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Yet Another RSD & Tyler Durden Rant

July 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Donovan is really dissecting the RSD video over on his blog, based on the comments in the RSD forum.  He’s basically documenting what lead to this guy Alex, one of RSD’s top instructors, who gets tooled in the Gay Club using his super-uber "natural" game, to release his video and how RSD responded when they found out about it.


Is this new to anybody?  Really?  Let me tell you something about how RSD operates…

1.  RSD turns all their instructors into ass holes.

That’s not to say the guys they have teaching for them aren’t cool
dudes.  I’m sure some of them are.  But Tyler likes to cultivate this
"us vs. them" air of superiority with their instructors.  Everyone else
is either out to get them, or inferior to them in some way.  They look
down on their students, they look down on other gurus, and they feel
the need to "be the best" in the pick up field.  So it stops being
about helping other dudes succeed with women, and becomes about feeding
their own egos.

That’s why you see this guy Alex treat that girl the way he did in
the video, and that’s why you see him bad mouth Cajun on the forum.

Understand: even though they don’t say it publically, RSD is jealous
of and HATES every other school of seduction out there.  They want to
be the big dog in the marketplace, and they would happily destroy all
the competition if they could.

2.  RSD Jealously Guards Their Reputation

RSD never wants anyone to know that the company is run by petty,
lame, jealous, manipulative bastards.  Anything that’s bad about the
company, they try and sweep under a rug.  They heavily censor their
forum, and the stuff they can’t sensor, they either sue or ignore.

A few years ago, when I posted actual documented evidence of the RSD
private instructor message board of how they plot to misguide and
defraud their students, I was quickly slapped with a cease and desist
order from their company, claiming "trade secrets" and citing the
Digital Milleneum Copyright Act.  It was bullshit, of course, a scare
tactic to keep their company from being exposed as the scam it is, but
I took the documents down anyway just to save myself the grief.

So OF COURSE they’re going to delete these threads!  Of course
they’re going to try and squash the video!  Of course they’re going to
try to spin it into something positive!

That’s what they do.  They will try and mislead and lie to everyone to keep their reputation pristine.

3.  RSD Is A Cult

Seriously.  Its a cult of personality, all based around Tyler and
the people he inspires to be loyal to him.  They pretty much do the
same thing Ross Jeffries does with his students, but they were smart
enough to never try and inject a "religious" or "mystical" element into
their little organization like Ross did.  So its not a TRUE cult, but
RSD by any other name is really "The Church Of Tyler Durden."

If RSD didn’t have Tyler or Papa at the helm, it would probably be a
very different company.  But what people don’t understand is that RSD
IS, in fact, Tyler Durden.  It’s Tyler’s teachings, supplemented by
Tyler Clones and Worshippers.

They indoctrinate their students to worship Tyler.  They get caught
up in his "lifestyle" and his "skills" and his "teachings."  And
speaking as someone who once fell under the same spell, I can
understand why.  Tyler, for all his faults, is a charismatic guy!  He’s
funny, he’s interesting, he’s a good speaker.  You can very easily get
caught up in his charisma.  No joke.

And if he keeps you at bay, so that his charisma and "teachings" are
all you see, you begin to worship the guy.  You want his approval.  You
want to make him like you.

Once that’s accomplished, you’re exposed to the "us vs. them"
mentality.  You begin to hear about how all other seduction gurus
suck.  How superior Tyler and the RSD guys are.  How each and every RSD
instructor can close any girl.

Your focus become how to dress, the newest routines or methodology.
You get focused on being a "pick up artist" and quickly lose sight of
your original goal – why you got into seduction int he first place – to
get a girl and be happy.  You get swept up in the RSD bullshit, and you
begin to think no one has anything else to offer you or teach you.

Sure, some people aren’t fully indoctrinated into the cult and they
learn other stuff.  But that’s not the point.  The point is to get you
to like Tyler more than anyone else, so that you place what he says and
what he wants above all others.

Why?  Because that’s Tyler’s main goal!  He’s int his for the hero
worship, he doesn’t care about picking up girls.  The more minions he
has, the happier he’ll be, and anything that could possibly compromise
his gaining and keeping of minions is quickly squashed or discredited.

Keep in mind – At one point in my life, I did consider Tyler a
friend.  I liked the guy!  I drank the Kool Aid when it came to RSD.
But once you know the REAL Tyler Durden, well… its a whole different
story.  The fact is, if all my exposure to Tyler were his blog and his
products, I’d probably like the guy too!  But I know him.  I know the
kind of person he is, and I know how he treats people.

