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DYD Masters Recap, Day 3

May 5, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews


Okay, more DYD stuff for all of you today, and you’re in for a special treat.

As I said before, I thought Day 1 was really good, but Day 2 was horrible.  However, in my opinion, Day 3 was the best of the best, and really blew any other seminar/product/what have you out of the water in my opinion.  Why?  Because of three things:

1.  Mystery
2.  Rick H
3.  Major Mark Cunningham

That’s right!  On Day three, you had the clash of the titans take the stage!  The Trifecta of ultimate PUA knowledge in the universe was present at the DYD Masters seminar and in my opinion, totally REDEFINED what it means to be a master!  You have Mystery, arguably the best pick-up artist in the world.  You have the legendary Rick H, who’s prowess and exploits with women has yet to be matched, and you have Major Mark Cunningham, probably the leading hypnotist out there when it comes to restructuring belief systems.

After the horror that was Day 2, Day 3 comes in and totally redeems the Masters Seminar and sets the stage for what is to come.

So without further ado, onto Day 3 recap…

The Good


After Day 2, I really wasn’t that jazzed about going back to the seminar, but I knew that it was going to get better from here on out just because of the quality of the guest speakers that were going to take the stage.  David D took the stage in the morning and revealed even more of his material, which was actually pretty racy, as I think he was gearing up for the speakers who were about to present some mind-blowing stuff.

David D talked about dominance, and the look of the killer.  He discussed Sexual Communication as a primal way of communicating, using body language, voice tone, and abstract patterns of behavior.  How it triggers strong physical and emotional responses directly, without the use of logic or reasoning.

He talked about elements of sexual communication, those being:  Honest Signals, Status, Liking, how Super-Sized Friendship won’t work, and how Logic and Reasoning are the enemy.

He then talked about a four step process for Sexual Communication and how to gradually increase it.  The first step is sparking attraction, the second is building sexual tension, the third is amplifying the attraction, and the fourth is physically advancing.

After David D finished talking about this, we breaked for lunch.  People were definitely in better spirits than the day before.  Swinggcat, Little Big Dick, one of the seminar attendees, and I all went to lunch and came back to the seminar refreshed and ready to go.

Mystery hadn’t been there in the morning, but when we came back, I saw him in the seminar room getting ready to go on stage.  He was conspicuous in his “Non-Peacock” attire, instead wearing a nice business suit with his hair long, falling on his shoulders.  He was, however, wearing his Amsterdam cowboy boots, so he wasn’t completely conforming.

I shook his hand briefly and wished him luck, then got ready to take a buttload of notes because I knew Mystery was gonna get rolling once up on stage.  After everyone took their seats, David D got up on stage and gave Mystery a really great introduction.  Mystery hopped up on stage and instantly owned the room, and David D let him have the stage all to himself.  The first thing he did was some slight of hand with some Listerine breath strips while talking about who he was (disappearing breath strips, mystery, get it?).

As Mystery got into his spiel, I almost forgot I was at a DYD seminar.  Mystery’s presentation style is so animated and funny and interesting that you just get lost in what he shares with you.  He was up on stage with spotlights glaring, using the oversized easel-pads to write on, and for a minute, you began to think that this was Mystery’s seminar and not David D’s.  This is where he belonged, on stage in front of hundreds of people.  Obviously, he’s had a lot of practice being a magician, but his energy as a public speaker is amazing, and lets you know the potential he has to be a real force in the self-help market.

Mystery talked about the fallacy of “being yourself.”  He told the audience that if what you’re doing isn’t working, you need to change yourself so that it IS working.

He then wrote out his model for pick-up on stage.  For those of you who don’t know how Mystery Method breaks down, its really intricate, but for the initial pick-up, it’s a three step method:

Attraction –> Comfort –> Seduction

Mystery talked about the mistakes most guys do when picking up a woman, and how you need to follow a linear course of action when doing so if you want to successfully get her. 

He started by talking about Seduction, and how if you start with seduction, you rely on fool’s mate to get laid (ie;  Getting “Lucky”).  By skipping attraction and comfort, you might be able to get a chick, but you’ll encounter a lot of last minute resistance and high buyer’s remorse.  Mystery talked about how most guys just want to get to the Seduction stage fast and ignore everything else.  He went on to elaborate…

Mystery:  “I see two problems with this way of thinking.  And that’s “Speed” and “Seduction.”

At that, everyone cracked-up.  Huge laughter and applause.  Of course, you could see David DeAngelo visibly cringe in the back of the room at this joke.  Mystery made a few other references to SS and MINE’99 during his talk, and each time it looked like David D had gotten punched in the fuckin’ face, Jlaix style, knowing he’s going to have to figure out a way to cut that stuff out of his final product.

Mystery talked about comfort, and how every AFC uses that stage to try and get a girl.  Women deal with this stage all the time, and have protection (or “bitch”) shield issues with it.

