How NOT To Try And Pick Up A Mom…

August 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

A female poster by the name of Lovergirl over on mASF had some choice advice about how not to go about picking up women with kids…

Lovergirl writes:
Okay, as some of you know I have 5 kids so this is a big pet peeve of mine. I absolutely HATE it when men (loudly) try to get my phone number IN FRONT OF MY CHILDREN. WTF are they thinking??? I don’t care WHO it is, what they look like, their approach or anything, if my kids are RIGHT THERE LISTENING I cannot give my phone number to you!! Good lord!!

Yesterday I was at the grocery store loading my bags into the van and this guy walks up to me and asks me for GAS MONEY (claiming he had run out…which is pretty damn lame to begin with, who wants to get with a broke ass man in the first place.. but I think that was just a way to talk to me because there were a zillion other people in the parking lot and he wasn’t bothering any of them and he went straight to trying to talk to me when I told him NO I didn’t have any money…good god!) He starts going on about how much he likes my hair and how beautiful he thinks I am, blah blah and my kids are all climbing in and sitting right where they can HEAR him. He asked for my phone number and I said no and that I have 5 kids (hint, hint, they are sitting RIGHT THERE) and so he is like “I don’t care about that!” and won’t let up!! I had to say no like 3 or 4 times and I was probably turning about 5 shades of red it was sooo embarrassing to me in front of my KIDS. Then of course I have to explain to them that Mommy does not give her phone number to random guys in parking lots! I mean, seriously, how would that make my kids feel if they were to see me do that?? THINK PEOPLE before you do something like that!

Okay, I’m done…lol It’s just that it is NOT the first time this has happened to me and I do not get what men are thinking. If you are going to talk to a woman and her kids are there at least talk quietly and take her aside where they cannot hear what you are saying. Use some common sense!

Think of the kids!  Good lord – THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!


Honestly, I got nothing against single mothers.  But sweet Jesus – 5 KIDS???  You should be thankful you’re getting approached at all, lady.  (I’m just sayin’.)