First Date Tips…

July 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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I found an interesting article about why movies aren’t good first date ideas, and it got me thinking…

I’ve NEVER thought going to the movies on a first date was a good idea.  EVER.  I’m a huge movie fan, so I never wanted to "mix my pleasures."  Once you and the girl have been dating for a while, its fun to go to a movie – but the first THREE DATES are so important, you don’t want to squander that time sitting in a dark room for two hours and not talking.

Personally, I don’t recommend going to a movie on a date until after you’ve already established emotional connections with the girl you’re dating.  Once you two have a good rapport going, the whole "dinner and a movie" thing can, in fact, work.

But the first couple dates need to be spend doing the following things:

1.  Building comfort
2.  Deepening rapport
3.  Building attraction

In order to do this, you’re going to need to TALK and INTERACT with the girl you’re dating.  And movie theaters aren’t the best place to do that.

If you want to watch a movie, invite her over to your place to watch a video.  One of the things I like to do is figure out what TV shows my girls enjoy, and invite them to come over to my place and watch them with me.  (It helps that I have a DVR, because often times a girl may be working or have some type of commitment during the show, but she can come over later, or even the next day to watch it.)

A good first date is doing something simple and relaxed, like meeting for drinks.  Some people like to meet at coffee shops, and that’s fine.  I actually PREFER restaurants with bars in them.  This way, you can meet for a causal drink, even get a table, and if things are going well, you can turn it into a "dinner date."

As a side note – I also like to take a first date somewhere that’s close to another bar.  This way, if drinks/dinner goes well, I can invite her to join me at this other bar and "mini-date" her.  This is a great time distortion tactic that makes the first date feel like two dates – remember, every time you change the date venue, it feels like you two have been dating longer than you really have!

I actually have a whole "three date system" over in my Consistent Close course that works very well for me.  If you guys are interested in figuring out how to amp up attraction over the course of three dates, you’ll definitely want to check it out.

Podcast 5: Polyamoury & Stephane on Revolution 31

July 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Just got back from my trip over the fourth of July, and suffered an intolerable 18 hour trek back from the East Coast.  (God, I hate air travel!)

During one of my many layovers, I listened to the latest edition of the Revolution 31 podcast, and got SUPER PISSED OFF.

So pissed, I had to make a podcast all about it.  =)

Check it out:

Right click here for the MP3 File

In this edition of the Podcast:

1.  I get irritated and angry
2.  Barry Kirky lets Stephane get away with massive amounts of bullshit.
3.  Why I’m not negative
4.  Why Polyamoury is a BAD IDEA.
5.  To be continued…

Ross Jeffries Responds To Wendi Friesen’s Appology

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So last week I did a Podcast about how Ross Jeffries appeared on Hypnosis Guru Wendi Friesen’s YouTube show and pretty much single-handedly SUNK her ratings and pissed off her audience – so badly, in fact, that Wendi had to TAKE DOWN the show and issue an appology to everyone who watched it!

Well, MINE’99 caught wind of this and decided to spew more of his vile vitrol on poor ol’ Wendi, who wanted nothing more than to have a good show to help promote her hypnosis products.

Here’s the exchange:

Shameful. You feel you need to backbite me to excuse the utter technical incompetence with which you attempted to do the show and your failure to grasp ideas which can’t be packaged into 30 second sound bites for your moronic audience?

The check? I’m explaining to you about the three different aspects of consciousness that need to be cultivated for true success in life, I’m teaching about mindfullness and equanimity and you natter about the check? Shameful,Friesen. Lose my number, you hack.

So this is Ross’s opening salvo.  A nice little re-frame about how the poor quality of the show was all Wendi’s fault, and that it was HER who couldn’t possibly grasp the concepts Ross was talking about.  He even goes so far as to attack her AUDIENCE as being idiots, which isn’t surprizing since it was the audience backlash which prompted Wendi to issue an appology in the first place.

Ross also tries to reframe sticking Wendi with the check as though he was giving Wendi, a woman who is MUCH MORE finanically and professionally successful than Ross, something of greater value.

After this negative attack, Wendi responds..

