Pure Personality

August 30, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Hey guys,

Pure Personality is now officially live!  This is what you’d call my “attraction” course, I guess, since it is all about how to be more attractive to women – no matter what you look like.

Check it out here:


The feedback I’ve been getting from the course so far has been great!  And you can still view some of my old videos on the site.

Get Your Free Guide Here!


13,122 Responses to “Pure Personality”
  1. “Bounce Bounce Bounce”

    Listen to the Barry Kirkey Show…that’s funny

  2. Ced says:

    It’s funny how there’s suddently no new entries on this blog for a few days in order to keep the promo on top of the main page :)

  3. McPenis Whissle says:

    What a joke…this guy should put out a product called “pure weight loss” because that’s step for this chode…

    …as for this product, just buy the Blueprint instead. If you already have the Blueprint, buy it again rather than give this chubby chode your cash.

  4. mr cool says:

    nah, don t buy the blueprint thats probably worse than this dont waste 20hrs of your life…

  5. mr cool says:

    oh yeah and is it true that tyler thought his girlfriend was cheating on him?

  6. paulinho says:

    don’t forget to download this program on torrent websites if you really want it… theplace.bz/main.php, seductiongr.com, bitseduce.com.

    I wouldn’t bother if I was you, it’s complete garbage.

    Thundercat is nothing more than a money hungry fat fuck. http://www.richjeckwebsites.com


    “hi, im matt, i can make you a lot of money with richjerkswebsites”

    seriously, go to the website and see for yourself.

  7. mike says:

    lol yeah that is definitely thundy’s voice….. thats so weird.

  8. mr cool says:

    yeah that is thunder alright .

    i m pretty sure he himself is not “the rich jerk” though thats some other dude…

  9. Anonymous says:

    So Thundercat makes money off the internet by selling information. WOW MAN. Look if you guys need to go to the richjerk website to figure that out than your more retarded than your posts indicate. I think it’s pretty obvious that that is what this industry is about. Do you want people to hand to you their knowledge on women? Is it their duty to fix the fact that your a reject with nothing to offer the opposite sex? Can you go out and find some natural guy who is awesome with women and get him to explain it in detail in a way that might actually help you? If you could even find someone like that would they even give you the time of day with the type of attitudes you have?

    You guys need a serious serious reality check. This industry just like any other industry is here because there is a demand and market for it, to make money. Maybe if you guys were as proactive you would not be crying on the mans website for putting in the time and effort to collect a bunch of idea’s together, shoot some videos, and look to improve his life in the process. Maybe he should do it for free? Is that what he should do? It’s bad enough that most of you lowlifes will just download it. You’ll download it, watch it once, blow it off or not put any effort into it, and then you will bitch about how everyone wants to rip you off.

    Do yourselves a favor and take control of your own lives and grow up. Then maybe you won’t feel the need to learn more about women.

  10. Respect says:

    Barry Kirkey: Dude I heard your Dr. Paul interview and you fucked it all up. You had a great guest and you spent all your time jacking your own cock.

    That Janene is a cunt and adds nothing to the show. You can tell she gets all excited when she gets to talk and she adds nothing to the show. Get rid of that beeeatch.

    This show was so weak that I’d rather listen to Thundercat’s lame piece of shit podcast.

    Lick my balls then keep checking back to see if my balls are really licked clean then check again and again you OCD having jizz swallowing Canadian nutbag licker.

  11. “Barry Kirkey: Dude I heard your Dr. Paul interview and you fucked it all up. You had a great guest and you spent all your time jacking your own cock.”

    I don’t think Kirkey pissed it up. Dr.Paul obvioulsy did a couplke of shots before the show…..That jenine was also a waste, she’s marrying a guy that’s blind, she must be really ugly

    what’s with the pua community advocating monogamy? is it the “cultural conditionin”g again”?
    Or is it a way of differentiating your product so you can sell more ?
    since the Game, pua has turned in a huge pile of turds

  12. “Too bad he’s offering generous affiliate commissions, so every guru with a mailing list is selling out to promote it so they can make a buck too.’