He then spoke about how you need to start off every interaction with a girl with attraction, and after attraction you must qualify her by asking her questions.

But as important as attraction is, Mystery pointed out that the game is played in the “Comfort” stage of the interaction, and that it usually takes 7 hours from meet to close (ie: sex).  That’s an average.  It can take anywhere between 4 to 10 hours, but usually 7 (6 hours of which are in Comfort).

He went on to break down his method like this:

Attraction + Comfort = Seduction

Each phase has three smaller stages.

Mystery Method

1.  Open
2.  Female to Male Attract (Make the woman attracted to us first)
3.  Male to Female Attract (Find out what qualities she possesses and then use those to tell her you’re attracted to her)

4.  Comfort 1 (Build Rapport)
5.  Comfort 2 (Go for phone number, build intimacy, hand holing, kino, etc)
6.  Comfort 3 (Heavy intimacy, kissing, making out)

7.  Arousal
8.  Last Minute Resistance
9.  Sex

Mystery said because of time, he’s only going to focus on “Opening” and “Female to Male Attract” phase.  The first thing he talked about was Opening.  Mystery said that on the average, groups of 3 (3-sets) are the best to open.  You have to initiate the chat in a way where you don’t alienate the men/ugs/friends of your target.


Mystery then called Tyler Durden up to the stage to demonstrate a few “canned” Openers.  Tyler came up and did the David Bowie Opener and one other one (forget what it was).  Tyler and Mystery then got into a fake AMOG battle on stage which was amusing to those that knew what they were doing, but confusing to everyone else.  Mystery got in the last word as Tyler sat back down at his seat.

Mystery then took that opportunity to plug my book, The Art of Approaching, and said that he recommends it to anyone who wants to get good at Opening.  This was extremely flattering to me, and I hope David D keeps it in his final product, as I could use the advertising, lol.

Mystery also took the opportunity to brag about Mystery’s Lounge, and how it’s a message board with around 80 of the best Ladies Men in the world all exchanging ideas and tactics on success with women, business, and health.  If that makes it into the final product, you can bet there will be billions of searches for Mystery’s Lounge and people begging to get in.  Makes those of us who are members feel more than a little self-important, I admit.  =)

The next step to Opening was to install a “plotline.”  Basically, Mystery said that you want to convince others that you and the target don’t get along.  By not getting along with your target, you engage the others in the group.  He also spoke about how you have to have your own style.  He recommended being enthusiastic about what you talk about (enthusiasm is contagious).  You have to possess a strong identity and convey that Identity quickly.

The most important thing Mystery said was that you have to practice your skills out in the field.  He said some routines are too long to Open with, so you start with short ones and move into longer ones.  He made the distinction that you are a performing artist and have to get good at delivering your material before your audience.

Now, I have, literally, 6-7 pages of notes on what Mystery covered, and what he was talking about was SO good, that David D gave him some extra time on stage.  Mystery got into comfort building and a variety of other topics, but I’m not gonna get into them here.  You can get the full range of what Mystery talked about when the Masters product comes out, or you can sign up for a Mystery Method Seminar at www.mysterymethod.com.  You can also e-mail Herbal T, Mystery’s business partner, at herbal@mysterymethod.com.

Mystery had a huge round of applause after getting off stage.  Next up, David D had another female come and join him on stage.  This woman actually WAS Marie, from his interview series, who wrote the book “How to Make Women Like You.”  This interview was very different from the Amber one.  For once, David D actually seemed to have RAPPORT with one of his guests (novel idea, I know, lol).  Marie and David were completely at ease with each other and actually had some playful banter going.

David talked about how he was contacted by Marie and how their relationship grew over the phone.  He also recounted how he first met her in New York at the bar she worked at, and an intentionally cheesy pick-up he did on her to introduce himself.  It was a funny little anecdote, and set the stage for the interview.

Listening to Marie talk was a breath of fresh air after the miserableness that was Amber.  Marie really seemed to understand the male way of thinking and was able to bridge the gap between that and her female sensibilities really well.  She talked about how a lot of women out there have low-self esteem and are looking for relationships.

One of her tips was that you should take age into consideration when trying to get a woman.  The older women go for relationship stuff much easier than the younger girls who are more interested in partying.

She said that nothing is more attractive than a man with a strong sense of self.  Usually, women don’t know where guys are coming from or where they stand on what they believe in.  They want someone who’s clear about his values, how he spends his time, and what he believes in.  Being able to systematically convey who you are conveys integrity (which made more sense than Amber’s “pushing through honey” exercise to bring that forth).

She also discussed that women notice details, like shoes.  And that if you ever want to engage a woman in conversation, just talk about shoes since it’s a favorite subject of many women.

