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Subtle Signs She’s Not Interested

March 18, 2004 by  
Filed under Analysis

You know, I like to read Sometimes it has good information, but the “Dating and Relationships” section is always good for a laugh. One of their latest articles is by a guy named Oliver Jameson who wrote “The Top 10 Subtle Signs She’s Not Interested.” I’ve decided to break it down here using PUA logic.


Oliver Jameson writes:
In the game of romance, few things are black and white. Subtlety, insinuations and suggestions are at the heart of the chase for lovin’.

You’ve already memorized the signs that she’s flirting, so now it’s time for you to hone an acute sense for the signals women send when they’re not interested.

So there you are putting the moves on a babe at a bar. She hasn’t quite hinted that she thinks you’re gay, but you’re still not sure if she’s game. Read on and find out.

Actually, some guys have based their entire style of pick-up on the girl’s thinking they’re gay. But I digress…

Number 10: She keeps looking around

When a woman is interested, she puts in the effort by giving you her full attention. If she’s aching to end the conversation with you, looking for someone else to chat with, like the bartender, or, say, her drink, chances are she’s not into you.

Typical signs you need to memorize more material. Either that, or get a fuckin’ personality, you little social robot, you!

Number 9: She’s not talkative

Every dating guide will tell you the same thing: women love to talk, so let them. If, however, she limits her answers to “yes” and “no,” never bothering to elaborate, you have a flat liner. Ditto if she doesn’t ask you questions and shows no interest in what you have to say. Especially telling is her body language. If she crosses her arms and legs, leans away from you, and doesn’t play with her hair, you’re probably boring her. Now if she taps her foot or fingers impatiently with the rhythmic precision of a ticking clock, get out before she blows (and not in a good way).

The truly determined may do things to offend or turn off guys, like scratch their privates, swear like sailors and generally behave in an unladylike manner.

I’d just like to point out to everyone reading this NOT to take ANY of this seriously as signs of disinterest. First of all, there are lots of women who do not love to talk. Typical Low Self Esteem (LSE) women are quite quiet. Some girls are shy. Some are just dumb. Smart, intelligent, fun girls like to talk. The thing is, when you let a woman talk, you allow her to control the frame, and that’s a no-no.

Even though it’s a big Indicator of Interest (IOI) when a girl asks you questions, it’s not necessary for that to occur. Plenty of girls out there are just happy to have a stimulus and need constant “shiny things” to keep them occupied. But I think the biggest faux pas here is the bit on Body Language.

If a girl’s body language is wrong, correct it! I learned this from Swinggcat. If I’m talking to a girl who has her arms crossed, I’ll tell her “OMG! You’ve got crossed arms! Ugh! Why so closed off?” This will make her self-conscious and get her to uncross her arms. The funny thing about correcting body language is that attitude will follow. When the bodly language is corrected, so is how the girl reacts to you. When you get her to uncross her arms, she opens up more and begins to re-engage you. It’s a cool little trick.

Regardless, do not take these as a sign to bail! Keep pounding away!

Number 8:She says she’s expecting people

In other words, there’s little chance she’ll be spending any alone time with you. If she emphasizes that these people will be arriving shortly, it’s your red card, so gently excuse yourself.

WHA???? What the hell kind of advice is this? You stay in there until these people show up, damn it! Why let her control the frame? This is the typical “Let women rule” mentality that is fucking up America.

Number 7:She says she has to leave

Although she just ordered her second Pink Lady, she’s restless and fidgety. She keeps looking at her watch, looks around the room for something or someone, and seems generally uncomfortable where she is, i.e. near you. Should you still have doubts, they should be promptly dispersed as she suddenly leaves, mumbling something about having to be somewhere.

If she leaves, she leaves, no big deal. MAKE her leave. Stay in there until the bitter end. The thing is, if you notice this happening, pace it, and throw in false time constraints. Saying something like “Oh crap, I gotta get going in a few seconds. But before I do…” and make it seem like you’re about to leave. The prospect of you leaving will keep her where she is and keep you in set maybe long enough to turn it around.

Number 6: She gets you to dance with her friend

Oftentimes, when a woman is dancing with a girl friend, she’s off the market. Still, more indomitable men persist at their own risk. However, if that same woman pushes you into a grind with her much less alluring gal pal, it’s the closest act to tossing you away without saying a word. But look on the bright side. You might still get some tonight, if you don’t mind second place.

Again, letting the girl dominate the frame. If she pushes you away, persist and come back to dance with her. My real question would be “Why are you on the dance floor in the first place?” I personally think dance floors are bad places of initiate an approach. It’s often best to dance with girls who are on the perifery of the dance floor, not quite on it, or to drag a girl you’re already gameing on there.