    I got an email from David Shade’s newsletter. Shade said that” “Joseph Mathews” is the only pua he would trust and reccomend. What bullshit, How can you trust these clowns anymore..everything they say and do is a lie, they have become like the very soceity they have railed against

    Shade…go fuck yourself!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Me says:

    The Dr Paul interview was shit, but at least Barry’s co-host (Janene?) had the balls to call out Dr Paul on his bullshit – specifically referring to what he does as “science” and calling himself a “scientist” (yes, he actually called himself a scientist).

    Dr Paul is not a scientist. His education is in the medical field, he’s a medical doctor, not a Ph.D. Not knocking it – getting a medical degree, with further specialization to become a psychiatrist is a lot of work, BUT sorry, that doesn’t make him a scientist.

    His approach, psychoanalysis, is far removed from science and his specific innovation, MindOS, has never been peer reviewed and, I suspect, will never be. We just have to take Dr Paul’s word that “in his experience”, it works. Sorry buddy, that’s called marketing, not science. If you want to be accepted as a scientist, then put your model up for peer review and let the scientific community test it out with randomized controlled trials and we’ll see how it stacks up.

    Without clinical evidence (in a peer reviewed journal), it’s no more credible than NLP, just like Anthony Robbins uses.

  14. mike mynamesnotreallymike says:

    jeeze people love to hate thundercat.

  15. Ced says:

    I don’t know why so many people hate him. I guess it’s because he makes a lot of money with the scene, and it’s in humans’ nature to be jalous. Just a guess.

    Has he really done something that bad? Maybe, I don’t really know.

    But I’m still annoyed that there are suddently no new entries on this blog, probably because he wants to keep his product on top of the main page. Sound convenient, right ;)

  16. Ced says:

    I hate Tyler, and there is a reason for that.
    I don’t like Mystery, and there’s a reason for that.

    I would like to hate Thundercat, because I wouldn’t feel singled out, but I NEED a reason for that. Please give it to me so that I can start hating the guy :)

  17. “I would like to hate Thundercat, because I wouldn’t feel singled out, but I NEED a reason for that. Please give it to me so that I can start hating the guy ”

    Hypocrite, (takes Rj’s momey but flames him) copies other people Barry Kirkey pudcast, numerous lies..overall an unsavory two faced person

    But in all fairness, none of the commercial types in pua are all that likable…Style, Mystery, RJ, Owen Cook, many others past and present…the male ego at it’s worst

  18. Art Bell says:

    Kirkey wrecked the Dr. Paul interview.

    TC has patience and an actual interest in the subject.

    Kirkey did not allow Dr. Paul to tell stories or speak for more than 30 seconds. Playing noises while he is talking is disrespect or resentment – or burnout. He even cuts off the subject – he did this with Christiano, a business partner.

    The interruptions seem to be ‘needy’ – he has reverted to AFC – the gay stuff about his junk, and Kirkey being fondled by his dad at 5?? What!?

    Looking to hear TC’s podcast, no meltdowns except for Ross.

  19. No more community 4 me says:

    I was a niave needy controlling guy who just didn’t understand women a lot of the time. Like some, I found this secret society after a failed marriage. Im so glad that I had that experience because if I hadn’t I don’t know how lost I would be right now.

    I wanted to believe that this internet movement was the answer, I really did. There is so much garbage and so many clueless men involved in this movement but every once in a while in a product, a post, or a soundbite you get some great insight or a mindset or attitude that can be constructive and help you. That’s what keeps you going, thats what keeps you hooked.

    At some point you realize that the founders of this community and what it stands for is actually a step in the wrong direction taking you FURTHER from success with women. It’s not that it can’t help, it’s that ultimately it can not and WILL not solve your problems and that the more you LEAN on it to help you, and the more you look for the answers within in it to help you …. the more lost you become.

    In reality this community is filled with all the worst personality defects that exist in the world today. Since some men are striving for better things, better lives, and better attitudes …. sure there are going to be some good insights from time to time. Sadly that’s the exception to the rule. Most advice that is even good is fed through the filter of their defective minds and projected on you in a distorted way.

    This industry like a lot of internet industries is way overhyped, very unproffessional and just about as close to a complete scam as you can get if for no other reason than the fact that the main principles of it tend to be the opposite of the person you need to be and the things you should be focusing on.

