AFC Adam Bootcamp Review – Austin, August 2010
August 6, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Rants & Reviews
FunTimes over at posted a brief review of the bootcamp he took with AFC Adam this month:
FunTimes writes:
I attended this bootcamp in Austin and am writing a series of posts to review it and to go over some field reports from during it on my blog. I don’t want to spam so I won’t repost the full text here, but I thought I would point them out in case anyone is curious what Adam’s bootcamp is like.
Attending the bootcamp was a very difficult decision for me to make to attend the bootcamp because my finances are extremely tight right now; doing so basically forced me to enter credit card debt for the first time in my life.
However I have absolutely no regrets now. It was a life changing experience for me; I underwent some kind of transformation in those three days that has taken me from having no game at all to being confident, smooth, and capable of pick up. I am still a newbie, but I feel like I know the rules of the game now. All that is left is practice, practice practice.
To give you an idea of my progress I started the boot camp with extreme social anxiety (I could push myself to approach, but only perhaps 2-3 times per night) and no conversation skills whatsoever. I would generally open with jealous-ex and then peter out into awkward land. Post-bootcamp I have dates lined up with a girl I met during the in-field, the cute intern at work I have been secretly drooling over for the last month, and have started to successfully break down the ‘LJBF’ zone of one of my previous failures.
I tried to find the more detailed write-up of FunTime’s review because it sounds like he really got a lot out of it, but the moderator on the forum took down the link. If anyone knows where to find this, email me.
Regardless, there is a REASON why AFC Adam is the #1 PUA in the world, and his bootcamps are just flat-out awesome. They remind me of the glory days of the Mystery Method bootcamps, only with less eyeliner and more guys getting laid. But yeah, Adam’s students have an insane success rate. Anyone who’s thinking about taking a bootcamp should definitely consider taking Adam’s first.