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Ross Jeffries Responds To Wendi Friesen’s Appology

July 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So last week I did a Podcast about how Ross Jeffries appeared on Hypnosis Guru Wendi Friesen’s YouTube show and pretty much single-handedly SUNK her ratings and pissed off her audience – so badly, in fact, that Wendi had to TAKE DOWN the show and issue an appology to everyone who watched it!

Well, MINE’99 caught wind of this and decided to spew more of his vile vitrol on poor ol’ Wendi, who wanted nothing more than to have a good show to help promote her hypnosis products.

Here’s the exchange:

Shameful. You feel you need to backbite me to excuse the utter technical incompetence with which you attempted to do the show and your failure to grasp ideas which can’t be packaged into 30 second sound bites for your moronic audience?

The check? I’m explaining to you about the three different aspects of consciousness that need to be cultivated for true success in life, I’m teaching about mindfullness and equanimity and you natter about the check? Shameful,Friesen. Lose my number, you hack.

So this is Ross’s opening salvo.  A nice little re-frame about how the poor quality of the show was all Wendi’s fault, and that it was HER who couldn’t possibly grasp the concepts Ross was talking about.  He even goes so far as to attack her AUDIENCE as being idiots, which isn’t surprizing since it was the audience backlash which prompted Wendi to issue an appology in the first place.

Ross also tries to reframe sticking Wendi with the check as though he was giving Wendi, a woman who is MUCH MORE finanically and professionally successful than Ross, something of greater value.

After this negative attack, Wendi responds..

Hi Ross, I definitely wrestled with this. I got so many emails from people asking me why I had you on the show, as it reflected badly on me. I thought it would be interesting and intriguing and would help people to understand what you are really all about, maybe even in a good way. However, with so many emails of complaints I had to respond to my members. The lunch thing, not a big deal, just odd, and straight from your SS teachings. I had to make the apology for my members. They werent hip 2U.

So Wendi is basically explaining that it was the outcry from her members that propted this whole thing.  The funny part here is where she says she wanted to "Help people understand what you are really about."

Well, I hate to break it to you, Wendi – you DID help people understand what Ross is really about.  That’s why you got so many complaints!  The guy is a massively insecure, self-improtant weasel.  His techniques are amateurish, his philosophy about women is wrong, and he is just NOT a likable guy!

Wendi saw, first hand, the hurricane that is Ross Jeffries.  When he touches down, he leaves a path of destruction in his wake.

Sometimes a teacher has to take their students beyond what they expect and with what they are comfortable.

Lunch? Good God, I was YOUR guest. Politeness dictates that the host pay and you didn’t even offer.

Possessing a vagina doesn’t accord you special privilege. You were the one who showed zero class. And smacking me on the internet when my father is just in the ground? Shame on you for whoring to your students instead of doing what was right. Go away, little insect.

Yet another reframe – saying that it’s up to her to dictate to her students what they should and shouldn’t like.  This is another reason why Ross is such a bad teacher.  He’s always been about making his students come around to his style of teaching rather than teaching his students in the way that’s best for them to learn.  Good teachers don’t operate that way.  Teaching is a conversation between student and teacher.  It’s a dialogue.  Teaching can’t be ridgid.  But more so, in a business, you have to listen to your customers, and Wendi is not doing anything but that.

Ross simply doesn’t want to face the fact that it was HIM to misread the audience, and that he should have adapted his style to suit the audience Wendi was exposing him to.  But Ross is too much of an ego maniac to believe he should change.  I’m also willing to bet that Ross saw Wendi, being a woman, as a target to be trivialized.  This is Ross’s M.O.  He doesn’t like women!  Seriously.  He treats them (and all people, for that matter) with utter disrespect at all times.

Now, I do have to concede that Ross has a point about the fact that if
you’re a guest on someone’s show, it should be their treat for lunch.
But I know how Ross operates.  When the check comes, he didn’t even
reach for his wallet.  He just sat there and ignored the check until
Wendi picked it up.  How do I know this?  Because Ross does the same
thing with his students!

At least make a guesture like you’re willing to pay, so Wendi can say
"Oh no, this is on me."  But that type of social nicety is apparently
too advanced for Ross.

OMG, this is now about having a vagina? Having you as a guest is a business venture. I promoted you to my list and my groups, exposed you to 1000s of people who then go to your site. Since you didn’t want to set up a promotion (typically a show host makes their money on the promo sales during the show) you simply got new traffic, I gave up my time to promote you with no upside for me. Marketing is about mutual promotion for events. That’s why "splitting lunch" was hilarious and worth a mention!

So basically, Wendi is now saying that Ross didn’t even allow her to profit from any promotion she made of his products.  I guess now I gotta take her side in the "lunhc" argument, since the free traffic and increase of sales for Ross’s products for being on the show was probably going to pay for lunch and then some.  No wonder Wendi took the show down.  Massive public backlash and ZERO financial upside?  Gursh…

Just yet annother example of how freakin’ lame Ross is.  He just needs to stop making public appearances.  Seriously.  He embarasses himself every single time.

