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Breaking News: Real Social Dynamics Still Sucks Ass

February 19, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So the other night, I’m minding my own business when I get an Instant Message from Donovan over at the Seduction Chronicles.  He asks me to check out this post where someone other than me finally takes RSD to task.

Now, I know I get a lot of flack for ragging on the Real Social Dickweeds over there in the magical world of PUA-land where Tyler and his minions continue to drink the cool-aid about how they rule and everyone else sucks, so I was happy to see that I’m not the only one being vocal about it anymore.

(Just to be fair, nearly every major PUA I know talks shit about Tyler and crew, but they don’t do it publicly.  That distinct pleasure seems to be reserved for yours truly.)

So my first reaction to this post was – it went too easy on these guys.

Now, most of what I’m going to write here is directed primarily at Tyler and Papa, since they pretty much are RSD.  All the other guys – Jlaix, Christophe, and anyone else I don’t know, I have no real problem with.  They are just the most recent brainwashed minions to fall under the Tyler spell.  So this in no way is meant as a criticism of them.

Getting back to it – the purpose of Donovan’s post was to talk about the mythical "Blueprint" which is now 4 years in the making.  It’s basically a critique of Tyler’s teachings, and that reflects as to why the Blueprint is never coming out.

Now, RSD just released "The Blueprint Exposed," or whatever the heck their next lame product is.  But make no mistake about it – it’s just the same old recycled Tyler crap you’ve always gotten from him.

The biggest complaints I hear directed towards my criticisms of the RSD boys and their teachings is that I’m "jealous" or "petty" because they "won’t hang out with me" or that we had some type of falling out because Tyler didn’t want to write articles for me any more.

Make no mistake about it – that’s not true.  I used to consider these guys friends, and I kept quiet about my concerns with Tyler and crew for a long time after that relationship deteriorated (this happened around the time the boys were all ganging up against Mystery in Project Hollywood).

The thing that made me go public with my criticism of RSD was the deluge I got from people who took their workshops and felt they got scammed.  Before long, I was getting too many of these emails and bad reviews to ignore.

Then came the evidence that RSD was putting inexperienced instructors into the field to teach paying customers stuff they could not even do themselves.

Finally, there was the "Deep Throat" who sent me private messages from RSD’s instructor’s message board specifically outlining how they planned to trick workshop students into thinking they improved in their workshops when really it was just a trick for inexperienced instructors to make the poor student feel good without having to actually deliver results (and therefor not deliver a refund).

All that combined, I felt the need to speak out, because my personal experiences with these guys has never been anything but bad.  Papa is a sociopathic liar, and so is Tyler – Tyler is just more charismatic and better at hiding it than Papa is.  And neither of them really care about anyone other than themselves – so you can add a healthy dash of narcissism in there for good measure.

Now, I know what you’re thinking:  "Thundercat, what does this have to do with pickup?  Why are you hating?  Negativity sucks.  Blah, blah, blah."

Well, this actually has a LOT to do with pick up, since these are guys that students look up to and follow.  These are also guys who have the power to REALLY mess people up.

The reason I’m writing about this is really because the focus on Donovan’s post was about the teachings of RSD.  Well, let me say this right now:


That is how they are able to stay in business.  If you follow the
instructions that these guys lay out for you, chances are you will get

Now, you may feel shocked that I say this, but it’s true.  The
teachings are good!  However, the reason they are good is because – THEY DID NOT COME UP WITH THEM.

Tyler is what you get when you breed a leech with a sponge.  No one
freakin’ cared who Tyler was until he started hanging out with
Mystery.  Then, all of a sudden, Tyler starts posting about his "super
uber crazy skillz" on mASF – which is all stuff he learned from
Mystery, but Mystery never bothered to post publicly about, and he starts getting props.

Then, Tyler starts learning Speed Seduction.  Now he’s down with
manipulation and mind control in addition to routines and peacocking.  Okay, cool.

After that, he starts teaching his own workshops and gets the whole
"hero worship" thing going.  (Another thing he got from Mystery)

Then, he moves into Project Hollywood and studies Neil Stauss’ every
move.  And for those of you who pay attention, this is when RSD was in
their hey-day.

He then starts taking things from gifted co-horts of his, Like
PlayboyLA, Sickboy, and Twenty-Six, and passing them off as his own.

Keep in mind, this is all taking place in the 2004-2005 time frame.

Why is this relevant?

Simple – because THIS is the time when Tyler announces he is writing THE BLUEPRINT.  The supposed end-all-be-all of pick up.

And then something incredible happens…


Mystery excommunicates him.  Ross refuses to hang with him.  Style
thinks he’s a prick and a phony.  Even the people who were closest to
him – Playboy, Sickboy, and Twenty-Six – all see he’s a sociopath and
move as far away from him as they can get.

People stop posting their ideas on Mystery’s Lounge because Tyler keeps ripping them off and passing them off as his own.

Then, the cracks in their organization begin to surface, the bad reviews start to come out, and what do they do?


They stop participating in the community.  They stop posting on mASF.
They only do stuff on their website, their blog, and their newsletters
because that’s the only way they can manipulate what gets out about

But something else happened when they retreated into RSD-land…


Notice how little innovation has come from TD since the actual,
TALENTED gurus, such as Mystery, Style, and Playboy, stopped hanging
out with him?

Trust me:  This is not a coincidence.

Tyler has always been very good at co-opting other people’s ideas and
making them seem like his own brilliance.  But Tyler is just a
charismatic snake-oil salesman.  He is repackaging stuff that better
PUAs teach, and passing it off as his own.

Even newer products like "Transformations" is a rip off of the
behavioral stuff Dr. Paul has been pioneering.  And don’t think a lot
of TD’s latest offerings haven’t been poor-man versions of stuff Brad P
came up with.

Like I said – their teachings work – but not because of them.  In fact, it is DESPITE them that they work!

All RSD is, is an organization designed to do 2 things…

1.  Make money
2.  Inspire mindless loyalty in their students.

Oddly enough – this business model is even ripped off from Ross
Jeffries, who, for once, is actually RIGHT when he says someone stole
something from him!

These guys DO NOT CARE about students.  Their goal – with their
products AND their workshops – is to fool students into feeling good
enough that they won’t ask for their money back, without having to
deliver any actual results.

And this is the reason why the actual Blueprint will never be released
- because Tyler has run out of the best people to steal from, so he has
a hard time writing this stuff down because he can’t analyze and break
down what better PUAs are doing before they popularize their techniques

All you’re going to see from Tyler and crew from here on out is the following:

1.  Products based on seminars where they give away 0% content but make you feel really good for watching it.

2.  Workshops designed to excite people without evoking any real change or results.

3.  Fun videos that display Tyler’s charismatic personality to make you
like him, without ever really showing you how freakin’ sociopathic he

4.  Long, rambling posts and field reports that are either completely made up, or completely ripped off from someone else.

Trust me – if it wasn’t for the fact that they somehow weaseled their
way into almost all of David D’s products, these guys would have been
out of business long ago, because they aren’t innovators.  They are not
originators.  They are rip-off artists and fakes.  (Again, this is
aimed at Tyler and Papa, not others in the RSD crew.  They may be just
as bad as Tyler, but history shows that the people TD and Papa surround
themselves with are actually much more talented than they are.)

