PUA Pitfalls: Cumming Inside A Girl

September 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Health & Hygiene

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TheTaoOfSteve asks the question over on mASF about blowing your load internally…

TheTaoOfSteve writes:

Do you do it or do you pull out?

8% yearly failure rate with couples and the fact that SHE is responsible for taking them has kept me skeptical..

So I guess I’ll take this opportunity to share some of TC’s rules for safe sex.

First of all, every guy out there knows how much condoms suck.  They’re uncomfortable, they’re inconvenient, and they just don’t feel all that great.  So the temptation to doing sans-condom is always there.  The answer to this is, of course, doing it with a girl who’s on birth control!  After all, the chances of her getting preggers is about as good as when you wear a condom, right?

Well, before you dive in (literally), there are some things you need to consider… Read more