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Bishop & MINE’99, At It Again!

April 18, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Seems Bishop and MINE’99 are once again crossing swords, this time in my post about the upcoming Cliff’s List Seminar.  After responding to a poster who claimed MINE’99 hasn’t made any advancement in years, MINE’99 listed his rather sub-standard product catalogue, which Bishop then took the opportunity to spank…

Bishop writes:
In response the defendent, Ross, who wrote:

""Going 7 years back to 1998 we have:

LA Frame Control videos 1999
DC 2000 Seminar Videos 2000
Palo Alto 2002 Hyper Response videos
Beyond Confidence
Fear Into Charisma
Advanced Irresistible Arousal""

LA Frame Control:
Is that the one where you recited the "Two Eyes" poem? Okay, you’re
right, that was previously only available in written form, so THAT was
an advancement.

DC 2000:
More like Major Mark’s finest moment than yours. Oh, wait, isn’t that
the videos where several times you mention "Bishop’s Journal" with such
high praise, and say that it’s the best example of combining
traditional patterning with the "new" stuff? But, I thought "Bishop’s
Journal" was a fake??? How can something fake be the best example of
your materiels???

Palo Alto 2002:
You used MY "fractionation" technique as your foundation, so it wasn’t
your advancement, it was piggybacking on MINE. Oh, okay, you found an
alternate way of doing the powerful self exercise.

Beyond Confidence:
Okay, so you found yet ANOTHER alternate way to have people step into
their ideal self. Hardly an advancement. (Unless you count advancing

Fear into Charisma:
From what I read in the ad copy, you pretty much combined my stuff,
David D’s, and Mystery’s. So where is YOUR contribution to it???

Advanced Irrisitible Arousal:
My fractionation techniques you used in Palo Alto 2002, Bishop’s
Journal, my Methods & Masters CD, Advanced Double Your Dating, and
reworded old stuff just repackaged as a new product.

Come on, Paul, are you REALLY expecting people to not notice these things????

""That’s 6 products right off the top, Bunky. Now, in the years you
have been involved with this, how many products did you actually manage
to complete? Hmmm?""

Five. And based on your products since then, apparently they had an
influence on you.(I can’t wait to see what you "borrow" as your own
when I release "The Fire of Seduction" But I have news for you; you
won’t find any SS materiels anywhere in it, so you’re going to have to
think for yourself, "bunky")

""Creating an inferno? I knew you broke into a house, but I didn’t
know arson was one of your great loves too. Please tell me you are just
using a metaphor, Mikey.""

There is yet another case of you making a libel statement. I was never charged nor convicted of breaking into a home.
Speaking of my legal matters; It’s a good thing I was a fraud and my
book was full of fiction, or else one might get the idea that I had the
hypnotic and infuential ability to get my former cellmates to come
visit people who don’t behave. Good thing THAT could never happen, me
being a fraud and all.

By the way, I thought you said Major Mark stopped speaking at your
seminars because he wanted to focus on his own company. Hmm, so why
does he speak at all those DeAngelo seminars??? How’s the new
attendance at the seminars been since he left?
By the way, did Yates make sure to get someone to eliminate the nearly
dozen mentions of me and my book, in the DC 2000 videos? If not,
excellent free advertising, thanX!

It’s a well known fact that MINE’99 isn’t the most "original" person in the world.  His initial products were based on NLP fundamentals he certainly didn’t invent.  And since then, he’s taken all the good stuff from former students and put his claim to it.  Hell, I’m surprized he’s not claiming he invented Yoga too.  I think Bishop’s post points this out better than anything (and this is coming from a guy who was in the top inner circle of SS!  Seriously, you don’t get any deeper than he was).

Get Your Free Guide Here!


4,075 Responses to “Bishop & MINE’99, At It Again!”
  1. Icewind says:

    Ross is slowing fading away and he knows it. The man really derserves respect no matter how much he acts a fool. The best thing for Ross would be to team up with all the new guys instead of fighting them. Ross, you aren’t very smart in that area are you? Too pigheaded to realize its the only thing that will save you.


  2. Ninja says:

    I’m still not sure if both Ross and Bishop are colluding to hype up their products. Tomorrow Bishop says Fire of Seduction comes out, how convenient he gets a new thread on one of the most widely read seduction blogs on the net by speaking sensationally.