She also discussed that nothing is more qualifying to women than having other women around you.  If you have lots of female friends, the woman you’re with is going to be more insecure and try harder to make you happy.  If she’s the only woman in your life, you start to look less attractive in the long run.

Again, I got lots of stuff on this, but I can’t get to it all here.  If you’re interested in hearing more of what Marie has to say (and its good stuff), you can buy her book, or better yet, buy the Masters Series when it comes out in a few months.

So after a quick break, now it was time for a special, special treat.  That of the Legendary RICK H!!!!!!

Some of you may recognize Rick H from the DYD Advanced Series.  Rick H was also a big star in the SS world, which is where his legend status really grew.  Rick H was known for having some mad skills with bisexual women, and is on the record as having gotten 5 women into bed at the same time.

When I first saw Rick, I was surprised.  I remember seeing a picture of him back in 2000, and he had gained a little weight since then.  But as soon as he started talking, it was the same old Rick we all know and love.

David D got up on stage and started interviewing his long time friend and former room mate.  Rick talked a lot about his amazing philosophy on how to get good with women, but I won’t go into that here (buy the product, fellas).  But the real meat of his interview was his talk on how he gets Bisexual women.


Mystery asked Rick to elaborate on his process of how to pick-up bisexual chicks and get them into threesomes.

The first thing that Rick said is that “All women are bisexual.” (which he undoubtedly got from that PUA wiz Tari)  But that there is a labeling issue and most women don’t want to be called bisexual.  He said the reason for this is that most guys make a big deal about a woman being into girls, and he says don’t do that.  Treat the fact that she’s bisexual the same way you’d treat the fact that she knows how to cook.  If you’re comfortable with it and you can speak about it like it’s not a big deal and it’s natural, then it is.

Rick said that he’s at a stage where he won’t even ask the girls if they’re bisexual.  He’ll just ask them “What kind of girls do you like?”  Again, if it’s not a big deal to you, it won’t be to them.

He said the biggest mistake most men make is that they’ll rush into a threesome.  He said that the primary partner has to feel comfortable she’s not gonna get dumped when she brings a girl home for you.  Make sure she understands she’s the primary in the relationship, and that you can’t pay more attention to the second girl.  If you pay more attention to your primary and she’s comfortable, she’s gonna want to do it more because there’s good emotions attached to it.  Rick says don’t worry about pleasing the other girl, just make sure the primary is pleased.

He then went into his steps for getting bisexual women.  I won’t get too in depth here because of time, space, and energy, but it can all be found in the Masters Series when it comes out.  Basically, Rick’s process is:

1.  Ask the question “Are you bisexual”
2.  Get her to point out girls she thinks are cute
3.  Set the frame you’re someone who enjoys the fantasy with her.
4.  Talk about her past experiences with women
5.  Make this a fantasy for HER
6.  Establish a relationship with the primary and then find a secondary girl
7.  Don’t get jealous or insecure

After Rick was done, Major Mark got up on stage.  His talk was ALL about beliefs and trance work.  It was funny, because up on stage, I felt like I was listening to MINE’99.  It’s like they have the same speech patterns.  I was instantly catching all the weasel phrases, imbedded commands, and anchors Major Mark was using in his speech.

Major Mark was also cursing enough to make a sailor blush.  Every other word was “fuck” or “fucking.”  But he had such an energy on stage that no one really minded the potty mouth.

The good Major talked about state control, and that if you have an handle on state control, at any given time you can feel any emotion you want.  So if you’re feeling bad, if you can control your state, you can instantly slip into feeling good.  He said the trick to this is being outside your head and feeling calm, relaxed, and playful (all of which he presented as imbedded commands, btw).

He went on to discuss Limiting Beliefs.  He said that everyone only has 1 limiting belief, and that is that they believe there are things called “limiting beliefs.”  He said beliefs don’t exist, rather, they are thought forms that were not in existence until you created them.  He said you CHOOSE to have a limiting belief, and that every moment of the day, all you’re doing is rehearsing that limitation.

Major Mark says that you are in direct control of what you believe, and that it only takes you 1 time to learn something.  If it takes you more than once to learn something, you’re learning the wrong thing.  For instance, he asked if you’ve ever touched a hot stove, and then asked how many times it took you to learn not to touch a hot stove.  Once.  Point illustrated.

He said “Don’t practice failing.  Practice success.  If you go into trance (imbedded command) and practice success (another imbed), it will work (future projection).”

Major Mark also talked about trance work, and how reality is infinitely malleable.  I’d go deeper into what he talked about, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t do it justice (plus, this review is getting crazy long!).  I know Major Mark has another seminar coming up soon.  You can find out more information on his website www.trucor.com.  I highly suggest any of you dealing with inner game issues or those of you interested in hypnosis/NLP check it out.  Let him know you heard about him from Thundercat’s Seduction Lair.