    Many of the so called “guru’s” know this already and yet there are so many followers who just can’t figure it out. I guess when your desperate for direction it’s hard to see. The fact is that Style knows that what I say is true. In fact the moral and underlying message of his book ended up being EXACTLY this. That doesn’t mean he is not going to look to make some money from his experiences though and expose what he has been through to get ahead in life with those willing to turn a blind eye to what he tried to tell them in his book. In the end though Style is a passionate writer, not a “pickup artist”.

    Mystery knows this too. He had 10 years of going after a dream to be a magician trying to pick up girls in the process as a sidenote. Eventually and with great hesitation and still a bit of embarrassment he allowed his dreams to turn to pickup but the industry is STILL not truely respected by him and it never has been. You see he is doing this stuff for the money and fame. It’s his back road into the hollywood lifestyle since the magician path wasn’t cutting it. He sold out on the community to do the pickup artist BECAUSE he knows that the industry is bullshit and doesn’t respect it and he see’s his show as a way for personal gain to what TRUELY is important and that is him.

    Thundercat knows this too. He is one of the more honest ones despite you all calling him a hypocrite because he speaks his mind whether or not it fits into the community mold or not. He does things his way and beats to his own drum. He never let community brainwashing that was set by bitter and frustrated men take over his mind. Make no mistake though, thundercat is here to promote HIS life, HIS career, as an internet marketer to make money and try to live a better life.

    Tyler knows this too. After all this time being lost and trying to copy those who seemed to have better success then him he FINALLY found what his true calling and talent is and is pursuing a career in self help and motivational speaking. He’s almost 30 now and he is tired of peddling a bunch of bullshit that is contingent on others reactions and other people wanting him and he wants to do something to truely make a difference to people. His blueprint product was his goodbye to the industry and him trying to clear his conscience by telling what it was truely about for him. Though he filled it with quite a bit of nonsound theory like many other guru’s do, there was an underlying message that came together to give direction to someone that had practicality and balance to it.

    So poke around guys, check things out if you want. If you’ve been searching for the answer or ultimate success in this industry or by becoming a pickup artist for long though I urge you to stop doing yourself a disservice. Your moving in the WRONG direction here. You need to put YOURSELF first before anyone else will. Strangers on the internet or with theory based one size fits all products will not help you.

  20. Anonymous says:

    That last post is why people are mad Ced.

    When it comes down to it the reason posters have so much hate for guru’s or others that pose as them is simple.

    1) Deep down they know there is no true perfect answer or guru
    2) They know that these guys are here for self gain peddling information towards a path that even they themselves dont respect or desire.

    For these 2 reasons there is much resentment. You see instead of following their gut and putting themselves first, trusting themselves, being their own guru, going after a better life and having the discipline to stick with it …. they continue to let others who are trying to better THEIR lives mislead them.

    What they don’t get is that these guys are just doing what it really takes to be successful in life. They are taking risks, taking chances, taking matters into their own hands, putting themselves first. They wouldn’t put the information out if people were not interested in it. It’s not those that put out the information that are at fault. It’s the idiots who believe that some guy on the internet can help them to be able to fuck any woman they want.

    Secretely these guys behind the scenes have no respect for you. They think your morons … because well … you are. They are taking advantage of your own ignorance and low self esteem. If you want to believe their is a beanstock to a big pot of gold in the clouds, and that all you have to do to get it is to go to walmart, buy some seeds, and plant them … then trust me there will be people selling those seeds and the information on how to make them grow on the internet.

    So guys don’t get angry at these guys. Get angry at YOURSELVES, grow a backbone, and do the hard work that YOU KNOW you have to do in order to be happy with YOURSELF and YOUR LIFE so that others can be too, and then the possibilities will be endless.

  21. Man I guess the 2 above posters should write a book and sell it too cuz they sure like to write, even more than me.

    Sorry the community didn’t help you. Sorry the gurus didn’t help you. But I suspect that you took it too damn seriously, and forgot to just be a cool dude while you were learning.

    Maybe it’s because you tried the wrong gurus, I dunno. I’m just lucky I somehow picked the right ones, I guess.

    But here’s the deal. Evolution is happening. If you’re not mating alot naturally, and you can’t learn how to mate alot with skills that have worked for others over and over again, then there’s a good reason why nature is weeding your ass out of the game of life.