So before people go off half-cocked and tell me I’m a loser who’s just
spouting negativity for no good reason, I think you guys have to look
long and hard at how these guys and their past actions have played out.

1.  They’ve stopped innovation because all the innovators have stopped hanging out with them.
2.  Everyone who used to like them now hates them and wants nothing to do with them.
3.  They have a business model based around self-gain and deception.
4.  They isolate themselves because they have a narcissistic need to manipulate and control all information about them (something the Nazi government was very good at, as well).
5.  They threaten to sue anyone who actually dares to speak ill of them and expose the truth.

If there is anyone out there reading this who has signed up for an RSD
product or workshop, or is thinking about it – trust me, you would be
better off with almost ANY other seduction course or guru out there,
with the exception of Ross Jeffries.

In my humble opinion, there are two companies you should never, ever, EVER buy or learn anything from, and they are:

1.  Real Social Dynamics
2.  Speed Seduction

So who should you learn from?  Well, check out my Top 10 list.  Those guys are the REAL DEAL.  Check them out for yourselves.

Okay, rant finished.  Now let the flaming begin!

Get Your Free Guide Here!


407 Responses to “Breaking News: Real Social Dynamics Still Sucks Ass”
  1. Rj is a creep says:

    I just wanted to mention I saw the Dr Phil show and Ross Jeffries is a total douchbag creep, he has no idea how he comes off to other people at all. The moron probably thinks he did a good job on his show but he just cost himself a lot of potential fans. What a dirtbag.

  2. Mack wild says:

    Oh yeah totally broseph. I was actually looking into his material until I saw the Dr phil show, lost all respect for the man and will have nothing but bad word of mouth about him towards from now on. Wont touch his stuff again. What an assclown, he makes Tyler seem like Matt Damon. He basically tried to rip down the entire community because of his own selfish gains and insecurities — and this guy has the nerve to market himself as a master at inner game? Laughable.

  3. abc says:

    Gentlemen, just ask yourself one question. Who has more positivity and good energy. Who seems more secure of themselves?

    Tyler Durden or Thundercat?

    It seems that Thundercat has nothing else better to do than to give his two cents and negativity. It’s ridiculous. So much hatred.

    On the other hand, Tyler Durden is like the Tony Robbins of Pickup. And the good thing is, anyone can benefit from the BluePrint. Even the guys who aren’t in pickup.

  4. Uncle B says:

    Tylers blog is very very good.

  5. Anthony Robbins says:

    I resent being compared to Tyler Durden, I tell people what to focus on and give them a solid plan of action and focus. Mr Durden simply rambles on about all kinds of things you should be paranoid about and worried about not doing, while only offering general statements like being present as an alternative, leaving your mind filled with a bunch of things to worry about and not a lot of solutions.

  6. Recycled ideas says:

    If you want the Blue Print summarised then buy ‘old’ RSD’s audio CD ‘Surviving The Dating Game’. It’s a fraction of the price and time and Tyler says nothing in BP that he doesn’t in SDG 4yrs earlier. Actually uses exactly the same phrases in many places. Still, self-plagarism is the least of Tyler’s idea pilfering.

  7. Mack wild says:

    I would like to propose this to anyone who likes what RSD teaches but who is somewhat frustrated with the personalities there, frustrated with hypocracy and feels that some of their outer game type advice is juvinille, gay, flat out ignorance, or just shady in general.

    I am about to recommend an alternative. Now I have spent over a year on and off on their forum, and at first glance it seems that they are a little too goody two shoes — but they really arnt. The problem with their method is that the newbies come off as WBAFC’s — which turns a lot of people off. The guys that are good on there though, and there are a lot — come off very down to earth, masculine, attractive, and sexual. It teaches you how to be natural in real ways that you can go out and apply. These guys actually WALK the walk as well as talk the talk. They also give you very balanced advice and they do not rule out appealing to the logical as well as the emotional side of women. They do not rule out appealing as the provider or boyfriend as well as providing as a more ONS type of guy.

    It’s not all about tryin to get laid there, it’s about a way of life and becoming a better person and having other interests too. These guys are what RSD wishes they were. On the surface RSD seems to have more of a “sugar high” appeal to them, especially when you first check out their stuff in comparison to RSD, but that sugar high appeal is all mindfuck type stuff thats not relevant to success or bettering yourself, and also a lot of it is the dark side community stuff — where you are bent on becoming this pimp pua and going out 7 days a week and using a bunch of advanced terms and silly rheteric. Sure RSD is more entertaining — but compared to the guys I am about to recommend they are mcdonalds and these other guys are the steak.

    I have misinterpreted what they teach over there a lot, but after listening to the blueprint and realizing all the hype that goes on and how really you dont need a lot of these silly rules and things can be boiled down to basics — I would like to recommend these guys:

    The juggler form. If your into RSD for the natural teachings, but there is other stuff you dont like. Give these guys a solid try. If they say something that you dont agree with or that seems afc, ask them why they say that. They will usually give you a good reason — if not they are just an afc who is new to the method. They are usually very open about themselves. Some of these guys are super pimps, others are AFC’s trying to learn a method that can easily be mistaken as AFC if you dont have a good understanding. Fact is that this is a method that takes all the AFC out of AFC but still allows you to succeed in society.

    They teach you to be sexual, smooth, and flexible. They also teach you how to be natural and flow in conversation. They are everything that RSD wishes that THEY were but arn’t because of their mental limitations and closed minded views.

    So I recommend JM to all you guys.

  8. Tom says:

    “I recently wrote a post asking why these guys are so against their own teachings and have isolated so far from the community. I praised them, I said I understood they were a business, that I am happy for them … but that I just wanted to know why they are dissing the background that they use to teach to everyone.”

    Oh man, don’t you get it? RSD are MOVING away from pick up. They’re becoming more like their name would suggest a company that helps you become more social and a more well rounded person.

    I think they’ve realised the ‘community’ these days is made up of shallow minded idiots like yourself, therefore they want to focus on helping people become self-actualised who actually want to become self-actualised and not just some boring close minded pick-up artist wannabe who spends all day reading about fucking Mystery and technique and actually wants to have a life, not just a life that revolves around women.

    I mean for fucks sake, RSD to me aren’t about the money or the fame, they could be, but they aren’t. Tyler could still be making a living easily enough out of being the anti-hero of the Game, and jlaix could be going around bragging about he starred in the SNL skit which accumulated more views than the Pick Up artist over on Youtube, but they don’t.

    What I honestly believe these guys are about is, is becoming succesfu, not just for the money, fame or infamy but for themselves, these are the people I’d rather learn from. They have more going for them than most.

    To me, they take a lot of pride in their work and delivering quality products, this could be because they’re just downright manipulative evil bastards, but I don’t think it is. Face it, the world is full of manipulative bastards, and if it is the case, everything they do is just sheer manipulation and marketing, well fuck, at least they’re good at it, unlike some *cough* Thundercat *cough*.

    I like RSD

  9. Mack wild says:

    “I think they’ve realised the ‘community’ these days is made up of shallow minded idiots like yourself”

    Im just wondering what it is that makes you feel I am a shallow minded idiot — you know — just for shits and giggles…

  10. Goose38 says:

    i did find that the bp was supposed t be king, then heard natural tim is coming out…wtf!

