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Tyler Durden Clones Busted?

February 20, 2006 by  
Filed under News

A few days ago I posted about an interesting phenomenon going on here in Los Angeles with guys pretending to be Mystery in clubs in order to pick up chicks.

Well, now it seems it’s happening in New York too, but this time it’s not Mystery who’s being impersonated, it’s Tyler Durden.  And they’re apparently not even doing a very good job of it either.

The following is an email I got from a girl named Laura talking about her run-in with the PUAs/Tyler Cone.

Laura writes:
I just wanted to write because I’ve heard of this happening but never actually thought guys would be so hapless at a local, low-key bar. Wrongo!

I was out in the East Village tonight and there was a huge group of men aimlessly sarging. One approached two friends and me and said "I need an opinion on something." Unfortunately I’ve not only read The Game but wrote about it for a couple of relationship venues so I pointed out immediately that I knew what he was doing.

First he asked if is we’d date a guy in a wheelchair, which sort of tanked because one of my friends already did date a guy in a wheelchair and another of my friends dated the hot guy from Murderball so we were like "yeah." So he started playing the strawberry game with my other friend, but fucked it up by telling her it was her strawberry field and then asking what she’d say to the farmer she’d stolen from and she was like "But the strawberries were mine."

Then the wingman-god-knows-what came up and started delivering a routine about approaching some midgets on the street and insulting them which, instead of demonstrating value, demonstrated that he was rude to midgets and didn’t have a good punchline for his story. The awkward/obvious part was that in between, we interrupted to try to have a real conversation about what he was talking about, and he just totally froze, didn’t acknowledge anything, then dove back into his clearly-rehearsed script.

So here’s the best part: when wingman #2 came up to say "I heard someone over here is talking about sex," Mr. Strawberry hadn’t even gotten to the part where he’d analyzed the game and said it was about sex because he was doing such a dreadful job. So Mister Two said "Well I heard you said you’d read the game? I’m in that. I’m Tyler Durden. I’m here teaching these guys." Oh and he also proved his close friendship with Neil by revealing the top-secret insider information that Neil used to be a writer for "The Rolling Stone" magazine. Which, good cover, except he wasn’t Tyler Durden. At all. And I did what any girl would do OBviously and called Neil Strauss and asked him Tyler’s real first name which wasn’t the one on Mr. 2′s passport. The end.

Just FYI we would have talked to any of them if they’d feigned interest in us rather than painfully reciting memorized lines that made us feel like we were watching a showcase of dramatic readings at the local high school. Oh, and not said they were Tyler Durden, which is just retarded and weird.


Either these guys are newbies who just took their first RSD seminar, or they’re a couple losers who went out right after reading The Game.  Either way, they’re going through their learning curve.  But for anyone out there interested, I will say this:

If you’re going to PRETEND to be someone, pretend to be someone rich, famous, or powerful instead of pretending to be a PUA.  Especially one named after a character in a well known book/movie like Fight Club.  You’ll get much farther in the long run.

Get Your Free Guide Here!


54 Responses to “Tyler Durden Clones Busted?”
  1. tc's a fuckface says:

    hey, where’s the style “i got annihilated” article? more rsd hatin, hypocrit!

  2. TylerDurden says:

    Who wouldn’t want to be me, I have the best game in the world. I tell people revolutionary things such as don’t lean in and talk louder. You should all worship me for bringing that to the table. I also write posts on how to have normal conversations with people. Who woulda thunk to figure that one out but me, even though I cannot do it myself. So all in all folks, if you’d like a workshop where i teach you to tell girls that they’re your little sister, send me $1500 and a picture of your penis so I can, uh, use it to analyze your game in my bedroom. Yeah.

    Thanks, Tyler.

  3. Chingy says:

    yeah man, where the fuck is the article about strauss?

  4. dumbfake says:

    hey tyler durden fake
    why dont you shut the f**k up?
    i mean you are only talking bad about one of the greatest pua’s of the world. and who are you? propably some afc that did not get his dick wet yet.
    it is obvious that you have very little self esteem and need to push your limits by posting on an anonymous blog. why not go out and talk to some old lady? hows that for stretching your comfort zone?

