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The Fifth Best Pick Up Artist In The World

January 28, 2008 by  
Filed under Field Report

So as many of you know, I rated Brad P. #5 on my top 10 best PUA list of 2007.  Funny story – Brad P actually went out and used that ranking to his advantage to pick up a girl, and he wanted to share the story with everyone.

So check out Brad’s field report on the advantages of being the fifth best PUA out there.  =)

I’m the #5 Rated Pickup Artist in the World!!

First off thanks to Thundercat for having the balls to put
me on his list even with me being new to the community and not knowing most of
the other guys who are on the list. People scoff at the list and say it’s dick crack, but there’s no denying that
everyone pays attention to it. It’s a great honor to be named #5 by Thundercat,
who has been around the scene longer than anyone.

I’m gonna tell you guys a story from 2 weeks ago when I
randomly blurted out "I’m the #5 rated pickup artists in the world"
in set and it got me laid, but first let me introduce myself to those who don’t
know me.

I learned to pick up women by going out 7 days a week for 8
months straight in 2004 and studying under some of the greatest naturals ever
to walk the earth. By the time 2005 rolled around, I had gotten so good at it that many of my friends were encouraging me to start a class.
As luck would have it, I lost my job around that time and I needed to make a
little cash to get by, so i decided to try it. I already had a psychology
degree, and worked for 7 years as a social worker, basketball coach, and mental
health caseworker. So moving in the "motivational speaker" direction
was very natural for me. I had been working with at-risk urban teens, a
population that was sometimes resistant to help, so it was very refreshing to
start working with adult men who wanted to learn and grow.

Throughout 2005, I held seminar in the upstairs dining room
of a pizza place in Manhattan. It was all word of mouth and guys would come in
and pay $40 to sit and eat pizza while I talk off the top of my head about
picking up women. It was loose and unstructured, but it was working. All the
guys who took the class were getting success. I mean like 100% of them were
starting to score. So things took off mighty quickly from there. It was like I
had the secret to life or something.

Within 6 months, the community guys started showing up to
class and asking me stuff like "Can you give me a little help with A3?" Since I was
entirely self taught, I had no idea what they were talking about, I just tried
to help them out the best I could knowing what I know. I’ve never studied
Mystery Method. I don’t know Mystery or
Style or any of those guys, so it was a bit strange to me at first to try to
understand the terminology of the community.

One good thing that came of it was that the students
actually brought me into the community with their constant nagging "Did
you read ‘The Game?’ What do you think of RSD training?" etc ect ect. For
the first few months I tried to get them
to just stay focused on practicing their game, but eventually I had to learn
about the seduction community. The community guys had completely take over
my seminars. At first there was only a
few of them, but as time went on they were a bigger and bigger percentage of
the class. By early 2006, about 80% of the guys in my class were community
guys, and I had to get really on point with the terminology. Gotta give the
people what they want.

My true induction into the community came when I went to
speak at the Cliff’s List Conference in Montreal. I found the level of
cooperation and collaboration to be very exciting. So many guys all around the
world working toward the same goal. It
was amazing to me.

Around this time I also started offering in-field training.
Guys had been asking about it for a while. I used to just tell them "You
gotta find David DeAngelo and the RSD guys, they’re the only one’s who do
that." Sounds funny now, but they were the only ones I had heard of. Lord
knows how much business RSD probably picked up because of me not knowing who
did what.

The in-field trainings I did were a blast. We were just
getting crazy and hitting on every girl we could find. Guys were getting
results, I was writing LRs on mASF. It was a very exciting time. The more I
worked, the more word was getting around, and business was getting bigger and
bigger. I started refining all my teaching techniques, and I started doing
anything I could to brainwash my students into succeeding.

I realized that I was in a unique position because I had
access to the greatest naturals around and also to thousands of guys who wanted
to learn. So I made it my mission to take everything I learned from the
naturals and funnel it into the community any way I could. This is when I
started putting out CDs and eBooks. I interviewed the naturals and played the
interviews in my seminars, and it eventually became my "Interviews with
Naturals" CD set. From summer ’06 to summer ’07, I went on a tear, putting

"Instant Attraction" (a book on openers),

"The Underground Dating Seminar" on 12 CDs

"Interviews with Naturals"

"Social Circle Club Game"

"Planning the Perfect Date"

"How to Beat Approach Anxiety"

and "Brad’s Fashion Bible"

Right now I’m working on restructuring the learning process
of pickup so it takes people 1 year to get good instead or 3 or 4. I’m using
all the tricks I learned as a basketball coach and social worker to get that
figured out.