  22. asdf says:

    To all the guys who go on about evolution and natural selection, how many kids have you had?

    None so far, right?

    If you have, is it more than your average Joe who settles down with the second women he’s slept with and proceeds to have four kids?

    Evolution-wise it means nothing to sleep with a hundred women if you have kids with zero of them. Some AFC who has three kids is doing just fine.

    Thundercat is just bettering his life by trying to make money on the internet? …by selling overpriced crap to a gullible, desperate audience via manipulative marketing? Oh yeah, he’s a true American hero. That excuses everything.

  23. “If you have, is it more than your average Joe who settles down with the second women he’s slept with and proceeds to have four kids?”

    Since the second girl he sleeps with is probably not an intellectual or physical wonder either, he is just breeding more chumps. Sorry if it sounds too cruel. Evolution doesn’t happen over decades, it happens over millenia. If you haven’t noticed, loneliness and unhappy marriages also cause diseases like alcoholism and high blood pressure, suicide, etc.

    “Thundercat is just bettering his life by trying to make money on the internet? …by selling overpriced crap to a gullible, desperate audience via manipulative marketing?

    Exactly. Anon and No More want to excuse him because they dislike people who want to improve their lives through this community, and believe that ALL the “methods” are scams.
    The truth is that there are very powerful methods out there for the same price as Thundie’s very questionable one that CAN help men, and unless you are a “natural” you’re just not going to figure it out all alone or just by being a MAN or being successful in life in general.
    Perhaps Anon and No More live in very small towns where there are no lairs to witness a really good seducer who was once an AFC. You don’t go from being a chump to dating a steady string of the hottest women in a city by just being yourself. And in my opinion, most people fail at this because they try to use too much info from too many damn methods, or they really buy into stuff that just doesn’t work so well, or doesn’t work so well for them.

  24. sexy evil says:

    I’m going to add this, all this “seduction” stuff is like going to the gym. Imagine that you’re a 400 lbs fat ass. Its going to take alot more work to be “fit” than a guy who just 15-20 lbs over weight. So if you’ve been “rejected” all your life all by women/people, you’re that 400 lbs fat ass. Does it mean you can’t work that shit off!! Of course not.

    I agree with the Seduction Mastero, theres some great info out there and some that is down right BULLSHIT!!!

    Anon and No More are just guys who gave up. Thats all.

    Remember try shit out and see what fits. Guys who gave up are dudes just want to eat “chips and hot dogs”

    Nuff Said.

  25. “If you have, is it more than your average Joe who settles down with the second women he’s slept with and proceeds to have four kids? ”

    That’s why the world is a screwed up place….mediocrity keeps reproducing…

  26. Anonymous says:

    My message was simply that what really determines your reproductive value and your value in the eyes of women is not your knowledge of tricks, tactics, methods, or any of that stuff. It is the inherent value that you have to offer others and you can never have any more value than the value that you see inside of yourself.

    So if you want to get women and you want to be a valuable person you have to see yourself as valuable and that means you have to lead a passionate and valuable life, have your life revolve around something more than some underground internet movement, keep yourself looking healthy and in shape and hip, have a place to live that is comfortable and dynamic that you can be proud of, live a life that is interesting enough for you to come off interesting to others and many more things that I could go on and on about.

    It’s not about the latest program or guru. These guru’s are selling you their lives, things they are happy with and confident with. They are sharing THEIR lives. You have to find yours and you don’t find that by worshipping someone else. You can never truely be confident or have value that way. Women respond to value.

  27. sexy evil says:

    Hey Anonymous ,

    Thanks CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!!!!!

  28. lol says:

    497 $ for this?:)))))))))))

    very very boring with no content even the MP4 videos are just long tutorials of thundy speaking

    i think mantrans was $600, and it’s 23 DVDs!!!!

    29 buck real price…..stay away from this..real garbage.

  29. blundercat says:

    fuck you thundercat

  30. blundercat says:

    Lol, last post was just a test, looks like i can post here again.

    Let the good times begin again.
    Veterans may already guess who i am :)

  31. Anonymous says:

    blundercat, like we really give a damn who you are.

  32. Pheromone kid says:

    Time to rethink your marketing Scott … this ones a swing and a miss.

