European Women

May 20, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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Hi all,

Sorry about the lack of posts lately, my trip to Europe has been quite the whirlwind, and since I don’t own a laptop, I have to find the occasional internet cafe to access the web, and since I’m paying for my time online, I can’t surf the web looking for great posts to comment on as much as I would like.

This will be my second week out here and I’m running on maybe three hours of sleep and little-to-no money (damn the Euro exchange rate!!!), but I am having a very good time running around to all the different nightclubs and meeting women of numerous nationalities.  I do hope to actually learn another language so that the next time I come out here, I can actually communicate with most people (surprisingly, there are a lot who don’t know English).  Honestly, most of my pick-ups recently have been borderline pantomime due to the language barrier.

European women are an interesting bunch, though.  Quite different from the ones we got back in America.  I didn’t notice it as much last time I was out here, but since I’ve been hitting the scene like a hungry wolf looking for sheep, the differences have become quite apparent to me.  If there are any Europeans out there reading this, I’d like to hear your thoughts on my musings…

First off, I do notice a big difference in the gender roles here in Europe as opposed to America.  Women’s Lib never seems to have migrated across the Atlantic, so many of the women I meet are quite docile/subservient.  If you’re aggressive enough, even if the girl isn’t all that into you, you can get her to go along with what you want (I guess this hearkens back to the whole "control the frame" thing I talked about earlier, but in a way it’s more important out here because the women tend to take more cues from men).

Secondly, I notice that money definitely plays a big role out here in Europe.  It’s as though women are looking for good providers out here, and having lots of money will definitely help you get them.  Now, I’m not the richest guy in the world by far (especially considering the Euro outweighs the dollar at the moment), but I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of telling women I feel the man should provide for them and support them.  That seems to go over really well, though in the US a line like that would only work on certain girls.

To expand on that "money" line of thought a little bit, I’ve also noticed that many of the women out here sell themselves to men, and this is considered quite common.  A Russian girl I hooked up with told me that many women are trained early on to perform that way.  My first night in Europe, I actually picked-up on three different women, all of whom asked for money.  The thing was, it wasn’t really prostitution (though in America we’d think it was).  These were normal girls who were looking for a man to support them while they were with him and they wanted to send money back to their families in poorer countries.  Needless to say, I didn’t go home with any of these women, but it was a big wake-up call on the difference between American women and women out here in Europe.

Don’t get me wrong, in LA, women are for sale too, but it’s usually a more subtle thing.  Some women go for rich guys or famous guys, or whatever, but they’re a bit more manipulative about it (ie: gold-digers).

Oddly enough, I’ve found that American women are easier to pick-up out in Europe than they are back home.  Maybe it’s because they’re on vacation and are looking to cut loose, or maybe knowing another American is nice for them and it’s an "instant connection" thing.  But the difference is quite noticeable.

Sometime soon when I get the chance, I’ll have to come back and actually TRAVEL around Europe to see what other countries are like.  Though I think I may have to take the time to recharge my bank account before I do that, though.  =)


May 9, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Just a heads up to everyone,

Posting might be a bit sporatic the next two weeks or so, as I’m traveling to Europe for a while.  Yep, it’s going to be beaches, amazing wine, and beautiful women for ol’ Thundercat for a brief time.  I’m really looking forward to it.  The women I met in Europe last time I was there were incredibly sexy and a whole lot of fun!  ;-)

I’ll try to keep the site updates as regular as I can.  If anyone out there wants to help me out by emailing me interesting articles or posts, please feel free to.

Bar/Club Pick-Up Audio Download

May 9, 2005 by  
Filed under News

For all you members of, TheZD over at the Motha B Show has made a brand new 40 minute show available on the site for download.  This month, TheZD covers the bar and club pick-up game.  It’s packed with great information and is definitely worth checking out.

Some Quick Thoughts On Frame Control

May 9, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

I’ve recently noticed in my interactions with girls just how important frame control can be when it comes to seducing them or picking them up.  I’ve been playing around with this a lot lately and wanted to rant a bit on my findings.

As Rick H is always fond of saying: "If you say anything with enough authority, people will believe you."  This couldn’t be more true.  For those of you who haven’t seen the movie "Sexy Beast," go out and rent it tonight.  You’ll see the ultimate example of frame control, and how powerful it can be.