    Have you all noticed how Ross’s and Bishop’s reframes are similar almost to the point of being written by the same person. Sure, they told us to use Michael Hall and Mind Lines for reframing, but I get the sense that one of these guys taught the other one how to do it right and since Ross is no pioneer by any means, just a borrower of other people’s tools, I would venture to guess it is Bishop who taught Ross much of what he knows like he claims in this new thread. But “fractionation” is a stretch to claim credit for, it’s a hypnosis term.

    I just found out that the SRT technology Ross was supposed to have “pioneered” was borrowed from Bandler and his Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning using the feeling of flows in your body to figure out what that “first signal” in your body is etc….. Don’t believe me? Download the NHR videos by Bandler from the net freely available to you and see it for yourselves. Not hard to figure it out after watching Bandler in action. Bandler actually says, “the first signal in your body,” and Bandler is actually REALLY fun to watch as you laugh all the way through the videos unlike the mundane hours you have to sit through OTHER products.

    Bishop, you’d better deliver on Fire of Seduction with all this free press you are getting and no “printing” errors allowed this time either. I for one am routing for you and hoping you are for real unlike OTHER people we speak of in the community who aren’t able to confirm they actually get laid by SEXY women.

  3. For the truth about Speed Seduction and what it can do for you, click here:

    Please note the guys telling their own success stories in their own words.

    Judge if they are doing it on THEIR looks or on pure skill.

    Decide for yourself what works and what doesn’t.

    I am the only person putting videos of his real students, telling their real success stories of how THEY used the system and had success, often after years of nothing but failure doing what they had been doing.

    No other person teaching has this on their sites. Why is that?


  4. YouMeSex? says:

    Because you are the originator!

  5. not says:

    “Please note the guys telling their own success stories in their own words.”

    It’s not really about the few success stories that you have. I think what’s more important is the success stories that you don’t have. You have been giving seminars since 1994 and you have to post this kind of pathetic proof. (

    “No other person teaching has this on their sites. Why is that?”

    Because they don’t have to. There is something called a repuation. YOU have to post video testimonials because no one is talking about your products. If your stuff was that good people would be recommending your stuff everywhere and you’d have a reputation like Deangelo has. See how everybody raves about Deangelo’s seminars and products. No one is talking about your newest products. Go inside and ask yourself why.

    Stop wasting your time online posting crap like this ( and go take a DYD seminar, RSD or Mystery Method workshop and get good at getting girls (or maybe even find that one special woman and raise a family).

  6. J says:

    Thundercat, why do you even make posts about drama like this. Its funny once in awhile, but it gets old quick. Personally, I don’t really care about RJ or Bishop, and the feud between both of them is just creating hype for their products. If you hate RJ so much, just forget about him and act like he doesnt exist. Don’t post anything about him at all on your site. It’ll fuck him up more in the long run, than making cracks at eachother back and forth. Its cool once in awhile, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. This seduction site is turning into a big soap opera.

  7. In response to “Ninja” to wrote:

    “I’m still not sure if both Ross and Bishop are colluding to hype up their products. Tomorrow Bishop says Fire of Seduction comes out, how convenient he gets a new thread on one of the most widely read seduction blogs on the net by speaking sensationally.”

    I have always been an honorable man, and that continues. Yes, I fully admit, I did it for the publicity. Yes, I did it because “The Fire of Seduction” comes out this week (though it’s delayed due to the audio files being marklars!)I admit to all that. Why the hell shouldn’t I? IT WORKS!

    But even more importantly, I’m half past give a sh*t with Ross and his apparent need to now use my name in his posts as promotion for himself, after all these years of calling me a fraud. But, I got it out of my system, and can poop normally again.

    “Have you all noticed how Ross’s and Bishop’s reframes are similar almost to the point of being written by the same person. Sure, they told us to use Michael Hall and Mind Lines for reframing, but I get the sense that one of these guys taught the other one how to do it right and since Ross is no pioneer by any means, just a borrower of other people’s tools, I would venture to guess it is Bishop who taught Ross much of what he knows like he claims in this new thread. But “fractionation” is a stretch to claim credit for, it’s a hypnosis term.”

