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Effective Honesty

August 24, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

BG has a post up on his blog about about something he calls "effective honesty."

BG writes:
This is something I discussed a while ago over the phone with a PUA named Yoshi. So a part of the credit goes to him as well.

were discussing about a philosophy, about a concept; to be completely
honest 100% of the time. This could be REALLY alpha. You really tell
people how you feel about them and about things without hiding
anything. Of course, at the work place this might not be that effective
(being alpha at the work place rarely is) and while seducing it might
not be good either. I mean, imagine this:

"Hey, I think you’re hot and I want to have sex with you."

Or if a girl asks: "do you like me?"
Replying "Yeah, kind of, but I’m just trying to fuck you" is not of much use.

why we called it EFFECTIVE honesty. Effective honesty means NOT telling
someone your entire life story when they ask "what’s up". Effective
honesty means NOT being overly blunt.

Of course, hiding your
intentions and having a hidden agenda is not good. Why would you have a
hidden agenda if you are self-secure and are convinced that you are
going to achieve your goals anyway? In some cases you simply can’t be a
100% honest. Make it 99%. Give them most of the truth, but not

I do think that honesty is always the best policy.  A favorite tactic of David X’s was "relentless honesty."  He’d walk around and tell women how much he liked their breasts because… well, he really did like their breasts!

I think that when guys try to sneak around and hide their intentions from a girl they like, it can really backfire on them.  Either they come off as just plain "not interested" or they appear like they’re trying to manipulate the girl.  I do think that a somewhat direct approach of being honest about your intentions can really go a long way to increasing the effectiveness of your pick-up, and what BG talks about with "effective honesty" is a good way to go about it.

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5 Responses to “Effective Honesty”
  1. Alek says:

    I have no idea why David X isn’t mentioned more often. He’s probably the number one best teacher out there, he’s the one with the LEAST bullshit theory. And the most simple system.

    He’s basically a natural who pretty much laughs at PUAs and their routines,patterns, structures, steps and what not. His system

    1) See girl
    2) Move your butt over to said girl and speak out loud what you’re thinking
    3) Keep telling girl exactly what you’re thinking (unbeleivably hardcore honesty)
    4) fuck girl

    That’s it… The rest of his teaching is inner game, beliefs etc… But the practical part (what you do) is IT – the above list.

    Thundercat. I am glad that you changed your mind about David x. I remember when you first saw david x (in your mastery post) you had a bad impression of him. But the truth is…

    the better one gets (more experience) the more sense what david x is saying makes.

  2. BG says:

    Can anyone link me to David X’ page/archives/whatever?

  3. Alek says:

    He hates the community. He thinks the existence of the community is the funniest shit to ever happen (like most naturals). Really. He used to sell some products (seminars) and do private consults thru cliff (they used to be friends). But he doesn’t even do that anymore… I’m guessing he finally cracked thru all the negativity he got thru the community students he got.

    I can hook you up with some info… email me.

  4. zecke9er says:

    Alex, i totally agree with you. David X is one of the best I’ve heard and read about.

    I like this guy and his “no-bullshit”-attitude.

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