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11,989 Responses to “Ross Jeffries Responds To Wendi Friesen’s Appology”
  1. Pongo says:

    Great posts guys, please check out my blog at;

  2. Ross needs to get Doctor Paul’s new product called Mature Masculine Power. Help him get over these insecurities that only he seems to miss.

  3. Great another “guru” above me…

  4. RJ says:

    Elvis didn’t adapt himself to the Elvis Presley impersonators…now did he?


    P.S. Thundy, did you get your commission payment this month for being my affiliate? .

  5. Ross=weirdo says:

    Is it a coincidence that EVERYBODY misunderstands poor, old Ross?

    I think not.

    He is a creepy fuck who knows nothing about women, or people, for that matter. He should go back to banging his cat……lol

  6. What? says:

    Rj did nothing wrong

    seriously, Rj needs to go on a medium where the people doing the interview have some depth and intelligence. The whole self help industry is filled with lamos.

  7. Mack Wild says:

    What “RJ” needs is extensive psychotherapy and professional help — and I hope he gets it.

  8. What? says:

    I saw the interview. Friesen spent close to 7 minutes playing with the microphone. I didn’t see anything that offensive. Anytime he mentions that he has a 19 year old gf people get out of arms. Such hypocrisy, the whole “community” was about breaking social mores and now it has become “respectable” over money

    anyway, lets keep the debate going..I want to see matthews make more money on link clicking, then he can buy us all a hot dog at kmart

  9. Simple says:

    Does ANYONE else see the utter insanity in the following:

    Ross wrote:

    “I’m teaching about mindfullness and equanimity and you natter about the check? Shameful,Friesen. Lose my number, you hack.”

    He preaches “mindfulness and equanimity” yet, in the VERY SAME SENTENCE – demonstrates the opposite, then indulges in name calling a mere sentence later.

    This is the #1 reason I am a FORMER student of Ross – the blatant hypocritical negativity and mindless attacks. Does anyone want to learn from someone who negates themselves before his sentence is even completed? If it weren’t so cartoonish it would be despicable! Actually, it’s both.

    Ross doesn’t need to go to therapy to get his head examined. First, his problem isn’t that complex, and secondly, the therapist would probably want to run away, if they weren’t driven away first by Ross’ innate hostility and hunger for unconditional obedience and loyalty.

    Ross’ problem is his egomania. He is almost completely self-absorbed into a world where he is the center of the universe. Anyone or anything that disagrees with his point of view or way of doing things is either stupid, idiotic, moronic, clueless, or BANNED. And those would be nice words coming from Ross.

    He has said his methodology is about changework, helping the student change. If you take a closer look or just examine what he has said to students (and continues to say), you’ll see it’s NOT about helping the student, it’s all about helping his fragile and very scared little ego. How many times has he primped himself up into pride, bragged, made sweet love to himself in front of others, sometimes even at the expense of the student’s honor? Countless times. I know this – I’ve been on the SS list for years, watched his overhyped products. I used to post, but do not anymore. If I really spoke my mind, I would be kicked in 2 seconds flat. I stay on to help those who have been abused by his wrath, to show them what I believe to be a better way.

    Doesn’t it strike you as strange that he claims to be a master of languaging, yet fails to establish rapport with those who disagree with him? Attacking = no rapport. Simple, really. But this very basic distinction seems to elude Ross and has (astonishingly) for years.

    An explanation for this behavior is he feeds on negativity. It makes his ego thrive. He’s kind of vampiric, and your negativity is his delicious blood.

    I don’t address Ross personally in this post because there would be no point to it – there is no reasoning with him. No matter what, I am wrong (or stupid, moronic, etc.) if I don’t agree with him unconditionally, with his methodologies, his view on the world. As long as I agree with him or STAY SILENT… he is fine.

    L. Ron Hubbard was the same way – the creator of Scientology, a dangerous cult. Most cult leaders are like this. And L. Ron Hubbard went crazy. Think about that one.

    As an aside, has anyone ever heard Ross sincerely apologize to anyone for even the smallest thing? I haven’t. Bad thing.

    For anyone who cares, take a look at just some comments from Ross to
    students who have asked questions on the SS list (some off-topic, yes, but just look at their responses). These aren’t made up.

    Comments from Ross/Paul/whatever he calls himself these days:


    Uh, did you read the list rules when you signed up?

    What does this even remotely have to do with Speed SeductionВ®? Why are you mentioning someone else’s products/etc on MY list?

    Are you a complete moron or just a clueless asshole?