    Is it reframing, or is it clarifying in a more logical way? D’oh, I’m reframing again. The truth is, “Mind-Lines” is an excellent education that I recommend to everyone who wants to be be effective at reframing a woman’s bitchy comments.
    And I wasn’t claiming credit for “fractionation” I was pointing out that the fractionation Ross uses in those videos is based on the style of fractionation I brought to the comunity.

    “Bishop, you’d better deliver on Fire of Seduction with all this free press you are getting and no “printing” errors allowed this time either. I for one am routing for you and hoping you are for real unlike OTHER people we speak of in the community who aren’t able to confirm they actually get laid by SEXY women.”

    No printing errors, but there IS an audio issue. Which is why the product will not be sold until it is corerected to my satisfaction. BUT, if you were already signed up on my AlphaList, I had “Alfie” send out a free 2 chapter peek to whet your appetite in the meantime.

    In closing let me share a lovely little tear jerking comment I read once: “People don’t take the time to appreciate the simple things in life. When someone pisses you off, it takes 43 muscles to frown, but only four muscles to raise up your hand, reach out, and bitch slap the mother f*cker upside the head.”


  8. Mark Cunningham says:

    Mike, I’ve attended exactly one (1) DYD seminar — and that because I was in San Diego immediately before, got the invite from Mr. DeAngelo since I was on the appropriate coast, and I thought it would be interesting.

    While it’s amusing to watch you and Ross pull dominant primate games with each other, I ask that when you mention me you stick with the easily ascertainable facts.

    – Mark

  9. In reply to Mark,who wrote:

    “While it’s amusing to watch you and Ross pull dominant primate games with each other, I ask that when you mention me you stick with the easily ascertainable facts.”

    My error. I stand corrected. That’s what I get for not doing my research.


  10. Ninja says:

    “For the truth about Speed Seduction and what it can do for you, click here:

    Guys, go visit his site and pay particular attention to the 2 UG’s in his new video Secrets to Advanced Irresitable Arousal as they are indicative of the low quality women you will attract.The new advancements are 3 binding questions using the Twin Brothers Pattern and have that anchored to you using your fingers, WOW what an advancement! Man did you give me the creeps as you stared into the Brazilian’s eyes.

    “Mike, I’ve attended exactly one (1) DYD seminar — and that because I was in San Diego immediately before, got the invite from Mr. DeAngelo since I was on the appropriate coast, and I thought it would be interesting…………– Mark”

    Hey, The Major is on the boards. Let me take this opportunity to plug your new Beyond Seduction DVD series which goes directly to the heart of our problems, inner game. I’m plugging you, so to speak, because I saw the world through new eyes having gone through the DC2000 set. Man, Ross was so outdone by the Major in that set it’s a wonder what Ross would’ve done without him. Oh wait, we already know, Ross is fading.Fading.And fading. Yates is so 3rd tier in teaching with a voice that drones on and on. Did Ross lose the perfect co-trainer or what? He’s got this new sampson the emperor bitch telling us that if we’re still on the fence about going to his seminar, that Sampson will be there! In a few years Ross will tell you that not only did he make Major Mark from Mauimee Ohio famous, but he did so with Sampson the Emperor!

    Hey Major, now that we’re all here amongst this close knit community, would you care to tell us what the REAL reason was that you and Ross decided to part ways? We don’t believe what Ross has said on that subject about you. Defend your honor, Major.

    “No printing errors, but there IS an audio issue. Which is why the product will not be sold until it is corerected to my satisfaction. BUT, if you were already signed up on my AlphaList, I had “Alfie” send out a free 2 chapter peek to whet your appetite in the meantime.”

    Bishop Bishop Bishop, this cannot happen a second time! Get this worked out and make some motherfucking history.

  11. Jason says:

    Hey Bish, give us a quick overview of what your fractionation technique was.. was it the warmth builder? Cause Im pretty sure Ross took his latest signal recognition stuff from Tom Vizzini’s 3d mind.

    I agree on some points you make here:

    “Palo Alto 2002:
    You used MY “fractionation” technique as your foundation, so it wasn’t your advancement, it was piggybacking on MINE. Oh, okay, you found an alternate way of doing the powerful self exercise.”

