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SteviePUA Is Back!

January 25, 2008 by  
Filed under News

So one of the old timers from Mystery’s Lounge, SteviePUA, is now back in the mix it seems.  Stevie was always an interesting guy who posted great material on the Lounge, but he alsso used to keep a few online journals about his exploits before he disappeared for a while.

So imagine my surprise when I got this email from Stevie a while back:

I hope your dad is doing ok. I read about him on your site a number of times recently. I wish him and you my best regards.
and your readers might enjoy a lot of the new material I have made
available for the first time – new audio, video and posts.
I’ve just put up an Interview Series with one of the best PUAs I’ve met in Asia.
I’ve got a new, improved journal site which is in sections – field/lay
reports, field techniques, game theory etc. In additional it includes
an archive of my posts.
The address for the main site is
and the journal URL is
Best wishes for 2008!

Stevie PUA.

I’m looking forward to seeing more stuff from Stevie in the future.  If you haven’t been exposed to Stevie’s stuff before, take some time and check it out!
Get Your Free Guide Here!

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