  11. Anonymous says:

    “i did find that the bp was supposed t be king, then heard natural tim is coming out…wtf!”

    Yeah dude it’s like I have been saying. It’s all about the $$$. They were taking advantage of people on the BC’s and just cleaned up their image because they got caught. Now their just doing it with products, luckily there is a lot of value in their products if you like to overthink things and have vague direction.

    Lets hope that Tim helps with this vague direction for their sake. I still would love to see actual footage with the RSD boys with actual girls. lol. Everyone else has that stuff now. From the book “the game” to all the footage you see of RSD today — they seem like girls just are never a part of their crew what so ever.

    Look these guys are just running with the DAvid D marketing plan except instead of just addressing their customers by saying:

    “If i come out with a new product it’s because i think it’s helpful”

    they have gone many steps beyond that and created a forum and an advanced online marketing plan including marketing on other forums under various names (including their own) in order to manipulate and brainwash guys into buying the next product from them. I admit a good business plan, for someone who has no respect for you as a customer anyways…

  12. Dr.Philip says:

    Looks like Vin DiCarlo’s Attraction Code is a direct rip off of the Blueprint Decoded.

    Who else is going to be joining the bandwagon of stealing off from nuRSD? LOL.

  13. The survey results are In: CIaran is a full fledged Nutter says:

    “Yeah dude it’s like I have been saying. It’s all about the $$$. They were taking advantage of people on the BC’s and just cleaned up their image because they got caught.”

    The tactic they have been using all along is this “positivity” theme. Basically saying how people should always be “positive” and “nonreactive” yo adversity. well, if you continue to hear this from RSD it in effect becomes anchored to RSD and after a while all the nonsense that TD pulled in the game against Mystery (destroying his influence in Project Hollywood, stealing his ideas even though Mystery naively took TD under his wing) becomes whitewashed..you associate positivity with RSD and there shenanigans aren’t as bad anymore. And get this, the new reframe on TD’s role in the game was that of “anti-hero”…what delusional nonsense.

    “luckily there is a lot of value in their products if you like to overthink things and have vague direction”

    In other words , spin your wheels

    “Everyone else has that stuff now. From the book “the game” to all the footage you see of RSD today — they seem like girls just are never a part of their crew what so ever.”

    Unless they have a use for them…..

    “hey have gone many steps beyond that and created a forum and an advanced online marketing plan including marketing on other forums under various names (including their own) in order to manipulate and brainwash guys into buying the next product from them. I admit a good business plan, for someone who has no respect for you as a customer anyways…”

    What forums btw? They also have there minions of interns try to sell there products to suckers they encounter in the field as well….

  14. Mack wild says:

    These guys have a presence on every major forum. Most of their work goes on within their forum. They posts under various screen names, often people pop out of no where to produce social pressure on guys with normal and logical questions or concerns.

    They also have a heavy presence on all the major forums with a large MM following. They are on both MM forums, especially Mysteries latest forum. They also have somewhat of a presence on Fast seduction but the users are a bit too savy for them there — so they mostly stick to their own forum and the two MM forums to snag newbs and KJ’s. Their base following are naturals in college who know about game but want to keep it simple, and who buy into that aspect of their message despite the fact that their products (which the naturals dont need) way overcomplicate things — especially Tyler. The other part of their base is KJ’s who can find endless mind fuck procrastination, juvinilles who find appeal in the RSD message that you can do whatever you want and encourage you to do things that are very radical and unhelpful to “get over fears” — of course this strategy of advice is great. What better way to retain customers than to encourage people to take action that will not yield any true results but allows them to feel they are being ballsy and growing?? Then of course you have the spiritual guys who are all into the fact that RSD promotes things like Tolle and self improvement. These guys dont care about girls, only finding zen.

    I got to hand it to them, they are the best. They are the best at marketing and finding a way to appeal to a lot of different types of interests of people while managing to promote outer game things that ensure that they will retain a customer base. Tyler even spends a lot of time putting down relationships, promoting paranoia of relationships, and poking fun at guys who just get into this stuff until they find a relationship. Tyler’s persuasion skills are definately tight to anyone without a keen bullshit meter, and even those guys can be fooled and strung along enough for them to make “some” money off of them. One of the more popular persuasive tactics Tyler will use to promote a marketing message is to spend a prolonged period of time cutting up something in a very analytical way — usually things that will not benefit RSD financially — and then adding in a sentence or caveat at the end that attempts to pardon him from owning the things that he just said. You see this loop constantly in the BP — he will cut down something at length, and then add a sentence at the end saying that he is not saying it is necessarily bad — even though he just spent 20 minutes cutting it up inadvertantly with his analytical skills — leading you to a conclusion that HE wants to lead you to for selfish purposes, and then relenting himself of the blame by saying he is not trying to cut it up and it has it’s place. What this accomplishes is for the listener to feel he is making the choice to agree with Tyler because of himself and what he thinks, not Tyler — when the truth is that Tyler is definately promoting and brainwashing in a certain direction. Of course we are all big boys so we can fend for himself — just wanted to plant a seed for those of you not intelligent enough to figure it out on your own.

  15. lol says:

    OMG mack you are a total loser how much time have you spent thinking in RSD???

  16. Mack wild says:


    This must be such a funny thread for people to read. It’s gotten to the point for the last 100 or so posts that anyone who comes up to support RSD has nothing valid to say at all. They all have to just resort to projecting hatred or juvinille comments because they realize that every single intelligent argument they have made has been shot down by me or someone else who has been around RSD enough to recognize their flaws.

    How much time do I spend thinking about RSD? Well lately it’s just when I check this thread and read the comments about RSD, which ummmm, is what this thread was about last time I checked.

    I am just here dropping all the positives and negatives I know about RSD, which is the theme of this thread, trying to save people from some of the troubles I have had with them over the past couple of years, as well as keep them imformed about the positives.

    If that makes me a “total loser” in your eyes, then that’s fine by me man. I dont spend a lot of time worrying about what the brainwashed RSD minions think…

  17. Mack wild says:

    So I was on the RSD forum and here is a good example that illustrates these guys, it’s a recent post from the forum:

    BF of HB wants to bash me, what to do?


    I live in a small town, so things go around, people know each other, etc.

    i number and kiss closed a chick last week. Later that night I found out she has a bf, who I went to school with. I know him, he knows me. He found out what happened, he isnt happy, and wants to bash me.

    I found this out last night. Whilst out I saw another person I went to school with, said hi, turns out him and the bf are best friends. he proceeded to tell me what he wanted to do. he said that unless i sms her and apologise for hitting on her, and apologise to the bf for hurting him, I’m going to be bashed.

    Its a small town, he’s friends with some fairly stocky guys, and I’m only recently going out. So no real backup atm. If i go out tonight, there is only one venue open, and chances are fairly high that he’ll be there.

    I either suck up and apologise, for my own safety by text. Or apologise If I see him, if I don’t, I won’t worry. Or I just dont apologise. I can’t really fight atm, but am taking up a self defence course soon anyway (unrelated to this).

    The gf was flirting with me, no 2 ways about it. And, if I didnt know the guy, I would call fair game, and maybe take her. But I know the guy, and being in a small town, things go around.

    (what would RSD do? )

    Jlaix responce:

    Yeah, why the fuck should this guy APOLOGIZE?