    The pa2002 course consists of basic beliefs, the signal recognition technology (and how to bring it up) a few themes on the 4 levels of the mind and indulgence, the magical self ritual (which is pretty much the same as the one on his gold walkups cd) and a small section on walkups. I think overall, this is his best course out of his entire catalog. I cant see anything on this course that he lifted from you (unless you provide more info on what your fractionation technique was)

    “Beyond Confidence:
    Okay, so you found yet ANOTHER alternate way to have people step into their ideal self. Hardly an advancement. (Unless you count advancing sales)”

    This course talks about lingustics and you learn some breathing rituals, then ross works one on one with guys in the audience. I think overall it could have been cut down to one tape (lingustics & clearing ritual). It doesn’t feature the magical self ritual at all (unlike what he says in his marketing) and also one of the guys he works with and supposedly fixes appears on the pa2002 tapes saying he still cant approach women… hmm.

    “Fear into Charisma:
    From what I read in the ad copy, you pretty much combined my stuff, David D’s, and Mystery’s. So where is YOUR contribution to it???”

    You’re wrong here. The fear into charisma tape features an exercise that can be found on the palo alto tapes (albeit with an additional section added on at the end) and then the final half hour is ross going through some new beliefs which I found to be quite helpful. Nothing of DYD/Mystery or yours on this one.

    “Advanced Irrisitible Arousal:
    My fractionation techniques you used in Palo Alto 2002, Bishop’s Journal, my Methods & Masters CD, Advanced Double Your Dating, and reworded old stuff just repackaged as a new product. ”

    This tape consists of going over Ross’s “Twin Brothers” routine (that you can find on masf) he then does some work on body sensations (hyper emperia), subtle ways of bringing up the srt, and then finishs off with the best places to touch a women. Again there is nothing on this tape thats lifted from you, DYD or Mystery.

    I think overall the only product that features stuff that you created is the DC2000 course, which Major Mark pretty much dominates.

    Just giving Ross his fair dues.

  12. Jason says:

    “Guys, go visit his site and pay particular attention to the 2 UG’s in his new video Secrets to Advanced Irresitable Arousal as they are indicative of the low quality women you will attract.”

    Come on man, that brazilian women was pretty hot, I’d give her at least a 8/9 (she has a great ass) The Kenyan woman was about a 6.

    Where did you see Marks beyond seduction dvd’s? I cant find them on his site.

  13. Ninja says:

    “Cause Im pretty sure Ross took his latest signal recognition stuff from Tom Vizzini’s 3d mind.”

    And Vizzini took this from Robert Dilts – Tools for Dreamers, if my memory serves.

    Does the lifting of other people’s materials, repackaging it, and calling it your own ever end?

  14. Ninja says:

    “Come on man, that brazilian women was pretty hot, I’d give her at least a 8/9 (she has a great ass) The Kenyan woman was about a 6.”

    Both of them were a 4 or 5 on my scale. Absolutely NOTHING BREATHTAKING about either of them. If you saw them walking down the street, you’d probably not take a second look at either of them. The Brazilian was pimple faced and I’ve spanked better asses.

    “Where did you see Marks beyond seduction dvd’s? I cant find them on his site.”

    That’s right, I had to plug him because he mentioned it in his interview with Thundercat. Those DVD’s are not on his site, you have to call up and order them yourself. If you want to pay due respect or fair dues, pay it to Major Mark for his DC2000 performance on that set. Ross gets credit for taking credit from his students because he is the only one making money off of them. I’m sure none of them are receiving royalty checks for their name or their techniques being mentioned in his videos.

  15. In response to “Jason” who wrote:

    “Hey Bish, give us a quick overview of what your fractionation technique was.. was it the warmth builder? Cause Im pretty sure Ross took his latest signal recognition stuff from Tom Vizzini’s 3d mind.”

    A quick overview of how I started it, would be that I surpise them with a different approach (like maybe asking her opinion or challenging her or making them laugh), change the feeling by going in a different direction (like asking basic questions, or making an observation, or quoting someone), come back to something funny or challenging or get her opinion again, change it to something basic or general again, then continue this until I notice that I really got her attention, at which time I would get her feeling more sensual things, then stop and do something unsensual, then come back and do something sensual or funny, and alternate between good feelings and busting her balls, until I get her worked up, at which time I challenge her/walk away from her and she takes action or “convinces” me to stay and I close the deal.