Hi Ross, I definitely wrestled with this. I got so many emails from people asking me why I had you on the show, as it reflected badly on me. I thought it would be interesting and intriguing and would help people to understand what you are really all about, maybe even in a good way. However, with so many emails of complaints I had to respond to my members. The lunch thing, not a big deal, just odd, and straight from your SS teachings. I had to make the apology for my members. They werent hip 2U.

So Wendi is basically explaining that it was the outcry from her members that propted this whole thing.  The funny part here is where she says she wanted to "Help people understand what you are really about."

Well, I hate to break it to you, Wendi – you DID help people understand what Ross is really about.  That’s why you got so many complaints!  The guy is a massively insecure, self-improtant weasel.  His techniques are amateurish, his philosophy about women is wrong, and he is just NOT a likable guy!

Wendi saw, first hand, the hurricane that is Ross Jeffries.  When he touches down, he leaves a path of destruction in his wake.

Sometimes a teacher has to take their students beyond what they expect and with what they are comfortable.

Lunch? Good God, I was YOUR guest. Politeness dictates that the host pay and you didn’t even offer.

Possessing a vagina doesn’t accord you special privilege. You were the one who showed zero class. And smacking me on the internet when my father is just in the ground? Shame on you for whoring to your students instead of doing what was right. Go away, little insect.

Yet another reframe – saying that it’s up to her to dictate to her students what they should and shouldn’t like.  This is another reason why Ross is such a bad teacher.  He’s always been about making his students come around to his style of teaching rather than teaching his students in the way that’s best for them to learn.  Good teachers don’t operate that way.  Teaching is a conversation between student and teacher.  It’s a dialogue.  Teaching can’t be ridgid.  But more so, in a business, you have to listen to your customers, and Wendi is not doing anything but that.

Ross simply doesn’t want to face the fact that it was HIM to misread the audience, and that he should have adapted his style to suit the audience Wendi was exposing him to.  But Ross is too much of an ego maniac to believe he should change.  I’m also willing to bet that Ross saw Wendi, being a woman, as a target to be trivialized.  This is Ross’s M.O.  He doesn’t like women!  Seriously.  He treats them (and all people, for that matter) with utter disrespect at all times.

Now, I do have to concede that Ross has a point about the fact that if
you’re a guest on someone’s show, it should be their treat for lunch.
But I know how Ross operates.  When the check comes, he didn’t even
reach for his wallet.  He just sat there and ignored the check until
Wendi picked it up.  How do I know this?  Because Ross does the same
thing with his students!

At least make a guesture like you’re willing to pay, so Wendi can say
"Oh no, this is on me."  But that type of social nicety is apparently
too advanced for Ross.

OMG, this is now about having a vagina? Having you as a guest is a business venture. I promoted you to my list and my groups, exposed you to 1000s of people who then go to your site. Since you didn’t want to set up a promotion (typically a show host makes their money on the promo sales during the show) you simply got new traffic, I gave up my time to promote you with no upside for me. Marketing is about mutual promotion for events. That’s why "splitting lunch" was hilarious and worth a mention!

So basically, Wendi is now saying that Ross didn’t even allow her to profit from any promotion she made of his products.  I guess now I gotta take her side in the "lunhc" argument, since the free traffic and increase of sales for Ross’s products for being on the show was probably going to pay for lunch and then some.  No wonder Wendi took the show down.  Massive public backlash and ZERO financial upside?  Gursh…

Just yet annother example of how freakin’ lame Ross is.  He just needs to stop making public appearances.  Seriously.  He embarasses himself every single time.

Ross Jeffries Responds To Wendi Friesen’s Appology

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So last week I did a Podcast about how Ross Jeffries appeared on Hypnosis Guru Wendi Friesen’s YouTube show and pretty much single-handedly SUNK her ratings and pissed off her audience – so badly, in fact, that Wendi had to TAKE DOWN the show and issue an appology to everyone who watched it!

Well, MINE’99 caught wind of this and decided to spew more of his vile vitrol on poor ol’ Wendi, who wanted nothing more than to have a good show to help promote her hypnosis products.

