DYD Mastery Recap, Day 2
May 4, 2004 by Thundercat
Filed under Rants & Reviews
Hey everyone,
Glad to see my recap of the first day got such a great response. I appreciate all types of feedback, the good and the bad, so keep it coming.
As I’m writing these reviews, I’m often reminded of watching a movie trilogy of some type. Usually, the second episode in a movie series is the darkest of the storyline, and I guess it’s no different here, since Day Two of the seminar was definitely the worst, in my opinion. But like all good stories, it has to get bad before it can get good, and when it does get good (and boy, does it!), the highs are higher than you ever imagined.
So with that in mind, here’s my recap of the second day of the DYD Masters seminar. I tried to keep things balanced, but I’m sure my disappointment at this day will come through loud and clear. Keep in mind, most of what I’m writing are my own personal views and opinions on things, and shouldn’t be taken as fact or reflect what the final DYD product is going to be like. Just so we’re clear on that, let’s get on to the meat of my recap…
Day 2
The Good
So Day Two of the Double Your Dating Mastery seminar rolls around, and everyone meets it with a great sense of excitement and optimism after the high of the first day. Of course, Tyler and the other RSD instructors present were visibly tired from their late-night workshop that most likely ran into the wee hours of the morning, yet they were still present to learn some of the great new concepts David D was sure to share with us that day.
David D didn’t disappoint. He had tons and tons of great information to cover. Nothing really groundbreaking or new, but solid info that’s more than good enough to recap.
One of the major concepts Daivd D introduced, and this was something I’ve been hearing from Swinggcat for the past year, was that in addition to making friends with 5 guys who are good at meeting women, you want to make friends with at least 3 very attractive women. Attractive, as in, attractive to YOU! David D talked about how having attractive female friends can help out a guy on so many levels, and he went on to talk about how people make other people their friends (for the TRUE losers out there who really have NOBODY in their life).
David D broke this down to having some sort of “Inner Bond” with them. He listed six characteristics that can help create this inner bond. A lot of what he had to say dealt with finding or creating commonalities between people. Things like “having a common oppressor,” and “sharing secrets” and the like. I found this section interesting because it is really fascinating how people make friends with each other, and why some people are friends and some aren’t.
David D also talked about “Honest Signals” and how you can communicate to women that you are being straight with them and genuine. This harkened back a bit to David X’s talk the night before, but not too much.
The next topic up was on Approaching, a subject I’m very interested in as you all know. For the most part, David D talked about ineffective approaches and what men do WRONG when first talking to a woman. Things like trying to get approval by giving it, calling and writing too often, giving too much, selling far too in advance, and not paying attention to the woman are all things that can botch an otherwise good approach. But the most interesting thing he talked about in this subject were the signs that a woman is looking for a man.
Basically, if an attractive woman seems unhappy, it’s often connected to her relationship, and this means she’s open to other men who may present a better choice for her. He also pointed out that if an attractive woman continues to spar with you when you’re teasing her, it’s usually a big signal that she’s happy and available. I’d like to get more into this, because it’s fascinating stuff, but you’re going to have to buy the course to find out more. (suffer, dudes)
David D shared with the seminar attendees his 5 foundations of success, which were: Language, Communication, Sales, Marketing, and Public Speaking. He elaborated on all five of these principals and how they relate to all aspects of life, be it women or business. In talking to some of the marketing gurus that were in attendance at the seminar, I got the impression that marketing is not much different from meeting women. You have a target/customer, you communicate and entice them for your product, and you get them to want to have it.
Finally, David D shared with us his age-old concept of “Reverse Rapport.” This goes back to the old days when he used to post on Cliff’s List as Sisonpyh with his concept of “breaking rapport,” which would put the burden on the other person to try and gain rapport in the interaction. Reverse Rapport is basically when you say and do the opposite of what someone might do who’s trying to make someone like them, but all in a sarcastic, overly serious way that assumes rapport.