  33. Fuckyouthundercat says:

    Who the fuck would purchase a product about personality from someone with no personality.



  34. sexy evil says:

    Now what happens to Chuck as he got Knock the fuck out by Evans. What do you say to that you fuckers!!!!!

  35. Kevin says:

    Women respond to “perceived value.” Thus the bad-boy jerk that pushes the right buttons can get away with murder over a normal decent guy who might have “real value” as opposed to “perceived.”…This is a frame of “current reality”….Women are the same in this context – Go into any bar setting and see women all decked out – is their real value as well?…no its “perceived.”…Now to reality…is reality what we see or what really exists? Reality is what is currently present – thus a mixture of both from my take. So can a guy who is average or a little below in average land beautiful women by altering the current reality? I think so from a personality context but the degree of change is what needs to be measured….I like Thundercats program overall – do I think it is worth the money? Yes, its cheaper than a bootcamp but you do not get the hands-on experience…..I think everyone should give this a try and as Thundercat states – if you dont like it – you can return it….

  36. sexy evil says:

    Hey Kevin,

    What is this bullshit you’re talking about?? You, sir, are a fucking idiot. Like Robert Dowin Jr said in Tropic Thunder…

    “plant your feet, look her in the eyes and say ‘Lance, you and i’s we going out on a date…what the fuck!! Lance!! ”

    I said “nance…”

    Jr said “hey we gay sometimes…”

    Holy Moly!! must we wash this place of the jerk-offs , got too many slime balls in this facking place!!!

    So by the way Kevin , GO PLAY HIDE AND FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

  37. BRIAN says:

    purenpersonality? don’t you need some personality first?

  38. Art Bell says:

    Anyone see the infomercial for Frank TJ Mackie? The ROSS Jeffries guy in Magnolia?

    Comes with a huge amount of gear (like the Pure Personality and Annhilation Method), water bottles, PLUS two rulers, perhaps to measure the ol’ ‘peenster’

    here is the link


  39. Ced says:

    sexy evil > You’re such an idiot.

    brian > coming straight from barry’s radio show, word for word. You need to think by yourself, like Kevin did.

  40. arrangement says:

    “Me”, on ” 4. September 2008, 1:29″ said:

    “Dr Paul is not a scientist. …

    His approach, psychoanalysis, is far removed from science and his specific innovation, MindOS, has never been peer reviewed and, I suspect, will never be. We just have to take Dr Paul’s word that “in his experience”, it works. Sorry buddy, that’s called marketing, not science. If you want to be accepted as a scientist, then put your model up for peer review and let the scientific community test it out with randomized controlled trials and we’ll see how it stacks up.”

    Hear hear. Damn well said. I was afraid very few people (or perhaps nobody) in the community would call attention to that.

    And the fact that Dr. Paul has a medical degree makes him even more insidious than some of the other commercial guys — because He knows how vulnerable people are to the argument from authority.

    It’s easy for many to dismiss some whackjob NLP con-artist who tells people to use psychic powers to pickup women.

    But there are a lot of people out there who will buy into Dr. Paul’s frame that he’s a doctor so everyone must believe and do as he says.

    Other things about him that I dislike:

    1) He comes into the community (post-”the game” of course) and acts as if he owns it.

    2) He markets himself as a mature, professional man whom we should all aspire to emulate. Epic fail. I’m not emulating his boring, uncharismatic, pseudo-scientific ass.

    3) In “Deep Inner Game” he gets people on stage and embarrasses them in front of an audience by pointing out (what he views as) their psychological problems. This is the WORST frame of mind you can possibly get someone in before they go out and attempt to hookup with women.

  41. DJ says:

    Here’s the bottom line: the “Seduction” community is filled with people who are long on marketing skills and ambiguous on seduction skills. But perhaps marketing and seduction are parallel enough to where their “advice” makes sense and a beginner can’t tell the difference. STOP PAYING TO LEARN SEDUCTION. Everything is available for free online and isn’t hard to find if you’re so inclined.

  42. Anonymous says:

    “Here’s the bottom line: the “Seduction” community is filled with people who are long on marketing skills and ambiguous on seduction skills. But perhaps marketing and seduction are parallel enough to where their “advice” makes sense and a beginner can’t tell the difference. STOP PAYING TO LEARN SEDUCTION. Everything is available for free online and isn’t hard to find if you’re so inclined.”