    I’d be like, “Look dude. I didn’t know it was your GF. SHE MADE OUT WITH ME. The problem is with her, not me. So stop being a little BITCH and handle your fucking girl, get the fuck out of my face. You’re acting like a little BITCH.”

    Other responces to note:

    Member Join Date: Jan 2008
    Posts: 61


    Get your ass kicked. You dont know shit about yourself if you havent had a good beating.

    And then there was Manwhore:

    Some good advice in this thread

    Blackjack read into the mentalities posted in this thread, your inability to understand where these guys are coming from is part of the problem you’re working on.

    Jedi ?? It’s cool you’ve been doing martial arts for 8 years.. but don’t use it to put these dudes on a trip like they can’t defend themselves. I’ve taught girls how to knock someone out in a day.

    All of you go out and get punched in the face. It feels good

    As far as that thread by rcinsdca.. good shit. He’s my wing I’ve seen that in action night after night.

    Don’t ever corner a dude who’s had his ego slapped around.

    That’s the genius of Jeffy’s replies. Come at this like its not even a big deal. Then.. when he makes a big deal about it, project the blame in the right direction, and tell him he’s acting like a bitch. ‘Cuz dude.. he is seriously acting like a bitch

    But that’s the point. He’s only acting like a bitch. You tell him to stop acting like one and that’s his way out..

    Look at him solidly, don’t over-explain shit. And be willing to throw down, just like half my game is looking at chicks and communicating with my eyes I’m going to fuck them, same as with my eyes I tell guys I will take this as far as I need to. All dudes who nail chicks walk the walk. This is reality/history/biology.

    If you can’t handle this then you quite literally do not deserve women

    Swear to gawd if you looked at the closing rates of the dudes on both sides of this argument you’d know what I mean


    Again — these guys don’t care about their groupies, they only care about giving off a cool image of someone that can teach them how to pick up girls so that they will get more money.

  18. AgentWax says:

    Relax dudes

    I’ve read stuff from RSD and they are not that bad, I dunno they are just fun to watch, but not as funny as Ross Jeffries, what a crazy mother!

    I just use the stuff from all these guys that really work for me to become a super social person. Outside of the things they teach, I personally don’t care what these guys are up to or what their personalities are, I just see the final product, take what I need, and move on to the next, without choosing sides or anything like that, but it’s just me

    and of course I donВґt buy the products, why buy the cow if you can get the sex for free…or something like that



  19. Wilson Fisk says:

    “I just use the stuff from all these guys that really work for me to become a super social person. Outside of the things they teach, I personally don’t care what these guys are up to or what their personalities are, I just see the final product, take what I need, and move on to the next, without choosing sides or anything like that, but it’s just me”

    Yeah exactly. Contrary to what Mack Wild said, the post on the BF who wants to fight the guy is where RSD specialzes in and is quite good at. They are realy the only one who touches on that subject of conflict..it’s something that happens and the other gurus never get into that area.

    I don’t know about Transformations, but the best inner game video I ever encountered is from the SS “DC 2000″ with MArk Cunningham. The last speech he gives towards the end of the seminar is worthy of an oscar performance.

  20. Mack wild says:

    It can be hard to only take what works or what you agree with when it comes to RSD though, they are very persuasive and good at promoting their agenda’s.

    I have no animosity towards them, good for them for finding a way to be successful despite all the cards stacked against them. I just and trying to tell guys not to underestimate them and how they can mess up your game, just because they have some good messages mixed into what they teach.

    These guys can mess you up if you allow them to, thats all. Look at the BP? They just promoted and sold all these copies of it as the be all end all to pickup — they convinced all their followers and some outside of the community that it was the best product ever and would change EVERYTHING. Mainly what it ended up being was a segway to their next product, a lot of self promoting, and a heavy emphasis on people watching and observing the things people do. Not saying there was no value in it, but a program like foundations is much better for increasing your results over time, which I think is why people would shell out cash for advice right?

    My point is that they are good at spinning things in ways they want to spin it and sometimes that can lead to setbacks for you.

  21. Dr.Philip says:

    “They just promoted and sold all these copies of it as the be all end all to pickup — they convinced all their followers and some outside of the community that it was the best product ever and would change EVERYTHING. Mainly what it ended up being was a segway to their next product, a lot of self promoting, and a heavy emphasis on people watching and observing the things people do.”

    What? The Blueprint did change everything. It made their biggest competitor a fucking joke. It’s even got Vin DiCarlo ripping them off.

    And their next product? You mean FlawlessNatural? That’s the Timmy Show. People have wanted Tim to do his own thing (right after Transformations and before the Blueprint) just as much others wanted Jeffy to do his own, and RSD answers.

    I’ve been at the FNSC, and it’s well worth the admission. Tim is worth seeing (as well as the other instructors, especially Alex) and it goes very well with the Blueprint. Now, if only they would release Alex’s own show..

  22. AgentWax says:

    Yeah Tim seems like a cool guy who knows his stuff, he’s by far the best one in Transformations, FlawlessNatural could be interesting

  23. Mack wild says:

    Yeah I like Tim. My point was that they are good at promoting things they want to promote. It made their competitors a joke because thats what they were looking to accomplish for themselves, not because their competitors stuff doesn’t work. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t have been selling their spin off of it for the last few years before they became Nu-rsd.

    Tyler talked about how you have to walk this “fine” line to pull it off and one mistake and she is gone, that being challenging doesn’t work unless you stick with it. That’s simply not true. If ALL your doing is being challenging and that is the only thing that gets her interested then yeah, he’s right — but then again just keep being challenging — big deal. However if your being challenging and you have her interest you can display yourself in ways that will connect her to your world other than the fact your a challenge, and you get more room for error.

    Fact is that the blue print does have value, but only if you disregard the rest of what you have learned in this community in favor of nu-rsd — and you don’t have any real direction to fall back on from nu-rsd unless you buy future products that will expand upon these idea’s. Tyler and Tims blogs can somewhat help with that though — but still it’s vague.

    Me — I dont have time to sit at my computer all day waiting for their next product to give me direction and meanwhile ignoring all the stuff I have found to work because RSD says there are “problems” with it. While I agree and relate with a lot of what they say, the only true guidance I have on how to interact with the world is based on things that they now call “outdated”. They bring up all the potential flaws of these things but their alternatives all lie in vague mindsets that dont help you to overcome real issues in the real world. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    I also have a hard time with the fact that they preach positivity and all these deep inner game concepts like being in the moment, then advocate getting into fights, tell off members of their forum and degrade them — and stuff like that. It hurts my confidence in what they preach, and when someone can’t feel confident about what a teacher is teaching, it’s hard for them to buy into the belief and make it consistant.

    I also find that a lot of their posts that do address outer game, whether it be the oldschool stuff or the newer comments — it’s often very weird or bizzarre or feminine behavior — and this seems to clash with thier inner game teachings. I just think there is a point when one concludes that maybe this isnt about teaching someone the entire package and helping them to see real results and more about just throwing together a bunch of rambles that dont fit together in order to make a lot of money off guys that dont know any better.

