The Sexiness Ceiling Has Been Raised For Men – Older = Sexy

September 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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Good news for all you guys out there pushing 50

WOMEN now find men sexy right up to the age of 55, a study shows.

That’s ten years older than the “limit” set by females three decades ago.

It means fellas in that age range – which includes balding Die Hard film hunk Bruce Willis, 55 – can still pull in girls.

But once they reach 56 – like movie star John Travolta – they become “invisible” to the opposite sex, the poll suggests. Three in four women are now also happy to date bald men, compared with half in the 1980s. Four in five don’t mind dating chaps with a slight paunch. Women told researchers older men were becoming sexier as they worked harder to keep in shape and wear better clothes.

In the ’80s, girls considered men “past it” aged just 45.

Debenhams quizzed more than 1,000 people. A spokeswoman said: “Older men no longer look or act like grandads. They often look at least ten years younger than they really are.”

So I guess it comes down to how you dress and act.  Both of which are factors any man has COMPLETE control over.  So knowing stuff about pop culture, doing things that are fun and interesting, dressing nice, and being sensitive to a woman’s reality works just as well in your 50′s as it does in your 20′s.

Good to know.