    Dj just nailed it really. I still remember how when I found this “secret underground community” I thought I had found some magic bullet, people who knew the TRUTH on how to get women, who had cracked the code. It was all marketing. It’s just like going out in the real world and talking to men in real life. Some guys won’t have a clue. Those that do have a clue have THEIR way that works for THEM and fits with THEIR IMAGE because it’s real for THEM. Then others are just really good looking or rich and tend to be able to get away with things you and I just can’t.

    Once you have been in this community for long enough you start to realize that there are endless people with different theories and frames out there. How to pickup women and internet business were a match made in heaven. These guys could make SO much more money by finding someone to print and publish their “ideas” into a book to be sold to the public but they don’t, because many can’t.

    In the end everyone has their own idea’s of what can get a women interested and some have been tested and shown to work for that person and some have not but even when you find someone who has found something that obviously works for them it doesnt mean it will work for you. So hunt around and find some simple basic things that can work for you and move on with your life and dont waste it on the internet with this stupid marketing shit.

  43. “These guys could make SO much more money by finding someone to print and publish their “ideas” into a book to be sold to the public but they don’t, because many can’t.”

    Dude, not only is this thread old, but you keep talking about nothing. The above is a ridiculous statement. Do you know what the royalties are for traditionally published books out there? Even self-publishing is low yield. You make a hell of alot more via your website and an ebook, even after paying people 50% commissions. Neil’s book is a best seller, but the vast majority of books aren’t. You have to be an absolute world-wide phenomenon to make any money at all in the modern publishing industry.

    And though there’s a little truth in the rest of that banter, I would encourage newbs to NOT get bogged down and confused with all the free stuff, and instead just pick ONE method that has been proven effective for ALL types of men and stick to it till you’re getting women as easily and picking up the morning paper. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not Thundie’s method.

  44. “It’s easy for many to dismiss some whackjob NLP con-artist who tells people to use psychic powers to pickup women.”

    So last night when I anchored the color of a 19 year old girl’s feeling/process of attraction to the imaginary shape in the palm of my hand, and saw how she flushed when I brought it near her, and sighed when I pulled it away from her, she started breathing heavy and kissed me because she digs on 36 year old bald guys and that was just the placebo effect?

    You need to stop measuring life and the universe with a measuring stick if you want to have any fun in it. Not everything that is true can be mapped by the scientific method, and our scientific knowledge of the universe is very miniscule indeed compared to what actually IS.

    And recently there has come to light some scientific evidence that directly proves that all the things we’ve been saying for years in the NLP community about eliciting states and anchoring them are indeed absolutely true. Sorry guys, but when you get people to experience the process of attraction WITH you, it’s the same as them feeling it FOR you, and you are rewarded accordingly if you’re any kind of man at all:


  45. Anonymous says:

    “Do you know what the royalties are for traditionally published books out there? Even self-publishing is low yield. You make a hell of alot more via your website and an ebook, even after paying people 50% commissions. Neil’s book is a best seller, but the vast majority of books aren’t. You have to be an absolute world-wide phenomenon to make any money at all in the modern publishing industry.”

    Maestro I know that you like to get into pointless debates where you make intellectual and pointless comments to support your outstanding ability to kill time and waste your life away on an online blog for pickup. So I am not going to feed your bad habit and get into an endless debate with you. I will say that you should consider getting into politics, writing, or becoming a lawyer to see if you can put your passion to a more constructive use. If your going to become a lawyer though I suggest you work more on the actual content of your argument and less on the love for the debate itself.

    Every single month unknown writers come out and have best selling books. You do NOT need to be well known and you can make MUCH MORE money writing and publishing a book than most of these men can on the internet where most of their shit can be downloaded for free and many of their theories and tactics end up being much more hype than delivering what the marketing promises. There are so many unknown authors that became known when they wrote a book that made it in the top 10, so this is complete non-sense. Sure any sale they get online by running their own business online yields more profits per sale but the sales overall are much lower. Plus they STILL must pay fee’s for their website, if they accept credit cards, and to pay for any software or marketing/promotion people that they hire.