Overall, David shared some kick-ass awesome stuff with us this day. But unfortuneately, all the good stuff quickly got forgotten about once the guest speakers started…
The Bad
Okay, so I covered all the Good that took place on Friday, the second day of the seminar. Now it’s time to touch on the bad, and overall, Day 2 was probably the WORST day of the seminar, bar none. It really had nothing to do with David D himself, especially since he seemed to be loosening up from the day before and not snapping as much, though he did have a tendency to harshly make fun of a few of the seminar attendees on stage, but that didn’t happen often enough to make it a big deal.
Where the whole thing started to unravel was with the two Guest Speakers that were there to share their views on Dating, Seduction, and what have you. Now, I’m a pretty open minded guy (at least, I like to think so), but these two speakers really tested the boundaries of my bullshit limits. It was so bad, that many of the invited speakers were seriously considering not coming back for Day 3, especially since a good deal of them did not like David X’s interview all that much.
The first blow was with Tari, who’s Interview CD came out last month. It’s obvious why women go for him. He’s an archetype I’ve seen many times before. The cool, aloof, artsy, woman trapped in a good looking man’s body. He’s very much the Dandy, but the type of Dandy that women fall in love with, marry, and wake up ten years later to find that he’s been pumping other dudes in the ass all along while lying to himself that he likes chicks.
Seriously, this guy was G-A-Y. Even three dollar bills would have thought this guy was way beyond a flamer. Up on stage, he announced to everyone that he’s a self-professed metrosexual. Which is okay, I guess, but when you combine being a metrosexual with limp-wristed wu-wu mentality, you get a dude straight out of West Hollywood, which is exactly where this Tari guy seemed to belong.
I had heard a bit of Tari’s interview the week before, as Swinggcat played it in his car as we were on our way to a club. He sounded Gay even then, with his effeminate voice and soft spoken-tone. His voice almost reminded me of Orion’s to a certain extent. But that parallel with Orion didn’t stop there. After listening to him speak, it became clear that Tari would make the perfect poster-boy for “Rapid Romance.”
His philosophy was very much about telling women how you feel and express yourself to them. He does have a bit of cocky/funny and other tactics in his game, but this stuff is so basic, it made people’s eyes roll. Pretty much the PUA equivalent of listening to a kindergartener reciting his ABCs.
The part of the interview that this was most obvious was when Tari turned to the audience and said “Here’s something that I’ve just discovered which is truly amazing. And that’s that the more women I’ve been with, the more I realize that… all women are bisexual!”
This caused more than a few groans in the audience. The dude’s big revelation was one that has been talked about in this community for years, and he’s just now coming to that realization? Did he even bother to listen to the DYD Advanced Series with Rick H? Most likely, it’s not that all women are bisexual, it’s that most of the women he’s with are lesbians who mistake him for a hot chick.
Tari also continued the David X tradition of joking about ass fucking, which had a slightly different connotation when Tari did it because most of the guys in the audience were getting the impression that he’s been pumped more than once in his time. He talked about an inside joke he and a friend of his came up with regarding UPS’s add campaign “Where will Brown take you?” and how they related it to anal sex after a session of “healthy banter.” (One of my favorite quotes of the seminar was someone who said “Men don’t have Healthy Banter. If you have Healthy Banter, you’re a fag.”) His friend was dubbed “The King of Brown,” since apparently he gets so much anal sex. Tari never clarified whether that anal sex was with women, though.
This sparked a big in-joke within the crowd about using the word “Brown” to refer to things or other guys as Gay. “Oh, those shoes are so BROWN!” “Yo bro, that joke is BROWN.” “Hey man, you putting your cock in my ass is much too BROWN for my liking.” “This guest speaker is totally BROWN.” You get the picture.
Anyway, David D tried to make a joke of it and get away from the ass fucking topic, but Tari seemed to persist like it was his favorite thing in the world (I wouldn’t put it past him). The rapport David D had with Tari made his interview with David X seem like they had known each other for years. It was obvious that the two of them really had nothing to talk about or connect on. Finally, David left the stage and let Tari ramble on. Tari had a few good things to share, but he was creating a lot of confusion in the audience because much of it seemed to go against the David D philosophy on so many levels. It was almost like listening to a chick talk about what she likes to do with her girlfriends.