  5. me says:

    yeah TD geta life FFS !!!!!!
    TC i’ve lost repect for you man, what’s the hidden agenda behind all the dirt you’ve posted on RSD lately? following your little bald master’s orders? Shame on you TC.

  6. Chance says:

    Thundercat, I used to come here to find cool articles and good mASF posts. Now your site has turned into a fucking tabloid, and you’re the equivalent of Jenny Jones. We all know you’re aligned with Neil Strauss and trying to throw dirt onto the competition. I have nothing against Style and think he’s a cool guy, but your mud-slinging is very transparent and obvious. Give it up. Tyler still posts awesome, HELPFUL shit on ASF. He’s posting actual CONTENT. What have YOU done to help the community lately?

  7. assbandit says:

    owen wilson

  8. Donovan says:

    Yeah does anyone know his real name?

    Like mysterys is Eric Von Mak… something
    Styles is Neil Strauss
    David Deangelo’s is Eben Pagan

    what other names can we dig up?

  9. the duce says:

    Owen “Backstabber” Cook

  10. Actually TD’s real name is Owen cRook.

    Oh, and Ross Jeffries real name is Paul Ross. However i realise nobody might care about that :)

  11. Danny Darko aka Legion5 says:

    I find women’s facination with “The Game” and PUA, to be rather disturbing. Such as this girl here… It just increases the divide between real PUA’s and your friendly neighborhood guys who just don’t get it, who somehow try to “trick” women and all this.

    Anyway, on the subject of this article, it just shows your average AFC will do anything, BUT be a real man, to get laid (which is hard so boo hoo).

    Back to these creepy women who read the game, Stop it! It’s nothing amazingly revolutionary, just a cool novel. Ha Ha you guys are just being Jealous girlfriends when you do it, constantly spying on what us guys do… go sift through our trash cans first, then you can go read “The Game” if you’re still not satisfied. :)

    On that note, this is very funny stuff.

  12. Vinnie the Rat says:

    The best review would be if Gunwitch and Hypnotica got toilets side by side, each ate a 29 ounce porter house steak and then took a dump off..I think it would be cool watching those push a log for a half hour..just like doin squats..but I hear Gunwitch was log liftin’ and he got a hernia somewhere outside medford oregon, because he doesn’t have health insurance, he has to wear special “hernia underwear” he’s got the buldge you know, and we ain’t talkin’ testicles either..Hypnotica has a massive purple gonad so he may need a special toilet..I mean it’s like a squash

  13. A Non says:

    I find it funny that even though these women KNEW they were being gamed and had read The Game, they still allowed it to progress because they were curious. If these AFCs had inner-game and congruence, they might have scored. Instead the women could see straight through their bullshit. A lesson for us all.

  14. RickRude says:

    Why are you making fun of these guys who are actually in the field?
    So what if one girl realized what they were doing.
    You call these guys losers for reading the game and trying out some material. Then you give them advice about “pretending” to be someone else.

    Bro, chicks love guys who leech off real PUA’s and spread worthless gossip.

    Waiting for the TC method.

  15. Truth says:

    I know what this is about. Thundercat used to teach at a couple of workshops for RSD but they kicked him out. Apparently the guy was not getting laid… it had to be done.

    Would a guy that was getting laid spend this much energy on smearing RSD? No. Thundercat has no life, and if that’s what you are aiming for too then maybe this really is the site for you.

    Really, think for yourself. Also, look at Neil. Do you think he really cares about you? No. He is going to put out a redundant method and make people pay far too much for it. All this money should be going to Mystery, the guy who can actually walk his talk.

    Advice: go to or even … either way you are talking to guys who’s only purpose is to teach guys.

  16. Mike says:


    How’d you know that Style and Lisa have always had an open relationship?

  17. PenetrationMom says:

    The awkward/obvious part was that in between, we interrupted to try to have a real conversation about what he was talking about, and he just totally froze, didn’t acknowledge anything, then dove back into his clearly-rehearsed script.

    [ Sounds like her idea of a real conversation was probably something like "How would you like it if I was rude to you like you were rude to those midgets?!" ]

    “Well I heard you said you’d read the game? I’m in that. I’m Tyler Durden. I’m here teaching these guys.”

