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5 Things Never To Say On A First Date

May 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

A guy named David Zinczenko posted an article on Yahoo about five things you should never say on a first date.  According to David (who authored the book Men, Love, & Sex, The Complete Users Guide For Women), first dates are like the ultimate relationship chess match.

He gives a few examples of what he things you should say INSTEAD of the typical boring stuff.  See below…

Say This: What do you do for fun?
Not That: What’s your job like?

Standard question, sure. But it’s one that will elicit a standard answer-good people, I like what I do, blah blah blah. While most will certainly get the employment issue covered, the conversation will be more engaging-and you’ll be more appealing-if you try to home in on those outside interests. Certainly skydiving, poodle rescue, or soup kitchens have got to be more interesting than conference calls and Power Points.      

Say This: You look fantastic
Not That: Good to see you

It may very well be good to see her, but that greeting is about as vanilla as a McDonald’s shake. Instead, it’s all about conveying enthusiasm-without having stalker sirens go off. No need for standing ovations, but a simple compliment sets the tone. The tactic isn’t just for men to use on women, but can be especially effective in the reverse.

I will say this:  Its always better to talk about things that are INTERESTING rather than "hum-drum" or "standard."  I think David hit on this pretty well in the article.

If you’re going to compliment a woman, make it an original compliment.  Don’t say "You look fantastic!"  Say "Wow, you have in incredible sense of style!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so beautiful."  That goes MUCH further than your typical "brush-off" compliment.

Not only that, but when you ask a question, you want to phrase it in such a way that it actually ENGAGES the woman.  So instead of asking "What do you do?" you could say something like "If you could do anything in the world, and were not limited by time, space, or gravity, what would you want to be doing?"

There’s lots of ways you can play it.  But typical rule of thumb:  Be as interesting as possible on the first date!

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One Response to “5 Things Never To Say On A First Date”
  1. Sabina says:

    I will say this: Its always better to talk about things that are INTERESTING rather than “hum-drum” or “standard.” — I agree with this. I like it when a man ask me some interesting questions.

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