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A Terrible Mistake That’s Keeping You From Success With Women

August 5, 2005 by  
Filed under Articles

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well.  Lately, I’ve been having a great time. 
It can be easy to get so worked up over normal, every day things –
like work, school, relationships, etc. — that it’s nice to every once
and a while take a step back and unwind.

That’s what I’ve been doing lately.

And it’s been a great reminder to me that we shouldn’t be taking life so seriously all the time.

In fact, being able to kick back like this is a key factor in being successful in life — AND with women!

Allow me to explain.

Fun is an important factor in being successful.  You have to actually
ENJOY the journey you’re taking if you want to achieve your goals in

For instance, if you want to be a pro golfer, but you HATE golfing, do
you think you’re going to stick to your goal?  Or will you look for
something more satisfying for you?

I’m willing to bet the answer to that is YES.

The same is true of meeting women.

If you want to have a beautiful girlfriend/wife/whatever, but you HATE
the process of meeting women, are you really going to end up getting
what you want?

I’m willing to bet the answer to that is NO.

I get emails on a daily basis from guys lamenting about how much they
want to have a wonderful woman in their lives, but they always add to
that "But I hate going to bars, clubs, bookstores, gas stations, public
places, anywhere with actual living humans, etc.  What can I do?"

I think some guys would just prefer to sit at home and look at naughty
pictures of women on the internet than actually go out and meet real

This is because they don’t know how to make meeting women FUN.

And let’s face it, if this is a chore, then you’re not going to want to do it, right?

So let’s role up our sleeves and get our hands dirty, because I want to
tell you how to make meeting women something you actually can ENJOY
doing as opposed to making it something you HATE doing and are
reluctant to pursue.

The first thing I want you to think about is what kind of a woman it is
that you want.  What does she like?  What is she interested in?  What
does she look like?  The more you know about the woman you want, the
easier it will be to filter out all the girls you DON’T want. 

Remember, the narrower your search, the more happy you’ll be with the results you get.

The second thing I want you to think about is where you can meet the
kind of woman you want.  Make a list of all the places you can think of
where a woman who’s interested in the kind of things you want her to be
would go.

For instance, let’s say you want a girl who loves baseball.  Where
would girls who love baseball go?  Just off the top of my head, here’s
a list:

  1. Major League Baseball Games
  2. Minor League Baseball Games
  3. Little League Baseball Games
  4. Sports Bars On Game Day
  5. Sporting Goods Stores
  6. Baseball Conventions

The list could go on, but you get the idea.  So if you love baseball,
and you want a woman who loves baseball — GO TO A BASEBALL GAME!  And
while you’re there, meet the women who are there too!  Use the other
qualities you’re looking for in a girl to pick and choose which women
you want to meet.

At the very least, you’re doing something you enjoy anyway, so you’re going to have fun no matter what!

But if you’re still wondering what to do once you actually have to MEET
a woman, you need to check out my book The Art Of Approaching.

In it, I’ll take you step-by-step through the process of how to meet
the women you want, quickly and easily, with no fear of rejection or
failure.  If you haven’t already gotten my book and read it
cover-to-cover, you owe it to yourself to do so now:

Click Here To Get Your Copy Of The Art Of Approaching Today.

And remember, no matter what, figure out how to have fun and enjoy the
process of meeting women!  You’ll get much better results if you do.

Wishing you success,


Get Your Free Guide Here!


24 Responses to “A Terrible Mistake That’s Keeping You From Success With Women”
  1. Thundercar has kindly decided to release his ebook free of charge on emule. Go to and you can get all of thundercat (and my) products for free!

    God Bless.

  2. === X === says:

    Great. Now we get to hear from a dozen more morons who just can’t stand Thundercat spruiking his own product on his own blog. How dare he!!!

  3. The Retard says:

    Well I’m 33 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend so I think it’s time to get this part of my life handled.

    Major props to Thundercat and David DeAngelo for sharing their stuff for free on P2P with the community.