The Bad

There was very little bad this day, since the guest speakers were all so amazing and David D seemed to be finding his stride and getting relaxed presenting material.  One thing was that David D spent most of the morning on Day 3 doing damage control over Amber and explaining to the audience why what she was saying was relatable to life and dating.  Many of the students began to understand why he had her in the seminar, but almost everyone would have liked it if David had presented this material BEFORE Amber took the stage.

Another bad, and this is just a personal one, was that I wish Rick H had more stage time.  I would have liked it if David had gotten him to talk about more of his exploits and philosophy with women, since it was so fascinating.  But I hear he plans on interviewing him for his Interview Series, so maybe it’ll get more in depth there.

The Ugly

Not a whole lot of Ugly, but some noteworthy ones.  The first of which was Mystery’s AMOG battle with Tyler up on stage.  I don’t think Mystery was consciously doing it, but he really tooled Tyler up there.  First of all, he got Tyler up on stage and made him his performance monkey by telling him to recite Openers for the crowd.  It seemed like Tyler may have been a bit apprehensive doing it, but he did so anyway.  Mystery definitely had the power in the dynamic on stage, and this wasn’t more apparent than when the AMOGing started.

At first, Mystery had the upper hand in the AMOG battle, but Tyler quickly recovered and started tooling Mystery and his presentation.  Mystery then said Tyler wins the battle, kicked him off stage, then got in the last word once he had the stage back to himself.  I don’t think it was a malicious thing, or intentional on Mystery’s part.  I read it that he was so comfortable on stage, that he was just goofing around with a friend of his (they do this sort of thing all the time in private).  However, it was obvious Tyler was aware that this was being recorded for posterity and didn’t want to get into it with Mystery.

I think this little exchange also affect Tyler’s final presentation, because Mystery set such a power standard, that up on stage, even though RSD and Tyler are now the stars of DYD, Tyler looked second fiddle to Mystery.  When I talked to Mystery about this later on, he told me that wasn’t his intention when he did it, but that’s how it came off looking like in the long run in my humble opinion.

Another little tid-bit of gossip was that there were a number of RSD guys at the seminar on Saturday for Day 3.  Sickboy, The One, Xaneus, PlayboyLA, and Papa were all present, in addition to Twentysix, Orion, and Tyler.  Of special note were the “mini-Papas” also known as the RSD interns.

At one point, The One and Twentysix were outside the seminar room manning the table for the RSD workshop sign up, which was opposite the DYD seminar check-in table being manned by one of David D’s employees.  In true form, The One and Twentysix were talking about jerking off, and the various tactics they employ in doing so.  The One prefers a vitamin rich lube full of vitamins A, C, and D.  “Not only is it practical, but it enriches your cock at the same time,” The One was quoted as saying.  Twentysix, disagreed, and prefers to go after his rodney dry, focusing on the head and pumping furiously.  Of course, this discussion escalated into a debate about which method of flounder pounding was better, and seemed to offend the DYD employee manning the door.  He complained to David D, who in turn scolded The One and Twentysix about jerking off in public places.

Also of note, when Marie was speaking, she kept talking about how every one wants to find “The One.”  Meaning, of course, that one special man.  However, we all joked about the RSD instructor, The One, who’s nick-name finally made sense after years of everyone making fun of him for employing a third person imperative as his nic.  It seems The One is very popular among the ladies world wide.  =)


During the Major Mark speech, a few former SSers had to leave the room.  I guess either they didn’t want to go into trance while listening to him, or there were too many negative anchors associated to the NLP stuff.

After the seminar ended, major Mark and Steve Piccus did an impromptu seminar on belief work that seemed to go over well.  I’m told it lasted 4 hours and those who attended really got a lot out of it.

One thing I was surprised to learn was that PlayboyLA, one of the RSD Superstars (and an AMAING pick-up artist in his own right.  Seriously, this guy gives Tyler a run for his money) was a former student of Major Mark.  Very interesting.

My Experience

Damn, this is already a long article.  And it’s about to get longer, considering I had some extremely interesting experiences this day.

I showed up late for the seminar (yet again) after a late night of drinking and sarging with my friends the night before, so I missed all the “damage control” talk David went through that morning.

But the fun really didn’t begin until after the seminar ended.  That night, I went out to dinner with a big group of people from the seminar.  Those present were:  Mystery, Swinggcat, Merovingian, Herbal T, Little Big Dick, Craig, a few other guys from the seminar, and the Legendary Rick H.  We all went to P.F.Changs, which is a Chinese restaurant in the Santa Monica area and had a big dinner.  It was fun to see all these big time PUAs eating, laughing, and joking around with each other.  Good times had by all, and no egos involved either (very different from the first night’s VIP dinner).  It was all about having fun and being friends.

