Erika Awakening Doesn’t Know What It Means When A Girl Dresses Sexy…

August 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

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So I just got done reading the latest post on Erika Awakening’s blog.  A reader wrote in with a simple question – what does it mean when a woman dresses sexy?  Sounds like a simple enough question.  In fact, here’s the missive in it’s entirety:

Hi, Erika -

I would very much like to get your perspective on this, and I thank you in advance for your time and advice.

Anyway, here it is: what I would like to know is when a woman leaves her house to go out – whether it be on an evening or just thru the day – does the way she dress give any clues whether she is looking to hook-up or not? For example, if a girl goes out showing a little more cleavage than usual, or her skirt is an inch or two higher than normal, or if she is wearing a little more make-up, is that significant? Or does a girl dress sexily primarily to just feel good about herself, or even to impress her female friends?

In addition, is a woman always aware of herself, the way she is looking, and the way she is portraying herself? By which I mean, if a woman crosses her legs in a man’s company and ends up showing a little too much leg, or has an extra button undone on her blouse, would you consider that as significant in that she is looking to hook up, or is wanting the man to approach?

Thank you,

What follows it literally a BOOK length response that really does nothing to answer poor Frank’s question.

Next time Frank, just email papa Thundercat for a more sussinct answer: Read more