    Now, does anyone know how to screen for LSE UG’s? Because even though I’m still a virgin I think I deserve a SHB12 with a fantastic HSE personality to start off my team of bitches.

    Game on bros.

  4. unplugged says:

    c’mon man…33 y old and still a virgin? what have you been doing all this time?

  5. Bob says:

    Well, I’m 30 and still virgin, I’ve been with a lot of girls and have a solid reputation of seducer but no sex. I would say it’s rather common. Guys who are that successful with girls are either good looking and wealthy or they just bang anyone passing through the radar. Guys like me who are average in all sense and selective don’t get sex that often

  6. Wilson Fisk says:

    “Well, I’m 30 and still virgin, I’ve been with a lot of girls and have a solid reputation of seducer but no sex. I would say it’s rather common. Guys who are that successful with girls are either good looking and wealthy or they just bang anyone passing through the radar. Guys like me who are average in all sense and selective don’t get sex that often’

    Well you guys should look into SS, I think it works well for guys who are ugly, poor and have no social proof. Then later on , you can improve your wardrobe and
    go Mystery/RSD

  7. Distinguishing Gentleman says:


    Nice. You said it all.


  8. Bob says:

    I said average. Come on guys, look around you, can’t you see what it is all about ? nothing about this bullshit wording (social proof and so on) spreading by this so called dating gurus to make bucks.
    Why a smart hot looking girl would go with the average Joe, so many guys are paying for sex, she just has to stretch the arm to collect the money. You guys should stop pretending to be THE male and face reality. There is nothing wrong or awful about that. There are few exceptions, it’s the laws of nature but the majority of guys are there to wank or get an average girl.

  9. Tofu says:

    it’s the laws of nature but the majority of guys are there to wank or get an average girl.

    Exactly. And why many (I’d say most) of us are in the community is to go from this majority to a minority where we can have any girl we want, any time we want ;)

  10. i says:

    Guys, cut the pointless chatter and get back to the pointless arguments.

  11. It's Pointless says:

    Guys, bob is right. The seduction community and what it promises you is all an illusion created by businessmen to make money and defended by hypocrites who are desperately hanging on to their last strand of hope.

    You can only go so far with what you have. Social statues, confidence, good looks, wealth, power, and personality cannot be obtained by just going through some six hour home study course, or even a three day “intensive-transforming-life changing” training class. Think about it, if this is true, then a lot more people should be fucking like rock stars. The community wants you to think that they are the answer to your problems because they get paid for doing so.

    I know a lot of people are going to be pissed off at me for saying all this, but I am still going to say it. The truth is, not everyone can be a player, a pickup artist, a lady’s man, or whatever you want to call it. Not every man can have more than three women in his life. Don’t waste your time chasing some illusion created by your raw, uncontrolled desires, fantasies and a lot of faulty advertisement. Instead, focus on other aspects of your life that you can achieve true success in.

    Always think before you believe, because for the longest time manipulations of great ideals, seductive fantasies have made people blindly believe in useless things. I am living prove of that. I have been in the seduction community for more than four years. I have studied all the information so deeply that I can pretty much name and concept off the top of my head, and teach whatever “seduction technique” you name; yet, I have not seen a dramatic improvement in my love life. Please, take my warning and don’t waste your time.

  12. Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    If you want the most dangerous thinking ever, read the previous post.

  13. Blincubus says:

    It’s Pointless,

    I feel sorry for you that you have spent such a signficant portion of your life studying something that you think is worthless. It has been said again and again, you don’t get good with women by reading about it, but instead by… duh, interacting with women. Many guys feel they don’t have the skills necessary to interact and be successful with women no matter how much they study. That’s a crock of horse shit, you were born with everything you need; you just might need to make a couple changes. The bad thing is that unless you truly realize and believe that, NO woman will. The bad thing is, it is next to impossible to understand this unless you truly believe it… and you don’t believe it until you start having success.