Of course, a few people started drinking at dinner and were getting rather tipsy as time went on, but that’s to be expected.  Herbal T and Mystery were talking business, since Mystery’s presentation went over so well at the seminar.  At the other end of the table, Craig, Rick H, and a few others were clowning around and exchanging stories about banging strippers.  Mystery even made it a point to Pick-Up the hostess who was working at the time.

After diner was over, Mystery, Herbal, and a few others headed back home, while the rest of us hit the bars.  We went to two different bars that night.  I got to see Craig clown around a bit, which was awesome.  He had a new trick where he’d act really into a girl and suddenly, when she was ready to talk, whip out his cell phone a scream “HEEEEYYYYY!!!!  WUZ UUUUUUPPPPPPP????!!!!” and then act like he was obnoxiously talking into his cell, ignoring the girl.  It was too fucking funny.  He did this with one set I pulled over for him.  Eventually, they got insulted and started walking away.  Craig chased after them yelling “Hey guys!  Guys wait!  Wait!”  As soon as they turned around and looked at him, he whipped out his cell again, backturned, and screamed “HEEEEYYYYY!!!!”  Everyone watching this busted up laughing.  The girls walked away emotionally destroyed.  It was hilarious.


Eventually, I teamed up with Rick H and did a few sets.  While walking around the bar, every ugly girl he’d see, he’d turn to me and say “Uh, dude, tell your girlfriend to stop following us around.”  Turns out Rick H’s ball busting doesn’t stop with girls.  It was funny shit though.  I eventually pulled two girls over to him at the bar and got to see his game a bit.  First thing he does is grab their palms, look them over, and trace his finger over them, saying “You got the sexual adventurism fork.”  They of course ask what that means.  He tells them “Well, it means one of three things.  Those with the fork are either fetishists, exhibitionists, or… bisexual.”  He then told them that they both have the forks.

The girls laughed.  Rick H then did a full palm reading on the hot one.  She seemed really into it.  He then asked her “What kind of girls do you like?”  She said “I’m not into girls.  I like guys.”  Rick responded “No, you just like guys more.”  He probably could have gotten her if her friend hadn’t dragged her off, since the girl he was talking to (a really cute blond chick) seemed into it.  After they were gone he started making fun of them for having fat asses (even though, at least in one of their cases, that wasn’t true).

I then talked to Rick a bit about Las Vegas, and I told him that last time I was out there, I kept running into prostitutes.  I asked him if he’s ever gotten the hookers in Vegas into bed without paying, and he told me “all the time.”  He talked about his system for doing it, where he’ll usually get them early in the night, before lots of business is thrown their way, and he’ll be really funny about it.  If she says:

“I’m working.”

He’ll respond:

Rick:  “Oh… yeah… um… well, you wanna know how to get a lot of customers?”
Her:  “Sure.”
Rick:  “Well, you need to get warmed up first.  You’re too, uh, too normal right now.  You gotta have sex.  You gotta have sex and get warmed up.  You have sex, you get all riled up, come back down to the casino stinking like sex, and guys will flock to you like bees to honey, honey.  C’mon, let’s go, up to my room and get you warmed up.”
Her:  (laughing) “Oh, I don’t know…”
Rick:  “It’s good for you.  It’s good for you.  It’s in your own best interest.  It’s in your own best interest.  C’mon.”

Rick said that for some reason, the key to making it work is saying “It’s good for you,” and “It’s in your own best interest.”  But you have to say them twice, otherwise it doesn’t work.  He told me stories about how many prostitutes he’s gotten off the clock using that routine.  This was really interesting because it works on many, many levels.  First, it sets the frame that she’s “not on the clock,” quite yet.  Second, it sets things up that you’re not a customer.  Third, you set the frame that she needs to have sex before she can make money.  And lastly, you have the dominant reality where it’s actually good for her (and on some level necessary) to sleep with you before she starts working.  Genius.

I also asked Rick H about how he got those 5 girls into bed all at once (the act that made him a legend).  He told me it happened at the Body Shop, which is a strip club off of Sunset Blvd.  He said the trick was to bring two girls with him to the club.  He sat them down at the stage and put dollars in front of them.  The dancers up on stage would come up and dance for the girls.  Then, after a little while of doing that, he pulled his two girls back to a table and waited.  Eventually, the dancers that were on stage approached and started talking to the girls.  Both his girls seduced a stripper each, and he got one as well, and got the three new girls back into his car.  Once he got all 5 girls back to his place, the rest was history.

As Rick would say, “That is how the game is played, boys!”

I also asked Rick about David D’s skills with women.  I had heard rumors that David D used to be really good with women, and that his skills have tapered off a bit.  Rick totally refuted this (and I believe him, because he was drunk at the time we were talking).  He said David D used to be amazing with women, and still is.  He told me that David D’s last girlfriend was one of the hottest girls he’d ever seen (and coming from Rick H, that means a LOT!).

