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Is Tyler Durden A Fake?

February 27, 2006 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

I know there are a lot of people out there who think I’m ragging on Real Social Dynamics just for the fun of it, but that’s not really the case.  I’ve actually been getting contacted a great deal by lots of different people with gripes about RSD, most of which I don’t really bother to post.

But occasionally, I get a post that’s really thought provoking, and it just so happens this one is right up there.

Semicond writes:
Hey TC,

Forgive the length of this email, I know you probably get a lot, but hopefully you’ll find this is worthy of being published on your blog.

I’ve been a lurker in the community for many years now.  I’m just a regular dude, don’t really take workshops or go to seminars or anything like that.  I just like to read the mASF message boards a lot.

And I’ve noticed something I wanted to share with everyone.

I remember back in the days when Tyler Durder started posting on mASF.  It was really cool to see a guy with a new perspective on stuff kind of rise through the ranks with his thoughts and ideas.

And he had some great posts, like the spastic rambling series.  There was a time there where Tyler really seemed to be innovating a lot of cool theories and ideas.

But recently, a lot of his posts have lost that excitement and revolutionary quality.  And by recently, I mean in the last year or so.

So I started going through a lot of the posts on mASF archive around the time period where TD was posting all his great stuff, and realized this was around the time of Project Hollywood, where TD was living with all those big time PUAs like Mystery and Style.

After reading Style’s book, I got the idea that TD was also traveling around and meeting with really good PUAs at this time as well.

But ever since Project Hollywood ended, and the RSD guys have been ostricized by the big time guys, TD’s posts have gone down hill, which leads me to believe that most of the really cool stuff Tyler "developed" and posted about in the good old days were really concepts and ideas he took from much better pick up artists and re-wrote to make it look like he came up with it.

I’m not making this claim lightly.  If you look at some of TD’s old posts, and compare them to his recent posts, you’ll see big differences.

In the old posts, he had some really interesting core ideas which he went on to theorise on and test out.

In his new posts, it’s more like he’s got the same old ideas which he tries to drag out into something new.  A lot of his posts make me feel like I’m reading a term paper where he’s trying to hide the fact he has no new ideas with a bunch of psychobable writing.

So I want to pose this question…

Do you think Tyler was ever really that great of a PUA?  Or was he just a really smart keyboard jockey who stole his best stuff from better PUAs like Mystery and Sytle?

Thanks for your time.


Well, I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t a provocative email.  It is true that Tyler’s best stuff came when he was living with Mystery and Style in Project Hollywood, and when he was traveling around the world meeting the great PUAs from Mystery’s Lounge.

And it’s also true that his posts since Project Hollywood imploded have been pretty lackluster.

There’s been a lot of controversy over TD’s skill level ever since he appeared on the scene.  I remember the big threads on Mystery’s Lounge about whether Tyler was a fake or not.  This is stuff that wasn’t viewable by anyone but the people on the Lounge, but there were a great many people who knew Tyler who thought he was full of shit.

Eventually, his friends outweighed his enemies, so he was accepted into the fold.  But you can’t deny that sometimes Tyler stretches the truth when it comes to his own prowess as a ladies man.

TD has been caught in a few fibs, such as him saying he can "open any set," or claiming the girls he sarges are 9s and 10s when in reality they were more like 6s and 7s.

And for everyone who’s read The Game, you know TD is really insecure, defensive, and manipulative.

I’ve even had eye-witnesses come forward and tell me that TD had a whole "Gay" routine worked out with wingmen where him and his wingman would actually MAKE OUT with each other in front of girls to try and get the girls to make out with each other.

(If that’s the kind of innovation TD is pioneering, I think I’ll stick to the old stuff)

So there’s a lot of shady stuff going on with TD, and if he really did get his best concepts from better PUAs like Mystery and Style, well… I can’t say I’d be surprized.

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336 Responses to “Is Tyler Durden A Fake?”
  1. StyleChild says:


    Random Samurai, you’re ugly as hell.