    That was later integrated into my technique “The Warmth Builder,” where I used SYMBOL fractionation. I had HER create the symbol,Then I “put it” in her body, then I gradually began moving it up (increase) then stopping at a specific body part (withholding having more) let her validate liking it, then moving it (increase) then stopping again on a body part (witholding having more) and letting her validate wanting more, and so on.

    As for “3D Mind” that concept is not a Vizzini creation. All he’s basically doing is having you alternate taking stuff out of feelings and relacing them with other things. It’s the very old method of quitting an addition by replacing it with something that gives you the same level of enjoyment. I’ll give him credit though, in between him laughing at his own jokes, he DOES present a pretty good method.

    As for the products, I actually only have seen the DC 2000 videos, and heard the Palo Alto 2002 CDs (plus some of his students have given me a basic rundown of what’s in them)But based on the gist of the ad copy, I can pretty much figure out what he’s using.

    And, understand that many of the things I came up with, I was asked by Ross to not share with the students, as he felt it was too dangerous (Like my symbol fractionation, which you hear Ross say many times in the DC 2000 videos was something he wasn’t going to teach. Why do you think he keeps mentioning me on those videos so much? It’s because he’s thinking of me, because I’m one of the sources!)

    He and I use to brainstorm all the time together. There are things I foolishly let him take credit for, out of loyalty and friendship. In all fairness, there were some things he and I actually BOTH came up with. That whole “Is he just filling a role, or fulfilling your needs?” line, he and I both created in collaboration, while having lunch at The Cheesecake Factory one day.

    The truth is, if Ross wants to call ME a fraud, and attack MY abilities, and not give ME credit for the things I gave him that he turned into products, I’ll gladly pit my abilities against his. I welcome a one-on-one sarge off with him. No money, just a full apology for the lies and altered truths he was spewing about me in my absence, an admission to all the things I brought to SS in secret, and a bag of Skittles (Okay, so I’m selfish. Blow me!) This is not a “challenge” per se, as much as it’s putting HIS words about me to the ultimate test. If he stands by his claim that I made up the stories in “Bishop’s Journal” and that I’m a fraud, then this should be a non-brainer for him to want to do.
    Either way, Ross loses. If he passes on my offer, he’s going to be seen as scared.If he takes me up on the offer, he’s going to be shamefully outdone. Hell, I’ll even do it in his own neighborhood, he can have the homefield advantage! I don’t even care if he “plants” women to try and win, I’ll STILL end up beating him!
    There, I think I’ve effectively expressed MY confidence against Ross.
    Now let’s see if he’s got the ability to take his face out from inside a certain little creature’s ass long enough to respond.


  16. Ninja says:

    “I’ll gladly pit my abilities against his. I welcome a one-on-one sarge off with him.”

    Ok, I see you are going for more free publicity before Friday with The Fire of Seduction coming out, but I like the angle and I’m sure this will get a new thread with an eye-catching headline. This drama has just gotten more exciting and I hope you rip him a new a-hole!

  17. In response to “Ninja” who wrote:

    “Ok, I see you are going for more free publicity before Friday with The Fire of Seduction coming out,”

    The truth is, I want Ross to put his google where his mouth is. He bad mouthed me for the last 4 years, I dismissed it as his reaction to thinking I betrayed him and his students. He bad mouthed me when I returned. I had fun with it. But then he screwed up. He pulled a 180 by using my name in his self promotion of how all of us lone Jedi are effective because he made us that way. You can’t call me a fraud, attempt to undermine my return, then suddenly use me as your “ad copy” when you don’t get to go to the party with the rest of us cool kids. But, I gave him the chance to back off from using me in his self-aggrandizing posts, using his own favorite technique: Threatening legal action. He called my bluff. So, as I was preparing to draw up the papers, I was struck by a better idea. He’s doing this in the seduction community, so I’ll take to the “court” of the seduction community, in the form of calling him out. I will meet him anywhere, at anytime, and we can spend any weekend doing a sargefest. As I said before, I’ll even do this in Marina Del Rey, I don’t mind. I just want to shut him the f*ck up, and leave me out of his self promotions.