    Regardless your missing my point. My point is that these guys shovel a lot of shit and the only chance they have in this industry is by marketing to clueless men on the internet. People often like to reference Styles book as proof that this magic bullet type bullshit can be promoted effectively to the mass market via a book. What they forget is that the book was not self help, it was entertainment. The book took shots at this community throughout and made the overall point that it was a joke. Style is still involved in the community despite this though for two reasons:

    1) He had absolutely NO success before and he had some fun adventures over 5 years time with these PUA’s. He knew no other way. His success was not from learning a method or tactics though. It was from surrounding himself with an active social group of friends and putting himself in a mansion in a good location with them. It had very little to do with his techniques and much more to do with the actions he took to change his life. Even today he can’t hold down a relationship and seems to be single.

    2) He found a way that he can make money and have a productive and successful career.

    Maestro you have been on this blog over and over making the point over and over that this stuff can work. You work hard to promote it. Almost every post seems well thought out and very passionately involved. It is MY experience that people who put so much effort into defending something are more trying to convince themselves than anyone else. If you have found something that works for you then that is great, and that should be ones goal. To think that there is something that works for someone that will work magically for everyone else though, is stupid.

    Methods are a thin candy shell and not the milk chocolate. That’s why it’s so important to find out what works for YOU PERSONALLY and it certainly may not be something some guru tells you, all they are is normal men who found something that MAY OR MAY NOT work for them in real life. More important for them is they find something that SEEMS like it will work for guys that gets them excited and is marketable.

  46. Im a girl says:

    “So last night when I anchored the color of a 19 year old girl’s feeling/process of attraction to the imaginary shape in the palm of my hand, and saw how she flushed when I brought it near her, and sighed when I pulled it away from her”

    That sounds like a normal reaction from someone who is weirded out by some guy talking about strange things to me when he doesn’t even know me. I would blush too if some guy is talking about weirdo stuff like that, especially if he is being nice and polite to me. It’s a very awkward situation. I would probably do whatever it is I had to do to get out of the situation without hurting his feelings and then never talk to him again.

  47. Anon, umm, I am a writer, I do journalism and my book is doing exceptionally well (in the top 25% of first time authors), which means I make about $60 a month in royalties. I have made GOBS more money from Songs of Seduction which I only sold on ebay.

    And guy pretending to be a girl- she has already texted me today, so it seems she’s not wanting to “get out” of anything.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Whats the name of your book buddy? This guy is so full of shit.

  49. It doesn’t relate to seduction, and it is in fact a children’s fantasy chapter book, which is why I use Seduction Maestro instead of my real name in this community.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Whatever yo.

    Anyone can say whatever they want online to live out an ONLINE fantasy identity and people do it every day. If your saying you actually have a book and have only made 60 bucks then at best what your saying is that you have sold like 120 copies and profit 50 cents per copy or something. If that’s the case than you have a pretty bad deal and certainly your not the success I was talking about when I talk about newcomers who make it to the top 10 list, which is something that happens all the time.

    I think most of us are tired of hearing your stories and listening to your long winded debates. You plug your method over and over as if it is a magic bullet and give no examples of anything. Your just wasting your time especially where you don’t put it into context and experience. If your aim is to get more respect for your method Im not sure what your motivation would be for that, if your already getting success thats all that should matter.

    If you want to continue to push your success onto others perhaps you should be more descriptive. Is your identity supportive of the tactics you use and how? DO you just walk up and do this weird stuff right off the bat, and if you do why do you think you get the compliance? Do you have a low flake rate and why you think that is? What types of girls and in what situations. Do you use this as a secondary support to your identity or is it something you use to close the deal with a girl thats already into you. I mean there are so many variables. Your motivation clearly is not to help anyone else more than it is to try to develope some sort of long winded ego identity on thundercats blog which I feel is pathetic and wreaks of insecurity which I can only conclude is insecurity because you pose as someone your actually NOT. If your truely 36 and bald and are fucking 19 year old girls and you want to waste your time posting about it and it’s not just an ego trip and you truely feel your offering value here than it would make much more sense for you to tell the whole story and the context behind this because most people do not find the success that marketing guru’s would have you believe and even the marketing guru’s themselves openly admitt that. One only needs to check out Ross on Dr phil to hear it right from the horses mouth.

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