For those of you who don’t know anything about "Frames," let me explain what I’m talking about briefly.  "Frame" is short for "frame of mind."  It’s a set of rules, expectations, or beliefs that one accepts to be true or inevitable.  When you "set a frame," you’re creating rules, expectations, or beliefs that you are accepting to be true.  You can then impose this frame of mind you’ve created on others, and they too will accept these rules, expectations, and beliefs to be true as well.

So when you "Control The Frame," you’re dictating to others what they will believe to be true or inevitable.  So if you’re talking with a girl, and you set the frame that the two of you are going to sleep together tonight, if she accepts that frame of mind, guess what?  It’s going to happen.

Sometimes this can get hairy because other people may have a strong frame of mind as well and won’t accept the frame you’re setting.  In this case, the stronger frame will win (ie: the person who believes in their frame of mind more).  Sometimes it’s a draw and the two people walk away from each other.

One thing I’ve noticed is that most women (not all, but most) have quite pliable frames, and if you exude a certain amount of male dominance, you can impose your frame of mind on her quite easily.

I’ve been experimenting around with this for a while now and have found it to work quite well.  My style of doing it has become rather aggressive, and if you have the right type of energy and persistence, it can be quite powerful.

For example, the other night I was out with some friends at a bar and went outside with a friend who wanted to smoke.  While out there I started talking to a girl.  When my friend was done with her cigarette, I turned to the girl I had just met and said:

ME:  You should come inside and join us.
HER:  I’d like to, but I can’t.
ME:  Yes you can.  Just come with us.
HER:  I can’t, I’m waiting for my friends.
ME:  You can wait for them inside with us.
HER:  But what if they don’t find me?
ME:  They will.  We’re easy to spot and have a good view of the door.  Come on.
HER:  But what if –
ME:  They’ll find you, don’t worry.  Come on.

Then I took her by the hand and lead her back to our table.  Eventually, her friends showed up and they all joined us.  It was quite a fun night.

But you see how that worked?  I set the frame that she was going to join me at my table.  And every objection she raised, I answered powerfully in a positive fashion.  I always maid a point to say "Yes." and "You can."  I made her believe that she could join me no matter what, without any negative consequences.

Whenever you’re setting the frame, there’s always a point where you can see the person you’re talking to accept it.  It’s like a switch is flipped behind their eyes and they light up.  In the example above, I went a bit further by taking her by the hand and physically leading her back to the table.  I also said all this stuff with a good energy and strong eye contact, so it wasn’t threatening.

I’ve had some pretty interesting results so far this this tactic, and I plan on experimenting with it more.

Thanks To All…

May 9, 2005 by  
Filed under News

I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who emailed me this weekend about the new edition of The Art Of Approaching.  Your comments have been very supportive and positive (though I can’t say the same for some of the loyal posters on this site, tisk, tisk).  As always, feel free to email me any comments, suggestions, or opinions on the book.

The NEW Art Of Approaching 2nd Edition

May 6, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Meet Women

Hey guys,

Remember how I told you guys something big was coming?  Well it’s finally here!

When I first released my book, The Art Of Approaching back in the summer of 2004, my goal was to make an easy to follow, step-by-step manual to help teach guys the hardest part of the pick-up:

Meeting Women.

Because let’s face it!  Meeting women is the hardest part of the attraction game, hands down.  But once you’re able to meet the kind of woman you want, anything is possible!

Over the past year, I have been listening to every little bit of feedback and advice from my readers.  Some guys wanted more detail on how to meet women, some wanted more information on what to do after the approach, and a few even wrote to tell me that they already knew everything I told them in the book!

So I’ve saved every last email I’ve gotten and figured out exactly what it is my readers were looking for from me.  And a couple months ago, I sat down and decided I was going to give it to them!

Thus, the 2nd Edition of The Art Of Approaching was born.

I’m not the same man I used to be when I first wrote this little ebook on meeting women a whole year ago.  Since then, I’ve gone out thousands of times, met lots of exciting new women, and personally grown a great deal.

The five exclusive chapters in the NEW edition of The Art Of Approaching all reflect this.