  24. Inside source says:

    Here is a leak that I recieved from someone I am not going to name who is a part of Real social dynamics:

    “We need to build this company up and put them out of business before it starts to go mainstream. The social pressures from it going mainstream will turn the kids to us. I realize that the direction we are moving is not as successful but what you do on your own time is your business, when your working with us you have to put on the face we will be putting on. That is what the kids coming into this want to hear anyways.”

  25. AgentWax says:

    I totally agree that they are too focused on the business side of it, but I understand that for these guys it actually is their business, hence the sniper bashing against other methods and techniques, but well I just roll my eyes with a smile and keep looking for those nuggets of truth hidden in between.

    I tested stuff from rsd,MM, etc and they all work, you just have to pick what you can use and never settle with one point of view regarding any matter, always look for a second opinion.

    Specifically from rsd I didn’t find practical techniques per se to use, but they are good in matters regarding inner game, so of course that’s what I took. I owe everyone of these guys so I canВґt pull for one side or the other

    in these pick up brand wars the only ones who lose are us

    leave britney aloonee

  26. Mack wild says:

    I am sort of tiring of the topic of RSD to be honest, i’ve rambled out everything positive and negative till I am blue in the face and there is no emotion left.

    So this is going to be my final comment on this thread.

    I spent over the past 1.5 years on the forum. I developed probably as close as a relationship with some of the guys there that you can develope over the internet with guys.

    It was the only forum where the members would constantly poke at me — for better or for worse. Every other forum I was treated somewhat on a pedestool but there I was a guy who had a lot of challenges ahead of me.

    They would never allow me to talk about anything mechanical, at first it was acceptable but as time went on flaming would be about the only thing of relevance in responce to any type of logical thinking or mechanical thinking regarding pickup. Anything posted to get a reaction was relatively looked at as negative, whether it be something you posted in order to get help or not.

    In some ways this definately helped me, I mean it pushed me to grow, the forum helped me to get into a really confident and powerful and mindless state when it would come together and I would be in the zone. In other ways it has a way of holding you back or holding you down, always believing you have work to do and never accepting yourself as you are right now.

    Lots of hypocracy, lots of contradictions, lots of mindtricks on their students. Watching people mindlessly react to their mindtricks would drive me so batty that I could not help but try to smarten the idiots up a bit. For instance I was on there today reading the natural conference thread, where RSD is claiming they will not tape the show because people “will get sick of them coming out with products.”

    All the idiots of course now feel the fear of loss (an MM technique) and have been basically reacting like little sheep and lobbying for them to record the entire show.

    Brilliant. Now they can come out with the tape and say it was the request of the users, while also not discouraging people to attend the superconference. You think of a tactic like that and you think to yourself, well if they want to ensure to sell out the conferences they cant have people thinking they will be able to watch the conference later on…so of course you think — well they are doing what they have to do. See that’s not the problem, the problem becomes when they sit there and come up with elaborate stories and bullshit and mindfuck with the very people who believe in them and support them. Drives me fucking crazy. I guess that was always my problem, I dont like people who want my money or my time, or who want to teach me things — to treat me like an idiot.

    Regardless I came out of RSD at times feeling very free and very confident. They are the masters of teaching calibration even if some of the foundations of that calibration come from a narrow minded viewpoint that doesn’t fully support a lot of their inner game teachings.

    They are a company that gets it in a lot of ways, but still is not perfect, and still is not teaching something totally congruent from top to bottom. It’s like a lot of puzzle pieces that sometimes come together and sometimes dont.

    That said — they are light years ahead in many aspects to trying to fix all the problems created by the community in many ways, and I commend them for that. They do have a way of teaching you the things that make men — men. Even if it may get your ass put in a hospital. lol. They often touch on those intangeables of unstoppable confidence and you see flashes here and there of them actually teaching coolness.

    At the end of the day it’s a valiant effort in as many ways as it is a frustrating effort.

    They have helped my game in some ways, and hurt it in others .. but the core of who I am has shifted in a way that is stronger because of them. So I thank them for that.

  27. Dave says:

    Blueprint Rocks.

  28. Kanye West says:

    George Bush doesn’t care about black people.

  29. Goose38 says:

    i agree with agent wax, bp , in between jabs of other companies had some good stuff. im not pissed of new products cause i feel the game is changing.
    in a sense that guys that have been in this for a while get the same problems and sticking points.
    so the natural approach has been very beneficial to me. i felt the opener,neg, build comfort etc was getting tired and i wasn’t having fun anymore. so its a community problem but one i can work with. lets hope all new products are original!

  30. brianjames says:

    i too got caught in the 2+ year RSD haze. if you want to run game, and do it in a way that feels natural -check out mehow. it gets you results and not just mindmastrubation

  31. rsd mole says:

    some good observations here about rsd.

    very astute. i especially liked the comments about ozzie advocating dancing monkey then forcing himself onto girls…

    but you know what they say… pay peanuts you get…

    i can let you know the secret rsd motto here is “sell it by zealot!” ha ha and it works…. tylers rich beyond his wildest dreams.

    you know might have guessed what we like to call the rsdnation board members and bootcamp punters behind there backs…

  32. pualienstylo says:

    this thread will not end

    except inside of Tyler’s ass

    coming out of RJ’s teeth coming out of Thundy’s penis-hole… PUAlien-Style

  33. Goose38 says:

    ozzie is getting a bad rap, his just close thing is a total mind fuck if your not able to do it.
    before i found the community i would get laid by just taking charge and forcing myself on 5s drunk chicks, fatties.
    i got into styles/mystery approach but guess what, i was meeting hotter chicks but never getting laid,
    make outs and mild foreplay would end up in calls not being returned.
    foundations was ok but i felt i was beyond the initial approach sequence.
    saw transformations and OZZIE said to just FUCKING CLOSE, so i tried it and it was spot on, if i didn’t get action that night i was always taken seriously, and now i get ass on the regular.
    i rarely don’t go past the 2nd time meeting up that i don’t get laid
    i have accepted losing a girl that thought i was too much, but you know what? i dont care for all of that game playing bullshit that GIRLS LIKE TO PLAY.
    and i attract girls that like to be cave maned. guys think im bullshitting but its true. girls want to know that you think they are sexy, when i would lose the girl it was because they were not getting their ego stroked.
    so if I’m the only guy to rah-rah for ozzie, so be it. he got me laid and has since then.
    i am Latino like oz so maybe its a culture thing with our women.
    but other girls have responded accordingly just as long as i didn’t go to far and seem ultra horny. keeping it playful helped, usually after taking a shot i say time for a kiss. then i just waited them out and let my friends run interference. to close i would suggest going to another bar then drive to my place.
    hope that helps

  34. Goose38 actually believes he's giving advice says:

    Wow. That’s some hard core closing. Suggesting a kiss after a shot, venue bouncing and then after all that compliance going back to yours. Jeez…that’s going out on a limb. That’s really ignoring the ‘signals’ and going for it.

  35. Goose38 actually believes he's giving advice says:

    Wow. That’s some hard core closing. Suggesting a kiss after a shot, venue bouncing and then after all that compliance going back to yours. Jeez…that’s going out on a limb. That’s really ignoring the ‘signals’ and going for it.

  36. Goose38 says:

    i just stated my position, i hear a lot of bickering on this thread but i dont hear shit about people actually getting results from the stuff they peruse over with a fine comb.but im sure your knew i wasn’t trying to give others advise, just sharing what worked for me.