As the night was winding down, we all headed back to my car.  Somewhere along the way, a member of out party got separated from the group.  Just as we all got in my car, I get a call on my phone.  It’s the guy we lost.  Turns out he picked up on two girls who were giving him a ride from two girls to my car, but couldn’t remember where we parked.  I told him, and he handed me over to one of the girls.

I didn’t feel like talking to her, so I handed the phone over to Rick.  Rick picks it up and the first thing he says is:

“Hello, Domino Pizza!”

We all start laughing.  Rick continues.

“You want pizza?  Extra topping?  Thick crust?  Thick crust?  You want cheesy bread?”

We could hear the girl on the other end trying to ask who he was and stuff, but Rick continued:

“You want chicken wing?  No extra hot, you get wing.  You eat.  No check!  No check!  No bouncy-bouncy!”

It just got worse from there.  Rick continued this routine for a good 5-7 minutes until the girls arrived with our buddy.  By then we all had tears in our eyes from laughter.  It was one hell of a fun night.

I ended up driving everyone back to their cars and going home for the night, thinking it couldn’t get any better than Day 3.  I was right, but Day 4 came aweful, aweful close…

To Be Continued…

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48 Responses to “DYD Masters Recap, Day 3”
  1. AnthonyM says:

    Wow, it’s great getting to read all this extra information about Rick H and others that I wasn’t around for (would have loved to have gone out to the bars with them).

    PS I think the audience got TD/Mystery’s back and forth. It was great that he let himself be capped on like that (he has such a high rep it can’t hurt him, it just makes it funnier capping on his “little steps”). It was a good example of funny humor

  2. rocker44 says:

    I totally agree with Thundercat on Day Three. The matieral in the morning was again very good. Just a quick comment, if you’ve been reading DYD newsletters for the past 2 and 1/2 years and subscribe to his interview series like I have theres very little NEW material, but its still worth it just because of the way he puts it all together.

    Mystery’s presentation was great. It will be the best thing on the Mastery Series DVD. Just compare compare David D’s four step method of sparking attraction, building sexual tension, amplifying the attraction, and physically advancing to Mysteries well thought out 9 steps. I’m sure David D learned as much as anyone else in the room watching Mystery on stage.

    The funniest part of the seminar that day for me was watching Marie stare straight at Mystery for almost her entire interview after watching his presentation. She must have brought up things Mystery said like five times. Definate attraction here folks! lol

    The Rick H. interview was really funny and he has gained some weight. I know a lot of guys like with Rick’s attitude that are really good with women. I’ve actually lived with a couple in my total AFC days. They can really be annoying to spend more than a few days with, but they’re fun as hell to go out with.

    I wasn’t really that impressed with Major Mark. He came off as a total dick to me. He was funny at times though. You couldn’t have paid me to stay afterwards for his seminar. Hypnosis is such BS anyway. The one time I tried to have hypnosis done the therapist told me I don’t have a mind that allows be to go into deep trance, whatever the hell that means.

    I’m really looking forward to TC’s recap of day four since I had to take off at lunch the final day and missed the RSD guys.

  3. rocker44 says:

    I forgot to comment on the TD vs. Mystery sparring. I think TC blew it way out of proportion in his review. It was obvious they were just having fun with each other on stage. When you’re around Mystery he talks in such a textbook AMOG way sometimes that you just automatically want to throw text book AMOG lines right back at him out of reflex. And TD is a virutal walking database of openers and routines. I’ve never seen anything like it.

    I’ve already started memorizing more routines just to get better at memorization in general.

  4. Traggard says:

    So how many at the seminar was students? It seems like half of the attendents were already PUA.

  5. thesandworm says:

    “Mystery: “I see two problems with this way of thinking. And that’s “Speed” and “Seduction.”

    At that, everyone cracked-up. Huge laughter and applause. Of course, you could see David DeAngelo visibly cringe in the back of the room at this joke. Mystery made a few other references to SS and MINE’99 during his talk, and each time it looked like David D had gotten punched in the fuckin’ face, Jlaix style, knowing he’s going to have to figure out a way to cut that stuff out of his final product.”

    Ha ha ha…I gotta say, you gotta LOVE Mystery!

    I may not agree with everything he says(the 7 hour rule, for example) but to give him credit, the guy IS an original, he is an incredibly good public speaker(I found him riveting when I sat in on one of his events for a brief time at the Mansion), he gives credit where it is due, and he has a vulnerability and likeability about him, that compliments the strong persona quite nicely. And he isn’t afraid to call it like he sees it!

    As for the seduction comments: I’ve always included different stages to SS under the over-all umbrella of seduction, and whether you use Mystery’s sequence or not, you STILL have to direct the focus of her thinking in every stage.