    You should be banned from myspace…LOL

  2. Random "Gay" Samurai says:

    Noooo, I’m fucked now :(


    The whole world knows how ugly i am now. Guys, please don’t make fun of me for being fat. I’m TC’s little cusin. I am Fat…nooooooooooooo ;(

    ~Random Samurai

  3. Random "Gay" Samurai says:

    Noooo, I’m fucked now :(


    The whole world knows how ugly i am now. Guys, please don’t make fun of me for being fat. I’m TC’s little cusin. I am Fat…nooooooooooooo ;(

    ~Random Samurai

  4. Do you think you are Attractive: Better looking than most

    thats what he said and since his reality is very strong i will believe that.


    Random.Samnurai or whatever..


    this bitch is so motherfuckin’ ugly I just can’t stop laughing hahahahahah!

    21 years old haha!

    his masf posts suck so bad!

    Such an ugly wimp!

    “Marijuana affects the memory” it’s not far from smoking pot to smoking cock!

    you still don’t get what peeps here are about!!!!


    The pest pic is the one where you do the “cumtastic toothbrush opener”, please explain it on masf, form will be flattered!


  6. Don won ton says:


    Chop suey!!

    You guys messed with the wrong ninja won ton. I am going to roundhouse kick you fools to the zoo. For the record this is my second post in this blog. I am not really an E6 marine, I am a martial arts instructer skilled in backside thrusts.

  7. Herbal says:

    That Random Sam. What a fucking chode.

  8. Hiro Hito says:

    Random Samurai! You’re a chode par excellence! Man I haven’t seen such a shocking concentration of geekery and gayness and one single profile before!

    By the way, you’re way uglier than I thought! you’re about as ugly as a warthog but half as smart! And you seem to suffer from delusions of adequacy!

    Just one piece of advice man; next time you fall out of the ugly tree, try not to hit every branch on the way down. mmmkay?

    Hiro Hito

  9. Evo says:

    Yo Random Samurai?

    Is this really your myspace profile?


    Damn I haven’t seen any thing this ugly since Shrek2.

    Fucking hidious creature. You should be locked in the animal farm.

  10. Herbal says:

    rofl. that was too fucking funny evo!

    I love this board and the hideous monsters that it breeds. That’s you randy sam

  11. Caritas says:


    hahahahah Random “junkie” Samugay

    Dudes, he looks like Jackie Chan on crack in those pictures.

    No hooker is gonna be willing to fuck him, not even for $1 million!!


    sorry, still laughing…


  13. HEEHEE says:

    Honestly, man. I was like “damn, that sucks everyone is making fun of this kid” but…I couldn’t help it. I bust out laughing too when I saw that shit until I had tears running down my face.

    I mean, are you for fucking real? Cause if so, then God help us.

    Chode is an understatement. GodDAMN.

  14. MysterysMommy says:


    Did you take your seroquel tonight, young man?

    -Mysterys Mommy

  15. Ben Grimm says:


  16. Yo Mana says:


    Random Samurai, you’re a stupid fuck..

    Evo I couldn’t stop laughting. “Damn I haven’t seen any thing this ugly since Shrek2. ”

    That’s so fucking true.

  17. nuncle says:

    You cguys can make fun of d00d you want but he’s got some hot ass poongtang on his buddy list.

  18. TylerDurden says:

    I am in Ibiza laying superhotties while all you pathetic geeks talk on chatboards. Fuck you losers.

  19. Vincent Chase says:

    Damn, what the fuck happened? These social fuck-offs are really pissing me off.

    This isn’t a discussion, it’s TC Blog Spot, shut the fuck if you’re not going to contribute anything of worth, y’all are pathetic.

  20. assbandit says:



  21. assbandit says:


  22. The True Regal Blue Blood says:


    Although, I really do believe the stories of him making out with guys. I fully suspect that TD is a closet homosexual. His voice alone gives that away, let alone his mannerisms. You rarely hear about TD bringing girls home and/or having sex with them. I give the man credit for concocting a “clever” plan to make out with guys.

  23. tylers gay voice says:

    Thundy only sucks Styles dick so hard because it tastes like Mystery’s asshole.

    They’re all in bed together, morons. Wake up…

  24. The Two says:

    Did I mention that I have done martial arts?

    Yeah? Ok…lemme think…..Hmmm….I’ll be right back when I think of something else to say that’s real alpha.

    Anyway, it’s all about the Inner Game, bros. A concept that I learned while practicing tai chi while standing on a rock overlooking the ocean….uh-oh, there I go again…..