  37. Goose38 says:

    i just stated my position, i hear a lot of bickering on this thread but i dont hear shit about people actually getting results from the stuff they peruse over with a fine comb.but im sure your knew i wasn’t trying to give others advise, just sharing what worked for me.

  38. hand solo says:

    for what its worth i reckon mack wilds made some good points throughout. he bangs on a bit but hey nobodys perfect!!

  39. Mack wild says:

    Yeah following some of RSD’s principles have gotten me laid, just like following some of the other methods principles — other RSD principles have got me fucking up sure things, or into fights ect. Shit before I even found the community I was getting “laid” the true question should be what teacher gives you balanced advice that is easy to follow and reach your goals as becoming the person that you want to be getting the girls that you want to get.

    RSD is like a bucket full of diarreah with some gems inside. You gotta dig through all the diarreah to get to the gems.

  40. Mack wild says:

    They let me BACK IN the RSD FOOORRRRUMMMM!

    So now I’m back to suckin’ TD’s big thick Zen COOOCCKKK! YEAAAHHH!

    Ohhhhhhhh yeah.

    Yummy yummy cummy cozy!

  41. ipsissimus says:



    AND DONT LISTEN TO robert greens 48 laws of power law 27 track 5 of 8 10:40 play on other peoples need to believe to create a cult like following he talks about how to set up a cult and the”charlartans” throughout history.

    it describes rsd 100% exactly accurately its as if is tyler has listened to it and put it into action stp by step….

  42. Jeffy's boy says:

    Yo I roll with Jeffy a lot and he gets more ass than Tyler does, least thats what he says. I cant speak for everyone else but I see Jeffy succeed at least once in a while. He has some unique views as does the whole company at large but these guys are just living their lives to have fun and try to help other guys get more going for themselves. So what if they exaggerate how good they are? Cut them some slack.

  43. Jeffy's boy says:

    Yo I roll with Jeffy a lot and he gets more ass than Tyler does, least thats what he says. I cant speak for everyone else but I see Jeffy succeed at least once in a while. He has some unique views as does the whole company at large but these guys are just living their lives to have fun and try to help other guys get more going for themselves. So what if they exaggerate how good they are? Cut them some slack.

  44. So I dabble back and forth from time to time with RSD. If anything, you can only bash RSD as much as you can bash Style and Mystery. Style pimped the community with “The Game” and the AM, to which his buddy coined him as PUA of the year twice before he helped him drop it for $4,000, and Mystery with his $4,000 workshops.

    Who’s in it for the money?


    Yeah, RSD does fucked up shit. I’ll admit that. It’s funny learning years of pu and seduction tactics and then sit and watch a group use those same tactics to brainwash the guys that interact with them.

    Whats really sad is how so few people notice, and when you question the bullshit, YOU get flamed for being negative and not adding to the board.

    Well hell, how can you point out the negative things that someone else does without appearing negative to them?

    Funny though, EVERY time I post there, EVERYONE is saying “WOW… THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.”

    I’ve never bought a RSD product in my life and I post stuff and guys are like, “Yeah, thats exactly it. Tyler talks extensively about that in the blueprint…”

    Its like these guys are brainwashed to think TD has THE answer, EVERY TIME, and thats it.

    You see where I’m coming from. And they DEFINITELY don’t give credit for alot of things. You can’t even say Mystery without it showing up as *******. Hell, you probably cant even say Mr. E any more, lol. Hell, you can’t even say Formhandle on RSDs forum and TD owes that guy alot.

    Anyway, they can’t give credit to crap because you can’t use anyones name who’s affiliated with anything other than RSD. I can’t even post about where rapport assumption came from because I can’t say Gunwitch, or even Allen over there. Dude, Tyler freaking started with Allens stuff.

    Its funny how they “innovate” stuff thats been around for years. This new inner game state based pu that they’re championing? Its the knock off GWM(Gunwitch Method) with shiny new paint.

    In other words, advanced GWM1, with tweaks here and there.

    And if Gun actually sat and studied what they’re preaching, he could put it together. Hell, if guys understood GWM1 to the point that its no longer a method, but just a description of what their game looks like, the comparison could be drawn easily.

    And with that, I’m actually GLAD they’re teaching what they’re teaching because I KNOW it works. You take some RSD stuff, follow it like they lay it out, and you’ll get good. Period.

    But you gotta realize, IT IS NOT TD. TD is what he is. His greatest talent WAS ALWAYS taking ONE principle, breaking it down into infinite complexities and reproducing it over and over and over.

    In other words, Tyler is a robot.

    A philosophy robot.
    A pu robot.
    A cool guy robot.

    Now he’s an inner game robot.

    And if you go back and read his most prominent articles, alot of it is from principles broken down(the way he does) from stuff in mASFs archive and put together again.

    And thats fine too. Alot of the stuff that I’ve written about isn’t “new” per se. It’s come from field experience, a majority of which was in the beginning based on mixing the basic principles championed by other methods with a foundation of GWM… rapport assumption and sexual state.

    Everything original that I’ve written up was FOUNDED from experience and using THAT.

    But what works works.

    The REAL stars over there?

    Ain’t TD or Papa. Jlaix, the real deal. Nathan? I’m pretty damn sure he’s the real deal. Probably a couple of the other guys that I’m just not familiar with.

    But again, don’t let that take away from Tyler. That guy is the walking encyclopedia of seduction. When he’ talks about pu, he knows what he’s talking about. He’s got a brain full of knowledge and a ton of field experience to draw from.

    The real question you want to ask yourself though, is whether you want to risk being caught up in the bullshit to get the true gems that RSD has to offer?

    I would have, but they banned me.

    So I stick with mASF. The money grubbing bs that you see TD, NS, Love Systems, Mystery, etc., engage in? Formhandle does none crap. And he could, for which I give him that much more respect. And thats a part of the reason why major guys left there. Everyone wants to do their own thing.

    It ceased to be about the community. It ceased to be a community. Top guys ran off so now guys like me, the average pua with some solid understanding have to step up and take over where the real stars left off.

    Oh well, it happens.

    By the way, Neil, TD, Mystery, Woodhaven, Dimitri, RJ, Wayne… asf misses you guys.

    Anyway, having my foundations in different things, but having developed alot of my current thinking from strictly field experience has helped me point out more easily what works and what doesn’t.

    For the most part, most methods work. Most of them though, add way too much unnecessary complexity. I imagine blue print decoded adds to the complexity as opposed to taking away from it.

    But for the most part, I agree with alot of what RSD teaches, especially the insights of some of their instructors that are independent of the whole “rsd collective” type vibe.

    You guys have fun. I’ll be at mASF.

  45. Goose38 says:

    whats the address for masf

  46. RJ says:

    For those who are interested in my take on RSD’s business model:

    1. The vast majority of their traffic is generated by the RSDnation.com site; it outranks realsocialdynamics.com significantly.

    The RSDnation site has a heavy percentage of repeat visitors.

    They are outpulled by fastseduction.com, but they are ahead of most everyone else.

    2. Their marketing to those OUTSIDE the community-to people who are NOT yet involved is pretty damn poor, relying solely on free publicity which peaked after the Game came out, but has dropped significantly.

