Video: What Do Hot Chicks Think About Your Looks?
August 1, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Last week, I told you about an interview I did with an extremely attractive girl.
Well, today I’m going to reveal that video to you, but before I do, I want to share with you the story behind it…
A while back I was at a club for a private charity event. The guy throwing this event spared no expense, and shipped in some of the HOTTEST girls I’d ever seen from lord knows where.
There were lots of models, dancers, and eye candy all over the place.
This included Body Painted Girls. These are models who are basically NAKED, but have clothes (usually lingerie) painted on their body.
So they’re naked, and yet NOT naked. (Talk about a punch to the brain!)
Anyway, one of these body painted girls was simply GORGEOUS. She had long blond hair, a smoking body – and EVERYONE in the club couldn’t take their eyes off her.
And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. Guys AND Girls couldn’t stop staring at how hot this girl was.
Naturally, I decided to approach her – even though I knew the odds were against me. (Let’s be honest, when a girl is in that high value of a position, it’s hard to make time with her.)
As I got closer to this girl, I suddenly realized I KNEW HER.
See – I’m a fan of reality television, and one of my favorite shows is Rock Of Love on VH1.
As it turns out, this hot body paint girl was actually ON THAT SHOW! She was one of the girls who was trying to date Brett Michaels.
So I opened her with that little factoid. As it turns out, I was the ONLY person in the club who recognized her, and that instantly made me stand out.
We spoke on and off the whole night. She was a very sweet girl and we actually hit it off right from the start.
Eventually, I ended up driving her home after the party, and we’ve become close friends since then.
So when I asked her to sit down and let me interview her for the benefit of my students, she was more than willing to oblige.
See, her name is Kristia, and not only is she a model and actress, she’s also a professional go-go dancer in Las Vegas. She works at various clubs dancing on the poles. (If any of you out there have ever been to Vegas, you know the type of girl I’m talking about.)
So Kristia is a super-hot chick who gets hit on by guys CONSTANTLY.
Not only that, but all her friends are super hot chicks who get hit on constantly! So she knows more about how attraction works than most people do.
And in my interview with her, she reveals some really amazing insights about how to attract super-hot girls.
Check out the video here:
Click Here For The "Hot Chick" Insider Video
Trust me, you don’t want to miss this video!
Also – Just so you know, I did not "pay" or "coach" Kristia in any way. We’re quite friendly, so you can see how her and I just riff in the video.
In fact, just look at the way we interact with each other, and you’ll see how close we are.
Video: Why Some Guys Fail With Women And Others Succeed…
July 25, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Hey Guys,
This week’s video is all about what it takes to succeed in attracting the type of women you want.
When I first started my journey to improve my skills with women, I was faced with a lot of obstacles…
1. I wasn’t a good looking guy
2. I didn’t have lots of money
3. I wasn’t famous
4. I didn’t have a lot of experience
5. I had a lot of bad habits and beliefs that were holding me back from real success with girls.
So the deck was definitely stacked against me.
And in my journey to succeed with women, I’ve often relied on my friends to help me through some issues.
See – a lot of my guy friends often dealt with the same issues I did. However, there was a key difference in the way I dealt with my obstacles and the way they dealt with theirs.
The biggest difference was I went on to succeed and enjoy success with women, where my friends, sadly, did not.
And in today’s video, I share some real life examples as to why my friends failed, while I succeeded.
If you’ve ever wondered why you aren’t getting the type of women you want, then you need to check this video out right now:
Click Here To See The Success Video!
I’m sure you’ll be surprised by what you see.
Looks Don’t Matter: The Inspiration Video
July 11, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Hey guys,
Last week I revealed my big video where I shared with all you guys what I look like, and the type of women I’ve been with. Reaction was overwhelmingly positive – with a few of the "usual" exceptions, lol. I can’t tell you how nervous I was putting that video out, but you know what? It turned out to be a really good thing.
Anyway, this weekend I’m releasing a SECOND video, which I’m calling the Inspiration Video.
This is a video where I go through the inspirations in my life that really helped me to overcome my difficulties – not just with women, but with my inner game and my life in general.
I’ve lead a pretty interesting life, and this video is meant to share with you some of the inspiring lessons I’ve learned throughout it. I look forward to hearing your comments about the video – feel free to post them in this thread.
Click Here To Watch The Inspiration Video
Looks Don’t Matter: The Inspiration Video
July 11, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Hey guys,
Last week I revealed my big video where I shared with all you guys what I look like, and the type of women I’ve been with. Reaction was overwhelmingly positive – with a few of the "usual" exceptions, lol. I can’t tell you how nervous I was putting that video out, but you know what? It turned out to be a really good thing.
Anyway, this weekend I’m releasing a SECOND video, which I’m calling the Inspiration Video.
This is a video where I go through the inspirations in my life that really helped me to overcome my difficulties – not just with women, but with my inner game and my life in general.
I’ve lead a pretty interesting life, and this video is meant to share with you some of the inspiring lessons I’ve learned throughout it. I look forward to hearing your comments about the video – feel free to post them in this thread.
Click Here To Watch The Inspiration Video
Rules Of The Game – Video 3: Do You Need Money To Pick Up Chicks?
January 25, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Yet another great video from Stylelife.
Rules Of The Game – Episode 3: Be Trashy (by Neil Strauss)
NEGs Really DO Work!
January 22, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
Looks like Mystery has some competition… lol.
Priceless. Nothing says "high status" like wiping your ass with a girl’s number.
Female Sex Blogs
January 22, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
There’s always been this "myth" that women don’t enjoy sex as much as men do. Well, I know that’s not true, and this video talking about how the evolution of blogs gave women the freedom to talk about their secret sexual desires and rendezvous simply blows that myth out of the water.
Check it out:
Rules Of The Game – Video 2
January 21, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Here’s another great Video from Style’s MySpace page:
Rules of the Game – Episode 2: Be a Man’s MAN (by Neil Strauss
Gotta admit, these videos are very entertaining!