Tari also talked about how he is a dancer, and how that gets him lots of chicks. I could almost imagine Tari busting into the club “Brian Boytano” style with his chick-magnet rallying cry of “I’m STHUPER! Thanks for ATHKING!” The worst was when he talked about how he made a living, which was selling journals on e-bay. These were big, bulky, leather bound, Italian, hand-made journals which David D was helping him hock. One of the marketing guys there dubbed them the “Harry Potter books” since they seemed like they were a prop from the movie. However, no one cared about them. It was something that girls would love to buy, but straight guys would have no interest in.
As Tari rambled on, most of us in the audience were suffering through his chick-logic induced thought patterns. When it finally got to the point that the seminar attendees got to ask questions, Tari became even more useless as he wasn’t really able to answer anyone who questioned him with useful information. Finally, David D got him off stage and gave the audience a much needed break.
During the break, me and a few other guys talked about how bad this speaker was, and how it simply couldn’t get any worse than Tari. But things were looking on the up and up with the next guest speaker, which was a really hot little blonde woman. Many people thought this was Marie, from David D’s interview series, and were really looking forward to hearing her speak. Unfortunately, we were all dead wrong.
The woman was actually a girl named Amber (I forget her last name). She was a former assistant to Tony Robins and also in good with a guy named David Data, who wrote a book called “The Way of the Superior Man.” She was dressed in an odd little black corset which prominently displayed her breasts. Amber definitely knew how to move her body (she moved like a stripper), and exuded a definite sex appeal. In fact, I was rather turned on by her… until she opened her mouth, that is.
The interview started off with some playful banter between her and David D, who created some sexual tension by moving the lavaliere mic on Amber’s bodice from one breast to the other. Then David got into the interview and let Amber loose upon his audience, and it was not a pretty sight. Honestly, most of us didn’t think it could get much worse than Tari, but we were wrong. Dead wrong.
Amber is a woman, through and through. But she’s not a cool woman. She’s the kind who belongs on some hippy compound somewhere bathing in patchouli stink while braiding her armpit hair. A total New-Age Wu-Wu. She rambled on and on about energy and charkas and all kinds of other stuff. There were mumbles going through the audience from people saying things like “What the fuck? This is the reason I left SS,” and other rumblings.
Things just continued to degenerate when David D left the stage and Amber started taking the audience through Yoga exercises designed to make us “feel our male integrity.” She had us bend our knees, put our hands over our head, and move as if we were “pushing through honey.”
If the audience had gotten confused with Tari, it was with this speaker that the audience just got totally lost. Everything she was saying was so far out there and contradicted so heavily with David D’s teachings, that everyone was just getting frustrated and confused. She even told everyone “I don’t agree with Cocky and Funny.” She even had David D saying he regretted the philosophy of Cocky and Funny and that he’s actually trying to get away from that concept.
I don’t know if he was pandering to his guest speaker at that moment, but that’s where most of us just lost it. In our eyes, Amber had no credibility what so ever, and David D was quickly losing it as well. The worst thing about Amber was that she was coming totally from the place of a woman, and made no attempt to sympathize or even understand the male way of thinking.
However, the best part was when an audience attendee got up to ask a question and started tooling Amber with Cocky/Funny tactics which totally negated any of her views that C/F doesn’t work. He asked her a very logical question about how to deal with women on a conversational level when they ask what you do for a living. Amber asked him:
“What do you do?”
He responded:
“I work at Taco Bell.”
At this point the entire audience erupted in laughter. Finally, someone had reattached their balls and was standing up to this idiot on stage. Of course, this went right over Amber’s head.
Amber: “You work at Taco Bell?”
David D: (recognizes the joke) “Uh, I really don’t think he works there.”
Student: (acting slightly ashamed) “Yeah, you’re right. It’s only a part time job.”
More laughter.
Amber: “What is it you really do?”
Student: “I have a PhD in Sexual Therapy and Sciences.”
This is, of course, what Amber claimed to have. More laughter. It was funny that Amber decried the believability of Cocky and Funny as a tactic to get women, yet when this student pulled out the C&F, she looked like a dear in headlights. Like we always say, it’s not what women prefer, it’s what they respond to, and Amber, despite her declaration to the contrary, was responding to the Cocky and Funny.