    BTW, not so long ago, a reporter from Toronto who was doing a story on Mys called me and tried to get me to slam him. I did just the opposite and told him that I thought Mys was an original, that he had tackled the hardest possible challenge(picking up the hottest woman, surrounded by bitchy girlfriends in a venue where they all have licenses to be cunts) and that he as a good guy, overall. I also mentioned that Mys himself has said more than once, HE uses SPEED SEDUCTION(R) once he’s isolated his target.

    The reporter said, “That’s true; he told me the same thing, I have it in my notes”.

    Mys..thanks for throwing DeAngelpagan fits! I’m sure it wasn’t intentional or maybe it was, but in either case, I owe ya a dinner at Mel’s.


  6. the sandworm says:

    “I wasn’t really that impressed with Major Mark. He came off as a total dick to me. He was funny at times though. You couldn’t have paid me to stay afterwards for his seminar.”

    Let me give you some insight into the “Major”; when he talks about being “Master of the Universe” and “a demi-god” he really BELIEVES it.

    I JOKE about being a guru. Mark truly, TRULY believes it and demands that people see him as a God. That’s why he sucks as a marketer, because his marketing is always about MARK, rather than any direct, identifiable benefit to the customer.

    I tried to tell him, but some people ya just can’t get to listen.

    Having said that..the guy has REAL talent as a hypnotist, and hypnosis can and does work..for SOME THINGS. Don’t thrown out the baby with the bathwater.

    Hypnosis is such BS anyway. The one time I tried to have hypnosis done the therapist told me I don’t have a mind that allows be to go into deep trance, whatever the hell that means

  7. the stratter says:

    Finally some smart plays by RJ in the underground political battle of TC’s lair. A much more relaxed response, and some compliments thrown Mystery’s way.

    Keep up the good work!
    (and I’m only being partially sarcastic :P – your post does actually make you sound more intelligent)

  8. the stratter says:

    Oh, and thanks for the great recap TC, and for you others who posted mini-reviews in the comments. Very informative and (as far as I can tell) balanced.

  9. THE ONE says:


    I LOVE THESE REVIEWS! Entertaining!

    Just one thing: There were NO STUDENTS and NO Seminar attendees present when 26 and I had this rather important philosophical exchange.

    I am not quite certain as to why that dude found it so offensive…..

  10. Hunter101 says:

    THE ONE, hey, i would like to know more about your important philosophical exchanges with 26. And which style you like to use when approaching your philosophical ideals? The forehand or backhand? hehehe ^_^, jk

    - Lao

  11. jlaix says:

    “He went on to discuss Limiting Beliefs. He said that everyone only has 1 limiting belief, and that is that they believe there are things called “limiting beliefs.” He said beliefs don’t exist, rather, they are thought forms that were not in existence until you created them. He said you CHOOSE to have a limiting belief, and that every moment of the day, all you’re doing is rehearsing that limitation.”

    I like this. I like this a lot, in fact. Other than that, the Major dude does sound kinda like a fuckin dick. But, you know, like a cool fuckin dick.

    TheOne & 26 got in trouble, huh? Good thing I wasn’t there or we would have been kicked out for sure. A volatile mixture, that. Damn, I almost wish I hadn’t spent the weekend fucking those 9s. Seriously, I feel really bad about missing the event, like I let down my friends. But work obligations got in the way.

    Also, the Craig phone thing sounds like classic Craig: The Ultimate Frat Boy. I love that guy!

    Unity and healing love. Breathe in the healing light of the universe. Breathe out the sickness within you. I am with you.

  12. coolman2828 says:

    Some comments from a DYD Mastery Seminar attendee (non PUA)

    * Who would have known there was a whole PU (scene)? — It was funny enough seeing these guys sparring here and there but I never guessed that there was a whole community of seduction experts. Kind of cool seeing the viewpoints of generally cool dudes who are slick with the ladies.

    * David DeAngelo may receive his fair share of criticism but I think his best advantage is providing material and viewpoint a regular male in productive society can digest and execute without feeling like a ‘seducer’. It’s easy for a level headed person to hear most of his stuff all the way though and see himself really doing all the stuff. Considering a non-pua may have a shitload of other things to worry about in life.

    * Mystery seems to be a very intelligent dude and has some kind of natural mastery of human male/female interactions. This is evident in his speaking style and ability to easy command people’s attention. He and a lot of the PUA’s seemed like freaks at first, then seemed much cooler as I heard them speak.

    * I gained some respect for Tyler D because he seemed to be able to be a likable guy and keep his status not by putting on an air… but just by always knowing what to say to keep things even and in check. I appreciate anyone who can still be themselves and have success with females without hiding behind a huge facade… David D. is especially guilty of this as I expected him to be a little more worldly than than when I met him in person. Dave seems to me like an ex-geek who worked out a little and trained his voice to boom loudly… I like his material but I really didn’t connect with him as a person.