Now, in along with the Art of Approaching — where I teach you in detail how to meet any woman you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want — you’ll get these chapters:

  • The Art Of Body Language
  • The Art Of Confidence
  • The Art Of Flirting
  • The Art Of Storytelling
  • The Art Of Being Social

All told, I’ve added almost 100 new pages to the 2nd edition!  And I now cover every single FACET of meeting women, from getting your inner game in order, to learning to read the signals a woman gives off, to building attraction and creating a healthy social life.  It’s all here!

Here is just a small peek into what you can learn from the new Art Of Approaching:

• The Secret To Sexual Body Language So You Can Read A Woman Like A Book And Know Exactly When To Make Your Move.

• How To Create Unstoppable Confidence To Get Any Woman You Want Without Fear Of Rejection Or Failure.

• Proven Methods And Pick-Up Lines To Help You Meet Any Woman You Desire, Regardless Of Where You Are Or Who She’s With!

• The Best Places To Meet Women So You Won’t Have To Waste Your Precious Time Looking For That Special Girl.

• How To Find Out If A Woman Likes You So You Can Take Out All The Guess Work From The Dating Game!

• How To Effectively Flirt With A Woman And Quickly Get Her Attracted To You.

• How To Captivate A Woman’s Imagination So You Become The Man Of Her Dreams, And Not Even A Current BOYFRIEND Will Keep Her From Falling For You.

• The Secrets To Being Popular With Women So You Will Constantly Have Women Approaching YOU!

• And Much, Much More…

The 2nd edition of the book has been released for one week now, and the response I’ve been getting is phenomenal!  For those of you who’ve bought the first edition of the book, you’ll get even MORE out of this version.  And for those of you who haven’t bought my book yet, the time to do so is now!  You can check it out for yourself here:

Download The Art Of Approaching Second Edition Here!

I promise you won’t find a better guide on how to meet women in any book store or any website anywhere!  A lot of the new material in my book comes directly from my own experiences, and has been tested and proven to work over and over again!

There is no better time than this Friday night to learn how to meet more beautiful, sexy, fun women!  And The Art Of Approaching 2nd Edition will show you how.

And if you’d like to check out a few of the new chapters from the book, click the links below:

Sample Chapter 1
Sample Chapter 2
Sample Chapter 3

Wishing you success,


PS:  For all you webmasters out there, I now have a new affiliate program for my book!  When you sign up, not only will you get super-high commission for every sale you make, but you can also keep track of your sales and affiliate statistics!  I have a TON of new features to help support my affiliates now.  If you run a website that deals with dating and seduction related topics, you should definitely look into it!  You can find out all the details here.

Complete Guide To Starting Pick-Up

May 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Everyone’s favorite swashbuckling pick-up artist, Dimitri of Rapid Social Impact fame, has a great post up for beginners on how to start getting women.

Dimitri writes:
I’m going to break down the fundamentals of starting the art of pickup.
These skills are critical and fundamental, regardless of what style or
camp you subscribe to.

That said, these aren’t rules. Everything I write is flexible and variable, as it should be.

Now, my first three "non-rules" are:

1) Like yourself.
2) Be confident.
3) Have fun.

Those are my first three. The criticals. The essentials. What you need to be doing for *anything* else to work.

With those three, and just those three, you can do anything. However,
while those first three are critical for just about all parts of a good
life, the next two are also very useful.

4) Stay open-minded.
5) Learn.

That’s it. If you can manage those five things, you’ll be on your way.
If, after a solid base in those five things, you go out and start
actively socializing, you’ll be able to achieve a master’s proficiency
in this art.

Now, let me break them down a little, and throw in a some advanced
discussion. If any of this starts to confuse you in some way, because
you’re new to this, or you feel you’re reading too much, or whatever-
stop. Take a break, skip a paragraph, whatever. This is a reference,
not a novel.

1) Like yourself: The root cause of everything good that can ever happen.

You need to like yourself as a person. You need to accept every part of
yourself, even the parts you don’t like (which doesn’t mean don’t try
to change for the better).

For all you analytical folk: There is not a single advantage to disliking yourself. Consider that.

For all you emotional folk: Your whole life will be better and you will feel stronger and more alive if you like yourself.

What do I mean by "like yourself"? It’s so simple, but so difficult.
Here’s some random points I’m just going to throw out. It’s not
all-encompassing, but it’s an idea.