    3. They are losing their shirts on the “Blueprint”. $250,000 to produce? CRANE SHOTS OF TYLER? Someone’s ego got WAYYY the better of their business sense.

    4. The majority of their revenue comes from the bootcamps which they keep running at a furious pace. The fundamental weaknesses:

    A. Expensive to put on

    B. To keep generating $$$$$ like this, they need to have a big pool of instructors, so the quality has to suck big time. Which means high customer dissatisfaction and very little repeat buys.

    C. The instructors(other than Tyler) have no star status in the community. They are pushing Jeffy, but again, he’s not as famous as Tyler. Outside the community…forget it.

    D. RSD has no reciprocal or affiliate relationships within the community.

    E. RSD’s audience is more than 70% below the age of 30. They have very limited reach and appeal above this age bracket.

    F. Tyler, as the only creative voice, has to recycle his own material or draw on sources outside the community(Tolle, etc). But he raises the risk of appearing unoriginal when he does so.

    G. RSD has a bad customer service rap within the community.

    H. Material is very derivative of Mystery.

    That’s my analysis.



    HI GUYS!!


  48. RJ says:

    For those who are interested in my take on RSD’s business model:

    1. The vast majority of their traffic is generated by the RSDnation.com site; it outranks realsocialdynamics.com significantly.

    The RSDnation site has a heavy percentage of repeat visitors.

    They are outpulled by fastseduction.com, but they are ahead of most everyone else.

    2. Their marketing to those OUTSIDE the community-to people who are NOT yet involved is pretty damn poor, relying solely on free publicity which peaked after the Game came out, but has dropped significantly.

    3. They are losing their shirts on the “Blueprint”. $250,000 to produce? CRANE SHOTS OF TYLER? Someone’s ego got WAYYY the better of their business sense.

    4. The majority of their revenue comes from the bootcamps which they keep running at a furious pace. The fundamental weaknesses:

    A. Expensive to put on

    B. To keep generating $$$$$ like this, they need to have a big pool of instructors, so the quality has to suck big time. Which means high customer dissatisfaction and very little repeat buys.

    C. The instructors(other than Tyler) have no star status in the community. They are pushing Jeffy, but again, he’s not as famous as Tyler. Outside the community…forget it.

    D. RSD has no reciprocal or affiliate relationships within the community.

    E. RSD’s audience is more than 70% below the age of 30. They have very limited reach and appeal above this age bracket.

    F. Tyler, as the only creative voice, has to recycle his own material or draw on sources outside the community(Tolle, etc). But he raises the risk of appearing unoriginal when he does so.

    G. RSD has a bad customer service rap within the community.

    H. Material is very derivative of Mystery.

    That’s my analysis.


  49. exrsdpunter says:


    I took a RSD bootcamp back in 2006 and I think I already posted how it went somewhere on this forum in some random thread but…i went to the Mint Lounge to meet up with my instructor who I knew would either be Jeffy or Cristophe in San Francisco…I go in there ordered a water cus I don’t drink and it was my first time in a bar as I turned 21 about 5 days PRIOR to the bootcamp (timed taking the RSD bootcamp perfectly). I also had next to nothing pick up experience and when I met up with Cristophe. Short little French guy who looked like one of my favorite cousins.

    He came up and just said …Are you (my name)? I was like yeah he told me to follow him and I saw the other student there too. We got together and me being a very shy introvert just stood there quietly sitting next to the student while Cristophe had his cell phone looking at his liner notes or something. He then told us that we were going to sing Karaoke or something to get over some sort of fear or some shit and we met up at that lounge which was a Karaoke bar to , I guess get into state or some shit. The other student was like…..are you Jeffy…? Cristophe was like…no I’m cristophe…and the student was like….Wtf man…I thought my instructor was gonna be JEFFY. They two started arguing about who the instructor was gonna be and he was pissed it wasn’t The Famous Jlaix from the Newsletter or some shit. He then was like…Fuck this I want my refund. Cristophe was pissed at this point and said Fine you’ll get your refund now get the fuck out. As he was walking away…I remember Cristophe saying to me…Don’t need that douchebag…(lol). So I had to choose what I was going to sing and I was mortified……I told him to pick the song for me and he picked I think it was by Tom Jones’s… Its not Unusual (to be loooved by anyone…) or some shit like that…you know that 70s song or something? He had already submitted his song that he was going to do so he went up first and sung. He was pretty good and I was watching him sing…during that time these two girls sat right next to me and opened me. I was fucking shocked because it was the first time it had ever happened and kinda froze up and continued watching Cristophe (they were hot as hell too) So I went up after he did I was kinda pissed he wasn’t watching me sing as I could see Cristophe in the back checking his cell phone still were he kept his notes he was briefing us on. I went up there and totally bombed but everyone clapped so I kinda liked it and kinda hated it. To this day I kinda liked it and kinda still scared to do it but I’m pretty motivated to try it again some day….irrelevant though.

    After that I went back to him and we did this weird clapping game in the bar. He was going to loosen me up or something and I had to do some weird pattern of clapping while having a conversation with him. If I stopped clapping it was because I went into my head to think of an answer as it took away my conscious focus. He wanted me to flow a little bit more and be able to say things to him without going into my head and reflecting on it or whatever. Was a pretty neat game…I forgot what happened after that but I remember him opening a 3 set directly in front of us with some opinion opener. The opener was “Do you think it’s weird when guys give you roses on the first date” and he went off talking to them about supplication and how it’s weird or some shit. The set opened although I really can’t remember if they were giving him any IOIs but it went pretty smoothly for the most part. He didn’t really escalate or anything…he just kinda opened them with it and then we sat down and talked some more about the rules of talking..things to say…things not to say etc with me. We left and went to Safeway where he told me to approach my first girl. She was checking the can soups or some shit and I was mortified but I opened with “Do you know where any of the cool places to go on a Friday night” or something around there and we went off and she was totally stand offish like…Ughh..why are you asking me this….No I don’t know…I usually stay at home blah blah blah…and this rocked me petty hard since it was my first actual approach like this. Normally I’d try to squirm my way in whenever a girl talked to ME but never the other way around. He was kinda spying me through the corner pretending to look at the back of a bag of Cheetos ingrediants or something. She didn’t notice him or anything. He was like….Horrible with his french accent and shit lol.

    He then approached another two set and opened with I think the same opener I used but these two chicks opened up and started blabbing. He then used a … are you two like best friends….? You both have the same commonalities….you’re both even eating the same candy!! And they started laughing…while I was standing there mortiefied :/ holding my bottle of water to my chest. Typical AFC stance. I think the cute girl was attracted to him though as they invited us meet them at this party they were going to…or might have been an art exhibit when he asked what are all the hot places to go to right now on this Friday night. He was like ok we’ll meet you there but we never went as it was just a demo for me. I did one more set in Safeway before we left since the reason we were there is because he wanted a pack of gum or breath mints to chew or something.

    We took a Taxi after that and went to some club that I can’t remember its name for the fucking life of me. They didn’t ID me at all inside but they were serving alcohol there. It was a neat little place somewhere in San Francisco and we sat down and it was all high class and shit…my second club/bar I went to my entire life and I was soaking it all in. Kind of like drinking water from a firehose and it was a little over stimulating for me. We sat down and he ran me through some more pointers of what not to and not to say. “Don’t say …”You know…?” at the end of every sentence…” “Don’t lean in as you make a point in your sentence each time” “When you approach a woman from behind…don’t poke her to get her attention…tap her with the back of two of your fingers instead.” etc etc.

