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The BootyCast – Episode 7: Edumckaytion

September 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates this week.  Things have been pretty hectic with the new product release and my birthday and all.

This week’s episode of the BootyCast has special guest Scott McKay on.  You can check out his new Leading Man site here.

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Click Here To Download The Show

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441 Responses to “The BootyCast – Episode 7: Edumckaytion”
  1. R31 says:

    Turned it off after 15min. BOOOOORRRIIIINNNGGG

    Even Scott didn’t think your shit was funny. The Dr. Phil bit was the worst attempt to copy Barry’s stuff…EVER!

  2. Ced says:

    I just listened to it after reading your comment…
    and hmmmm… Scott McKay laughted at Thundercat’s jokes.

    But I thinks that this McKay is full of shit, the numbers he’s talking about are so insane that they just cannot be true. Dating 16 women at the same time, and his impossible success rate in online dating, …
    I’m not surprised of the bullshit, since he’s promoting his new product later in the interview, so he has to pretend he is better than he actually is in order to sell more ;)

  3. SUN SOU says:


    I’m actually embarrassed for you…

  4. ?I’m not surprised of the bullshit, since he’s promoting his new product later in the interview, so he has to pretend he is better than he actually is in order to sell more ‘

    seems to b a guru trend

  5. Gunwitch says:

    “there are no original ideas in this game anymore?”

    Uh, what about the guys who were here fuckin 8 and 9 years ago?

    There isn’t any anymore yeah, because about 5 or 10 guys ideas have been ripped off now by about 50 guys.

    They all know who they fuckin are.

    On the phone call thing, I didn’t get upset for absolutely no reason, you had a demeanor of “fuck you” goin which I didn’t care for. I don’t fuckin qualify to anyone, and you had a bad tone with me, you ain’t Style, and I ain’t some guy at a book signing. Need to be friendly with people, well not usally cause most people are cunts and put up with it, but I don’t like when people speak down to me in tonality and say so.

    Called “how to lose friends and irritate people”.

    I mean we made peace and all, but dude I don’t count you as a friend anymore to be honest, because you seem to not wanna credit innovators like myself and Ross, and instead say nothing is stolen and be in total denial that anyne rips off anything.

    Well mysterymethod url is stolen, from mystery, no question, yet you don’t link venusianarts, you link it instead.

    Don’t give me ONE fuckin word that savoy in ANY way made mystery method, and not mystery, might fool stupid douchebags who just arrived with that, but not this kid.

    You talk down to people, I dunno maybe its just your tone of voice, as you seem to always sound like that, but you come off rude to me personally, and I suspect it’s because you wanna see the old scene die, guys like myself and mystery and ross and tyler and cameron and barry, you shit all over.

    Side of the page here on your site though, tons and tons of anyone who can make you money, that is another rehasher clone method.

    Like I said, we made peace and all, not sure you are capable of respect, so i’ll say ya got nothing to fear from me, but I don’t count ya as friendly by any means.

  6. Gunwitch says:

    By the way, don’t want you to think I totally spit at you, always have said, and until it ain’t will say I dig your fuckin blog and enjoy it TC. Always entertaining and a quality product.

    BUT, you and I don’t see eye to eye by any means on what this is all about far as I am concerned. Don’t hate ya, but bleh at talkin to each other, because you stand up for all the wrong shit in my book.

  7. tasty………………………………………..

  8. Dr. Pepsi says:

    Barry has usurped you Thundy.

    Scott, don’t steal my thunder.

  9. TCisatryhard says:

    Oh my god dude you suck so bad. Barry’s show is sooo much better than yours and you trying to copy him just make you look like a lame try hard. Thundercat, you suck at everything.

  10. mike mynamesnotreallymike says:

    thundercat is funny sometimes on these, scott was doing pretty good telling stories and shit then towards the end it was all marketing, I didn’t even listen to the last 15 minutes.

  11. Scot McKay says:

    Hey guys.

    Man, this is the toughest crowd I’ve ever seen on a blog anywhere. Seriously.

    I want to encourage you guys who think my online dating track record is B.S. To be frank with you, the numbers and stats I brought up were meant for that very purpose. In my mind, I don’t even see them as sensational, but rather very much indicative of what happens when online dating success starts coming to fruition.

    Once you have met just two or three women you actually like, you develop a certain level of confidence that is very tangible in the first e-mails you write women. The approval-seeking vibe gives way to more of an attitude that they need to qualify themselves to you instead.

    In sales, the adage is that “people buy on the approval of others” and that holds true here as well. Once you get *some* success only, it snowballs quickly.

    Importantly, I actually view having let the number grow to 16 as an ego-driven rookie mistake that I very soon cured myself of. There was no way to accommodate 16 women in any schedule, let alone mine. I arrived at a magic number of 6 women that I found allowed me to enjoy female company when I wanted to without pressure in either direction (i.e. seeing a certain woman either too much or too little).