Here’s the exchange:

Shameful. You feel you need to backbite me to excuse the utter technical incompetence with which you attempted to do the show and your failure to grasp ideas which can’t be packaged into 30 second sound bites for your moronic audience?

The check? I’m explaining to you about the three different aspects of consciousness that need to be cultivated for true success in life, I’m teaching about mindfullness and equanimity and you natter about the check? Shameful,Friesen. Lose my number, you hack.

So this is Ross’s opening salvo.  A nice little re-frame about how the poor quality of the show was all Wendi’s fault, and that it was HER who couldn’t possibly grasp the concepts Ross was talking about.  He even goes so far as to attack her AUDIENCE as being idiots, which isn’t surprizing since it was the audience backlash which prompted Wendi to issue an appology in the first place.

Ross also tries to reframe sticking Wendi with the check as though he was giving Wendi, a woman who is MUCH MORE finanically and professionally successful than Ross, something of greater value.

After this negative attack, Wendi responds..

Hi Ross, I definitely wrestled with this. I got so many emails from people asking me why I had you on the show, as it reflected badly on me. I thought it would be interesting and intriguing and would help people to understand what you are really all about, maybe even in a good way. However, with so many emails of complaints I had to respond to my members. The lunch thing, not a big deal, just odd, and straight from your SS teachings. I had to make the apology for my members. They werent hip 2U.

So Wendi is basically explaining that it was the outcry from her members that propted this whole thing.  The funny part here is where she says she wanted to "Help people understand what you are really about."

Well, I hate to break it to you, Wendi – you DID help people understand what Ross is really about.  That’s why you got so many complaints!  The guy is a massively insecure, self-improtant weasel.  His techniques are amateurish, his philosophy about women is wrong, and he is just NOT a likable guy!

Wendi saw, first hand, the hurricane that is Ross Jeffries.  When he touches down, he leaves a path of destruction in his wake.

Sometimes a teacher has to take their students beyond what they expect and with what they are comfortable.

Lunch? Good God, I was YOUR guest. Politeness dictates that the host pay and you didn’t even offer.

Possessing a vagina doesn’t accord you special privilege. You were the one who showed zero class. And smacking me on the internet when my father is just in the ground? Shame on you for whoring to your students instead of doing what was right. Go away, little insect.

Yet another reframe – saying that it’s up to her to dictate to her students what they should and shouldn’t like.  This is another reason why Ross is such a bad teacher.  He’s always been about making his students come around to his style of teaching rather than teaching his students in the way that’s best for them to learn.  Good teachers don’t operate that way.  Teaching is a conversation between student and teacher.  It’s a dialogue.  Teaching can’t be ridgid.  But more so, in a business, you have to listen to your customers, and Wendi is not doing anything but that.

Ross simply doesn’t want to face the fact that it was HIM to misread the audience, and that he should have adapted his style to suit the audience Wendi was exposing him to.  But Ross is too much of an ego maniac to believe he should change.  I’m also willing to bet that Ross saw Wendi, being a woman, as a target to be trivialized.  This is Ross’s M.O.  He doesn’t like women!  Seriously.  He treats them (and all people, for that matter) with utter disrespect at all times.

Now, I do have to concede that Ross has a point about the fact that if
you’re a guest on someone’s show, it should be their treat for lunch.
But I know how Ross operates.  When the check comes, he didn’t even
reach for his wallet.  He just sat there and ignored the check until
Wendi picked it up.  How do I know this?  Because Ross does the same
thing with his students!

At least make a guesture like you’re willing to pay, so Wendi can say
"Oh no, this is on me."  But that type of social nicety is apparently
too advanced for Ross.

OMG, this is now about having a vagina? Having you as a guest is a business venture. I promoted you to my list and my groups, exposed you to 1000s of people who then go to your site. Since you didn’t want to set up a promotion (typically a show host makes their money on the promo sales during the show) you simply got new traffic, I gave up my time to promote you with no upside for me. Marketing is about mutual promotion for events. That’s why "splitting lunch" was hilarious and worth a mention!