    * I wish David D. would learn how to deliver a joke… If I heard him say “Courtesy Laughter” one more time… I was going to make a scene.
    You’d figure because Dave researches the shit out of everything else in life, that he might as well research how to tell a joke… (more comments later on Major Mark’s hypnosis session, commentss on “Cupcake Amber” as I heard her described, and Why was Tari there?)

    Here is some info I found for Dave at http://www.tonyjeary.com/newsletters.cfm?action=newsletters_details&newsletterID=7884

    10 Tips for Jokes and Joke Telling

    * Know Your Audience! These days, people can be offended by very subtle things. It is essential that you know the make up of your audience in terms of age, professions, background, lifestyles and personal beliefs.
    * Build your arsenal. People who present regularly need a lot of material to choose from; always be on the lookout for material that relates to your working environment. And, unless you have Milton Berle’s memory capacity, you need to write them down and file them for easy retrieval.
    * Select Appropriate Material. Pick material that matches your audience. It needs to be funny AND use words and situations that aren’t offensive to the group at hand.
    * Keep it simple. The best jokes are short and to the point. Reserve “shaggy dog stories” for use with really good friends when you have them captive.
    * Know the Joke. Unless you’re a skilled humorist, use the exact words of the joke as written or told.
    * Timing is critical. In addition to using the exact words, the timing must be precise.
    * Plan the set-up. Professional comedians call this “selling the joke”. This means getting the joke positioned within surrounding material so it seems relevant and flows easily. This doesn’t mean asking for permission to tell a joke, or advising the audience about how funny it is in advance.
    * Rehearse. Practice the joke until you have it down pat, and practice it some more with trial audiences. You need to not “get tickled” by your own story and spoil
    * Deliver with confidence. You’ve selected carefully and rehearsed, now deliver it enthusiastically. Let the audience laugh first, and then join in if they really are enjoying it.
    * Move on smoothly. Don’t say “but seriously, folks”; simply let the laughter die down and go on to the next topic.

  13. harp says:

    Great review TC. I was a bit disheartened that there was no comment on Marie’s looks, though. From her DYD interview, she portrayed herself as quite the HB….


  14. rocker44 says:


    Marie was a tall, fit brunette HB8.5-HB9. Probably in her late 20s or early 30s.

  15. Thundercat says:

    Yeah, Marie was pretty hot. I agree with rocker44′s ranking of her. She had a great attitude and was quite attractive. Also quite obvious she was bisexual as well.

    Oh, and she was oogling Mystery from the stage. Funny how I fogot to mention that. Maybe because I was sitting next to Mystery at the time, I was in denial that she was actually oogling ME! lol.


  16. BryWithaY says:

    I love these articles. Thanks alot TC! Your writing style is very entertaining. I could feel like I was there, being oogled by Marie too.

    Keep it up, man. Love the site. I just started reading but I feel like you’re THE reporter for the scene.

  17. Mystery says:

    Great read! TC, can you procure the email or phone number of Marie? I found her bright and engaging. :D Thanks. My children will thank you too.

  18. thesandworm says:

    “Finally some smart plays by RJ in the underground political battle of TC’s lair. A much more relaxed response, and some compliments thrown Mystery’s way.

    Keep up the good work!
    (and I’m only being partially sarcastic :P – your post does actually make you sound more intelligent)”

    Thanks for the compliments. Please understand, I don’t write things to make friends(or enemies). I just call it like I see it.

    I’ve been saying for years that Deangelo has very little of his own “material” to offer and has to resort to padding things out with over-blown, and more importantly, MISTAKEN theories about genetic programming and social biology. I’ve also said he isn’t even a teacher, but a lecturer and guest host for other people who have the most interesting things to say.

    Now, here comes Thundy, who hates me so hard, you almost have to admire the guy’s passion, and he says virtually the same things I’ve been saying all along, so it’s hard not to gloat a bit.

    As for Mystery..he’s got real talent. He’s an original. Note RSD didn’t come out of nowhere; these guys are doing MM with many small chunk distinctions created by Tyler, no doubt. But the core of it is MM. I guess if that is ok with Mystery it has to be ok with everyone else.

    Thanks again for the kind words.


  19. Thundercat says:


    I don’t hate you. You’re like my little sister!



  20. thesandworm says:


    I don’t hate you. You’re like my little sister!



    I’m touched.

    You know, I had an interesting talk today with Yates(my business partner) about being in the military and how it effects families(He’s a retired Major). He offered some interesting speculation about your upbringing.

    Good luck…


  21. Mystery says:

    Still waiting for Marie info! :D

  22. Thundercat says:

    “You know, I had an interesting talk today with Yates(my business partner) about being in the military and how it effects families(He’s a retired Major). He offered some interesting speculation about your upbringing.”

    Oh, I’m glad you spend your days thinking about me, bro.



  23. Ultraman says:

    Any photo of Marie?

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