    [ Ha! This is just the sort of thing I do when sarging and get bored, just start taking the piss out of them by blatantly lying about things. ]

    Just FYI we would have talked to any of them if they’d feigned interest in us rather

    [ Talked to is not slept with so I don't care. ]

    TC please don’t put braggy, judgemental chick eye views of sarging on your blog. It’s like a 3k reminder of what a shit test is.

  18. Loverboy says:

    Yeah Erik isn’t such a hot name for TD. That’s why he hides it :) .

  19. alek says:


    Just FYI we would have talked to any of them if they’d ***feigned interest in us*** rather than painfully reciting memorized lines that made us feel like we were watching a showcase of dramatic readings at the local high school.

    Even feigned interest is better than routine monkeys… now imagine genuine interest coming from a prince :)

  20. SPG says:

    Women who actually study PU and then go whine about thier encounters to other PUAs are in no position to be calling anybody lame.

    What’s with all these creepy girls in New York (Cocks & Dolls, this Laura weirdo)obsessing over PUAs? It’s bad enough when guys do it, but at least the tools in that email have a good excuse. Somebody in NYC needs to check the water supply.

  21. If boys were like girls says:

    Laureano writes:

    Wow, the other day I met this girl and she’s totally acting like Alicia Silverstone and I’m like: “Oh my god, as if”. She’s even got the same dress from the movie “clueless”. What a freak right guys?

    So I let it go, cause, like I have nothing better to do, just like I’m writing this to you guys right now.

    Anyway, we go out to eat and she’s like telling me how she likes marine biology and how she loves dolphins and stuff. then I text message her later on in the day and she replies “taking a shower”…

    so anywayS, I’m like at the dentists, and I’m reading a magazine since there’s this long wait. but they only have “Cosmopolitan” and I’m reading the article.

    Ur not gonna believe it guyss: the article tells women to textmssge “taking a shower” and say youre into marine biology and like dolphins. And basically the whole evening I had with her… So I’m like reading every single female magazine until

    OMG! I was like, this is so bizarre! So I call my friend Mike and tell him that basically it seems girls are taking routines from magazines and stuff… And it’s sooooo weird!!!!

    —ok, see my point??? W T F!!!??
    who cares!!

  22. Trust says:

    Something interesting I have read on the Internet is the following:

    brain type, friendships, marriage and mating
    Dr Benziger also makes interesting observations about relationships:

    Most of us select friends who mirror our brain types. We do this because we feel comfortable with people whose mental preferences are like our own. If we find a friend with a near-identical brain type they are likely to become a ‘best friend’.

    The four most common brain developed patterns are: Double Basal, Double Left, Double Frontal and Double Right. As a rule people with such developed patterns find and make friends easiest, because there are simply more of them around than any other developed brain patterns. Single-brained people and multi-dominant triple- and whole-brained people find it more difficult to find friends, especially close friends because, simply there are not many people who have developed so many modes.

    The search for a marriage and mating partner is different. Rather than try to ‘mirror’, we tend to choose marriage and mating partners with brain types that will complement our own, that will cover our weaknesses.

    Understanding your own brain type, and therefore strengths and weaknesses, is helpful for self-development, managing relationships, managing teams, and generally being as fulfilled in life as we can be. Knowing your own strengths gives you confidence to take on responsibilities and projects in your own skill areas, and knowing your own weaknesses shows you where you need to seek help and advice.

    The Brain Type model also explains very clearly that hardly anyone is good at everything, and even those who are, have other issues and challenges that result from their multi-skilled nature.

    If you want to know more about Dr Benziger’s theory visit Katherine Benziger’s website, where more information and assessments are available.

  23. Trust says:

    I have concluded, after lots of studying
    and trying things in the following:

    1) Always play in a small space frame.
    You reach your targets quiecker.

    2) Face it like a little funny adventure.

    3) If you feel bad or weird in a place,
    leave and do not come back soon.

    4) Always have a kind of help in your game.
    Whatever it is.

    5) Half people or more are idealists, dreamers and show-offs.

    6) Make your mind work.

    7) If you have a plan, plot it in the
    smallest detail.