So basically, Wendi is now saying that Ross didn’t even allow her to profit from any promotion she made of his products.  I guess now I gotta take her side in the "lunhc" argument, since the free traffic and increase of sales for Ross’s products for being on the show was probably going to pay for lunch and then some.  No wonder Wendi took the show down.  Massive public backlash and ZERO financial upside?  Gursh…

Just yet annother example of how freakin’ lame Ross is.  He just needs to stop making public appearances.  Seriously.  He embarasses himself every single time.

Playboy Mansion Workshop

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Looks like the guys over at LoveSystems have wrangled a way to hold a bootcamp at the Playboy Mansion.  Here are the details…

Savoy Writes:

I don’t have time to do a long writeup about it – there’ll be a
section in it in next week’s Love Systems’ insider (LSi) – but I just
wanted to let blog readers know that the Advanced Bootcamp at the
Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles is confirmed.

is an invitation-only event (to keep it advanced for other students and
because of the type of information covered).  Even if you sign up
through the website, I or another instructor will still call you to
interview you about your suitability for the program.  So please don’t
book flights or anything until you are confirmed.  Anyway, we’re not
putting it on the website yet (and I’m not sure if we will or we will
just do this via email)
In addition to being
coached on swimming with the sharks at the Playboy Mansion and meeting
(and more) the Playboy girls, we’re going to be covering at least these
  • Gaming 9s and 10s
  • Advanced female psychology
  • High- and low-commitment relationship strategies, establishing, managing, and maintaining Multiple Long Term Relationships
  • Threesomes
  • Strippers and hired guns (and more…this bit I’m not allowed to say yet)
  • Advanced winging and group dynamics
  • Advanced frame-setting
  • Same Night Lays
  • And more – including revealing the next evolution in the Love Systems model of seduction (all I can say about that now)
There are three levels we are offering.
- All seminar lectures & exercises, all in-field workshop at the
Playboy Mansion, Playboy Mansion ticket, open bar, catered dinner,
etc., all included.  Coaching at the Playboy Mansion with myself and
top Love Systems instructors is also included.
- All seminar lectures & exercises, access to the Playboy Mansion,
Playboy Mansion ticket, open bar, catered dinner, etc., all included.
You are welcome to watch instructors and students at the Mansion, but
in-field coaching at the Mansion is only included with the Platinum
SILVER – All seminar lecture & exercises, does not include admission to the Playboy Mansion.
Angeles (obviously) August 16-17.  More details to come.  This is going
to be pretty strictly capacity-limited, so if you’re interested make
sure you keep a close eye on the LSi.

You can find out more here.

Details On The Pick Up Artist Season 2

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under News


So my good buddy Evan sent me a link to an interesting blog post about the Pick Up Artist Season 2, which is apparently being shot in Scottsdale Arizona under the moniker "The Social." 

I guess the producers are trying to play it off as a reality show about the Scottsdale Nightlife, but anyone who knows anything about reality television will tell you that Arizona allows hidden camera filming without the need for releases, which is probably why the producers of the Pick Up Artist decided to go to Scottsdale instead of Austin this time around.

I gotta admit, when I think of nightlife, "Arizona" doesn’t exactly pop into mind.  But whatever. 

I’ve also heard that J-Dog is out for season two, and will not be returning.  In his place, everyone’s favorite "frisky" wingwoman, Tara, will be taking his place at Mystery’s side as the show’s first female instructor.  Apparently this is all in an attempt to make the show more "woman friendly" since the VH1 demographic tends to skew more towards girls than guys.  I wonder how many contestants she is forced to make out with this season?

Matador, however, will be back, and better than ever.  Apparently, his muscles are bigger, his hair longer, and his need to consume copious amounts of alcohol is just as insatiable as its always been!  Yay Matador!!!

If you guys have heard anything about TPUA2, post it here.

Show Me Your Genitals… Your Genitals…

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Sometimes… not often… but sometimes a YouTube video comes along that truly inspires you.  This is one of those videos…

Props to Barry Kirkey over at Revolution 31 for turning the world onto this.

Thundercat Revealed!!!

