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The Key To Seduction

May 27, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Aussi Pick-Up Artist Coolwater offers his opinion on what the ultimate key to being successful with women is…

Coolwater writes:
I believe that a lot of the guys on this forum are losing sight of the big picture – that of self improvement as a whole. A lot of people get caught up in tactics and techniques which are all temporary solutions to your problems with women. The only true and permanent solution, that which encompasses all tactics and techniques, all external behaviour, is to be the man. And not just any man: the alpha male.

Methods such as the gunwitch method and croatian badboy emphasise this – as it’s really important. Being the man is instantly attractive to all hot girls. On top of this, if you are the alpha male, chicks will flock you without any fake tactics and techniques, which will fail to work if you are not the man. The alpha man.

The james method is a stunning example of seduction method perfection. This method really focuses on becoming the alpha male and tapping into your true alphaness, that which will allow you to be the man. This is what girls truly want. All of TD’s tactics and techniques, all of Mystery’s routines, are all diverting us from the true powerhouse of seduction: being the alpha male.

If you are the alpha male( IE. THE MAN), you’ll instantly get these effects:
-girls will flock you
-other people will be beta’d by you
-your level of attractiveness will instantly rise. The more alpha you are, the more attractive you are.
-you’ll get more girls
-you’ll be the alpha male

This is why the gunwitch method, crobadboy (direct) method, and james method are so effective. They all focus on being the alpha male and the man (THE man).

But you have to be CONGRUENT with being THE MAN (alpha). If you’re not congruent with it, you’re not the man, and the girls will detect this. Totally focus on inner game so that you really are the man and the alpha male, so the girls see this and are instantly attracted. Then all that is needed is for you to enter sexual state, and you’ve got yourself a lay.

In conclusion, the best and foremost way to enhance your sex life and take your game to the next level, is to focus on:

1. being the alpha male
2. being THE MAN.

Newbies on ASF get confused with all the terminology, routines, techniques, etc. This is detrimental to their game, as it has to be learnt. Be the man and the alpha male, and your sex life will be enriched.

Comments appreciated.

Isn’t being the Alpha Male and Being THE MAN the same thing? Or is he suggesting to be a really agressive police officer? Who knows. But if you wanna check out the rest of the thread, check it out here.

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29 Responses to “The Key To Seduction”
  1. intlzncster says:

    ahh, nothing like a bit of tongue and cheek knowledge from the almighty coolwater. must be the hair.

  2. abc says:

    Author: CoolWater
    Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 11:40:00 -0400

    BTW, this wasn’t a serious post.

    coolwater (alpha male) ;-)

  3. intlzncster says:

    that’s what tongue-in-cheek means….

    i spelled it wrong the first time though.

  4. BUster says:

    However, the funny thing is, this article is almost along the same lines as what I came up with to explain my current batch of experiences.

    I have been fighting my mind high and hard to come up with a way to explain what was happening but it’s almost like some god damn “hard to explain the obvious theory — Like the Chinese concept of the Tao”. I can now appreciate at a higher level of understading than before the frustration certain people have when we explain it. “Be a groomed and mental projection of a hard-coded male archetype” we rant on about like some priest giving sermon over the parishioners. But there is a reason that the most obvious things are the hardest to explain; it’s the same reason we have sayings such as “it’s obvious” and “don’t you get it?”

    A lot of people in the community do seem to jump behind one camp or the other, one method or the other. The result does seems to be confusion, difficulty learning, and an almost endless supply of junk posts that provide as fodder for the “keyboard jockey” remarks by presenters at the seminars. Lately, I have been taking a more holoistic approach. I do not know what set me onto to this path nor do I know the final direction this will lead but there seems to be way too many great pearls to be had in the various methods and they all ring true *circumstantially*.


  5. DoctorOwl says:

    Coolwater often says something and then realises a day later that nobody caught the sarcasm. It’s definately a joke.

  6. mimicker says:

    i’m so relieved, when i read that i was like “the james method”… wtf? Coolwater should’ve gotten a good laugh though when everyone was posting “yeah, right on man”

  7. hotcharmer69 says:

    Doctor Owl, are you kidding? 8-)
    Anyone who sees a picture of Coolwater (and especially his smooth gayboy look) would see this as a joke! Thundercat should post a photo — funniest mini-TD copycat ever.

    Coolwater as alpha male? Nice!


  8. coolwater says:

    LOL!! This post was just meant to reflect the overall tone of ASF these days..


  9. cduce says:

    I don’t get it.

    The whole “be The MAN” seems to be a distortion of something that gunwitch said. What he said was that women are attracted to the archetypal masculine man. So be a MAN. That is, be masculine, confident, and take charge.

    This is the main sticking point of AFCs that they are suppressing their masculinity and they aren’t being confident and taking charge of the situation.

    Right? This is logical yes?

    After fixing that SP, getting laid is much easier. All the tactics and techniques to getting laid after fixing your inner state is just a bonus. :)

  10. cduce says:

    hmm, gunwitch already said something like this on mASF, i must be telepathic. he even typed “archetypical”

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