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The Ultimate Number Close

April 13, 2006 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

This is… well, it has to be seen to be believed.


Wow.  Just… Wow.


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58 Responses to “The Ultimate Number Close”
  1. JTrash says:

    You guys are pathetic, who the fuck cares what Style does or doesn’t do? He isn’t some important figure to be scrutinized.

    And hell, if you paid for a bootcamp and feel like it didn’t help you, then sue. Then you can go back to being a pussy who complains on the internet about non-important people doing non-important things.

  2. l0vech1ld says:



  3. :OP says:

    And you can be the pussy internet guy who complains about other internet guys.

  4. bobo says:

    You know, I think it’s possible that game just atrophied. when you don’t work a muscle out for a certain amount of time it begins to weaken. Having a girlfriend (real or make-believe)could have left the dude behind where he used to be. I mean, it’s possible.
    What I don’t get is why he always has to rely on the same damn routines all of the time if he’s so good. Even when he’s being interviewed he has the brittney spears thing as a routine “… and so I told myself, the game’s worked on everyone else…”
    In the past people were saying “learn routines, then you understand the structure and don’t have to use them…” why would the master of the handsolo method still need training wills? Idunno. just a couple things to think about….
    sorry for the interruption guys

    FLAME ON!!!

  5. Medusa says:

    I experimented with the jealous girlfriend opener, but reversed it using myself and my current girlfriend. Mainly because I just don’t care. Most chicks feel at ease with guys who already have girlfriends, and as you know, most hot chicks already have boyfriends. So I told this girl I just met at a bar in Finland that my girlfriend just sent me an SMS (text message) that she was meeting an old b-friend for dinner. I wanted to get her opinion on that, if she thought it was ok or not, and what she thought if the roles were reversed. Easily opened the conversation, as she wasn’t feeling hit on at all. Some may say this would make you appear like the jealous boyfriend, but I just said, I don’t really care, we ain’t married. I got her number, and will probably call her when I go back to Finland. I only date 10′s, and I don’t really sharpen my game on anything unworthy. I consider myself a natural PUA, and would not run out of material if I had to spend a 8 hour flight sitting next to a hb I just met. I have done that many times already – - I get lucky sometimes and have hbs sitting next to me, but I do fly alot.

  6. 305629 617027Yeah bookmaking this wasn?t a bad decision excellent post! . 200617

  7. 104555 823840U never get what u expect u only get what u inspect 973771

  8. 886285 974906not everyone would need to have a nose job but my girlfriend actually needs some rhinoplasty coz her nose is kind of crooked- 223545

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