the London seminar it just wasn’t the case and I felt compelled to come out with the truth. Alot of the people I keep in contact from there already say the “seminar” effect has worn off and they are back to being their old selves. I hope Ross has done better at this NY seminar, but hoping hardly gets me or anyone anywhere. Now Bish has taken the torch and run with it! I can’t wait until this Wednesday to hear the explosion from Bish heard around the world! THIS IS FUN!

  28. TylerTurden says:

    god you guys are gay

  29. Has anyone else noticed that Thundy CONTINUES to duck the issue of DeAngelo writing a book that utterly betrays his male readership, teaching women to AVOID the very tactics he teaches men in his first ebook?

    Thundy has proven himself biased and cowardly, for refusing to look into what ought to be a MAJOR scandal in the seduction world.

    Thundy, you fat-ass lying hypocrite: what do you know about DeAngelo writing under the name of Christian Carter, creating an ebook on how to “Catch Him And Keep Him”.

    How do you sleep at night staying silent about this when you purport to bring the latest gossip and news of the seduction world?

    Meantime, I will send a free SS product of YOUR choice to the first 5 people who publicly challenge Mr. DeAngelo during his talk at Cliff’s seminar on why he wrote a book betraying his readership: you may select any DVD or video course you like.

    DeAngelo, Pagan, Carter…or should we call you Stephi? Remember the 11th commandment:


    This community should hold DeAngelo’s feet to the collective fire the way they would do to me if I ever DARED write a book for women on how to manipulate men.

  30. Handsome Man says:

    Facts wrote:
    “But one fact is WAY OFF you called BB honest.

    “Hate to break it to the public but he was recently profiled in a Croatian Magazine as one of the 10 biggest liars in the entire country. A reporter didn’t like Dan’s trying to outalpha him. (no idea why Dan did that?) and soon the reporter did some research into the Miss Croatia lay reports, his being involved in the war as well as other claims he has over his forum and website.”

    There are only 3 seduction teachers that have replied to any of my posts and they were: Badboy, the world’s greates PUA: Mystery, and Dr. Dennis Neder.

    Side note: If you haven’t ever heard of Dr. Neder then you should check out his website: It’s packed full of information, over 180 articles by Dr. Neder. He’s also runs a forum in Yahoo! Groups.

    Clear up your accusations about Badboy. Don’t just spit out some crap, be specific to be considered a poster of any value. How do you know Badboy out-alpha’d the reporter? Which Croatian mag was BB approached by? And most of all how did you find out all about this?

  31. Rick Herera says:

    Badboy..come to my castle in romania..we will show you a fivesome strategy..the worlds greatest pua BADBOY???

  32. Intime says:

    Thundy’s not ducking Ross, he doesnt care.

    You might think its wrong to write a book for women. And i think its right.

    So who is right? You or me?

  33. HBK says:

    Well as far as D. DeAngelo is concern, I am thankful because he send me a DYD eBook for free. and as far as Speed Seduction is Concerned, the materials are very expensive… And as Far as Art Of Approaching, it is not for evaluation… so I would give a negative comment… its not worth it! I’ll try this BISHOP, I’ll have my comment the next few days.

  34. badboy says:

    newspapers?? you mean TABLOIDS…??
    who thefuck cares what they do write…
    Badboy AMOGING newspapers?? Never met guy in my life…

  35. badboy says:

    HBK, was me ( Badboy) posting from some XX comp

    no, I never got official contact from TABLOiods, they just asked me to tell them(over email) what was my first & last nasme, and what was name of My EX gf(Miss Cro)…of course I am not so stupid to go out in public with such INFO.
    If you dont believe in what I do, read workshop reviews…and ask ppl. about me.

  36. Ninja says:

    “Trust me, Ninjitsu, I am very close to sharing EVERYTHING I know about Ross/Paul/punk bitch. Should he fail to admit that he lied about “Bishop’s Journal” being made up, and admitting that I am not a fraud, I will be unleashing the mother of all drama bombs: My journal entires about the inner conversations/experiences with Ross.”

    OMG, my blood is on high as I wait to hear what this is all about.

    Me to someone I am currently sarging: “Need your opinion on something, I have a friend whose name has been dragged in the mud by a former friend of his. My friend’s reputation has suffered considerably even to this day from what that other “friend” has said. Now my friend has the opportunity to put that former friend to shame with a few facts about their past and reclaim his good name in the process. Do you think he should do it?

    Her: OMG!!!!! I have to meet this guy, my highschool reunion is coming up and I still don’t know if I want to go. I was known as a slut from a rumor this bitch spread all because her boyfriend wanted me. It changed my life and I dont know if I can go to the reunion without the stigma from that period in my life. She may never know how she changed my life, but I think I may only clear my name if I show up and show them what I’ve made of my life.”

    Me: If this is your way of inviting me to your reunion, I accept. We’ll have a great time and we will show them what a wonderful life you’ve made for yourself. As soon as we walk into that room, I guarantee you all eyes will be on us wishing they could have just an ounce of what we have together.