    > I think VH1 plays it all the time. I saw some of it and thought a lot
    > of what they teach is kind of stupid. They told they guys to wear

    Uh..are you as clueless as the poster? Is anyone reading the FAQ and list

    Do I have to come down there and bitch slap you turds?


    > Do anyone know Vince Kelvin`s discussion Group ?

    This is off topic. I am no longer in business with Mr. Kelvin and do not recommend him as a teacher, trainer or coach.

    Any discussion at all regarding him is banned.

    Anyone answering this question will be kicked and banned for life.

    This is off topic and this discussion is over, NOW.


    > Greetings fellas,
    > I’ll be up at 04h00 (on 14 June) to listen Ross. (I live at GMT+2)
    > A few questions, some technical.
    > – What is the suggested bandwidth requirement for the webcast?

    I don’t fucking know.

    > – Are you broadcasting audio only?


    > – On the site, there are two options for listening Flash or Media
    > player. I am running firefox which would be the better option?

    Jesus, I don’t fucking know. What difference does it make?

    > – You say in your reminder, “reserve your spot”. The only link is to
    > print the page as a reminder. Am I missing a point?

    No. Just go to that link.
    > Last one. Pacific time and Pacific Daylight time, are they the same
    > thing? GMT-7?

    Pacific Standard Time. NOT GMT. How difficult can this be, dude?


    > Thanks Ross for the free stuff.

    Welcome. “Ross, is it REALLY free? Don’t we have to pay 10 cents to Ahura
    Mazda? The ghost of Hamlet’s father?”

    > Kind Regards,
    > Sean


    > Off topic: Does anyone know if Asian girls have smaller pussies than white
    > girls? Do Asian girls always have small breasts if natural? For these


    Jesus H. Zeus, this is the single most off topic piece of shit post I have
    ever seen.

    What is wrong with you?


    If it isn’t related to SS, keep it out of here.

    Christ. You are a long time poster….you should know better.



    > Well, when she told me she couldn’t make it because she wanted to go
    > swimming, I instantly felt myself collapsing on the inside. An
    > overwhelming flood of pain and a feeling of worthlessness rushed
    > instantly within me—it’s the sensation you get when you feel like
    > crying, but you have to hold it in because you don’t want others to
    > know. I remember all the other times that I had been flaked on, like
    > the time when one woman told me that she couldn’t meet me because it
    > was foggy outside.

    Ha ha ha. That is fucking funny. HA HA HA HA. Sorry to laff at your pain,
    but that is hee-lair-eh-mous. LOL, for real!


    So not only is Ross negative to the point of toxicity, he’s also sadistic. There’s a word for someone who takes pleasure in the misfortune of others – it’s called schadenfreude, or, in my own words, a virtual sadist.

    So here we have this sadist promoting the works of Shinzen Young, a monk/meditator with years of experience in Zen meditation. LOL, the hypocrisy. But not surprising at all. Ross promotes him, yet has learned little to nothing and demonstrates even less, based on how he treats others.

    It’s really a sad story, and honestly, I feel badly for this disturbed individual. Let’s hold out hope that one year he finally sees the damage he does to himself and adds something genuine and good to the world.

  10. sandworm says:


    I don’t suffer fools, gladly or otherwise, and I have no time or patience for people who abuse my list with off-topic crap and no problem pointing out self-defeating stupidity.

    Now then…

    Lick my nut-sack, asshole.

    Thundy, since you insist on smearing me all the while collecting your monthly commission payments as my affiliate, I am simply going to with-hold paying your commissions until you admit here on your blog that you are, indeed, an affiliate of my website.

    Let’s see if you’ll speak the truth to keep the $$$$$$$$$$ flowing your way .


  11. Ross Jeffries is now refusing to pay his affiliates?

    Welcome to lawsuit central, buddy.

  12. Since Thundy insists he is NOT an affiliate, there is no issue, right?

    He has to assert that he IS an affiliate for there to be an issue.

    My entire point is that the guy is one fat-fucking lying hypocrite; attacking me viciously but accepting my coin all along for promoting me secretly on his blog.

    So now it’s put up or shut up time; either I’m lying about him being an affiliate, in which case I owe him nothing. Or he IS an affiliate and is owed the money.

    Let’s see if he’ll keep silent or will make a demand to be paid in some way, in which case he’s exposed for the lying, dishonest, hypocritical butt-weasel that he really is.


  13. First off – how does one “secretly” promote products? I don’t get it.

    Secondly, if I don’t run around telling people I’m promoting your products, will you not pay me either? Is it a pre-requisite in your affiliate agreement that people must tell others they are promoting your products to be paid? If so, you must not be paying a lot of your affiliates = lawsuit, class action.

    Third, who gives a crap? I haven’t seen TC tell anyone even once to buy your products. In fact, he tells people NOT to buy them! So if someone does decide, for some reason, to buy them through his website, despite his not endorsing you, does that mean he didn’t play a role in sending you that sale?