At this point, David D could see the tide was turning against his guest speaker and shut down the questions. Amber wanted to take us all through yet another yoga exercise. Many people had had enough. This is the point where me and a group of other people decided to leave the seminar room in disgust.
The Ugly
As you can tell, there was a lot of ugly going on at this day of the seminar, mostly to do with the guest speakers. Mystery was absent this day, so I don’t know what he was up to. I was thinking he didn’t feel like showing up after the NEG David D threw his way the day before, but more likely, he had better stuff to do before his presentation the next day.
When I arrived at the seminar room that morning, I was late (again). Why these seminars start so early in the morning, I’ll never know. But when I got there, I saw Major Mark in the lobby talking on his cell. I sat down and joined him. It seems there were some problems with Steve Piccus coming up that day. Mark told me that David D had screwed him out of a hotel room and Steve was pissed about it and considering not coming up. From what I learned later, there was just a misunderstanding between a few people and it wasn’t David D’s fault at all that Piccus did not have a room. Things eventually got worked out. Mark also told me about a trip he’s planning to Bangkok for the summer, and how his wife wants him to go with some of his buddy’s and have some fun. We talked a bit about how nice it must be to have a wife who wants you to fuck other women.
The bulk of the Ugly came from Amber’s stint on stage. Many people were extremely disgusted with what she was sharing with the guys at the seminar. One of the marketing guys I talked to told me he couldn’t understand what the fuck David was thinking by putting her and Tari up on stage, because he completely lost his audience with them.
A few people even dubbed the seminar “Double Your Menstruating” after seeing the crap Amber was pitching at everyone. It might have been a different story if David D had set the stage for her talk a bit more with some new concepts, but he didn’t, rather, he just put her up there to wreak havoc on the masses.
Some of us had a theory that there were some “sexual favors” at work when trying to figure out why David D would put her on stage. Some people thought that Amber had seduced David D in order to get on one of his products so she could start building her own client base for her relationship consulting business. Another theory was that David D was supplicating to her and got her up on stage in an effort to get her to sleep with him. Many people did seem to think that Daivd D was much too “wussy” around her. I don’t really believe either theory, though they are interesting to entertain.
Most likely (and this is my personal theory on this situation), this was just a further attempt by David D to undercut what MINE’99 is doing with SS and the direction that is going. I think there is a small subsection of people who buy into Yoga and all that New Age crap as a method of Seduction, and by including Amber, David D was hoping to take that market away from MINE’99 by including it in his “Double Your Dating” Philosophy. However, seeing that the Yoga and New Ag Wu-Wu junk just keeps alienating people from SS, I can’t see why David D would want to incorporate anything like this into his method.
A friend of mine also overheard David D talk about how he’s probably going to have to edit the guest speakers from Day 2 completely out of his final product. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of Tari’s stuff hit the cutting room floor, but a lot of Amber may be kept in, since he talked about her and continued to reference her stuff through days 3 and 4. My recommendation to all of you is that you skip that part of the series and move on to Day 3 stuff once the product hits the streets.
My Experience
Overall, I had a great experience on Day 2 at the seminar. My chat with Major Mark was a nice one, and I find the guy very engaging to talk to. I also went out to lunch that day with a marketing guy I met at diner the night before and he gave me a lot of great advice for my ebook.
It wasn’t until the guest speakers came up that I started hating life. Tari was bearable, but the Amber speech destroyed any interest I had in the seminar. I know that after that day, if I had paid to be there, I’d have demanded my money back.
After the seminar, some friends and I all went out for diner and discussed how we couldn’t believe how bad the speakers were. We often discussed what David D must have been thinking getting them up on stage.
Afterwards, we all went down to Venice Beach and hit up a club down there, where we had a number of drinks and a few good sets. One interesting thing about these seminars is that your game, for the short term, actually suffers. It’s like information overload and you’re just sick of doing this stuff.
We ended the night around two o’clock, and I went home to go to sleep, hoping, praying that Day 3 of the seminar would be better. Hoping that things couldn’t get any worse than the Friday seminar.
Luckily, my prayers were answered. In fact, they were far, far surpassed, as I felt day 3 of the seminar was the best one there was!
To Be Continued…
***If you’re interested in Double Your Dating, you can find out more about it by clicking here.
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