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Looks Don’t Matter: The Inspiration Video

July 11, 2008 by  
Filed under Video

Hey guys,

Last week I revealed my big video where I shared with all you guys what I look like, and the type of women I’ve been with.  Reaction was overwhelmingly positive – with a few of the "usual" exceptions, lol.  I can’t tell you how nervous I was putting that video out, but you know what?  It turned out to be a really good thing.

Anyway, this weekend I’m releasing a SECOND video, which I’m calling the Inspiration Video.

This is a video where I go through the inspirations in my life that really helped me to overcome my difficulties – not just with women, but with my inner game and my life in general.

I’ve lead a pretty interesting life, and this video is meant to share with you some of the inspiring lessons I’ve learned throughout it.  I look forward to hearing your comments about the video – feel free to post them in this thread.

Click Here To Watch The Inspiration Video

Get Your Free Guide Here!


12 Responses to “Looks Don’t Matter: The Inspiration Video”
  1. Dare says:

    Dude, FUCK! I’m so glad Ive just seen those two vids.

    Im 24 and Im fucking bald, man & its so bad its at the stage that its like “hello” (george costanza impression) on the top but the sides still grow, so i have to fucking shave it all down really short, coz I don’t even KNOW any other bald people so i’ve no idea HOW to get the fucking proper-shaved look going, like wax or something?

    So you know what its like to lose your hair when you feel like your SUPPOSED to have a full head of hair. People with hair have no idea how much it impacts you & your confidence man. NO CLUE. But, as im sure you’ve felt in the past, it makes you feel like less of a man somehow, like people gonna see you as damaged goods.

    Obviously i know becoming the attractive man to women & getting that handled will help things a lot, but Thundercat, if you’ve got any kinda inner game advice on how to mentally “get over” this issue as a guy in my fucking TWENTIES, I’d be really thrilled to hear it…& also I dont have that big-guy protector frame thats good for you. Im like medium build 5’9″ no muscles, pale, gottee but i look like a goddam drug dealer / thug with no hair man. But not even a baddass successful one.. i look like that drug dealer you’d go to LAST because hes balding, still lives with his mom & always talks to plants, rather than being a cool, tanned and “shaved” guy.

    BTW – thanks for revealing your ya know, insecurities, it makes it more real to us. But dude your NOT ugly. Good teeth, good eyes, decent facial hair.

    Just shiny, like me. HELP?!

  2. Thundercat says:

    Hey Dare,

    You just gotta accept the baldness, man. There’s no use in raging against something you have no control over and can’t stop, so just own being bald, and be comfortable with it! If you don’t care, other people won’t either. In fact – guys go bald because of an excess of male hormones, so just re-frame it as being ultra-manly!

    And you don’t need to be a big guy like me. Style is skinny as a stick and he pulls it off. Mobey owns the bald look too! lol.

    You might want to also invest in some nice hats. I have a couple different kinds I wear when I go out.

    As for upkeep – I buy an electric razor – a professional one like you’d see at the barber shop. The brand name is Wahl. You can get these at Target or Wallmart.

    I use these to shave my head as close as I can. Then, if I want a cleaner shave, I’ll use a regular razor like the Mach 3 from Gillet. You have to have a separate hand mirror to see the back of your head as you shave yourself, it’s a pain, but it gets easier with practice.


  3. amazed says:

    this is probably one of the best videos I’ve ever seen come out of the community. truly heartfelt – taught me a lot.

    i too have a lot of inspiration in my life, but your video really put it in perspective for me, how those around us influence us. its so important to surround ourselves with quality people!!!!

    cant wait to see what other videos you got coming out. i think if more people knew what u know, wed all be a lot more successful with the ladies …

  4. Dr. Pepsi says:

    This is probably one of the worst videos I’ve ever seen in the community. Truly worthless garbage.

    I too have been sick of Thundercat marketing all of his ripped off ideas. It’s no wonder he surrounds himself with all these PUAs.

    Can’t wait to see you rip off more of these helpless bastards.

  5. Dare says:

    Hey I appreciate the heads up & enc’s Thundercat. Good to know.

    Okay, Ima try it out. Fuck. Im ready for a bloodbath the first time i get a razor and go for the manual shave. My bathroom sink could do with a respray of new color anyway..white gets so boring…Yikes.

    Citizens beware the “BLOODY-HEAD MONSTER” mwahahaha…:)

  6. Greebo says:

    I didn’t think the video was that bad. It went on a little long though. Ever hear of editing tc?

    It was pretty cool to hear about the south park guys, though.

  7. Faceless Man says:

    I really liked this video. Its nice to see TC focus on his inspirations instead of seeing him attack people constantly.

    He’s still a fat fuck though.

  8. Inspired says:

    I gotta admit, I really liked your video. Very inspirational lessons, dude!

    I liked how you went through each and every person and told the story behind what you learned from them. You sure do get around thundy!

    Oh yeah – FUCK DICE CLAY! That guy is a dick. Did you see him on CNN when he went off on that anchorman? What a loser. Go check it out on youtube.


  9. thunder scat lairchode says:

    haha notice how all the hot ones are in pictures by themselves, and the pics including thundy are all with hideous sows?

  10. Me says:

    OK, I hate to say this …. but Thundy did a good job with the video.

    Thundy, questions on head shaving:
    1) Do u do it every day?
    2) How long does it take?
    3) Aren’t razor cuts a problem when u do it yourself?

    /Going bald fast….

  11. Thundercat says:

    Hi Me,

    1. I do it once a week, in the morning before I shower.

    2. It can take anywhere from a half-hour to 45 minutes.

    3. I don’t really have a problem with razor cuts. I use the electric razor to shave it really close at first, then I follow up with the Mach 3. If you use a cheap disposable razor, yeah, you’re probably gonna get nicked, but if you use a fresh good razor & warm water, its usually not a problem. Just remember to shave with the grain instead of against it, and it works out.

    Usually, I’ll shave the sides of my head first, then the top, then end with the back. I’ve found that’s the most efficient way to do it.


  12. Mr. Right says:

    Hey Thundercat and Fellow members, i remember the day i bought your book “art of approach” and it was heartfelt and i use to be a overweight guy that girls would never kiss and thanks to you and the community my life has improved in all areas.

    Mr. Right

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