    Her: (An Awwwww expression) Oh Ninja…..

  37. Jabba says:

    I’ll say this much, look at the relationships people have with their ‘students’. And also if they’re going to help people out just for the hell of it without any motive for profit.
    Gunwitch does this, Michael Emery does this, and looking at the rest I dont see others who do the same.

    Looking at it strictly with the names here though Ross’s relationships with students former and present doesnt look good, compare it to people who have Michael Emery’s product(s) all positive. You don’t hear people come up to slam his product or his conduct. Oh wait there’s Ross. From what I can tell from all that has been said the only times bishop had problems was when he associated with Ross. Is that a surprise looking at how Ross treats his ‘friends’ my guess is some of that negativity affected “bishop” for that period.

    When it comes down to it, the only thing I see coming from Ross is negativity and have you noticed that what “Bishop” says in his newsletters and such MAKES SENSE?
    I guess it goes back to that saying “the truth will set you free” Michael Emery is free and it’s obvious in his writing, Ross on the other hand…
    I think we all know the answer to that.

  38. Rick Herera says:

    HBK, was me ( Badboy) posting from some XX comp

    “no, I never got official contact from TABLOiods, they just asked me to tell them(over email) what was my first & last nasme, and what was name of My EX gf(Miss Cro)…of course I am not so stupid to go out in public with such INFO.
    If you dont believe in what I do, read workshop reviews…and ask ppl. about me.”

    Badboy HAS NO GAME…He is like Recoil..the Polish Prince..when women see Recoil they …..RECOIL!!!!

    Slavic FRAUDS!!!!

  39. Thundercat says:

    Has anyone else noticed that Thundy CONTINUES to duck the issue of DeAngelo writing a book that utterly betrays his male readership, teaching women to AVOID the very tactics he teaches men in his first ebook?

    Thundy has proven himself biased and cowardly, for refusing to look into what ought to be a MAJOR scandal in the seduction world.

    Thundy, you fat-ass lying hypocrite: what do you know about DeAngelo writing under the name of Christian Carter, creating an ebook on how to “Catch Him And Keep Him”.

    Ah MINE’99, you silly, silly man. I see you’re unable to address Bishop’s accusations (the truth is funny like that) so you’re trying to shove attention to something else.

    Tisk, tisk.

    Here’s the response I got from the DYD camp when I emailed them.

    Actually this site belongs to a DYD Team Member. He just finished up the book and will be launching it soon!

    Thanks for thinking of us!

    Notice the “team member” part? From what I understand, David D focuses his energies on Double Your Dating and the over-all business aspect, and he has employees who branch out into other fields.

    Now be a good little boy and sleaze on one of your friend’s girlfriends.

    Oh wait, you don’t have any friends… my bad!


    PS: For anyone thinking of taking MINE’99 up on his bribe to make a fool of yourself at Cliff’s Seminar, just know that SS products, when given away for free, are still overpriced.

  40. Scratch says:

    “Badboy HAS NO GAME…He is like Recoil..the Polish Prince..when women see Recoil they …..RECOIL!!!!

    Slavic FRAUDS!!!!”

    You have seen both in action?

  41. Ninja says:

    “Ah MINE’99, you silly, silly man. I see you’re unable to address Bishop’s accusations (the truth is funny like that)”

    “just know that SS products, when given away for free, are still overpriced.”


  42. C’mon, Thundy. You emailed the DYD “team”?

    You don’t have a private phone line to DeAngelo when you have hung out with him, promote his products on your site? Are supposed to believe you didn’t speak with him and this isn’t a line of official “denial” of the truth?

    Anyone who goes to the Catch Him And Keep Him website and reads the copy or gets on the email list and gets the “newsletters” will see it is entirely written by Mr. Pagan/DeAngelo. The syntax, writing style, manner of expression is a one for one match, and Mr. DeAngelo is lying or Thundy is lying or both.

    End of story.


    P.S. Once again, Bishop the Blubber..I mean, BLUFFER is shown to be full of shit. The only people speaking to me at the NYC seminar were happy students and none of Bishop’s “friends”, imaginary or otherwise, every showed up. Once again, he’s full of bacongrease.

    P.P.S. As someone revealed, Mr Pagan is also named as the document author when you open the file for How To Fire Your Wedding Planner e-book, which he promotes under the pen name Stephi Stewart.

  43. Thundercat says:

    ::rolls eyes::

    MINE’99, doesn’t being this petty ever get tiring?



    Paul, for the SECOND TIME you got the information wrong. I NEVER said ANYWHERE that I was having anyone speak to YOU at the NY seminar.
    Seem this further verifies that once you get an idea inside your head about someone, you have a knack for assuming that the idea you have in your head, is what you heard/read from the person. Hmm, you ARE getting close to 50 soon. Maybe you should have a CAT scan done, an MRI, and make sure they check for possible blood clots to the brain. All bullshit aside, you should at least think about it. I’m not one to bash a disabled guy.