    -The Two

  25. I Wear PVC says:

    I love to observe Naturals when I am doing workshops in Leicester Square. Then I give them props. It makes us both feel good. A win-win, really.


  26. silkcorrosion says:

    upadate your blog man

  27. 1stand2nd says:

    At least Tyler is a world-class guru, much
    like Deangelo, Craig, Mystery, Style etc
    (about 15 I could say of them)

    The rest are idiots, who pretend they
    are “involved” on dating.

  28. The True Regal Blue Blood says:

    Gentlemen, keep your eyes peeled for the ‘Blue Blood Manifesto’. This stuff just blows everybody else out of the water.

  29. Don Won Ton says:

    WTF? ARMY? fuckin a man, this guy seriously needs to stop before i go nuts…

  30. tee dee says:

    You can learn a lot by studying the buldge on a natural.

  31. Ross Jefferies says:

    The NAACP has elected me as man of the year!

    They say it’s for my humanitarian work with black males. They say that when I suck black men dry they have no energy to commit crimes!


  32. Ross Jefferies says:

    I’m going to work Will’s dick like the last rib at a black barbecue.



  33. TylerDurden says:

    I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when I walk down Melrose Avenue with all the shopping bags in my hand!

    Charge it!!

  34. The_One says:

    TC do something I want to sell my ebook to the crap losers on here. DO SOMETHING I WANT THEIR MONEY!!! I worked HARD to get this book done HEY MAN I FUCKED FAT WOMEN MARRIED FAT WOMEN AND HAD A HUBBY’S DICK IN MY ASS MORE THAN ONCE to get the experience I need to GET THIS FUCKIN EBOOK DONE! OK? I worked with the best in the field. Not to mention I had group sex with Mystery and TD! I am the price I deserve your attention guys. I also have a higher value. Don won ton we got to hang out sometime.You seem to be cool to hang out with. Does being a member of the military have value? Yes, of course, it does.Maybe you’ll get lucky and get to hang out with me. BTW,buy my ebook man. I compiled the entire contents of my brain into it, AND I pay afcs to write overwhelming testimonials now and then.Hey I suck TC’s dick I need him for publishing my interesting articles. YOU THINK I LIKE IT? I am not asking for much. Buy my ebook.

    Take care

    (I’m not gay, I’m Bi)

  35. Cross Dressies says:

    Bow to the sultan of cock. The polish prince of penis.

  36. hormfandle says:

    what the fuck?
    i think random samurai looks ok. he is not goodlooking but he is not ugly either.
    and i bet he is getting laid than most of you guys alltogether are.
    random samurai, keep up the good work at MASF. I always klick on your posts when i see that you wrote one because they do have good content (not always but thats ok) and are well written. thank you for your contribution!

  37. Formisgay says:



    I hate the fact formhandle runs mASF, he is LITERALLY the biggest KJ out.

    Damn.. write ok posts and form thinks u pull ass. fucksake

  38. BUSTED says:

    “hormfandle” = Random Diarrhai

    By the way, that guy is so fucking ugly he makes onions cry.

    And his posts both here and on mASF are so inanely dumbassed and geeky, they almost make the profile look kinda cool in comparison! (but not really!)

  39. Susan Storm says:

    I hide all my emotions and sexual acts, because I’m affraid people won’t like me for who I am.

    I (like all women) think about sex and status all the time. I love sex, and I love to have sex.

    I am an expert manipulator. I acquired this skill by chance, by living in fear and paranoia my entire life. This is tomy my defective emotional brain, wich can give any little thing meaning and turn it into something to be wary for. I am incable of reason.

    I pass up the chance to have sex with certain males because i’m affraid it will fuck up my status, or make me look like an easy slut.

    The only way I will have sex with a guy is if he is so good at seducing that I can litteraly blame him for the whole thing. Thusly keeping myself safe from beГЇng branded as a slut or easy.

    If a guy comes up to me with medium or low seduction skills, I’ll get very frustrated because I know that he is not the type of guy that I can blame for having sex with him. Not only that but in his case I’ll actually have to do some work in order to lay him! Like for example beГЇng nice, and showing him that I actually like him. God forbid, not only can’t I sit on my lazy ass and let him do all the work, but people will think I’m slutty to. We can’t have that. So instead, just for kicks, I’ll shoot him down so hard that he will probably never try approaching a woman again!

