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Does that work in the USA?

April 6, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Croatian Pick-Up Artist Shark, assistant instructor of the BadBoy workshops, address the recent controversy about the BadBoy style of PU not working in America.

Shark writes:
Does that method work in U.S.A.??

So I will now clear this dilemma once and for all cause I see many guys asking:”Well does that work for me in my country, maybe it doesn’t caue bla bla” :) )
Here is the explenation. That can be applied to all possible methods. So if a PARTICULAR method guets YOU reslults in your town it probably works EWERYWHERE.

If some chick is super hot in one country, does she have smaller breasts when she visits U.S.A, does she has bigger ass and her nose turns big, do her teeth become black and her hair smelly…does her gorgeous smile becomes ugly, is her youth transformed into an old women. NO:she is still super hot even if she travels to the Moon!

The same with a man: if a guy is liked by chicks in one place of the world he will be liked in another place of the world….So if a method works in europe it will work in U.S.A. And vice-versa: If a method works in U.S.A. it will work in europe

claiming othervise is as apsurd as thinking that chicks breasts will diminish if she goes somewhere else:))

btw. I lived for a long time in America in New England region.

Shark says he’s going to write more about this in the future to further prove his point. If you wanna hear what others have to say about this, check out the original thread here.

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6 Responses to “Does that work in the USA?”
  1. GoldenGoose says:

    That is not the truth. Each country is different. Latin Americans come here and are too crude and sleezy. Have a look at the film Scarface and the Cuban guy (Manny) using his tongue. Some places in Africa it is attractive for a man to have a big bone going through your nose. In Finland they hardly speak. There is only one way to prove that your methods work here … it is to come here. And to go to a club with the hot women (not the obese women at the Waffle House that Recoil refers to). And demonstrate your method. Show it to work. Because in truth, what do you know? Does it work in the surrounding countries to Croatia? Does it work in Greece? In Turkey? Would it work in Saudi Arabia? In the USA? Who knows? You can not proove this mathematically with logic. There is only one way. Come over. (And if your visas wont let you into the USA, Canada is one step down).

  2. Magnet says:

    Yes this cannot be mathematically proven. So I think a demonstration will be in order in the near future.

    But one way to hint at their effectiveness is to talk to previous students who live outside Croatia. There are many of them besides me. And I don’t think many of them have written anything here.

    Also, for all of you guys who are thinking of taking a workshop or seminar, with ANYBODY. The most important thing, IMO, is not how great the teacher is in a specific country or globally. The important thing is his ability to get you off ground, his ability to TEACH you.

    I think once you discover the things you can do, once you absorb some the stuff these guys are talking about, then you can ADAPT and ADJUST the methods to suit your personality, no matter where you are in the world.

    Once you have the fundamentals right, you can go building up an array of techniques and complicate stuff the way you like. The techniques are NOT a basis for seduction. Just as I’m sure many guys will agree that for example hypnosis is a crappy basis for seduction.

    No matter where you are, there are certain things you have to have. You have to have a certain amount of confidence, a certain amount of amped up sexual state (at the right time). Are you going to disagree with this? Even if you’re in Antarctica and you find yourself with a woman in end-game, if you don’t handle your sexual state properly you’ll fuck up. There are UNIVERSAL good things and bad things.

    By these back-and-forth posting nothing is concluded. No one person can speak for everybody. Guys have to judge for themselves.

    Repeat that, people have to judge for themselves. I believe everything can be used everywhere, and it all depends on YOU as an intelligent person. It depends on you to CHANGE parts to suit.

    Rambling on this will get nowhere.


  3. GoldenGoose says:

    Magnet, this is a true question, not flame feeding or bait: is there any Bad-boy workshop participants that have gone out with people and wowed them like TDs students have (Sickboy, 26, Playboy, etc.)? People going home and saying “I use this in my life” is not what I mean. Have you for example gone out with the lair in San Diego and have they all said that “Magnet is unbelievable. I saw him pick up this awsome 9.5 in Pacific Beach …”? Or anyone else? Can you point me to the report.


  4. Magnet says:

    Golden goose,

    I welcome your question, a challenge in fact. The answer is no, because I don’t live in US. Also I don’t know about all of BB’s students. I’m not his record keeper. I haven’t even posted in mASF, yet. What you want are witnesses. I’m sorry but the witnesses I have are not mutual friends.

    One question about the people you named. Are they really representative of the whole? Where they with TD for only a standard 3-day workshop and bam that was it?

    I hate to exaggerate my abilities. Notice nowhere in my posts I boasted about my god-like abilities. But in the recent past I have seen my learning curve and result curve going up. And I attribute all of that to one person, myself. One day I’ll take TD’s workshop and I’ll still attribute my success to myself.

    BB did a 1-0-1 workshop with a guy from Canada, who’d flown from there to London for the workshop. The guy hadn’t had a kiss close in his life in a club, only on day2s and dates. On the second day of the workshop he extracted an Italian girl from 4 set of 2 girls 2 guys and kiss closed her. On the third day we went to the same place and the first girl he opened he ended up going out of the club with. A ONS. Now that was impressive for me. But how am I going to prove that here.


  5. Sweet P says:

    Hey guys,

    Yes, I’m the guy from Canada who Magnet wrote about… and everything he wrote about me above is true. Also, in addition to the girl I pulled for ONS the last day of Badboy workshop, I pulled a girl from a club in Barcelona for ONS five days later. I’d never had ONS before the Badboy workshop, and I never would have had the confidence to pull the girl from the Barcelona club without the training I got from Badboy.

    Now I’m back in Toronto, and I can say Badboy’s methods work just as well in Canada as they did in the UK and Spain. I’m sure you have to calibrate your game depending on what country you’re in, but to say that Badboy’s techniques flat out won’t work in North America is a little ridiculous IMHO.

    Anyways, I think this whole Badboy challenge/defend thing has gotten way out of hand. He’s a good instructor, and I’m sure once he comes to North America and people see him IRL, he’ll get his respect and this whole thing will blow over.

    Sweet P

  6. Badboy says:

    Here are the guys who worked with me, and for sure are representative of my style…
    Christophe(SF or LA)
    Nightlight(San Diego)
    sweet p(toronto)

    just few of them that popups on my mind right now.
    I am sure they are getting laid, as they went throung really intensive training.
    of course those guys just meet me 3 days in their life.I did not spend 6 months with was just 3 days,and that was enough.

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