Rave Reviews on ASF

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

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**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/16/03

Okay, so back at the DYD seminar in Chicago, I was tapped to be a guest instructor at the Papa/TD/Orion workshop. It was the first time I had ever really gone out instructing people in a “professional” capacity. I mean, I’ve been out bootcamping some local guys on Sunset here in LA, but this was a workshop people were paying for, so I felt a certain pressure to do my best with helping the students to learn.

Anyway, I was referred to a review of the workshop one of the student’s put up on ASF. The review is pretty good and fairly accurate from what I remember, even if the guy’s observations about the instructors are a bit off.

Anyway, here’s what he writes about me:

“I meet up with Thundercat. Very cool dude. He says “Go approach that set. Say ‘female opinion: who lies more, men or women?’, then come back.” I do just that, chat the 3-set up for a few minutes more, then return to him for more assignments. He says “Go tell that girl on the dancefloor ‘Settle down! you’re going to make the other girls jealous!’” I do. Girl responds very well. Then she gives me a salute and yes “Yes, Sir!” She’s smiling big and into it. I go back for more assignments. Thundercat says go open 3 more sets with the opinion opener. I open two more sets. One girl avoided me, as she was ordering a drink. I return, tell Thundercat what happened. He asks how I feel. I said I hate being blown out, but that I feel fine and it’s not going to prevent me from approaching more.” No big deal he says. If it doesn’t work well, just say “nice meeting you” to leave the door open for future sarges with her.

I really wish we had time to give a background of ourselves at the lecture, but there wasn’t time in the mini-workshop. I think all the instructors think all the students are AFCs. I wish I had told Thundercat about my experience, as I was hanging in sets well, but I figured, Hell, I’m here to learn what these guys have to teach, so I want to use their openers, their techniques. I was hoping for more advanced assignments from him like “go get a kiss from that girl within 5 minutes!” That would have been cool, but he was off working with other students by then.”

LOL. Go kiss a girl in 5 minutes! Most of these guys can’t even TALK to women, let alone kiss them. But this dude definitely stood out as someone who was comfortable in a club scene. I do remember him being a bit more upset about getting blown out than he made it out to be. He came up stuttering and looking a bit flustered, so I pulled him to the side and calmed him down. If his writing style says anything about him, its that he could be a real presence on ASF if he ups his field outtings. You can read the whole thread here:


I find it a fascinating read because it came from a truly neutral source. This was a dude who didn’t know any of us, least of all me, yet he gave me good reviews on my teaching style. I guess there’s a twinge of pride there, knowing I help someone out. Though Chicago for me sucked. One thing that became painfully obvious was that if I’m teaching other guys how to pick-up, I can’t do any pick-ups myself. It was terrible, and its for that reason why I will probably never teach at an actual in-field workshop again. It was a good experience, I’m glad I did it, but its too much work not to get paid for.

I know Harmless has talked about bringing me in as a guest speaker/instructor when he starts his workshops, but I’m on the fence about doing it right now. We’ll have to wait and see I suppose. It depends on how my finances are doing at the time.