Number 5: She refuses the drink you offer her

Women love the free drink, so if she turns yours down, you can be sure she doesn’t want the burden of having to talk to you, especially if you know she was about to order a drink herself. She might even order one herself after that, a very clear sign. But hey, at least you have two drinks now.

Thundercat says: What the FUCK are you doing buying her a drink?!?!?!?!

Sure women love free drinks. But every AFC in the world uses that to get in with chicks. It’s the worst form of supplication: Buying the girl shit hoping she’ll like you. FUCK THAT! Never offer to buy a girl a drink unless she’s a friend or you’re sleeping with her. Using it to Pick-Up is L-A-M-E.

Number 4: She talks about other men

This can take many forms, so stay alert. She may say she has a lot of guy friends and does activities with them a woman would normally do with her boyfriend, like going to a cabin for the weekend. This shows that she likes the company of men as friends, which is what she might very well label you.

She may also mention that you remind her of her brother or guy friends, or go on about the other men she’s interested in (which curiously, are nothing like you).

This is a shit test, not a sign of disinterest. Bust on her for it. Start treating her like a guy or something. Accuse her of trying to get you out to a cabin so she can rape you or some shit like that. This is also a reason why i don’t like to let girl’s talk to much while in set. They control the frame by talking about these “men she’s interested in.” Screw that. Talk about your own stuff that will force her to follow YOUR conversational thread, and therefore put her in YOUR frame.

Number 3: She says she doesn’t like guys who…

…are shorter than her, are older than her, are in between jobs, have a beard, listen to Creed… whatever the comment, it will be one that applies directly to you. If she does throw a compliment your way, she may try to neutralize it with a negative hit, or a subtle comment of disapproval.

This is what Swinggcat call’s intentional undermining. Use it against her. Don’t let her judge you. Reframe the comment to be something negative about her and then judge her on it.

“I don’t like guys who are shorter than me.”
“Yeah, girls who wear high heels are so insecure.”

“I don’t like guys who are bald.”
“I know. Girls with hairy legs are such a turn off.”

“I don’t like guys who are older than me.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t hold your youth and inexperience against you.”

“I don’t like guys who are between jobs.”
“Yeah, if you’re looking to advance your career at McDonalds, you’re talking to the wrong guy.”

“I don’t like guys who have beards.”
“Did Santa screw you over one year? You must have been a bad girl.”

“I don’t like guys who listen to Creed.”
“Oh, did the other groupies all make fun of you or something?”

Number 2: She keeps highlighting how busy she is

This is probably the most classic subtle signal of all: her life is too hectic to accommodate a relationship. She says she’s really busy at work, she works long hours, or simply can’t make the commitment. She might say this before you actually ask her out, as a preemptive strike. However, this shouldn’t be taken as the smoking gun. If you get this excuse more than once, then you can throw in the towel.

Less subtle variations exist, such as spurting excuses not to give you her phone number. She may say that she doesn’t have a cell phone, that she lives with a roommate, that she just moved into a new place and therefore has no personal line for intimate chats. Or she can also just give you a wrong number and get off easy.

We have a word for this. It’s called “Flaking.” If she gives you her number, call it right away in front of her on your cell just to see if it’s legit. This’ll freak her the fuck out. Call her on her flakiness and bullshit. Be persistent. Keep calling. I know guys who just can’t take a hint who get laid just through sheer persistence.

Number 1: She says she’s not looking for a boyfriend

This is a tricky one. “I’m happy where I am right now” is one we’ve all heard but are rightfully quick to question. If women’s shows, magazines and movies are any indication, women are never happy being single, so it’s a nice way for her to say she’s off limits. However, if you find an exception to the rule, she might just change her mind once she meets someone she’s interested in.

In a similar vein, a woman with low interest level may talk about a past relationship drama that suggests she’s not rushing to get into a new one.

Why are you letting her put you in the boyfriend frame? You’re the one qualifying her, remember? Reframe the situation.

“I’m not looking for a boyfriend.”
“Jesus, I just met you and already you’re trying to get me into a relationship. I don’t even know if you’re good in bed yet.”

blah, blah, blah…

subtle solutions

The suggestive character of seduction, unfortunately, leaves much room for interpretation and misunderstandings. Most of the points above are assumptions based on commonly used techniques. The one true accurate sign that she’s not interested is telling you she has a man.

Ignore it. Women will cheat on their boyfriends. It’s a fact.

If it’s been 20 minutes and you’re still unsure if she’s available, ask her directly, or use subtlety back on her, asking such things as, “How come a woman like you isn’t a relationship?” Whatever answer you get, don’t waste your time if she doesn’t want anything to do with you.