So you can flame me if you want, you can defend Tyler until you’re
blue in the face.  I don’t care.  These are teh facts as I see them,
and that ain’t gonna change.

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25 Responses to “Yet Another RSD & Tyler Durden Rant”
  1. Me>You says:

    I fucking hate RSD.

  2. Me>You says:

    I fucking hate RSD.

  3. Dare says:

    I’m very sad to say this but this thread reminds me of whats been going down, to a perhaps less evil extent, but still disturbing, at Charisma Arts lately.

    I hate to say it but they too censor threads & have been going through instructors so fast its gotten ridiculous. They seem to be operating a policy of making the former instructors unable to communicate with people that really appreciated their teachings.

    Dimitri (not the “Lover”) wrote HUGE amounts that many people found very helpful in the forum. Not one post remains.

    Similar stories seem to have happened to other instructors. Don Diego De La Vega, Dan The Social Hitchhiker come to mind too.

    According to Dan’s blog he’s having trouble accessing it in order to write more. Is he being denied access to communicate with us?

    Thundercat, perhaps you could investigate?

    Charisma Arts have been one of my favorite companies & found them very genuine. but little by little, I am beginning to wonder..

    ..Is Wayne secretly just like Tyler?

    Thundercat, perhaps you could investigate?

  4. insidescoop says:

    Charisma Arts is one of the most dishonest and shadiest workshop companies out there.

    I know for a fact a few of their instructors not only have zero skill but are also virgins. Sad but true.

  5. Dare says:

    Okay, lets have some evidence please, or at least a source?

  6. Me says:

    Charisma Arts’ niche within the community, their selling point, was that they were the “good guys”.

    Classy, honest. A company with integrity.

    But now? After the way they treated Dimitri and Dan?

    Fuck you Wayne, you’ve disappointed me.

  7. keepitreal says:

    Ha! Juggler (Wayne Elise) is a good buddy of Neil Strauss.

    How can you expect anyone who’s a good buddy of Strauss to be an honest person.

    Plus after I saw him on his Seduction School series on youtube I realized what I arrogant asshole he is and with zero sensitivity to his students.

    He’s low.

  8. Caligula says:


    2008 is not 2004.

    See my comment in the Alex post.


  9. Anton says:

    First of all, Thundercat will probably investigate because he has nothing better in life to do besides talk shit about other companies.

    Second, is this really the type of dude you like reading from? I mean, based on his posts, I can sense so much negativity.

    Personally, I do not like associating myself with negative people.

    All I know, is that It’s been along time since the beef between him and RSD, and he is still talkin about it each day.

    Grow up and get a life. Seriously.

  10. Your fan says:

    What’s the hell is up with you, Thundercats?
    You has been doing noting but slap RSD at the face for like a month!. Your blog use to be one of the best seduction website around and you see now what it has become?

    I and many people who come to this site don’t give a shit about Tyler and his crews anymore.Just stop bashing jerks and start doing something more productive.

  11. kuality says:

    SO what you mean is Joseph, that Tyler is an asshole that if each of us knew better, we would hate him too and would not want him to do well.

    So since that is the case, we should not buy his product despite that he is an interesting charismatic speaker with admitedly pretty good product because he is a prick.

    And of course we have you, who I’m sure you will say is not perfect but is a more honest and proper human being than Tyler, that being the case, we should buy one of your products despite the fact that you are less of a charismatic speaker and that it is more dificult to listen to you drone on in CD’s because after all, you are a better human being and we should reward you more than a prick like Tyler.

    So without using too much words, is that basically what you mean?

  12. Dare says:

    1. Yes we like reading from this guy & coming here
    2. why do you visit & post on this blog when we could all be viewed as “negative” in certain people’s eyes & you don’t like “associating with negative people”!

    Your fan,
    “Just stop bashing jerks and start doing something more productive.”
    I like how people that just want to criticize without cause don’t offer their positive suggestion with clarity. Its always this vague “do SOMETHING productive” How about a useful suggestion that could actually be carried out?