  24. Trust says:

    Some more of my conclusions on dating:

    1) Approach every woman in a place you go.
    One is never enough. This is a biggie.
    Every woman you see in the place has to
    be approached.
    2) Everything is always game_plan-directed and one of one thousand times is particular-woman-directed. Have a strategy.
    3) Start with socializing with classy people. Otherwise, you are never going to
    understand dating.

  25. Trust says:

    I agree with Tyler. He has the best
    game I have found until now.

    He has to define it better, though.
    He has to show to beginners, how we do and say things exactly and put some more success
    stories in his newsletters.

  26. Trust says:

    I am trying to build my own system,
    and I have studied lots of stuff.

    What are the most important points
    when trying to build a system?

    Can anybody of Real Social Dynamics

  27. Regular Guy says:

    “just FYI we would have talked to any of them if they’d feigned interest in us”

    What a colossal crock of shit.

    That’s why this industry exists sweetheart.

    “just be yourself” right??? oh yea, that works, works reeeeaalll well…lol.

    At least these guys are proactively doing something about the pathetic dating game.

    Wait until you’re 35 and your value on the sexual market place has dropped significantly. You’ll be pining for the ‘good ole days’ when fresh boys would make clumsy attempts at picking you up…


  28. Traffyc says:

    I have searched along the Internet, and
    I have found that Real Social Dynamics, who have a crew of 10 members or so, do not
    have a game AT ALL!

    Even David Deangelo, who is one person
    has 10 times more game than them.
    If Tyler, says that he has game, I do not care, since he does not show it to us.

    Maybe, he wants to show it in his bedroom, that is the reason maybe. That is why he says he wants to show it to us in his bedroom.

  29. Traffyc says:

    Sorry guys, I cannot travel to Los Angeles, to see the face of Tyler, demonstrating his game. It is 5 thousand kilometres far away from my little house.
    He has to publish some books or something.

    Those guys are there, only for money, because they are 10 bratty sisters, doing their best to SURVIVE!

  30. Truth says:

    90% of the people who post have simple, closed minds and are socially retarded

  31. poop says:

    You know what would be cool? It would be cool if someone would impersonate Tyler Durden impersonating Style, like he used to do. What would that even be called? Meta-bullshit? Recursive lying? Wow. I need to lie down now.

  32. The Baron says:


    Some of you guys just make me laugh. It is more then clear that most of you live in a fucking lie.

    You don’t even have courage to be yourself.. and accept that “yeah I don’t fuck”..

    Instead what do you do? You read seduction seduction seduction all day long.. theory that, rountine 998, Tyler didn’t shit this morning is he ok?

    The post showed one good thing. Learning routins is just a big big big big shit. very BIG shit.

    You should all just be yourself, your fucking self, act normal, be honest and go approach the girls you like.. and YOU WILL GET LAID. Take my word on that..

    I used to be a retard with a deformed reality like most of you.

    So drop the fucking seduction learning, just go out to a club and approach any girl YOU LIKE, be yourself, communicate with her, try to get to know her, be honest with yourself and with her.. and you’ll experience some TRUE LOVE :)

    Peace and piece.

  33. The Baron says:

    Oh yes and one more thing…


  34. tyler durden is a fraud with no game

    my method is better in every way ive seen tyler bomb so many times its a joke he just follows a script and cant adapt

    hes just like a robot dont bother to learn from him go to to learn how to be a real pua

  35. King says:

    wow its beef in here

  36. Dick says:

    Ummm… I think that this story is total bullshit. I don’t know who wrote it, but it didn’t happen… anyone who believes that it actually did has their head WAY too deep into this stuff.

    What is the probability of ALL these things occuring?

    1) A WOMAN, who happens to have wrote about ‘The Game,’ is hit on by a guy using that technique.

    2) That the WOMAN knows the techniques SO WELL, and Tyler Durden SO WELL that she can ANALYZE HIS EVERY FUCK-UP IN TECHNICAL TERMS???

    3) That the woman would take the time out of her day to write to the seduction community about it.

    There is some good stuff on this website, but this ‘article’ is like a hot, moist, used tampon, covered in menstrual blood.


    Fuck… done.

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