Alright, I’m an American. Here in the U.S., we’re given a double
standard from birth. Basics of self-esteem are taught throughout school
and by parents, but at the same time, people are often put down.
Parents, teachers, and authorities often turn a blind eye to bullying,
reasoning it off as "kid stuff". The media constantly draws and redraws
a fake "norm" that people should strive to achieve, and are ostracized
if they deviate from it. In countries based around consumption, the
idea of non-satiation rules supreme, and people are told to be never
satisfied. You’ll be happier with a faster car, a better razor, the
most fashionable suit, the new soda that’s got a great taste while
being very low in carbs…

People are told they can’t be happy without stuff. They’re constantly
taught to seek validation, and insecurities are played upon on a daily
basis. There’s a happy feel-good message of "Everyone is a special and
unique snowflake" that’s said in elementary school, which is promptly
mocked and satirized.

In short, people are given a billion reasons not to like themself, and
told not to decide for themselves. At the same time, most people THINK
they like themself when asked, and often can’t realize that they, in
fact, don’t.

I used to say **** like, "Damn, I ****ed up again. I hate myself." in
my head. I didn’t even realize I was doing it for so long, but when I
caught on, it became sickening. I’d say it *so* much without even
recognizing it. I really did believe it.

My breakthrough came when I realized there were many, many good things about myself. I genuinely came to like myself.

Now, how to do that? I can’t say, exactly. But now you’re aware of some
of what’s going on. There is no reason not to like yourself… you’re
the only you you’ve got. Strive for improvement, but like and accept
yourself. It precedes and precludes almost all good things in life,
including good relationships with other people and good sex with
beautiful women. It’s critical.

2) Be confident: The world is yours for the taking.

Confidence. Arguably the single most important interpersonal skill. If
you act confidently, everything from business to family to
relationships to (yes) pickup will go more smoothly.

What is confidence for me? It’s knowing that I have lots of ability and
infinite potential. I know I’ve got skills that I’ve honed to a precise
degree and I can use them decisively. But more importantly, I know that
anything I don’t know or can’t do… I could. With practice, with

I think people trying to explain confidence is where a lot of the
rhetoric here came from. Most of it’s right, but it’s convoluted. I
can’t tell you exactly what confidence will be to you, but you’ll know

For me, it’s about fighting my fears when they come up, and defeating
them. It’s about using my abilities as well as I can, but after I’m
trying my best, I move decisively. I know I’ll do the best job
possible, so why doubt myself?

I act quickly, decisively after I’ve picked the best course. This is
because I know I have ability and infinite potential. There is no
failure: There is only success and learning.

3) Have fun: If you’re not having fun doing something…

This is key to true success in anything. To truly be good at picking up
women, you’ve got to have fun doing the whole process. If you want to
do work in nightclubs, you’ve got to have fun going out to nightclubs.
If you want to do bars, you’ve got to enjoy bars.

You’ve got to have fun socializing. From approach to close, you’ve got
enjoy what you’re doing and spending time with women and people. If you
go out with a wingman, you’ve got to like him and like spending time
with him.

It doesn’t matter how or what’s fun about what you’re doing. It could
be that you like the music of where you’re at, or you like
self-improvement, or that you like going out with your friends that
came with you, or you like karaoke at the place you’re at… it doesn’t

Just have fun. Your results will be infinitely better if you’re having
fun, and no matter what happens, you’ll have had some fun.

***So, those are my "primary three". I think that those three skills
are pretty much necessary for a truly happy life. Anyone can improve in
those three areas, and improvement in any of those three areas will
translate to improvements *EVERYWHERE* else in your life.

So remember: Like yourself, be confident, and have fun.

4) Stay open-minded: Consider and reconsider *everything*.

This is as much a life skill as a pickup skill.

Open-mindedness is considering and reconsidering anything and
everything. Aside from the fact that your time is valuable, you should
always be willing to consider a new point of view or rethink an old
one. Even fundamental beliefs of yours may change from time to time,
and even if you can’t accept some things at this time, don’t be afraid
to rethink them later.

Part of open-mindedness, for me, is tolerance. I’m not going to go on a
feel-good, politically correct trip right now, because I’ve got some
unresolved views on tolerance myself. On the whole, though, I like to
live and a promote a live-and-let-live philosophy. Be kind whenever
possible, to anyone, regardless of who they are and what they do. Note
that I said "whenever possible", which doesn’t mean get walked on.
Also, kindness is not subservience or supplication, and don’t get them
confused. Be willing to rethink what kindness really is from time to
time: It’s possible that some things the media raises you to think are
good and kind acts, like buying a woman dinner, is actually unrelated
to true kindness and tolerance.