    This not only effectively inflates my ego (wich I like alot), but also makes sure that the guy either starts learning how to act right (my way or the highway. Yes! Me bith! hihi!), or simply never bothers a woman with his stupidity again.

    I gues living in fear my entire life is not so bad ey. I learn how to be paranoid and manipulate men to extents that not even I myself grasp. It’s allmost all instinct my boys.

    It’s a good thing that I don’t use my logical brain to much. Or else I might start feeling guilt and shit. We don’t wan’t that.

    I’ll leave that up to you men. Guilt ridden creatures due to logical thinking. Sitting behind they’re computers trying to find out how we think and how to please us. How nice of you!

    You see! Just like I said! We women as a species play men to an extent that not even we sometimes understand.

    As if it’s not enough to have a mind almost incapable of reasoning, with wich we can easily use to manipulate the mind that is almost incapable of emotional thinking (the male), we also come equipped with a body that is capable of overriding logic and sending emotions on a rollercoaster ride.

    With a nice inflated, rock-hard yet soft ass. Busty round bubbly b-o-o-b-s. And a pair of legs that are toned and tight from walking since the age of 2.

    Yeah baby, beГЇng a girl kicks ass.


    It’s amazing how “players” think they’ve got is so good.

    Mystery, Style, TD, DD etc. You name’em:

    I can walk up to a girl, be charming, be sexy, be this and be that (all the while not noticing that I’m doГЇng all the work), while the girl just sits there beГЇng flattered, thinking:

    Hmm….. Am I gonna shoot this punk down and feel good about myself, or, is he worth my while. Will he do all the work, will he follow my lead all the while thinking he’s doГЇng the leading (this is a handy dandy missconception, he thinks he’s leading because he’s doГЇng all the work, LOL! As if that were not enough, he’s also going to do his best to please me in bed so that I come back for more. LOL! All that just for a lay!)

    Hmm, I’ll think about it some more. Hehe.

    Yep, how much of a sap can you be. To me, all men are AFC’s. And oh so oblivious.

    It’s just so kick ass how we can convince society (yes, even men) that it’s men who only wan’t sex.

    Here we are, walking around in the most revealing and provocative clothing known to man (LOL! Pun intended!) and still men are beГЇng blamed for only wanting sex and not considering a womans feelings.

    (short skirts, tight ass pants (Pun intended! LOL!) tights, pantyhose, high heeled shoes and boots (damn those things hurt, price to pay for beГЇng desirable!)

    Yeah baby, we bitches got it down to an art. Were gonna take over the world and nobody can stop us! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


    The only one that I fear… the one (no not that faggot The One) who can equallize the scales, the one who can change this world into a place of equallity, instead of in favor of us women… is…

    The Alpha and the Omega.

    Fortunalty these demi-gods, are but a very small number on this planet. So I’ll just continue manipuating men and society into a fucking frenzy!

    Yes people… I am…

    The invisible HB.


    I just got my boobs done! Wanna touch’em?!


    ….. stay away from me you pervert!

  40. susan storm's pootie stinks says:

    why did you waste that much type typing all of that creepy shit? i’ll bet you are actually random samurai posting under a fake name, you lil’ stinker!

  41. susan storm's pootie stinks says:

    why did you waste that much type typing all of that creepy shit? i’ll bet you are actually random samurai posting under a fake name, you lil’ stinker!

  42. Victor Von Doom says:

    You stupid boy. I doubt that ransam has enough intellect to write that article.

    Susan Storm… I can smell you… and I’m coming for you.

  43. Wismerhill says:

    I bet even don fucking won ton could lay you susan. You have absolutely no clue. there is ALWAYS a hotter, smarter, classier woman who be GRATEFUL for being laid.


  44. Gay Samurai says:

    What happened to Randon Samurai? Is he home crying?

  45. don egg fried won ton says:

    he got uspset by all the spelling mistakes

  46. Anonymous says:

    American women are fucking paranoid fruitcakes!

  47. Susan Storm says:

    and they are also whores who don’t wash down below enough.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Amen brother.

  49. Tyler's Hymen says:

    I know this topic no longer has anything to do with me, but what’s up guys?

  50. Tyler's Hymen says:

    I know this topic no longer has anything to do with me, but what’s up guys?

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