Now back to this #5 rating, Thundy isn’t the only guy who
rated me #5, I’m also #5 on The Modern Savage list.  So when Thundy’s list came out, I said to myself "The
critics all agree, I must be the #5 PUA in the world. How did this happen?" I called up my mom
and said "Your son is now the #5 rated pickup artist in the world."
It was pretty hilarious.

That same night, I had a student who had flown in from
Norway to train with me 1on1. The only problem was that I was getting really
sick. I had a 102 temperature and my throat was killing me. I should have
stayed home. But you can’t just call out sick when a guy flies halfway around
thew world to achieve his life’s biggest goal, so off I went to train him. I was totally out of it. I
knew my teaching would be OK because I’d be able to see what he was doing wrong, but my game would be sloppy
as hell and the demo sets might suck ass.

Sure enough, my game
was sloppy. It didn’t worry me though. When you get really good at this,
there’s really nothing that can stop
you. Even with slow reaction times and low energy, I know I can attract women
using other parts of my game to my advantage. In this case, I didn’t want to
get laid or get makeouts cause I might get the girl sick. All I wanted to do
was give the student solid demo sets.

First approach of the night: We’re in a record store on
Hollywood Blvd around 7pm. Sort of like a day game setting. I see a scantily
clad back chick with a rack that could stop traffic. She was walking around
with her friend. Looks like they’re the only young attractive girls in the
place, so I’m going in. "Hey do you guys know anyplace around here where I
can find cotton candy this time of night?"

Side note on this opener, it’s really not a great opener,
but I like it because I’ve used it so many times. Back when I was first
learning, it was the only opener I had. So I’ve used it hundreds of times. The
opener doesn’t have to be great if you know your contingencies well. By using
the same opener over and over, you will always know what’s coming next, and you
will have deadly follow up material. I call these "contingencies." I
know lots of great contingencies for this opener.

In this case, the girls thought the opener was really cute,
and they opened up to us really quickly. Turns out they were in from Riverside, about an hour away,
and they were gonna go out drinking later. The black girl was chatty and
scattered, it was kind of hard to keep up with her in my weakened state. After a few minutes, she seemed to be
getting a bit high on herself, which is never good in the beginning. She
started talking about how she does photo shoots and public appearances.
"I’m on the cover of ______ magazine this month," she said. I
answered "Really? That’s cool. I’m the #5 rated pickup artist in the
world. Just found out today." She looked a bit stunned and confused by
that, as did my student. I continued "It’s no big deal, even if you know
who I am, I’ll still pick you up easily if I want to."

Sloppy game! I’m a cocky asshole! I was laughing in my head
thinking what a big mistake this was. From a technical standpoint, you never go
tit for tat with a girl who’s trying to impress you. It’s better to just act
tentatively impressed, but like you’ve seen it a million times.

Or maybe not such a mistake in this case…. she looked at
me and her eyes got real big. She tilted her head way to one side and said
"Ok…wheeeeeeeee" and she jumped in the air and spread her legs like
she was about to get fucked. It turned into a role play. I was the pickup
artist guy, she played the part of the stereotypical bimbo who will go along
with anything.

We moved on to other topics and exchanged numbers. The girls
invited us to meet them at a bar later, but we had lots of work to do so we
didn’t end up meeting them.

We texted and talked on the phone the next day. Then she
came by my house with her friend the day after that. Me and my roommates were
having movie night, so I had invited them over for that. They stayed 10 minutes
then left. The friend had to work early or something. It was totally weird. She
texted me a bunch saying how sorry she was after they left. I told her don’t
worry about it. I think you can’t get mad at stuff like this or treat it like a
big deal. I decided to just run my usual game. She was texting me all the time
and I’d play hard to get and ignore her sometimes. Other times I’d hit her back
right away. This is my standard brand of "confusion game." It keeps
the girls on the edge of their seats.