    That said, the number grew to 16 very easily and could for you also. Once you get your online game as tight as it should be, all it really takes is 16 first-meetings that go decently well for you and your hands are full. Note also that I had pretty solid “day game” the whole time I was online, which is another way your pool of women can grow astonishingly fast.

    Someone mentioned that there aren’t any “new” pickup/seduction tactics out there anymore. I’d caution that it’s a big world out there and that the field of human social dynamics carries virtually endless thought potential. It’s time to think out of the box (or “out of the book”, I should say perhaps).

    With that in mind, the 60-80% response rate I talk about having attained is not only very real, it’s also very replicable. To even so much as mention it without offering you the resources to accomplish it yourself would be useless.

    The truth is that what I teach is indeed radically different from any online method you’ve ever seen before. For starters, I recommend ‘deserving what you want’ all the time around here. Once you get your house in order and become the kind of man women crave rather than selfishly trying to trick women into your life, the same doors that were previously locked down fling open for you.

    But this isn’t the “quick fix” that is so prevalent in Seduction Community marketing. There are no “paint-by-numbers” solutions. What I advocate involves working on one’s own character and overall attractiveness to women

    A massive, massive percentage of guys quit shortly after the get online. They fail largely because they don’t have a strategy, and/or because they don’t yet deserve the women they want to attract. Curiously, guys who are good with women offline quit online dating in frustration, and guys who lack success offline quit in shame.

    This means almost EVERYONE quits. Simply having the fortitude to find the answers as to what works online and successfully applying it adds up to literally getting ALL the women online.

    My estimation is that less than 5% of the guys online are getting over 90% of the high-quality women. The rest are dismissing success stories as fictional. And they’re dismissing even the concept of there *being* decent women online as fictional, also.

    But the fact remains. The high-quality women online are very real, and SOMEONE is getting to go on dates with them.

    And I’ll be the first to admit my success was VERY marginal when I first started. What I teach regarding online dating is the result of nearly four years of fine-tuning–not only of my online game but of *myself*.

    So, what of the 60-80% response rate? It’s real, and it’s attainable by YOU. But granted, not by tomorrow morning.

    Here are a few hints though: First, probably a third of the women I met responded to *second email attempts*. So had I “given up” after emailing a woman one time, that number would only have been 40-55%.

    Next, I learned elaborate ways to eliminate fake profiles and–importantly–the profiles of women who weren’t being truthful and/or had serious personality issues. It’s actually much, much easier to be successful with higher-quality women than lesser-quality ones, which is counter-intuitive to most guys.

    Finally, and perhaps simply, I didn’t even mess with women who had been inactive for longer than 24 hours. I actually found that having the patience to wait until they were actually online to send the email was the best strategy. You can see how this is really a “no-brainer” that can radically affect your online response rate, yet guys everywhere are writing lengthy messages to women who have been inactive longer than three weeks.

    Perhaps ironically, I have students who are younger and better looking than me who are blowing that 60-80% stat away. One of my coaches, who admittedly lives in a very large city, is actually having women wink at and email him numerous times a day–which is something I can’t claim ever having had happen for me.

    The question is only whether you are going to become one of the few guys who gets all the women online, or are you going to conveniently assume it can’t possibly be happening for real?

    There are things I don’t feel qualified to teach you (e.g. How to AMOG “sets” of ten guys and one girl or make out with some dude’s girlfriend before his very eyes). Some of those things just aren’t my style and therefore I don’t teach them.

    But after having watching two women offer one of my students a threesome five minutes after meeting him the other night, I dare not dismiss the success stories I hear elsewhere as falsehood.

    Just about anything is possible.

    And if it’s online dating success or how to manage relationships we’re talking about, there’s knowledge there I’m happy to impart.

    And if you want it for free, I have more free stuff out there than any other guy…blogs, video blogs, articles, a content-driven weekly newsletter, a pile of PDF e-books on scribd.com and five different podcasts.

  12. t zone says:

    Scott calm down body….Take a deep breath! Chill with the marketing and explanation my brother.

  13. t zone says:

    Get Em GUN! Blow that fool out the water

  14. Anonymous says:

    Your not dating 16 girls at once Scott. Grow up loser.

  15. Scott Mcay is gay says:

    A long long long rambling post with all stats as to how many women he dates and statistical returns on his email. What a fucking chode. I didn’t even listen to the podcast but this guy is a reject guys. I bet you very little was content and most of it bragging. Do you really think that this guy can even get ONE girl? It is sooooo obvious he has no clue. He just brags. Rule number one you dont brag. Why would ANYONE want your product you scumbag fucker? All you do is talk about how great you are. Where’s your FRESH content? Where is the quality. Am i suppose to invest in your product because you say you get a 60-80 percent return and date 16 girls at once?