    I give him full credit for showing guys like me the way in seduction. I take nothing away from having gotten my start through what he taught. But it’s time for me to prove who REALLY came up with many of the thinhs he claims to be his. I recently sent Cliff a FREE chapter from “The Fire of Seduction” explaining “reading a woman’s energy” in real world terms. Ross can’t say I stole it from him, because if HE had figured out the process, it would have been in HIS product, not mine! After all, I was out of the community for 4 years! So when Cliff posts it, read it, and YOU decide.

    “but I like the angle and I’m sure this will get a new thread with an eye-catching headline. This drama has just gotten more exciting and I hope you rip him a new a-hole!”

    Actually the only headline I want, is one from Ross officially retracting his libel (Did I spell it right this time, Paul?)statements, giving credit to all those who helped to advance SS (EVERYONE, not just me)and what they contributed, and I still want that damn bag of Skittles!

    So all I have left to say is this: Ross, can you hear me NOW?


  18. phpeters87 says:

    Ross has no room for complaining, as he lifted much of his stuff from Tony Robbins, Bandler & Schindler etc…

    Then customized it for seduction, for which I do give him credit.

  19. Davey says:

    “But, I gave him the chance to back off from using me in his self-aggrandizing posts, using his own favorite technique: Threatening legal action. He called my bluff. So, as I was preparing to draw up the papers, I was struck by a better idea. He’s doing this in the seduction community, so I’ll take to the “court” of the seduction community”

    *sniff sniff* I smell shit!

  20. Figures says:

    Well looks like fire of seduction isn’t on sale as was promised. Wonder how many excuses we’ll hear before its out…if it ever is. You would think after the first debacle one would learn.


  21. Evan says:

    Doesn’t this just remind you of the walk off on Zoolander?

  22. zuzu says:

    I got an email today…Bishop’s new product is available.

  23. Ninja says:

    I hope it’s WAY better than Speed Seduction.

    He should start an affiliate program going with Thundercat and FastSeduction to get the business moving along.

  24. In response to “figures” who wrote:

    “Well looks like fire of seduction isn’t on sale as was promised. Wonder how many excuses we’ll hear before its out…if it ever is. You would think after the first debacle one would learn.


    If you were on my AlphaList, you learned it was changed to a Thursday launch, which is when it indeed launched.

    In response to “Ninja” who wrote:

    “I hope it’s WAY better than Speed Seduction.

    He should start an affiliate program going with Thundercat and FastSeduction to get the business moving along.”

    I’ll let YOU decide about what it’s better than.
    As for affiliations, already in the works


  25. Jason says:

    Hey Bish, is the audio course different from the ebook or are you dictating it?

  26. In response to “Jason” who wrote:

    “Hey Bish, is the audio course different from the ebook or are you dictating it?”

    No dictating at all. It’s a nearly 7 hour mixture of me touching on some things not covered in the book, expanding on things from the book, various theory and observations and techniques, and some exercises.

    If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me directly at
    or for a quicker response, contact my product update person “Alfie” at

    By the way, since you asked this question in Thundercat’s Lair, if you let me know your real e-mail address and buy the course, I’ll be sending him the same payment as if he were an affiliate already.

    Come on, you want to see Thundy make some cash off this, don’t you? Buy it! Don’t diss him like that!
    LOL (no pressure at all)


  27. wolfsbane says:

    Bishop is the monkey, rattling the tin cup while Ross grinds away on his organ.

    Why does Thundercat allow this sideshow on his blog?

    Can’t anyone else see the spam dance these two clowns are doing to promote themselves?

    I bet they are back to “dating” each other and have been ever since Bishop got out of jail.

    Bishop, do you get a percentage of the sales you generate for Ross by mentioning him on this blog?

    Ross, how much of a cut do you get from Bishop’s new product?

    Thundercat, are you part of this scam?

    The Wolfsbane

  28. Anonymous says:

    wolfsbane graduates from Conspiracy Theory 101 and tries out some new material

  29. Wolfsbane says:

    Conspiracy? No, I just see patterns(no pun intended) where you guys get scammed.