    I kinda hated myself at this point because I was mostly using DYD stuff when I should have been going more Mystery Method cus I seriuosly had nothing to talk about and no routines to go through as I would freeze up as soon as I got into set. So I was constantly asking him what to say and he was giving me some bizarre ass openers. Maybe to get me more playful and in I dont give a Fuck mode. I opened another set of two girls (or at least tried to open) with the opener he gave me of ,” Heeeeeey girls…I’m gay…! Can I get your number!” I think the point of it was to bomb or whatever and he went up and did the same opener after I did and ejected shortly after…might not have been meant to open but he was just showing me to not give a shit or something.

    He pointd to some girls sitting in front of the bar on a couch and told me to oepn them. I had to push my way through the damn crowd…(I stepped on some old ass guys shoes and he turned into a prick on me about watching where I stepped etc) and I tried to open and I couldn’t find Cristophe anywhere around me watching me this time and I saw him chatting a couple …I guess it was to warm hismelf up or something or to not look like a “chode” to other women …also irrelevant to this. I went up and bombed again and I went back and he couldn’t believe I was back so quick and I was in his set and he was mingling with a guy and his girlfriend who was sitting on his lap. He opened I guess telling those two how I hired him to be his dating coach or some shit and both of them were like…Omg that’s so cool…where do you find people to dot hat kinda stuff…and they both kinda were like yeah keep at it. It felt kinda good that some random people were supporting me lol but then he was like…you didn’t approach those three women did you. I was like I did and he thought I bailed. So he went up to those girls and talked to them and asked what I said and did and what I did wrong and right and all that.

    I wanted to see Cristophe approach some more people so I could “watch him and see what he did right to model it”…partly because I rationalized how that would probably help (now that I think about it…no it wouldn’t have because I already saw him go up to a few sets and do whatever it is he did….it just kinda passed through me) and also partly due to fear. When I asked him to go to another set he was like….”I’m not your dancing monkey” or some shit like that. I totally should have fired back…”For 1500 dollars for this bootcamp you bet your ass you are” or something because in my opinion it was more true than his remark. Although, it still would have been better if I did anyway unbiasedly speaking.

    The story goes on much much longer and I’m leaving out other check points since this is getting kinda big. I think I approached maybe 7 sets that night before I started to break down. Fear started to get the best of me since I would go up and bomb each time…He tried everything he could to cajole me into going up until we just called the night off (was only about an hour and a half left at it during this point and we did a lot) so we debriefed at some diner down the street where he ate some eggs at like 2 in the morning lol. After that he gave me an address to go to the next morning to meet him up there for fashion advice shopping and day gaming. by the time I got home I had only 4 hours or so till we were suppose to meet up (took me forever to get back to my house) and I woke up the next morning with the nastiest feeling in my gut…I ended up bailing on the bootcamp losing my cash since in order to get a refund I had to do all 3 days and tell the instructor during the bootcamp why I wanted a refund (nice little marketing thing there…I had to confront the guy to his face while going to all 3 brutal days of the workshop to get a refund…they really did try to make it hard :P )

    My take on the bootcamp was I thought they were going to somehow make approaching women easier for me…but it was more like…Hey those two women over there….? “Yeah…what?” GO approach them. I paid the guy 1500 dollars to have him tell me to approach women. I paid him 1,500 dollars for three words. “Go. Approach. Them. *Finger Point to them” That’s about all he offered me but for the most part that’s what really had to be done….at the end of the day I think Bootcamps are really unecessary. The most it gives you is pressure and leverige with his presence and your money on the line to actually start approaching. I didn’t get much expert feedback of what I was doing right and wrong…albeit partly because I feel I wasn’t doing anything right and possibly everything I was doing was wrong so yeah…

    As for the instructors and Tyler himself…I think when you watch one of their programs and they’re selling their bootcamps subtly to you about how “Extreme and awesome” it is…it’s just marketing to get people to come. When you watch Transformations and hear everyone talk and shit…they paint a picture that their instructors are godly and shit. I really hardly believe that…even after hearing some of the stories of the instructors themselves. I don’t hate any of them… (well I hate Tyler personally from what I’ve seen in his DVDs and from The Game…) but you gotta remember because i believe this to be more true than them being Pickup heroes…that it’s marketing to get you to buy and shit. When you see Jeffy talking about how he mended his destructive ways and how now all the girls are like…etheially all super attracted to him from this weird super-unconsciosu level…I feel that it’s just marketing. I personally don’t really think he made that many changes to his life that happened and it’s just magnifying tiny things that he may have done to tweak his personality to something more grand for the cameras and storyteling. I’ve seen Tyler in his Super Conference say that he will use all the glitz and marketing stratgies to get people to come to his bootcamps…but once he has you in it…that’s when he unleashes how great his bootcamps are to help you change. I believe that …about his marketing but his bootcamps in my opinion probalby aren’t that great but he sells it (like he said glitz marketing). Also, in his Transformations…he talks about how he is just so enlightened now and shit (I’m guessing to hype RSD as the best in the world or whatever and how theyr instructors are pimp as hell and so is he…..glitz marketing some more) you can SEE holes in his personality that show that it’s all a lie. In Transformations his little attitude and break of character slips out when he asks one of the Camera guys to HURRY UP (I guess it pissed him off …just watch it) with bringing the mic to him. In his Blueprint DVD set …that’s where he claims to be the most enlightened he’s ever been…but you can hear anger and hurt and resentment of a lot of things in his past when he talks…as I sat there watching that program I was like doubting what I was hearing…he’s walking like a duck…talking like a duck…but I wouldn’t believe he was the way he was coming off to be at times (still kind of the asshole he was in The Game…which hints at him not really changing……again…glitz marketing)…it gets so blatant at one point that he has to call attention to it because everyone was thinking about it where he said something like…”yeah…you can probably hear some of the old leftover anger in my voice right now can’t you about women and my past” or something….glitz marketing. Personally…I think his glitz marketing that he admitted in the super conference is what he does all around his company…boasts about how awesome his bootcamps are…his isntructors are with women and how their life has changed to enlightenement…even himself in really changing.

  50. Wilson Fisk says:

    “3. They are losing their shirts on the “Blueprint”. $250,000 to produce?”

    Having worked in the network tv biz, I doubt that figure. To spend that much, they would have to rent out a network studio at NBC, use an entire union crew on a saturday at time and a half and do post production at a major editing house in Hollywood, and even than they may have come up short. My guess if they did in fact spend that much they must have had some big name commercial director shoot the seminar.

    “CRANE SHOTS OF TYLER? Someone’s ego got WAYYY the better of their business sense.”

    That one shot on the Blueprint of TD surrounded by like 5 cameras shooting him and all the lights on him was designed to elevate his stature in the eye of the viewer, like watching an Orson Welles film when he would shoot at a low angle to make a certain character look powerful (like Citizen KAne).

    If they had a quarter of a mill to spend on shooting a seminar I underestimated the amount of money to be made on sexual repression. Guess that’s why the pu biz is so cuthroat…sharks feeding on the mountain of raw beef..

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