    Sorry buddy but online game comes down to your pics. End of story. Go find a new career like having people hire you to let them shine your shoes. That would probably go over better than your bullshit trash your spitting right now faggot.

  16. R31 says:

    Scot, you’re lame. Get over it.

    The community is moving away from tactics in order to get girls. We’re realizing that being attractive is something you are, not something you do. The only people who teach or study tactics are the “weirdos” in the community. Stop with the tactic bullshit.

  17. Gunwitch says:

    One more thing. Thundy I aint got no fuckin beef with yall up in here ya kno. I mean Im not sayin that at all. I would kiss your ass if I could but I aint inpressed with yer banterin and yer tone. Ya know man? So we’re good right now. We’re ok. Ya know. I just obviously don’t undastand bout how to run any sort of tight game nor have any respect for it. That’s why I qualify a lot and sound like a chick. So I just want to make sure you realize that we are good, just not that good and that I am not mad atcha but just upsett a little bit but we’re good.

  18. Scot McKay says:

    OK, S.M.I.G., in context, I openly state it was a rookie mistake to let the number of women one is seeing grow beyond a manageable number. That’s not exactly bragging. Neither is stating the fact that I am probably less photogenic than any guy out there, so it’s not necessarily all about the pictures.

    R31: Consider this quote from my post: “Once you get your house in order and become the kind of man women crave rather than selfishly trying to trick women into your life, the same doors that were previously locked down fling open for you.

    But this isn’t the ‘quick fix’ that is so prevalent in Seduction Community marketing. There are no ‘paint-by-numbers’ solutions. What I advocate involves working on one’s own character and overall attractiveness to women.”

    I’m probably the least likely guy you know to talk about “tactics”, “canned openers” or the like, so I’m not sure where you’re basing your statement.

    My intent is to encourage you toward success of your own. But I can’t pull the trigger for you. If you believe something is impossible, it likely is. Even if you choose to be negative, my goal is to enable guys for real success. If that is to be insulted, then I’m guilty as charged.

    That’s all on the subject.

  19. “The community is moving away from tactics in order to get girls. We’re realizing that being attractive is something you are, not something you do.”

    community, shammunity….do what you want to do…people who follow this are really sheeple..if you want to use a rountine use it, if you want to get sexual state and look into a womens eyes like charlie manson . then do it

    That’s what happens when you get a bunch of tossers, nutters and rotters together who want girls

    pretty soon there will be more gurus than students

  20. R31 says:

    Scot, were you the guy in the Clif’s list 2005 seminar? You were talking about online game…. If so, that’s the only thing I’m basing you on. I haven’t seen any of your products, so keep in mind my opinion is completely ignorant haha

    You’re reacting to a bunch of guys on a half ass blog who enjoy starting shit with “gurus”. There is sooo much better information out there that only the despite and depressed give a shit about your product.

  21. SCOT SUCKS says:

    A guy with TWO failed marriages is going to teach us how to have a great relationship!


  22. Scot McKay says:

    Nope, I wasn’t the guy at Cliff’s List in 2005.

    I’m not the guy with two failed marriages, either.

  23. Like Gun said, there are 3 or 4 old school gurus who’s methods we all know to work VERY effectively. We don’t need any more products. We don’t need any more gurus. If you want to be a coach, FINE! Get out there and prove yourself in the fucking field. You can share your little innovations here and there with your students. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to speed up Speed Seduction or Gunwicj method. They are too fast and effective ALREADY for one mortal mand to handle, you just have to actually DO THEM and keep doing them until you are good!

  24. Gunwitch says:

    Last comment wasn’t me, I have a functioning brain.

  25. Ced says:

    Don’t worry Gun, we all knew it wasn’t you :)

  26. TCisatryhard says:

    Hey fake Gunwitch how bout you stop posting comments under Gunwitch’s name? Fucking loser. Dont worry Gun as Ced said we know it wasn’t you..

  27. TD sucks cack says:

    What a piece of shit, what a lame podcast. Guys has less charisma than David D on a coma.

    Thunderblob sucks.

    BARRY RULES!!!!!

  28. Style says:

    this is so lame.. guys fighting over seduction. haha HAHA. my god, get a life

  29. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t been very active lately. I check in on some boards here and there. I have a lot going on in my life and just working on a few basic things right now.

    When I come back to check in it makes me sick to my stomach. Sick with how immersed in total dorketry I used to be, much like all these people. This community and it’s kj followers is equivalent and even much worse than a morning talkshow squabble with a bunch of chicks like the view or a trashy interview show like Jerry springer. ANYONE getting immersed in it for WHATEVER reason has issues and has quite a challenge ahead to get ANY girl.

