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Pick Up Women In Bars (The Basics)

April 10, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Sonics over at mASF has a pretty good post up about the fundamentals of picking up women in bars.  Check it out:

Sonics writes:
Bar basics:

1) “The girl on her way from A to B has no time for me.”

Say and repeat, don’t grab girls by the arm, that’s weird!


Let her get to where she’s trying to go. If she gave you good eye
contact, then yeah go ahead and lightly touch her with the back of your
hand and game her. But for the most part “The girl on the way from A to
B has no time for me.” Say this to your self, let it marinate, say it
again and we’ll move on.


2) Girls sitting down are easier to pickup and get to know.  Just sit with them


3) Girls standing are easier to isolate.


4) If a girl is alone and not talking to anyone, she isn’t alone. If
she’s attractive she’s worth your time. These are the girls that will
love your company.


5) If a girl smokes, don’t tell her you don’t like girls that smoke unless you’re about to bust one out and smoke yourself.


6) If you’re talking to a girl and she is just hideously rude or does
something you really don’t like… eject out. Ex: she’s really drunk,
she’s swinging bottles, venting on you for something you had nothing to
do with… just move on


7) Leave each interaction with a smile.  Think of something funny.


8 )  I never really understood Rafc… Try not to get turned down more than you get turned on, approach the girls you want.  I’ll say this, 10 1 minute sets doesn’t equal one 10 minute set in experience/learning.


9) HAVE FUN!!!! This is really all that matters. (period)   


10) You’ll have more/easier success on the dance floor if you show up
and start dancing when the first groups of girls start dancing. Around
10 PM. You can leave after awhile and always go back to those same
girls. Then if you’d like you can use them as social proof and pawn off


11) Go indirect with intention on the hired guns.


12) Drinking alcohol: Have fun be safe and know that you’ll learn more
if you were sober. I’ve personally noticed a direct correlation with my
alcohol consumption and f-closes.
1 to 5 to 2. One time when I’m trashed for every 5 times that I have a
3-4 drink buzz and finally two lays sober. For me at 23 that’s how it
is and I enjoy a buzz when taking that step.


13) Young girls love the DD (designated driver).  You can then designatedly drive them to a place to eat or to somewhere.


14) Girls will drive a drunk guy home. Girls will also pick a drunk guy
up, call some of your girlfriends… it’s too easy at that point.


15) Write field reports: You won’t remember the logistics of what
happened if you were drunk. Even if you are a brand spankin’ newbie and
your field report says something like this “I saw this really pretty
girl standing at the bar a few feet away from me just waiting for her
drink, I should have gone up to her and said hi.” That’s pretty weak;
but I believe that if you actually write it out you’ll be more likely
to approach a girl in a similar situation next time. I’ve been there
and it sucks.


16) Being innovative is the funnest.


17) How to become a VIP (the abridged version, love you djozer): Get
good with your social skills and show up to the same place a lot, once
a week is plenty. You don’t even really need to tip well; but once you
do it will be expected. Actually make friends with these people and
they won’t even take a big tip from you.


18) Your body speaks: What you say isn’t necessarily what the girl
you’re talking to is hearing… ex: You’re 10 minutes into an interaction
you’re looking deep into her eyes like your about to pound the living
daylights out of her… she’s looking back at you with a glint of passion
and lust and you’re talking about how your grandma crochets the
craziest doilies. I hope you can see that. You can get tons of stuff on
body language from any guru.


19) Be yourself: If you don’t think being yourself works you’re not
being your true self. The you that gets what you want with little
effort, the you that achieves things you haven’t even thought of yet.
This is what I’m here for.


20) “Attraction is not a choice” DYD: he’s right.


21) Once you have attraction you decide what happens.


22) Your social intuition is everything… you’ll get this with experience.


23) Everything works. There are girls that will appreciate the gesture
of buying them a drink. There are girls that cheesy pickup lines will
work on. “I’m a like Michigan snow storm I’ll give you ten inches and
you won’t want to leave your house for days.” (Not recommended)


24) Everything you learn in this community is a guideline or a rule of
thumb, not a law. After you develop your social intuition you’ll bend
rules and skip guidelines. Here’s proof: Time constraints are sweet,
they basically instantly disarm the set. Well, I’m 99% sure your dad
didn’t use one on your mom and he had you.



Don’t breathe on people technique: Direct your breath away from people
when you talk with them. Seriously bad breath is gross, I’ve noticed
the guys that talk with me don’t normally aim their breath away and I
can’t see how they would aim it away with girls. Learn to love gum when
you’re in the field. Don’t smack it just chill with it in your mouth
giving it the eventual chew.

The real trick to bars (at least in my opinion) is to be as high-energy as possible.  People go to bars to have fun and unwind.  Typically, you have lots of loud music too, so if you are abile to keep up with the general pulse of the venue, you will usually do pretty well.  If you’re just not a high energy guy, or you’re having a bad night, maybe the bar scene just isn’t for you.

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3 Responses to “Pick Up Women In Bars (The Basics)”
  1. Modern Man says:

    Everything but this part was cool “Don’t breathe on people technique: Direct your breath away from people when you talk with them.”

    How about my technique of “Don’t care”…works so much better, trust me.


  2. Brian ZooZoo says:

    bi`aaa~tch (noun)

    a hot girl, one that gives you goosebumps, or a cocky way of saying a beautiful female.

    Chapter 1: The Key

    Please keep in mind that although we all have different DNA, everyone can learn the basic skills in achieving an edge and wooing a biaaatch! It’s never been about fancy cars or loads of money, although it doesn’t hurt! To sum it up in a clamshell, there is only one word that is the “Key.” “ATTITUDE,” has been my secret to success with biaaatches my whole life.

    I want you to stop for a second and really think about what I just told you, even if you have to tattoo this somewhere on your body (Just don’t sue me later). Next, stand in front of a mirror and scream “attitude!!!” If your neighbors think you’re a little kookoo, who cares? Now, grab your pen and write it down nine times. Attitude is everything, regardless of your looks, status or age. A strong, optimistic attitude is what drives the force of attraction. In simplistic terms, “Life is what we perceive it to be.”

    check out http://www.howtowooabiaaatch.com for more insight

  3. Webb.org says:

    966941 199629Wohh exactly what I was searching for, regards for posting . 835716

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