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Toothing and Anonymous Sex

June 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Well, I gotta hand it to those Brits. They sure know how to party!

I recently became aware of this new phenomenon knwon as “Toothing.” Sounds kinky, don’t it? Well, it is, but not in the way it may sound.

See, “Toothing” is a reference to “Bluetooth,” which is a wireless device which allows people to use things like telephones to connect to other machines without the need for a “hard line.” In essence, it’s wireless technology.

Anyway, from what I understand, people are using this Bluetooth technology to send anonymous text messages to each other and then having sex. Apparently, this is a huge phenomenon in the London Underground.

I’ve found two pretty interesting sites that deal with this phenomenon. They are:

The Toothing Blog
Toothing Forum

Methinks it’s time for me to get a new cell phone! =)

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3 Responses to “Toothing and Anonymous Sex”
  1. misterboo says:

    It is wireless networking actually. Usually within 33ft I think. I’ve heard of this ‘toothing”. I’ve also heard about “blue-snarfing” and “bluetooth spam”. I just got a BT phone, now I just need a subway to go ride…

  2. Hoobie says:

    Sounds like a media beat up, insidiously and surreptitiously driven by phone companies as a way to get people to upgrade their old handsets.

    Then again it could be true… Who needs ASF and everything else, when you can just hang around a train station with your nokia?

  3. 959448 177403Quite clean web site , thanks for this post. 663675

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