5) Learn: Learn about anything and everything. Why not?

When I say learn, there’s two things I’m driving at.

I like learning about anything and everything, and I think it’s
invaluable to me. I know about all sorts of little interesting things,
and my life is better for it. I can relate to many, many different
people on different levels, and can talk to them about it. I can think
in different ways about different things, and come up with interesting

So, learn things in general, because it’s useful to you, and will benefit you in pickup (and other aspects of your life, again).

Secondly, learn as you do. Strive to be better and improve. When you do
not achieve what you set out to achieve, learn from it. You can repair
mistakes you’ve been making with practice and guidance. Try to think of
creative solutions, and ask for help when appropriate.

Seek out sources that can aid you. For pickup, that’s our community.
Most of the guys in the community, in my experience, are great guys.
Find someone in your area and sit down for coffee with them, or do a
little pickup. Hang out, eat pizza, shoot pool. Learn from each other.

Correct mistakes and improve.

***Those are my five first things. At any time, if you go back and pick
one of those and work actively on improving it, you will improve your
life and, consequently, your ability to pick up members of the opposite
sex. If you feel boxed in or overloaded with too much material, you can
work on one of these five. These alone can improve your life, and base
proficiency are required in all five of these skills to truly succeed
in this endeavor… and to be happy in all of your life.

Anyone can grasp these concepts. Anyone can apply them successfully.
Work on them and your life will improve, as will results in skill-based

Best of luck to all of you, my comrades and brethren. Be well.

Good stuff.  I would add to this:  Make a real commitment to succeeding, and believe you can do it! 

A lot of guys don’t prepare themselves for success and don’t believe it can be possible.  But it can!  You just need to make a commitment to yourself to succeed and achieve your goals, and not be daunted by obstacles or setbacks.

6 Tips On Escaping The “Let’s Just Be Friends” Zone

May 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Again, SuperGigaloDJ chimes in with a few tips on how to turn that female "friend" (we all know they don’t exist, right?) into a lover.

SuperGigaloDJ writes:
Tip #1. Pick up girls in front of her.

This one should be used only occasionally or else you will seem like a dyck. Doing this may spark a hint of jealousy.

Tip #2. Talk about other girls to her.

No I don’t mean COMPLAIN. Talk about what a great time you had on a
date with a girl you met two weeks ago. You could even tell you about
the sexual things you guys did. It’s best to talk about this stuff when
it’s late at night when she’s horny. Don’t talk too much about this in
the beginning.

Tip #3. KINO!

Ahh the great KINO. Light KINO in the beginning. Turn it up a couple
knotches as time goes on. Getting out of the friend zone may take some

Tip #4. Ask personal questions.

Ask open-ended personal questions. Ask questions about her favorite
memories, what she likes, etc. Get to know her more. As time goes on
integrate sexual questions. What she likes and such.

Tip #5. Mystery.

Don’t always be available. Don’t hang out with her too long in a day.
Start hanging out with her less but keep hanging out with her. Don’t
change too much at once.

TIP #6. (The make or break tip)

After weeks of using Tips 1-5 have her maybe at your house or you can
be at hers. Plan a late-night movie. KINO good throughout the night. As
the movie is playing talk to her. Get her in the mood by asking her
more questions about sex. Look deep into her eyes. Now this is most
important: GRAB YOUR B@LLS AND KISS HER! You should know what to do
from there.

These tips are all well and good (I think a few are a bit too simplistic).  But the best advice I ever saw on the "Friends To Lovers" dilema was from Swinggcat.  He’s got a fantastic article up on that takes you step-by-step through the process of making a girl "friend" your latest conquest.  Check it out if you’re a member of the site, it’s well worth the read.

6 Tips On Escaping The “Let’s Just Be Friends” Zone

May 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Again, SuperGigaloDJ chimes in with a few tips on how to turn that female "friend" (we all know they don’t exist, right?) into a lover.

SuperGigaloDJ writes:
Tip #1. Pick up girls in front of her.

This one should be used only occasionally or else you will seem like a dyck. Doing this may spark a hint of jealousy.

Tip #2. Talk about other girls to her.