    Once you settle in and chill and calm down and stop feeling the need to play god in regards to the answers and you just take on the attitude of whatever happens happens … your on the beginning of the right track. Passionate arguing with other men on the internet?? Maybe you should look into a russian bride, an online porno, or a hooker. If your life is so pitiful that your like Maestro and you gotta have some sort of ego identity online and act like you know all the answers and act like picking up women is even about that kind of shit or even so important that your bitching and fighting with other men about it than I feel really bad for you. Like I say I was there at one point. I don’t envy any of you. Get a life, fuck this stupid online scam place. Use it here and there to play the role it shoud .. a background role. This shit SHOULD NOT be taken seriously.

  30. sexy evil says:

    Chuck Liddel got knocked the fuck out by Evans : )

  31. Wow angry aren’t we, Anon? What would it be like to imagine that some people actually ENJOY debating among peers about all types of subjects and fields of interest on the internet? After all, the people down at the local pub have alot less chance of being able to talk intelligently about PUA (or Anthropology, or Literature, or etc.) than people on an internet forum expressly FOR that particular subject or field.
    What would it be like if some of these commercial products on PUA actually DID work, almost miraculously, and that certain people have compassion for others who are just starting out in pick-up and that those people actually have a genuine interest in helping the new people succeed as quickly and easily as they, themselves have?

  32. Anonymous says:

    I have a better question Maestro. What would it be like if you were to shut up and stop posting??????? That would be MY idea of a better world.

  33. sexy evil says:

    Hey Anon and Maestro,

    Why you guys tag team Thundercat?? You know introduce the “dual Induction massage”. You guys are a bunch of swamp donkies!!!!

  34. Davis says:

    Hiring copywriters for email content


    Is this normal? Seems strange to me that a “guru” would have people do a “little bit of research” to provide this unique content. I think we can all go on google to find some information, thus joining up with a list of this kind you would expect some information that you wouldnt be able to find anywhere else. Shouldnt the focus be on providing good content?

    Lets just hope his products are actually 100% Thundercat field tested gold :)

  35. Anonymous says:

    Sexy evil,

    Since your imagination is what came up with the fantasy I’m thinking that it would be much more passionate and inspired if you joined Maestro, I’ll sit this one out. Thanks for the offer though champ.

  36. sexy evil says:


    Let me guess, you were turned down by Mastero. Remember that time when you cried like a little girl. Yeah it was that time.

    Just plant your feet and look Mastero in the eyes and say “you and i’s we going on a date!!!”

    Be a man Anon and break up with Thundercat.

    And as for this seduction stuff. Like I said before there’s some great stuff out there and some of it is just complete non-sense.

    What would Randy Couture do?? Ground and Pound!!!!

  37. Holy fat boy!
    Rappin’ Matt hahaha!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Sexy evil, your a really weird guy.

  39. sexy evil says:

    What you mean you people!!! Ha!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Nahhh …. just mean you.

  41. Wilson Fisk says:

    “What would it be like if some of these commercial products on PUA actually DID work, almost miraculously, and that certain people have compassion for others who are just starting out in pick-up and that those people actually have a genuine interest in helping the new people succeed as quickly and easily as they, themselves have?”

    If you just studied some of the free videos, and field reports of Rj and his former students on google/masf you would be miles ahead of any high priced worksop dvd program put out by ANY other guru

  42. Davis says:

    I must say I like Rappin Matt sounds way better than Thundercat. I can see Rappin Matt with a grill like Paul Wall screaming out YEAAAAAAAAAAH as his opener in the clubs.

  43. Art Bell says:

    Gunwitch and TC should do a podcast – one is a cheerleader who hates ONLY 3 gurus and companies

    the other has the opposite opinion, he likes only a handful


  44. Anon says:

    He hasn’t updated it in a while, but Thundercat also has a blog about internet marketing, in his alter-ego of Rappin’ Matt:


    Yes, this man is truly committed to releasing high quality dating products and not making money… not that there’s anything wrong with making money, I just wouldn’t buy dating advice from someone who puts this first.

  45. Pizzle says:

    If you want to listen to a REAL show, not a fucking COMMERCIAL, go to


    The Barry Kirkey (aka extramask, aka 26) show

  46. Fuckyouthundercat says:



  47. Art Bell says:

    How much of these comments are coming from Barry’s home and work IP, he has a crummy job at a

    “Pancake insurance company”

    where he sits and sips on his own urine while littering the TC Lair with ex-poo-ahhh comments

    in short,


  48. Rodrique says:

    I’m having fillet of sole tonight. Does anyone have a good recipe for a gourmet tartar sauce? (Nothing too exotice please)

  49. ockwick says:

    Hey yeah I haven’t listened to this yet, is this worth it?

    LA séduction ne devrait pas être si compliquée!!!!

  50. Me says:

    No. Thundercat eats his own products (according to Barry Kirkey anyway)

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