    As for what took place this past weekend…

    The convinient thing about you letting people who attended the Speed Life seminar, come to any regular seminar of yours for free, is that I get to have spies, and you never even knew it! Apparently, according to him, one of your attendees was just not getting the whole “fractionation” thing, and you got frustrated. (Golly, how could I POSSIBLY have known about that since my friends are imaginary???) What’s the matter Paul? A GOOD teacher knows that not EVERYONE learns the same way, so sometimes you have to know your student better, so as to better teach them. (Building some personal rapport with them would help.) For a nominal fee, I could show you how it’s done properly.

    Oh, and by the way, it was 2 females I sent out to speak to your students, since it would have just looked to you and your “security” that your attendee was simply trying out your stuff. And they did exactly as I instructed them to, asking specific questions that I personaly wrote for them. They spoke with some Saturday evening, then some more around lunch on Sunday they said. From what they both tell me, you can expect some guys to be asking you some questions on some things that just don’t make sense to them right now, and you might be looking at some product refunds.Who knows? Oh, and apparently it looks like 2 of the guys bought from me. One last night, and the other just today. (According to the matching e-mail address the ladies gave me…I didn’t ask for them to get the e-mail addresses, the guys apparently all brought up the idea to stay in touch with the ladies via e-mail, and the ladies took it upon themselves to send me the e-mail addresses. And wouldn’t you know it, 2 of them matched!) I wasn’t expecting THAT, since the ladies voluntarily gave out my web site address. (I genuinely did NOT send them to promote ME, but to instead present some logical questions to these guys about you.)

    By the way, back to my seminar spy. He tells me you got some asian babe to laugh and to talk to you for a minute, but not long after that she made up some excuse to leave. But, wait, wasn’t Jimbo/Jumbo/Jackalope (I forget your “girlfriend’s” name) there at the seminar??? No? Hmm, that’s interesting.
    And I understand you were rubbing your right hand a lot during the seminar. You didn’t injure it or something, did you?

    Face it, Paul, I found a way to get a spy into your seminar, I found a way to ask your students specific questions, and I did it completely legally and ethically. The spy contacted ME and shared the info, I never aksed him to attend, nor to spy on you. The women, I did ask to talk to your attendees, but there’s nothing unethical about wanting a person’s opinion and asking them logical questions they might not have thought to ask themselves.

    Hey, you have a “psycho influence” seminar in Los Angeles coming up in July, right? Hmm…


  45. Justin says:

    Whine Whine Whine whine Whine whine whine.. I can’t believe how many people are complaining and fighting each other.. Could you not all go out and work on your skills or something.. I personally started out with the DYD stuff and have progressed very well. I even started my own site to help beginners like I once was.. If you guys are gonna bitch and complain swing a fist and get it over with.

  46. Ninja says:


    I won’t reveal if I am THAT spy who attended the NY seminar or not. You will never find me out! It could be me, it could not be me.


  47. Johnny says:

    From Bishop:

    “But if you believe in being yourself no matter what, leaving the woman with a positive memory of your interaction and furthering yourself as a human being, then Bishop is the teacher for you.”

    How did breaking and entering your ex’s place fit into that belief system?

  48. In response to “Johnny” who wrote:

    ~From Bishop:

    “But if you believe in being yourself no matter what, leaving the woman with a positive memory of your interaction and furthering yourself as a human being, then Bishop is the teacher for you.”

    How did breaking and entering your ex’s place fit into that belief system?~

    Another example of Ross and his incorrect facts.
    Anyway, first of all, that quote at the beginning is not mine. It’s a very accurate description of what I do, but I didn’t write it.
    Second, despite his great paralegal “knowledge” Ross has long gotten my true legal matters so very wrong. There was no breaking and entering by me, nor was I ever convicted of breaking and entering.

    Your choice of phrasing looks remarkably like the writing of Tom Vagina, I mean, Tom Vizzini. So this was either written by Tom, Ross, or Ms. McFartland. Care to fess up, or would you rather remain cowering behind a fake name?

  49. Rick Herera says:

    “writing of Tom Vagina, I mean, Tom Vizzini”

    Whats wrong with Vzzinni..other than the fact he is stinkin’ greaseball,

  50. YoshiNet says:

    i find this disqussion rather amusing.

    do you thinq i really give a fuq about who says and thinqs what about someone else if some chiq is suqqing my diq?

    my mission statement is to enhance the lives of those who appreciate my presence. i’ve enriched the lives of many people already and i hope to qontinu doing so in the future.

    whether that person is BadBoy, or a guy who offers me great hospitality, or any other guy sincerely thanqing me for being the way i am, or just happening to be around – i intend to threat another no different from how i would liqe to be treathed myself.

    now if you are more qonsidered about other people’s affairs than your own, i suggest it is time for some rethinqing ain’t it?

    i do not PU chiqs. i find extraordinairy people. i’ve been luqy to have found some already.

    hope to see u soon!

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