July 5, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Okay, for a while now I’ve been talking about a BIG announcement on the blog, and here it is.

Today is a VERY important day for me, and I hope you’ll read this ENTIRE post to find out why.

See, I’ve been teaching men’s dating advice for about 4 years now.  I’ve actually been INVOLVED in the scene even longer than that, going back to 1998.

During that time, I’ve tried to keep my life very private, sharing only my experiences with women through this blog and my email list.  I always tried to make a distinction between the "seduction scene" and the "real world."  I don’t want to be associated with "seducing women," because I think there are some very negative connotations that go along with that.

So in an effort to keep the women in my life from feeling like they were being "used" or "experimented on" for the purpose of this community, I tried to keep the two separate, and that has worked very well for me.

But lately, I noticed a few disturbing trends that have worried me a great deal…

1.  New "shysters" are entering the seduction community.

Back in the day, the community was relatively small.  There were only a handful of sites and businesses.  They broke down to:

1.  Fast Seduction
2.  Cliff’s List
3.  Mystery Method Workshops
4.  Double Your Dating
5.  Speed Seduction
6.  The Don Juan Forums
7.  This site

And that was pretty much it. As you can imagine, between 7 sites, it was easy to keep track of who was teaching what, and who was worth learning from.

Ever since Neil Strauss released his best-selling book The Game, new so-called "gurus" have been entering the field of men’s dating advice in droves.

99% of these guys don’t care about helping men.  They’re just looking to make a quick buck.  It’s like a ton of shysters perked up and said "Whoa, I can make money by teaching guys to pick up chicks??? Cool!!!"

Most of these morons have NO BUSINESS teaching men anything about how to improve their lives!

In my research, I have found some of these new "gurus" are actually virgins, sociopaths, narcissists, and in some cases, even previously convicted felons!


They offer NO PROOF that what they teach actually works.  Most of the "legit" gurus who are new to the scene are simply regurgitating old Mystery Method doctrine and passing it off as their own, even though they themselves can’t perform it.

In short, these guys are "armchair seducers."  They are content to make money teaching theory, without actually having to deliver real results.

2.  There is too much skepticism about what I teach.

Lots of guys out there are in such a bad place mentally, they just don’t believe that anything can help them increase their success with girls.

They believe that they are being lied to, hookwinked, and mislead.

(And with the influx of guys like I just described above, I can’t blame them for thinking that way!)

They don’t think that what I have to teach them will actually work.  And because of this, they are putting themselves at a SEVERE disadvantage!!!

3.  Too many guys believe it’s all about how they look!

The biggest objection I get from guys is that only Good Looking dudes are able to get hot women.

They think if they are too:

  • Old
  • Fat
  • Short
  • Bald
  • Ugly
  • Whatever

they won’t be able to get the kind of women they want.


I have decided to dispel this myth once and for all, PROVE to you my techniques work, and show you I’m the REAL DEAL.

I do this is a special, 60 minute video where I show you WHO I AM.

I’m a fat, bald, ugly guy.  You’ll see how I look in the video.

But more importantly, you’ll see the type of GIRLS I’m able to get.  (Yes, I reveal a number of women I have picked up in the video – for the first time ever.)

In short, I am giving you FULL DISCLOSURE.

I debated long and hard on whether or not to do this, and I decided it had to be done.

Look – to me, being honest and upfront is ALWAYS the best practice a teacher can partake in.

For a long time, I was worried going public with my image and results would in some way hamper my personal life.

(After all, girls are increasingly "Googling" guys they meet.)

I didn’t want the women I dated to feel like they were part of some type of "experiment."

So I tried to keep my personal life as quiet as possible.

But due to recent events, I felt it was more important to show my students that you DON’T need to be good looking to get women!

That these techniques CAN in fact work!

Now, not all the women I’m going to be showing you are girls you might find attractive.

That’s not the point.  They’re girls I FOUND attractive, for whatever reason.  My selection of women has nothing to do with what other people think.  Its all about my personal tastes.

But I want to show you that it IS possible to get women despite being a fat, bald, ugly shlub like myself.