    I’m an affiliate for David DeAngelo, Joseph Matthews, Carlos Xuma, and Mystery Method. All those offers convert great and they don’t “withhold” funds when throwing a temper tantrum. I’m sure TC, if he is indeed an affiliate, will sorely miss your paltry affiliate fees as his Art Of Approaching book converts like mad – the guy probably makes more money than you do!

    I’ll be sure to tell all my affiliate friends in the market to stay away from your site, Ross. After all, affiliates only want to work with merchants who PAY THEM!!!!!

  14. Simple says:

    Arguing with Ross is a total waste of time. He doesn’t argue to see reason or compromise. He bickers on these sites and insults others to gain publicity, feed his over-engorged ego, and to preach his infallibility above all else. And as nasty as that looks typed, I do not mean it in an offensive way. This is simply what I’ve observed from HUNDREDS of communications with his students. And yes, he has dealt with me directly before (attacked, belittled, and been generally nasty where there was no business being so).

    Of course, explaining this to Ross is like trying to explain the benefits of psychiatry to a Scientologist. He/they just won’t hear it.

    It’s a waste of time trying to make him come your way, unless you admit you are undeniably wrong, kiss his ass and agree with everything he says, or stay silent. When you choose to be silent, it’s generally assumed (by him) that you agree with him.

    I’d say I feel badly for the guy and his suffering, but it seems that any genuine compassion shown to him is either ignored or actively resisted, as if he were being patronized. Hard to show sympathy for someone who targets and belittles the sympathizer.

    It’s a no-win situation. :(

  15. Dan says:

    Wow, and to think I used to like Ross’ stuff. He got pretty screwed up, didn’t he? Sad.

    Brilliant people are often misunderstood. But Ross isn’t brilliant… he’s just an asshole. There’s a huge difference.

  16. Maxxy says:

    Hey! Anyone saying ross doesn’t know anything about women or about what he is teaching is so fu**ing closed minded it’s ridiculous. Ross KNOWS how to change the “VIBE” you have which I have found barely nowhere else at all! His latest INNER GAME techniqes are Genious. I can’t stand this guy rambling on with his innacurate accusations against ross, he might as well have a sign on his forehead saying “I hate Ross and everything he says must be wrong”. You who wrote this letter is SO full of this its unbelievable. Ross is a great teacher if you are openminded enough to really test the stuff he teaches. But go ahead and live in your ignorant world if that what makes you happy. Ross looks cool calm and collected in the show and he really tries to get across to Windi but she’s so busy reading on her screan she seems to hear a fraction of what he is saying. She also seemed very unprepared. Ross did all he could and I think he had some good points even though it must have been difficult to get anything across on THAT show.

  17. Hypnorealm says:

    The only thing that RJ has done wrong so far is not suing you fuckers for defamation of chatacter spreading a bunch of bull crap about him! But one thing that has never dawned on you RJ haters and perhaps never will is that it is very possible that he is being compassionate on you because he understands that the dominant programming in you guys is what keeps you from understanding his work. You guys have learned some “pick-up lines” and some things to regurgitate, that have gotten you laid, and still have the programming that youve always had, which is the evidence a very low quality identity. Im sure RJ can attest to this. If a student “learns” any particular technology and never has an inward emotional and mental change, and gets on the path of continual growth and development. Its like pouring water into the sewer. Plus if RJ’s brilliant technology was so widely accepted that would mean that everyone is as smart as RJ and his students. And that is OBVIOUSLY not the case!

  18. bonju patten says:

    Ross is the creepy version of Hugh Hefner – well – he could be his son! Only Hugh wears PJs all the time. Ross is an over aged thinking he is so cool – narcissist socially unacceptable jewish male with a fetish for women only pedophiles desire. Wow-he’s creepy

  19. I. Know says:

    Ross Jeffries is unable to get over the fact that he was sexually abused as a child. Rather than deal with it, he has chosen to take his rage, impotency, and pain out on others. Sad.

  20. Anton says:

    It sounds like people do not appretiate good work…all these guys cussing Ross are all guys that have researched his stuff, use his stuff and then say its shit…there are many pick up teachers out there…all with different personalities…ross gets a bit needy….mystery gets a bit depressed….Style Writes books about possible disasters…i cud name some thing negative about all of them…so ross might get pissed of with a few of you and make mistakes…nothing gives you haters the right to cus him of completely…if you are all like me, HUMAN, you will have a negative side and you wernt getting any pussy before you heard about Ross Jeffries…thats why you all on this dicussion now…can you guys not just be grateful of what you got right now…

  21. Jake says:

    I admit I was skeptical when I read on Wendi’s site that she could cure premature ejaculation. But with her help I can now cum wherever and whenever I want. Thanks so much, Wendi, for helping me to cum!

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