A week later I was
out with one of my friends and we ran into her and her friends again. This time
it was kind of the same, her friends dragged her away to go smoke weed. 20
minutes later she called to see where I was cause she wanted to hang out again. I told her I’m
about to leave so you may have missed your chance. Sorry I’m such a big tease.
I wanted to set up the right amount of tension so the girl would come out and
meet me all alone without any friends to
get in the way.

It worked pretty well, and she ended up coming to my house
all alone yesterday. There was so much sexual tension from the teasing that no
more gaming was really necessary at this point. We pretty much went straight to
the sex within 30 minutes of her getting to my house. It was a nice night after
that. We went out to dinner at a bar (I think a dinner date is fine for first
date as long as you have sex first). Some of her friends were there, a few of
her orbiter guys were there. She was telling me the bad stories about how guys
hit on her, like "I’ve been noticing you around here for a few months now,
and just couldn’t get the courage up to talk to you…." So bad! I said
"He should have just asked you where to find cotton candy."

Then we came back to my place and had a very romantic
evening. I learned a bunch more about her. She’s 20. Nice girl. Taking time off
from school. Loves music and fashion. I was trying not to comment on her boobs.
Damn, those were some huge boobies! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love me some big boobies.
This girl was skinny with no fat on her, but the boobs were an F cup. Do you
understand the magnitude of that? It’s what comes after DDD. I’ve seen some big
boobs in my day, but never an F! And they’re natural! OK, I think I caught my
breath now. 

Hope it was an enjoyable read for you. If you’re looking for
more of my stuff, here’s a few fun facts and sources for you:

- My site is, but there’s not much
content there. I’m too busy teaching and hanging with my girls to do much
website work. Better to get on my email list, which is at the bottom of the nav
bar. I send tips you can use to the list.

- I also have 40+ LRs on mASF and they’re full of things you
can use.

- You won’t find me in any mainstream media sources. I’ve
turned down over 30 offers for TV specials, magazine interviews, documentaries,
even a reality TV show. That’s why it’s called "The Underground Dating

And lastly, props and respect to all the guys on the list.
Big congrats to Mystery for being #1. Of the guys I have seen who are on this
list, they do have game. Swingcat seems to have massive game. Savoy of
TMM/LoveSystems has hot girls hanging all over him every time I see him. And
Sinn’s gotta to be a favorite for getting #1 next year.

Let’s all keep it moving forward and let’s all do a great
job for the new guys who are learning. We can all be great teachers and great
role models, and this gets better results for everyone.

Get Your Free Guide Here!


18 Responses to “The Fifth Best Pick Up Artist In The World”
  1. ShoeMichael says:

    For those looking to learn the art of picking up beautiful women, you have to buy Victoria Zdrok’s book “Dr. Z on Scoring: How to Pick Up, Seduce and Hook Up with Hot Women.” It is a great book and she is amazing. We all have a lot to learn from her!

  2. As I understand, you weren’t saying it he wasn’t saying it to impress her, but to have fun.
    And it worked because of that very fact.

    He was amusing himself, having fun with the girl and was projecting his true personality (being a bit cocky).

    Man just wait for the guys to use this as a routine “Hey girls, blahblah… Oh yeah, I’m the 5. pickup artist on the world!”

  3. Sinn says:

    That’s awesome!!!

    Classic self amusement.

    I can’t wait to hang in Vegas at the Superconference…



  4. mc says:

    can u spell a.s.s kissing?brad toungue down thundercat..lame from brad talks i guess…thxs God i downloaded his stuff

  5. ROBBINS says:


  6. Bruce Min says:

    Perhaps I could find my way onto your list at some point.

    I’ve had field experience with over 2,000 women. If that’s not impressive, then I don’t know what is.

    I know what types of techniques work, and what ones don’t. I know how to be yourself and still get the girl you want. It’s all in congruency.

    Want to know more? Check me out sometime.

    - Bruce

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    The Fifth Best Pick Up Artist In The World : Thundercat’s Seduction Lair…

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