No I don’t mean COMPLAIN. Talk about what a great time you had on a
date with a girl you met two weeks ago. You could even tell you about
the sexual things you guys did. It’s best to talk about this stuff when
it’s late at night when she’s horny. Don’t talk too much about this in
the beginning.

Tip #3. KINO!

Ahh the great KINO. Light KINO in the beginning. Turn it up a couple
knotches as time goes on. Getting out of the friend zone may take some

Tip #4. Ask personal questions.

Ask open-ended personal questions. Ask questions about her favorite
memories, what she likes, etc. Get to know her more. As time goes on
integrate sexual questions. What she likes and such.

Tip #5. Mystery.

Don’t always be available. Don’t hang out with her too long in a day.
Start hanging out with her less but keep hanging out with her. Don’t
change too much at once.

TIP #6. (The make or break tip)

After weeks of using Tips 1-5 have her maybe at your house or you can
be at hers. Plan a late-night movie. KINO good throughout the night. As
the movie is playing talk to her. Get her in the mood by asking her
more questions about sex. Look deep into her eyes. Now this is most
important: GRAB YOUR B@LLS AND KISS HER! You should know what to do
from there.

These tips are all well and good (I think a few are a bit too simplistic).  But the best advice I ever saw on the "Friends To Lovers" dilema was from Swinggcat.  He’s got a fantastic article up on that takes you step-by-step through the process of making a girl "friend" your latest conquest.  Check it out if you’re a member of the site, it’s well worth the read.

25 Neg Hits

May 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

We all know Mystery came up with the idea of "neg hits," where you use a subversive insult to socially lower a girl’s value to make it easier to pick her up.  SuperGigaloDJ over on the Don Juan boards just posted a list of 25 of them that I think are worth checking out:

SuperGigaloDJ writes:
Jason: Are those nails real?
HB9: No
Jason: Oh. Well at least they look nice.

Jason: You’re pretty dark is that tan real?
HB9: No I went tanning.
Jason: Oh. Well at least it looks real.

HB9: Do you like my new haircut?
Jason: Yeah I like it little messy on top. (If it’s straight)

HB9: Do you like my new haircut?
Jason: Yeah I like the left site. (If her hair is different no each side)

HB9: Hey let’s go get some ice cream!
Jason: Hell yeah let’s do it. I like a girl who’s not afraid to gain some pounds.

Jason: Cool shoes. My mom has a pair just like that.

Jason: Mm that perfume smells good. I think my mom has that same one.

HB9: Do you like my new purse?
Jason: Yeah that one’s really popular. A lot of girls at my school have that one.

Jason: Hey there is this girl in my class who has that same shirt!

HB9: Hey check out my new watch.
Jason: Oh yeah I really like that one. My cousin has the same one!

Jason: What did ya buy?
HB9: I bought a new shirt.
Jason: Cool lemme see it.
HB9: Here.
Jason: Oh nice. My moms got one just like it.

Jason: That’s really cute how your nose wiggles when you talk.

Jason: Is that your real hair color?
HB9: No it’s dyed.
Jason: Oh. Well at least it looks good.

Jason: I like your make-up job.

Jason: I like the color of your eyes.
HB9: Hehe thanks. They’re contacts.
Jason: Oh. Well they look nice.

Jason: Hey cool cell phone. This girl in my class has the same one.

HB9: Do you think I’m fat?
Jason: No but I like it when I can pinch a little here. (And then pinch her stomach)

Jason: Hey weren’t you wearing the same outfit the other day?

Jason: You have something in your teeth.

Jason: Hey nice outfit! I like that better than the one you wore last time.

Jason: How old are you?
HB9: I’m __
Jason: Oh. You look older.

Jason: Nice jeans.
HB9: Thanks
Jason: They make your ass look small. (I would suggest this only after a few dates!)
HB9: Oh.. Thanks.

Jason: Nice breasts are they real?
HB9: No
Jason: Oh.. At least they look real. (At the strip club)

Jason: You have big feet for a girl but those shoes look good on you.
HB9: Oh… Thanks.

Jason: Hey I like this CD.
HB9: Oh thanks.
Jason: Yeah my grandma has this same one.