So go here right now to check it out for yourself:

Click Here Now To See The Video

And if you have a friend who you think would benefit from this, please share this site with them.

Hopefully, this video will inspire you guys.  But knowing the type of people who post on this site, it’ll just give them more fodder to rag on me with.  But whatever.  I’m ready for it.  Do your worst!  Hopefully the silent majority will appreciate it and learn from it.

Podcast 4: Techniques Vs. Natural Game

July 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Happy 4th of July!  Hope everyone is out there having a good time, enjoying the long weekend, and partaking in many BBQ and field football events!

Today’s podcast is all about the routines vs. natural game struggle that is now occurring in the community.  I’m also making the announcement that my Podcast will now happen every Friday, with written updates occurring the rest of the week.

In Today’s Podcast:

1. Routines vs. natural game

2.  Evolution of Pick Up

3.  Focus On Success

And remember – BIG announcement coming TOMORROW.  So stay tuned to this blog to find out what’s happening!

Podcast 3: Picking Up Women

July 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Here’s today’s podcast:

1.  Hot girls at the supermarket

2.  Thinking strategically

3.  Overcoming fear

Podcast 2: Phone Game Tips – How To Talk To Women On The Phone

July 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Got another Podcast for you today.  Will be posting a few more podcasts this week to try and make up for the lack of updates last month.

Today’s Podcast:

1.  Dimitri the Lover

2.  How to know when a girl is brushing you off

3.  Using text messaging to get a girl on the phone

4.  When not to leave a voice message

5.  Lots of other cool shit.

Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Oh yeah – remember: BIG announcement on Saturday!  Don’t miss it.

Thundercat Is Back!

July 1, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Podcasts

What’s happening people?

Okay, I know I’ve been gone a while, and I am SORRY about that.  Things have been crazy for me.  Business is eating up my time, I’m juggling three different girls, and I’m trying not to stay indoors too much in this beautiful summer weather here in LA.

Because I don’t have as much time to blog anymore, I’ve decided to start doing more PODCASTING because I can sit down and record a little something-something faster than I can sit down and write a bunch of articles for the site.

So today, I’m going to start things off with the first Official Thundercat’s Seduction Lair podcast.  Please let me know what you think of it in the comments of this thread.

In today’s podcast:

1.  Quick update on why I haven’t been blogging

2.  Special announcement coming on Saturday!

3.  Community gossip update

4.  Ross Jeffries will kill your TV show

Dr. Phil Bitch Slaps Ross Jeffries – Have Video Proof

April 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Ha ha ha – he he he – hoo hoo hoo…

Ah, where to begin…

First of all – why the hell would any of these guys go on Dr. Phil in the first place?  Do you know any GUYS who watch Dr. Phil?  (Well, STRAIGHT guys?)  I certainly don’t.  Dr. Phil’s audience is WOMEN.  So why bother wasting time pitching your seduction business to a bunch of chicks if you aren’t teaching them how to get men?  Snarf.

Okay, all that aside though – I thought the Mystery Method guys came off very well in this show.  They were cool, calm, collected and walked that fine line between being "politically correct" and honest about what they teach.  Fact is, Mystery Method DOES work on women.  It is effective.  That’s why it’s taken off the way it has.

Now, whatever you feel about Savoy and the current state of Mystery Method, post-Mystery, is immaterial to this show.  Sure, I would like it if Mystery was still in charge of the Mystery Method name, but that doesn’t mean these guys aren’t offering value to other men by teaching what they are.  (Plus, there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff about the meltdown over at Mystery Method I won’t be sharing here, since I’ve been sworn to secrecy not to reveal it.)

So now that we’ve got Mystery Method out of the way, let’s get to the real mean and potatoes of this.

Ross "MINE’99" Jeffries.

And boy oh boy, was MINE’99 channeling all his evil, selfish, hypocritical energies in this episode!  Wow.  I knew MINE’99 was delusional, but the extent of his warped reality has only gotten worse with age.  Maybe his horrible friz-fro is somehow affecting his brain in the same way an alien parasite would?  Who knows.