    As the cliche goes, “Field is king.” I didn’t start having success until I put myself out there not once or twice a week or month, but 12-15 times several days a week. Have I crashed and burned a lot, hell yeah, at first. However, you can’t imagine how quickly you learn what you are doing wrong after EACH interaction. Now, instead of worrying about making mistakes, I get nervous when things go so smoothly. Believe me, it can be scary at first. Do I consider myself a PUA, no, not even close. However, I’m light years away from where I was just two months ago when I stayed home studying rather than interacting with women.

    Hopefully this helps some of you AFCs out there. Good luck and go out instead of studying this crap all of the time.

  14. VibeWave says:

    I have to agree with Blincubus.

    You know ‘Kenrick E Cleveland’ states First you need to feel, be it, own it, have it then you can give. Meaning what’s in you you will automatically transfer it to the other person.

    I think you are paying too close to the dollers and not paying attention to the pennies.

    ‘It’s Pointless’, if you really deep down inside feel like you are not successful with yourself, women will think the same way, and boom! No attraction created.

    I’ve talked to many women just to see if they really wanted what the masters of seduction were talking about, and hell man, it’s fuckin’ true. They want a man with a passionate direction in life they don’t want a supplicant nice guy. I’ve been there. I even screwed myself with this one girl because I treated her with the nice guy syndrome. And that was 10x worse then normal, because I was doing all the right behaivers and then I slipped back into my old behaivour. And frankly I was disgusted by doing those old behaivours.

    You’ve got issues brother, on change and beliefs. I will admit I have not gotten laid! but has it improved my interaction with women as a beginner. I’ve been into this stuff for at least a year and it took me about 3/4 of that time to get off my ass and apply it.

    You’re not CON-ning women into doing anything, they are all hard-wired as females as human being, so why not push the buttons that they are naturally attracted to? It wont hurt them, you’re making them feel good, you’re making happy.

    Just like gravity, gravity exists, but planes exist and we can fly.

    Just like interacting with women, there are triggers that you can touch that attract.

    I’ve been in your position before, and if you doubt me, then you’re right, you are a fuckin failure. The prover proves what the thinker thinks.

  15. VibeWave says:


  16. David says:

    I agree with most of the stuff that you guys write about learning through experience. It makes a hell of a difference, and some of this knowledge is actually true. Try it and see.

    But It’s Pointless does have a point about being careful what you choose to believe and how you want to pursue your life. It comes up quite often that women are NOT the main purpose to a man’s life, and I would agree. If the focus is singularly to chase tail in life, then one would be missing everything else that is good, and in the end, this lack of roundedness can hurt you as you cannot develop your full potential and attract a high level woman. Imagine a woman who is focusing all her energy on being with men; would she have the time to devote to her career, her learning, her fitness, etc, etc; and would you ultimately want to marry someone like that?

    In summary, use the knowledge but don’t abuse it.

  17. Geese Howard says:

    Good points.

    Everytime Im feeling Extrememly comfortable with my women situation I find that I start wondering alot if Im on the Right “Path” and if not what that “Path” might be. There has to be more to life, in my opinion, than working at some job to make someone elses dreams come true and sex and relationships.

    Off the Cuff I was listening to that David D catfish talk about looking at a blank page in a journal 2 hours every day until your “path” becomes clear. Now Im wondering, is that what someone told him, did he try it, if so was it just a way that -He- was able to find -His- path or maybe the person who told him? Has anyone else tried this?

    Sure thats deep kinda, but I’ve been all about this “path” stuff for years before I even did this seduction stuff. No matter how many women Im with, Im still always left wondering what “Greater Purpose” (or lesser purpose?) Im supposed to be here for.

  18. SuperHero G says:

    Bob and “It’s Pointless” have somewhat of a point.

    I do believe that you don’t need all the “material and superficial” stuff to be successful with women.

    HOWEVER, I think the problem with the “community” is that it gets you to believe the illusion that you can fuck EVERY woman EVERYWHERE and ANYTIME REGARDLESS of what you look like, the money you make etc.

    That’s bullshit. (That’s all “marketing hype.”)

    To even be “visible” to supermodels and the like, one has to be on a certain level in life and success to even HANG in those cirlces.