    When you put words someone didnt say in that way in people’s mouth, all your gonna get is an argument between you & yourself. That’s right. Its shows us you don’t NEED anyone to argue with – you’re perfect at it just “barbecuing alone”…


  13. Paul says:

    In my opinion some of the things RSD teaches is helpful, and I thought the Blueprint was good.
    But I have to say that I think there is some truth to what Thundercat says, and I know this for a fact as I am active in the RSd forums.
    They close the threads they don’t like, talk about too much woo-woo selfhelp shit and too many guys there are just RSD fanboys, who even thought Alex’s crap video was great.
    I have much respect for Tim and Ozzie (and even Tyler because “at least online” he seems like a good person to me.
    But I think that Alex and Jlaix are assholes and I can’t really see the great attractive people they are supposed to be with all their self-help shit.
    All they do is pump their state and act drunk in front of girls without being drunk. They totally disregard her comfort levels and just go around groping girls like stupid frat boys. THAT is their game and that is what they teach. You don’t need to pay 2k to learn that, just spend 15$ on a bottle of vodka. Sure, I’m sure they get laid, but:

    a) with what type of girls (only mediocre party girls as I have seen with my own eyes)

    b) with how much consistancy.

    RSD teaches some useful things that Tyler has taken from reading hundreds of self-help books, but at the end of the day they are just a bunch of random dudes who like to go out and have fun and go crazy. There is nothing bad about that, but they aren’t as skilled as they make themselves to be or more “enlightened” than anyone else in the community. If you are a shy guy, sure they will give you some good advice to be more “unstifled”. If you want to have an abundance of beautiful women in your life, also look at other sources.
    If you want “enlightment” don’t look at these people, they are not the kind of people you want to model.



  14. Lansing says:

    The “Blueprint” wasn’t all that bad. I wouldn’t ever pay for it (or any “seduction” product for that matter) but it was interesting to watch and for someone totally clueless I would probably recommend it.

  15. Mack Wild says:

    Im halfway through Tolle “a new earth” the blueprint is basically a total rip off of a new earth — to the point they could get sued — but injected with a community pick up theme.

  16. johnnyB says:

    It’s actually pretty funny reading words from you like “I KNOW Tyler!”
    You don’t even know yourself, fatty!! You’re full with insecurities, anger and hatred. Maybe the RSD guys played some tricks on you back then….fuck that! It’s gone! The only thing we can learn from that is that Tyler was already smarter than you 4 years ago.
    Now it’s 2008 and things changed. You’re still a loud mouth with zero contributions to this community. Grow up, get a life!

  17. @Anton

    I’ve met Thundercat in person and he’s not negative at all.

    You were just as negative in that post as he’s ever been, except he has evidence to back things up. You’re just shooting in the dark.

    Like others here, I was skeptical of Thundercat’s views of RSD, but I’ve seen too much evidence now to let guys blindly waste valuable money on there stuff. Why not waste it somewhere else where you could at least get better partial value for your money? ;)

    BTW, I’ll be reposting one of Christian Hudson’s revealing comments as a post over the next few days, he says some pretty neat stuff about Charisma Arts if you guys are interested.

  18. Deep Throat says:

    As much as people may or may not like RSD or how the company fits into the scene.. what they teach is exactly how “those jerks that get laid” get one night stands. So yes, Alex does look like he’s possibly drunk or an aggressive frat boy – but he’s probably getting a lot of play with minimal amount of “gaming” and thought. Harsh truth that makes “gaming” irrelevant.

  19. Mack Wild says:

    I disagree deepthroat. They are certainly not nailing down the jerk that women love thing. They teach outer game that is way too goofy and needy for that. They just don’t have it right.

    Rsd reminds me of a newbie wing man. If you watch these guys evolve it’s like they make every mistake in the book. First they try to ride off mysteries coat tails — and it’s reported that Durden gets no action what so ever in hollywood. It is well documented his frustrations.

    He finds that he cannot copy mystery or style and comes to resent mystery for that. He forms his own company and finds his own way — only to find later it’s too high energy and gay.

    Starts getting into being a challenge and push/pull and finds he can’t close.

    Somewhere along the line supposably he gets a girlfriend and the torture ends for him I guess.

    Now they are pushing over the top direct game that makes you look like an uncontrolled animal.

    Everything that RSD touches is taken to the extreme and out of context because the fact is that the problem for these men is that they suck at life. Their core is the problem, and i think on a subconscious level thats why they like to teach some quality inner game hype stuff a lot too — because they know thats the answer for them — but in their core they dont have the character to follow through and become what they preach.

  20. Intime says:

    I think this type of post is totally fair if even one piece of evidence is provided.

    Not the “he is a bastard” type of we shouldn’t like him rhetoric

    We got it. We know who thinks who is an ass.

    Now for professional evidence to back up the professional attacks.