Of course, these are all oldies, but goodies.  Neg hits, when used right, can be quite powerful (especially with beautiful women).  When used wrong, though, they can really backfire on ya!  Just remember, with most girls you’ll never want to use more than one neg hit!  With REALLY hot girls, maybe up to three, but any more than that and you could blow her out.  Use them wisely!


May 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

I’m usually too humble to say something like this, but it has to be done…

I’ve REALLY outdone myself this time.

Every month I go to great lengths to deliver amazing premium interviews to the members of, and though the interviews are usually good, they’re rarely ever THIS good.

Part of learning the ins-and-outs of dating and seduction is learning ALL aspects of the game.  That means knowing how to pick a woman up, how to attract her, how to seduce her, and perhaps most importantly –


Seriously, the late-game tactics of pleasing a woman in bed are more important than you might realize.

When you see a woman you’re attracted to, do you feel hesitant about meeting her?  What about feeling nervous while you talk to her, like you’re not sure where it’s going to go?  And what if you do everything right and then blow it at the last minute because you made one little mistake?

Well guess what:  Guys who are confident in the bedroom rarely, if ever, experience that!

If you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can blow any woman’s mind in bed, then all that fear and nervousness of "where is this going?" and "what should I do next" just melts away…

Trust me, I know.  ;-)

That’s why I’ve started off the summer with a focus on sexual mastery, so things can be just as hot on the inside as they are on the outside!

Last month, I interviewed an EXPERT in sex techniques.  This month, I interview a MASTER.

Seriously, this guy’s playbook of bedroom techniques is so out-of-this-world, Hugh Hefner and Wilt Chamberlain would be green with envy at what this guy can pull off!

But in addition to being able to please any woman he desires, my interview subject has also created something which can only be described as…


Not "evil" in the bad sense.  But evil in the sense that he can have very FEW male friends because they become much too jealous when he uses this amazing technique around them.

It may sound hard to believe, but this technique is SO EVIL, that this guy has women buying him everything from meals, to clothes, to jewelry, and even expensive cars — all the while BEGGING him to have sex with them!

And he’s not even GOOD LOOKING!!!!

When I first met this guy, I didn’t believe a single word he told me about the rewards he’s able to reap from being a master in the bedroom, until I met a girl who was TAKING OUT A LOAN to buy him a new car because she wanted so desperately to marry him!

Once I saw this for myself, I knew that what he was telling me was 100% true.  Right then and there, I knew this was information I had to share with YOU!

In this hour and a half long interview, you’ll discover…

  • Tricks to quickly get women into bed with you!  No more chance of "blowing it" at the last minute!
  • How to get a woman to SWOON after you kiss her, so she’s primed to do ANYTHING with you!
  • The secret to getting a woman so mind-blowingly turned on, she’ll let you do whatever you want to her!
  • How to prime a woman to have powerful orgasms the first time out — fast!  No more having to spend half the night on just HER pleasure.
  • The "secret twitch" technique you can use to find out if what you’re doing to a woman is actually turning her on.  You no longer have to worry about whether she’s faking it with you!
  • The GOLDEN RULE of being a masterful lover that will ENSURE you of "Sex God" status in any woman’s eyes!
  • How to deliver the one orgasm that’s IMPOSSIBLE for women to fake and leaves them a smoldering pile of goo in your able hands!
  • How to use "sexual inertia" to easily give a woman multiple orgasms with little to no effort on your part!
  • Learn the incredible "illusion of control" technique that will get any woman to agree to anal sex!
  • The secret of sexually conditioning any woman to literally turn her into your willing sex slave for LIFE!
  • And Much more…

I’m EXTREMELY proud of this interview, because this is stuff that most of you have NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE, and unless you hear it for yourself in high-quality, crystal-clear MP3 format, you probably never will!

Once you master these techniques, women will literally be FLOCKING TO YOU, no matter what you look like or how much money you have in the bank, because no other man will be able to make them feel the way that you do.

In short:  You’ll be one of a kind!

And that makes your job of picking up women SO much easier.  Just listen to a few excerpts from this interview here to get a glimmer of what I’m talking about:

Click Here To Listen To Free Audio Samples!

But this interview isn’t for everyone.  Only people 101% serious about getting their love life together, supercharging their success with women, and enjoying the kind of power with women usually reserved for ROCK STARS get access to it.  That means you have to meet all the qualifications to be a member of

If you’re not yet a member of, what are you waiting for?  Check out the page below before you miss out on something that could truly change your life FOREVER:

Click Here To Become A Member Today

You haven’t experienced true power with women, until you’ve achieved SEXUAL MASTERY.