    Bishop keeps saying he doesn’t want anything to do with Ross, but yet he keeps find new ways to bring him up.

    Ross keeps saying he doesn’t care about Bishop or Thundercat but he can’t stop posting.

    Thundercat plays like he hates Ross, but he mentions him like every day. I don’t think he means half of what he says, but it is good for blog traffic. Ross is Thundercat’s perpetual Michael Jackson trial. Good distraction from lack of original content.

    All of these guys are full of shit.

    The Wolfsbane

  30. What’s the matter, Wolfsbane? Got picked last on a team one too many times, now everything’s a conspiracy?
    I like how you say we’re full of shit and keep bringing each other up, and yet you’re doing the exact same thing. Thanks for the frequent mentioning of my name, saves my tired fingers from all that typing, and keeps my name out there.
    Your consipracy theory check is in the mail…or is it? LOL


  31. Anonymous says:


    Patterns? lol The gap from your observations to your conclusions is so massive, you could park all of Texas in it.

    So if your claiming other people are full of shit, I’d guess you’d be the one to know.

    Hey, my mistake, it wasn’t Conspiracy 101, it was Hypocrisy 303.

  32. well? says:

    Anyone got it yet?… it good or just gibba-gabber?

  33. Shaking my head says:

    This debate is hilarious. I think there should be a Final Conflict where all the masters try to out hypnotize each other and we will only then find out the winner. My guess is it instead would end up being an unintentional comedy, coming off like the cartoon where the competing sorcerers try to out-sorcerize each other.

    The other thing I observe on this board is some people are spending too much time posting and not enough time getting laid. STFU and have fun with life instead of comparing cock length.

  34. Chris says:

    RE the following:

    Ross is slowing fading away and he knows
    it. The man really deserves respect no matter how much he acts a fool. The best thing for Ross would be to team up with all the new guys instead of fighting them. Ross, you aren’t very smart in that area are you? Too pigheaded to realize its the only thing that will save you.


    Let’s assume that Ross IS pig headed, and acts a fool. I would agree. LOL. Still, commercially, I don’t think he’s doing any worse for it. I attended his seminar and there were many “newbies” that paid his asking price for his seminar. Further when asked why they paid often higher prices to come to his seminar they told me repeatedly “I wanted to go to the best.” I’ve seen DYD’s stuff and it seems more like he’s running out of steam. I don’t disagree that his 2002 Adv Dating product is an excellent product. Still, since, how remarkable have his products been? Say, check out his recent release “Cocky Comedy?” How impressed will YOU be? Or will you be impressed with the reports that he’s switching his instruction to help women find a man that isn’t a PUA? Bishops latest e-book hmmmm… will you be impressed with that too? Maybe it’s my fascination with NLP and language patterns, but I don’t care if Ross’ material is or isn’t THE best, or IS, the shit is fun, and often fun to watch. What the hell determines THE best material anyhow? Its like Riker says about rating women either their good enough for you or they’re not and that’s all the rating you need to concern yourself with. Similarly, either the system is for you or its not. If you don’t like to play that way, then don’t. Do something different. Do several systems.

    Ross and his antics work for him. He may act and ass, he may be egotistical, but his seminars and instruction in their presentation ROCK. He continues to draw some 10 years into it full seminars several times a year. I know guys who have looked at all the material out there and almost all of them will say they integrate part of what Ross is teaching into what they do. And further they want to see more of Ross’ material if only to pick up another example of what he already did presented in a slightly different way. You’re not going to get that kind of draw with every trainer. Some do stand out. Some tend to maintain more attention. It’s almost like Bandler in NLP. Many say he isn’t original anymore and that he’s more about entertainment now. Still, Bandler draws top dollar as ancient as he is. Maybe you don’t see Ross in this light, but ask yourself, why are you even reading this post? It’s like Muhammad Ali once said in answer to a question asking what percentage of people do you think came to see you fight (vs. the apposing fighter). He said, 100% came to see me. 1% came to see me win, and 99% came to see me get beat. If you’re at or read this post, then you do the math. I’m interested in all the PUA material. Still, my bias suggests that it still pays dividends to listen to Ross if only along side some other brothers. Like him or not, he puts it together in a way that few can. You don’t have to even like him to want to learn from him. Hey, did Bishop report watching the PA2002 vids? Much respect Ross. Much respect to your endeavors in spite of the fact that you are the temperamental ass that you are. Bishop, I hope your products stand up. There is room for more out there. Riker, I plan on getting you Language Pattern’s product—make it good. Strange that after all these years Riker still recognizes there is a market for presenting a language patterns product. Would he do this if he knew that Ross’ marketability is on the downswing to associate so strongly with him by presenting products even now that are so intimately tied to SS? Hmmm… why didn’t he take DD’s offer to join his camp? Hey at some point I’d love to go to a Real Social Dynamics boot camp/seminar or whatever they call it. But, I still know there’s still a very lively market for Ross. Feel how you’re gonna feel about Ross. Bet he’ll still be there next year in spite of some serious personal family issues goin’ on with his family and probably years after that. We’ll still see these posts about when Ross’ time is gonna run out. Disagree, agree, pick me words apart… whatever.

