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Appologies for Lack Of Posts

August 22, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Again, sorry for letting a week go by with no new updates on the site.  Things are so crazy for me right now.  I’m trying to settle into a routine where I spend a few hours a day on the blog, but it’s getting harder and harder now that the summer is coming to a close and work is starting to pile up.  *grrrrr*

If any of you guys want to make my job easier by emailing me links to interesting posts and articles on the internet, please feel free to do so.  I plan to keep updating the site on a semi-regular basis as much as I can.

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5 Responses to “Appologies for Lack Of Posts”
  1. ADOLF HITLER says:


  2. Mars says:

    And some one named Adolf Hitler isnt??? I heard you only have one ball and are gay, also there was recent study showing that germans have the smallest penises of all Europeans

  3. Peter says:

    Hahahaha! Well, that’s what you get for getting romantically involved with your niece. Twice.

  4. Eek says:

    Thanks for the work you do, anyway. We need somebody to do specific covering of the seduction community, and you’ve done a swell job of that. (I’ve switched to more self-development related themes partially due to that.)

    -Eek (blog @ http://allfall.blogspot.com – Seduction/influence/exercise/NLP/hypnosis)

  5. John says:

    Has Thundercat a girlfriend and is settling down for a long term relationship ? Congratulations man and wish you the best, any succesor ?

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