Wishing you success,


Louis & Copeland vs… David Deangelo???

May 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Now this is a wierd development.  In their latest newsletter, titled "Now They’re Threatening Us," authors of the book How To Succeed With Women Ron Louis and David Copeland reveal that there’s some drama going on between them and another "well known" guru.


We want to make a confession to you:

Our competitors are not happy about our seminar. And some of them are getting personal.

One competitor actually wrote to us and threatened us after our recent newsletter exposed the many downsides of trying to be "Cocky and Funny" and manipulate women.

He told us be had better "watch out," and to not blow the whistle on the scams that many newly-minted "dating gurus" use to take money out of shy men’s pockets. 

But that’s what makes us different. We don’t teach elaborate techniques that only work if you have natural charisma or could be a talented hypnotist.

We don’t expect you to spend every waking moment of your life studying "techniques" and "patterns" so you can finally get what you want with women.

Here’s what we do — We teach "dirt simple" success with women — the kind of success that works for every guy.

It’s a big claim, but we can back it up.  We’ve been coaching men in dating for 10 years. That means we’ve been helping men since long before the internet made it easy for any guy to call himself a dating guru, and to take men’s money.

Owch.  Since David DeAngelo is the only guy who lays legitimate claim to the "cocky funny" moniker, I’m assuming that it was him who contacted Ron & Dave.  I’m not really sure he told them not to "blow the whistle on the scams that many newly-minted "dating gurus" use to take money out of shy men’s pockets."  But it wouldn’t surprize me if he did contact them about bashing his techniques in their previous newsletter.

I’ll see if I can get more on this soon.

Men And High Status

May 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Articles

Here’s an interesting article about men and our need to achieve high status in society.

Read more

How To Get Laid Fast

May 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Aside from the obvious answer of "Get A Hooker!", the once lost but now found Nightblue chimes in with some game tactics that will get you laid quick.

Nightblue writes:
Im going to get straight to the point assuming there is no need to write much more than can be remembered anyway.

Since the point is a gamestyle for quick lays, you should be behaving like a guy who is suitable for it.

A lot of guys actually screw up a good lay potential by "gaming" while
they should be fucking. Im not talking about the 7 hour thing. Thats a
different style. If you get too much into rapport
the girl will rethink sleeping with you, since the interaction wont be
a "were going to fuck later" type of interaction. That’ll be the vibe.

Which girl will fuck a guy one hour after she told him her childhood camp or dead bunny. It wont happen.

Thats more for types that you want to keep around, you have the rapport
attraction and the sex comes later. I personally dont want to keep
around every girl I have sex with as in any type of relationship.

OTOH, for quick lays, the message you should be conveying is, "I live
by the day and enjoy every moment" type of stuff. Which obviously
includes "I fuck who I want to fuck at any given time, I only need to
want to".

When you get her into your frame, which shouldnt be a problem if you
know about the strong reality concept, you’ll be laying her pretty

Some things that convey this are:

-Acting extreme, as in not caring what others think

Extreme is pretty good actually. Not weird extreme. As in extreme
confidence. Shy/dumb girls will look up to you and perceive you as
higher value since they cant behave like that.

Social/extreme girls will love it since you’ll be on the same wave. You’ll understand eachother.

-Having stories that your a spontaneous guy and live life moment to moment

Basically conveys that you live like this so its normal to have sex
pretty soon, without knowing eachother for hours/days/weeks.

-Being TOO comfortable doing anything you want

majorly include things like slap her ass to tease her or when she
shittests you. And doing other stuff that convey sexual awareness and
relax ness. Youre setting up the right vibe early on so the shift wont
be problematic.

i.e. The traveller or rebelic types work miracles in combination with
the above characteristics and behaviors, since they can fit perfectly
into eachother.

Seriously, getting laid quick is about having a certain attitude and aggressively going after what you want.  Many girls will get "swept up" by a guy who pushes the right buttons and sets the frame of "this is going to happen."  I agree with Nightblue that you really do have to set-up this dynamic early on in the interaction.  A sudden switch to this type of style down the road will seem to come out of left field and might touch off warning signal’s in the woman you’re with.

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