Why do you care if she’s in a relationship or not? If she’s interested in you, she might not even bring it up. If she feels guilty or isn’t interested, she’ll use it as a barrier/shit test that you’ll have to overcome (and you should already be prepared to break down those barriers). DO NOT LET THE GIRL SET THE FRAME! Period. End of story.

I don’t always agree with Gunwitch, but one part of his method that I find VERY good is “Make the Ho say No.” The wording may suck, but it’s very true that you need to push it as far as you can go until the girl threatens legal action and flat out tells you to never talk to her again. Persistence will get you far, but you gotta hang in there. And don’t bother following these “subtle signs.” They’re subtle because they’re there to be ignored.

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19 Responses to “Subtle Signs She’s Not Interested”
  1. Antoni says:

    I liked what i have read about your comments of subtel ways of she is not interested. Anyway this happend to me Here is my story and can you tell me what happend wrong.

    I liked a girl and i have committed the biggest mistake of them all telling her how i feel about her, her reply was she dont mined and she said lets be friends first so we can get to know each other better, i agreed on this, so we talked on the phone, Sms, and online suddenly one day she called me and said she thinks of me like a brother, and that she is engaged i know that this excuse is totaly BS. I got shocked cause i told her many times if she dont like me say it to me.
    So can anyone tell me what happend, what i have did wrong???
    Yours Confused

  2. vezsion says:

    I am in love with a girl. She is in my school. Both of us have a major exam soon. We talk once in school. I started emailing her bt it would take her weeks before replying to me. I do not have her handphone number. I am truly in love with her. i do not think she is interested in me. I ask her out once but she does not reply me. Help me please

  3. Feralshadow says:

    OK, guy #1
    Here is the thing… its all about persistance and attitude. You are doing all the wrong things, such as letting her control the frame and you are the boy bed pan in which she dumps all her everyday crap into then leaves in the shed. You are going knowwhere. You have to give here attitude, and don’t call her or email her or any of that crap. At this point, if she should be calling you. When she does get her out, and use a little thing called wit. Look it up in the dictionary if you don’t know the meaning. Don’t buy her shit, don’t let her dump all her feelings on you. The only think you should do is open the door for her and pick up her trash at the fast food restaurant… other than that, pretty much be an ass. An ass with wit, but still an ass.

    Guy #2,
    At school, tell her your going to a movie, or what ever, and then tell her you want her to go with her. then follow the previous steps. You be a persistant ass with a little but of wit. Do a couple of gentlemen things for her, but nothin that is goinna put you out in your wallet.

    Moral of the story, don’t just be the “nice guy” and be left out. That tells her that you cant take care of her if anything should happens. Its a sad truth that girls go after the ass whole out of natural instinct, because it makes its harder for all guys whether they be a natural ass or not. Control the situation because it is a test, and listening to a girl bitch about her day, and falling for their “not interested signs” is a waste of your time and a sure way to loose.

  4. ashley m says:

    please try to post signs that a guy isnt intrested in us…i totally agree witht the comments you made they make sence but at the same time stop analysisin us and tell us whats really good with you GUYS we need to know too

  5. seГ±orlukas says:


    Email me right away and include some pictures of yourself, so that I can properly advise you on why men flake you off. Don’t delay, do it now!


  6. Dan says:

    Yesterday I met my friend after about 4 months of not talking to each other. And after all my effort trying to be as nice and genuine as possible she told me she thought my best friend was “hot” I couldnt believe it i really like this girl and would do anything for her. The problem is im 2 goddam shy I fear rejection because i know it’ll ruin my very good friendship with her. i know shes interested but i just cant bring myself 2 askin her out can anyone offer me some advice. it would be very much appreciated.

  7. Low_on_confidence says:

    i was out on the weekend with a stylin girl,i had only spoken to her twice.once when i met her and again to arrange to get together. she seemed interested in me at first and came to chill by me and we spoke and were trying to get to know each other better.then she went to get a drink with her girlfriend.she came back a while later and sat on my lap and we were talkin and thing her friend jumped up and told her to go dance with her coz she loved the song.i let them be.a while later her friend came back alone and dragged it out that she was dancing with a guy and said i should go there. i went on to make my move and let her know how i feel about her coz she was really starting to get surrounded by guys trying to flirt with her.i think maybe i scared her off.i let her know i was leaving and she kissed me on the cheek with a hug and told me to call her. what should i do. i dont know if she’ll contact me and im wondering what im doing wrong and should i call her.Please help

  8. anarchist says:

    senorlukas what david d newsletter did you pull that one out of.

    F- for originality!

  9. Eek says:

    SHOW her how you feel. Don’t “let her know” – make it obvious through your behaviour, in a non-supplicating way.

    And sure, call her.