  35. Ricardo says:

    Somebody can send me the Twin Brothers patter trancripted or the part about the kisses.

  36. Geese Howard says:

    You know what, fuck! RJ is like the fricken origionator of all these Guru’s and workshops and whatever.

    There are posts by Mystery in the mASF archives before Mystery even had a seminar asking RJ for advice.

    Many of the guys doing seminars now started out learning from RJ including this Bishop catfish, so whats the problem?

    The fact that Bishop took the time to actually write a play-by-play response to every bullet RJ wrote is very sad and supplicating in and of itself. Even further TC took the time to also react and post this post hoping he could do the usual one-upmanship ladder climbing technique that he seems so fond of.

    Listen, just because you shit on someone better than you doesn’t make other people assume you are legitimate.

    This whole Idea of, “Well if I act like I disagree with someone who has game then other people will think that means I am some type of authority on the issue and assume I too have game.” is just frickin lame.

    That shit worked on the old prodigy message boards when the internet first came out but It’s a little old now.

  37. Ninja says:

    This whole Idea of, “Well if I act like I disagree with someone who has game then other people will think that means I am some type of authority on the issue and assume I too have game.” is just frickin lame.

    That shit worked on the old prodigy message boards when the internet first came out but It’s a little old now.

    Tell that to RJ

  38. Ricardo says:

    Geese and Ninja. These words were very beautiful and magical, But what I want to know is…
    The transcript of “Twin Brothers” Pattern/routine.

    If anyone want help me or give me a hand, I’d be very glad.

    Or just Email me at

    I saw one post saying about this pattern on MASF, but I can’t Found nothing about it.


  39. Ninja says:

    These words were very beautiful and magical, But what I want to know is…
    The transcript of “Twin Brothers” Pattern/routine

    You know what’s really beautiful and magical? P2P and Bittorrent. Contact community friends and have someone help you learn how to use it so you can get material just by downloading it, Emule is the way. You obviously aren’t going to spend money on the videos so it doesn’t hurt anyone, only helps you to watch the material you are looking for and find out that it’s not the holy grail you seem to think it is. A bunch of other guys on here have mentioned P2P sites and that’s where I got my start. Start searching

  40. Snake says:

    Whether you hate of love the Bishop, he’s telling the truth about Ross copying his methods. Ross acted like he invented the symbol fractionation and many other techniques that were in Bishop’s material like Bishop’s Journal. Ross is so paranoid about people selling his products but the fact is that they aren’t even his. He stole them from Bandler, Michael Hall (who happens to be a good friend), Major Mark, Bishop, Rick H., etc., etc. All Ross did was coin the term Speed Seduction and get trademarks for it so he could then sell it. His seminars are very boring! I took notes from the Palo Alto seminar and I only have about 4-5 pages. That is robbery! I’m glad I didn’t pay for the DVD’s!

  41. mark says:

    okay i think your all mad, actually not in a good way, in a push/pull way

  42. C says:

    I will note that the link to The RealBishop’s page is DEAD. And domain name registration runs a paltry $10/year. So if “winning” this debate include business longevity and the judgement of the marketplace, game, set, and match to Ross.

  43. Johna391 says:

    I like what you guys are up too. This kind of clever work and exposure! fkkbceedeffd

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