    All I see is how some of you Pick Up Media guys are feeding the loony gossip mongers at times. Just look at them and how truely insane some of your commenters can sound like.

  21. Mack Wild says:


    The allegations made are very well documented. In the book “the game” Style pretty much nails TD and his company to a tee. Mindless robots that will impersonate whoever or whatever thinking that is the key to getting laid whether it be acting gay or changing their accent. Style depicts the struggles of TD and his insane way of looking at things in the book.

    Go on their site for long enough and you get plenty of mindless and contradictive rants as well as getting to see instructors ban those who make a point they can’t refute or catch them in hypocracy. Anything against cult like behavior is quickly banned or at lease censored. Any reference to anyone else is censored. You get to see they truely dont walk the walk and really are only teaching drunk frat boy game — in an ineffective way at times.

    Talk to enough people and you will hear more horror stories, there are several reports that Jeffy doesnt live up to the hype and getting to know him from the forum is proof of that. Like I said — his glory story is how he laid some girl over a hotter guy by calling her a slut. You don’t need to pay money or spend time studying RSD to get game like that — that’s not even game. There are also many reports on ripoff.com of bad bootcamps run by Jeffy showing he has no real game.

    Thundercat has posted numerous proof about how RSD on their website posts actually plans out over-hyping and cultlike behavior in order to give students a false sense of accomplishment. This was documented and only taken down due to lawyers.

    Tyler himself admitts his struggles in the hollywood mansion and does not deny the books charges.

    The idea behind RSD is that they have “changed” for the better, thats what they want you to believe. Yet they clearly haven’t if you look at their behavior.

    I went on their site yesterday for the first time in months and read some of the threads. I got sick to my stomach. It reminded me of how at one time I was so caught up in the hype and cultlike atmosphere that I thought these guys actually had the true answers and everyone else was overthinking. Reading the juvinille vague and blow off answers from highly respected and renouned instructor “tim” — who I once looked upon very highly — was all the proof I needed that these guys are way way way over-rated.

    Their advice and teachings for outer game can be summed up these days simply by:

    Dont give a shit about anyone else and do whatever you want to do so long as your having fun doing it and your aggressively and actively looking to throw your cock into something whether she wants it or not. If she dont want it, then you need to yell louder, kino more, and have more intent — or maybe she is just a bitch and you gotta call her out on it. Manwhore even gives out threads that resemble rape advice. He talks about women not wanting to have sex and how he physically manipulates them and ends up getting it because of intent. He doesn’t go into enough details to show any difference between what he does and rape.

    Now there is video of Alex trying to be a Tim robot out there being totally uncalibrated albiet following the script exactly as taught.

    What more proof do you need man?

    Get yourself a copy of revelations when it comes out, start learning how to come across as a cool person with interesting things to say. Give yourself a core and a soul to build onto and THEN this caveman shit will be effective if you TIME it right. Anything less than that will not get you good results. RSD alone is a timebomb attached to your game.

    The only people over there that I respect after having cut myself off from them at this point is Ryan, Tims positivity (not his outer game), and Pimpski.

    I will also always have a certain level of respect for Tyler for all the thoughts that he put in writing and on soundbites that ran through his head — even though he did just as much harm as he did good — he tied some things together for us that may never have been tied together without his thinking style.

  22. Deep Throat says:

    Cut yourself off from guys at RSD?

    Were you tied to them?

  23. Mack Wild wrote:

    - Go on their site for long enough and you get plenty of mindless and contradictive rants as well as getting to see instructors ban those who make a point they can’t refute or catch them in hypocracy. Anything against cult like behavior is quickly banned or at lease censored. -

    Case in point, me.

  24. thunder scat lairchode says:

    bullshit on #2

    There was *nothing* incriminating in the RSD confidential thing you put out. No shit they guard their reputation, they are a business. However, from everything ive seen, they conduct themselves with integrity, especially compared to other guys in “the scene”!!

  25. What's the deal with Tyler says:

    I’ve been reading Tyler’s mASF archive…and holy fuck if his KJing is to be believed he was awesome (as he likes to say). The stuff from around 2004, in Project Hollywood, I mean there were other guys round then yeah? If it was bullshit surely someone would’ve blown the whistle? The Game runs him down as a person but isn’t that critical of him as a PUA. The latter part of his archive is stuffed with him banging 9s and 10s with ease, these girls going fucking crazy for a pasty white, short ginger haired kid living in a closet in the most image conscious city on Earth?? Can anyone verify? Is his archive of FRs/LRs horse shit or what?

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