    Apart from that, #5 here is quite funny. Asides from the part of “Why are you buying her a drink?”, some girls will refuse drinks *from guys they want to sleep with*, to avoid the feeling of being “bought”.

    -Eek (They’ll All Fall)

  10. Whatever a woman say is based on her CURRENT reality. I’m bringing her into MY reality, where her objections have no weight.

    I’ve been saying this for years, and it remains true today.

    So, NO MATTER WHAT objection/negative comments a woman makes, preceed it with “Based on my current reality…”

    So her objection of, “I have a boyfriend” becomes, “Based on my current reality, I have a boyfriend”

    Her objection of, “I hate a guy who…” becomes, “Based on my current reality, I hate a guy who…”

    Now go play!

    “Unleash What’s Within You”

  11. ashley says:


    signs guys are interested, aren’t interested. It’s difficult to generlize. Most guys if you don’t notice might seem to have narrow focus/tunnel vision. I find this generally, but also that age and surmounting life’s challenges widen it, which is better.

    But anyways, would you want a guy that can’t read signs your interested or enough desiring of you to proceed? I mean is he receptive? Ok, so you do. Great. Maybe you can even make him more interested and try harder. It’s fun when he reall tries, too, isn’t it. Fun being chased! If you like that feeling.


    Is he hanging around with you?
    More: does he seem like he wants to be with you alone?
    Does he notice special things you say?
    Is he more shy around you, or more bold around his friends? does his energy change when you walk in the room. Ask third parties this. Does he show sigs of life.

    That is what i would do if i was into girl.
    I think the female magazines probably do a good job of saying- honestly they have sex and dating in every issue of every magazine. I’m not one of those guys who reads those weekly but have checked them out some, must admit, but check you guy magazines for that point of view. What are you looking for? What guy? So go find where you can Meet them and then open or get them to open you.

    Look as well for signs of Experience as well as Interest, because the two go together. A man doesn’t know the meaning of the signals he’s sending without much experience. I’m speaking specifically relationship or ONS.

    Rugby Rules!

  12. Evan says:

    Did thundercat post this on

  13. Eddy says:

    Iam 33 and been with my wife sice middle school. recently her bestfriend whom Ive also known from middle school spent the night. She and I got drunk and played show and tell. We fooled around a bit and agreed that it was a safe outlet for the two fo us as long as were descrete “her fiance is an asshole.” She kind of broke it off about three months ago although we still see each other as friends about once a week and talk online. I finaly got her to admit that she has feeling for me but she still sez no sex. Okay heres the asshole in me. I never got to sleep with her and holy sh&* do I want to, any suggestions how to seduce her, shes obviously attracted to me. Thing is this would have been the ideal situation. Please dont give me any moral advice. Iam an atheist and feel no remorse

  14. Chris says:

    There is a girl at collage who i really really like and i want to ask for her number or e-mail adress, but due to past events im a bit scared of her rejecting and me looking like a dick. She touches her hair when she talks to me, likes to sit close to me and talk to me. the main problem is i think shes too good for me and the flirting and touching seems a bit too good to be true, so do you think she really likes me or shes just very bored in lessons?

  15. Shawn says:

    I met a female who seems like she liked me the first couple of days we talked and then the third day she acted kind of distant and like she wanted to play games. I hate that shit. I finally got back in contact with her and we hung out and she says she has a lot of guy friends and one of them helped her with her curtains and she had R&B playing on the stereo and it was on the last track of the album and she said he just got through setting them up right before I got there. Later during the night she tells me she’s married and she just doesn’t have a picture of him anywhere. She asks me after she tells me, “Do I feel like a fool?” This bitch was cold hearted and I really liked her at first then she flips it on me for what reason I don’t know. I just know that I went after the wrong female…again!

  16. KATE says:

    wow amazing i committed every single one the above signs last week with a guy i am super interested in!

  17. KATE says:

    wow amazing i committed every single one the above signs last week with a guy i am super interested in!

  18. irrelevant says:

    And if she really does leave, follow the bitch home…

  19. userfriendly says:

    Met this girl 7 years ago,short of striking something or so, I thought ,I had to move overseas. I recently found her on FB, and she seemed all excited,rembered where I moved to,giving me her email address and all.As I like writing poems,have sent hera few in email,saying things like “If only…” after a day or 3 and a second email from me she wrote “not replying does’t mean one dont care,means one is thinking about you” or ” I am really touched by it”then surprised me by ending another with “miss ya”.All said ,she has of late taken to replying in one-liners and that’s after 2 extra mails from me. As am soon to move back home, and she said she still hadn’t found the right one, assumed we could be game.I was always into her,but minus any form of contact last 7 yrs. We are both in the “corporate” so I understand she could be busy, not interested or both…but how does one to one tell whether they’re shadow-boxing?

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