    Why would a chick THAT HOT want a scrub with super tight game…basically broke, chubby, average-looking…and unpopular, when she can fuck Brad Pitt (Rich, handsome, famous, great body) or ANY other successful stud in those circles?

    My point is that you’re going to have to have certain things and attain a certain amount of status and success in life to be attractive to certain types of (super high quality) women. (Or at least provide the “illusion” that you’re on that level).

    Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with the needy, golddigging, no ambition-having bar/club skanks, hoodrats, and flaky ditzes that work in McDonalds.

    Here’s the KICKER: When YOU attain a certain level of success in life…(here it comes)…

    …YOU won’t find too many women who are NOT on YOUR level attractive EITHER. So, can you blame high quality women?

    Most of the needy, broke, cute ditzy club skanks that you think are hot NOW, will be…INVISIBLE…when you reach a certain level of success etc.

    Last word, when you’re at the bottom of “The Mountain of Status”, virtually all but the most HIDIOUS *hogs* are TOO HIGH to reach.

    In short, you can’t get laid by the women you really want. Period.

    When you’re at the TOP of “The Mountain of Status”, all women’s status is BENEATH you…therefore YOU’RE too high for THEM to reach.

    SOOO, they have to “stretch to reach you” (work for your approval, pay YOU for dick etc).

    In short, you can fuck anything you like.

    Saved by the SuperHero.

    SuperHero G

  19. sexyevil says:

    To Bob and “It’s Pointless”,

    Go apply what you learned and yes go fucking work out. Wait a minute new belief system and a better body will translate to more success.

    God most of you guys who are complaining just shut the fuck up.

  20. Bob says:

    it’s not my intend to sound pathetic or whining. We should be grateful to Thundercat for putting up this great web-site, it contains some diamonds.

    However, one has to be realistic and live with it. Don’t be fooled by what you read, this community is overloaded with crap and nonsense.

    Seduction is like music to me. you might know all the tricks in the bag but it doesn’t make you a great performer. After all, it’s all about getting inspired and experiment on that.
    It’s dead easy to chat up and make a girl (not all of them) comfortable with you but it takes time to build up and end up having sex. No shortcut or fast seduction.

  21. Arlanda says:

    The way I see it; 98% of us want a happy LTR with a girl who wouldn’t treat us like a shit and has her act together, in every aspect. I personaly don’t need a 10, because for me looks aren’t the most important thing.

    The purpose of all this PUA stuff, at least for me, is to know that if she fucks it up with me I won’t be afraid to dump her and that I won’t have to wait to “get lucky” with some other girl.

    It’s really just about evening the playing field. Seriously, each and every woman can get sex with almost no effort! If you can do the same (and SHE knows this) you’re gonna have a much better chance at building something that will last longer than a few weeks.

    Plus, it’s fun ;-)

    Not everyone can be a PUA, that’s a fact. But you can always do better!

  22. Blincubus says:

    Very well said, Arlanda. I believe most of us feel the exact same way.

    Knowing that you don’t have to “settle” for anything is crucial to success.

  23. SPG says:

    Just an “amen,” it’s about taking more control of your life and giving yourself options.

    You don’t need hypnosis or NLP, but you do need a positive attitude about yourself and a willingness to learn and improve in all aspects of yourself. If you like hypnosis/ NLP, use it. There are a lot of ways that work, depending on your values and interests.

    I’ve only purchased DYD materials, and I’ve applied only some of the stuff I’ve read, and I can honestly say I’m in a much better place now than I was before. And it’s inspired me to keep reaching, to expect more of myself. So, more than anything, it’s helped me change my attitude, and then it’s up to me to take action.

    That’s true with any system, they’re like the drivers’ handbook in drivers’ ed. It’ll teach you the rules and techniques, but, in the end, you’ve got to take the wheel and start driving.

    You don’t have to be into hypnosis, NLP or know all the PUA lingo to get better in this area. Just don’t convince yourself it’s impossible. Anything is possible.

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