Anyway, back to the show…

Read more

The Secret Files Are Live…

April 9, 2008 by  
Filed under News

I have been doing an interview series for almost a year now where I sit down and pick the brains of various women to get an idea of their experiences when guys try and pick them up.  It’s been going very well, and the feedback I am getting from it has been great.

I am now making all my past interviews available, as well as access to the new monthly interviews here:

In fact, if you go there right now, you can get the first interview and report for free.  Just scroll down midway and you’ll find the interview there.

I’d love to hear any feedback you guys might have regarding the secret files.  Just leave your thoughts in this post.

How Ugly Men Attract Women

April 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Articles

It’s a sad fact of life that everyone out there has some type of insecurity that makes them feel "unattractive."  Even the most  beautiful women in the world have stuff about them that makes them feel ugly at times.

For men – their visual nature can often times make them very critical of their own appearance.  There is always something that makes us  feel as though we are ugly.

Maybe it’s the fact that we are too short, or fat, or bald, or old?  There are any number of factors that make us feel "unworthy" of the attentions of beautiful women.

But if that was the case – no one would ever be able to attract a woman at all!

In fact, the next time you’re out, take a mental note of every guy you see with an attractive girl, and try and appraise whether or not you think that guy’s looks are worthy of the girl he’s with.

Sure, sometimes you’ll find a guy who’s with a girl and they are both fine credits to their species.  But most of the time, what you’ll find is the guys with really hot and appealing women range from "average" to "ugly" in the looks department.

That’s because beauty – in men – is the exception, not the standard.

But more than that, men rely on factors OTHER than their looks to help attract the kinds of women they want to them.

There are three major factors that most men try and utilize to the best of their ability when attracting new and exciting women to them.  They are:

1.  Wealth

2.  Social Status

3.  Personality

Let’s go through these one at a time…

The first factor men use to attract the opposite sex is their wealth, or finances.  Proving one’s "provider" status to women is a sure fire  way to get female attention.  After all, what woman DOESN’T want to be pampered?

However, there is a big problem with this tactic.  First of all, not everyone is rich or wealthy, so this factor is reserved for the few that are.  More than that, women often feel like you’re trying to "bribe" or "impress" them with your wealth, and because of that, they will treat you more like an ATM machine with feet, rather than a loving, caring, mate.

Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with using financial success to draw women into you.  But unless you have the money in the bank to do so, you can’t rely on this method to get you a good woman.

The second factor is social status.  Women are very attuned to the social hierarchy of things, so having a "high status" around women definitely makes any man more attractive.

This status comes from holding a certain position of power.  It could be an important job, some type of fame, or just the esteem of your peers.

However, one of the difficulties with this is that you need to be able to display social status.  You can’t just tell someone "I’m a very important person" and have them believe it.  They have to get a sense of it themselves, and sometimes your situation is not conducive to communicating this (like meeting a woman on the street for instance.  She has no idea who you are!).

Also – not everyone has a high social status.  Some people are content with maintaining a medium to low level status.  Where does that leave these people?

With the THIRD factor – that of Personality.  The thing I like about personality is that it’s something EVERYONE can use to attract the kind of women they desire, and it doesn’t matter how much money you make or what your social situation is like.

Having an attractive personality is the best way for "average" or "unattractive" men to get women interested in them.  Being able to make a woman laugh will turn her on more than a guy with big muscles and a full head of hair.

Understand that women are slaves to their emotions, and your personality is the method by which you trigger emotions inside a woman!

The better your personality, the better you’re able to make a woman feel.

And your personality is something that can be changed and cultivated over time.  You can make yourself into anything you want to be!  It’s  truly amazing how some "losers" can become "rockstars" in the eyes of their friends and the women they like just by tweaking their personality a little bit.

So how do you do this?

The first step is to really work on your confidence. The more confident you are, the better you’re able to display your personality.

Working on your social skills will also help you to be relaxed and have fun around women.  This will create new opportunities for attraction.

And learning how to create strong emotional bonds is also the best way there is to get a woman emotionally attached to you.

When you use these three techniques, you’ll be able to gain the fancy of any woman you wish – no matter WHAT you look like.

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