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Fidentia Workshop Review

June 7, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Alek sent in a rather long and detailed workshop review of the new kids on the block — Fidentia.  Its probably one of the longest posts ever made, but its still a good read, and pretty favorable for the Fidentia guys.  I’m posting it here in full for your reading pleasure.

Ok this is going to be my review on the Fidentia (CROATIA) workshop. It’s written exactly 1 week after the end of the workshop. Mostly it’s going to deal with me giving you a rundown of the actual workshop without revealing things that are exclusive to the workshop. Secondary is noting on the quality of the workshop and instructors. Then are my personal thoughts on how much, and to whom I would recommend this workshop. And finally how good is the post workshop support, i.e. success. This review comes as an extract from a 30 something page handwritten summary and notes I have of the workshop in my journal. So I feel like I am castrating the workshop by trying to shove it into a readable number of pages. So there are unbelievable things I would like to share, but unfortunately I am only going to share the best, most interesting etc…

Ok starting first with the obligatory background (Pre-WS) intro on myself. I was a guy who up until 18 years old was an obese computer geek, who never socialized outside his “circle of lamers” and never was really all that interested in girls. Then at 18 I started for some reason improving myself, dressing better, losing a ton of weight and getting some decent muscle. At this time I also fell for this one girl so I did an online search for a nagging question I had about her and found all these politically correct forums where I got answers that even though they sounded logically correct, they didn’t ring true. So then I discovered the Don Juan boards, they gave me the answer that I could feel was true in my guts (and it worked with that particular girl).

So then I started reading the basic articles on rapport, conversation, getting dates etc… The really simple and to-the-point articles (this is quite important in relation to what I discover on the Fidentia workshop). I would read one article; I would go out there, apply it and get AWESOME results. I would read another, apply it, and double my success. I was meeting girls all around me and I had girls developing crushes on me, I had developed this natural charisma. Girls were approaching me, asking their friends to introduce us… Hell I got my first kiss when a girl grabbed me and started making out with me. Life was good. But THEN all of a sudden it all crushed down.

I got hubris and I got shut down HARD by the circle of lamers i.e. society. They installed so many fucked up beliefs in me, they could have been NLP experts for all I know… At this time I also fell into the trap (because of the initial success)… That “hey more reading = more results”. So I developed this thing where I was buying 4-5 books on self-help a month. I was spending 3-4 hours a day KJ-ing on the “community” forums. I was subscribed to every single newsletter. I was buying seduction products… The whole lot! God I am ashamed of even thinking back to those years. I learned everything there is to learn and never ever even so much as went out and said a Hi to a stranger… Yep… I failed at the DonJuan (Saying Hi Mission) bootcamp 3 times… To summarise, I have spent the last 2 years in the place of a KJ, a seduction materials junkie, and never so much as did a single cold approach or even met girls in social circles.

Then some 2 months ago… I finally broke down and said this is it, I have got to start to build a life. I severely cut down on the computer, reading etc… It improved somewhat… But then I did the ultimate act… I unsubscribed from all newsletters, deleted all materials from the hard drive (including porn), commited to not be able to do anything else until I at least approached a certain number of girls, stopped masturbation cold turkey. And then I had the most success in the month before the WS, I did a lot of meeting girls in social circles, befriending people, and I even did my first EVER semi-cold approach (it was an approach invitation). In other words I finally started on the path you need to walk to ultimately become a successful integral, social person who is good with women. Then due to some circumstances it came out that in that exact month I got an email from shark that it was most advisable for me to take the WS then… I had deposited for it a long time before.


My first day in Zagreb, the day before the workshop, starts with me informally meeting Ranko Magami a.k.a. Shark. First… my impressions. When I first saw Shark I was like… Ok this is not it… This is… Like, this can’t be Shark. At least he’s probably toning himself down for the WS… I am getting thoughts like… He can’t be THIS average looking and casual… He probably wears better clothes usually. He probably wears his hair or facial hair differently… Naaah, he’s faking this… “He wanted to appear as casual and average looking as possible for the WS” – I’m thinking. Compared to the general public he’s the exact average guy… Compared to the community… He looks less than average, I mean… Most of everyone in the community is much better dressed, groomed and showing off their assets than he is, yes even the Keyboard Jockeys.

There was (in my thoughts) not a single thing about him that would if you were to see him walking down the street indicate he’s a playboy…  At least that’s what I thought at that moment with the social conditioning from before the workshop. Today after the workshop I look at things much differently, and can much better recognize who the real deal is. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. We talk some general stuff. I am exhausted and unfortunately have to cut this conversation short to get some sleep for the WS.

My first WS day… So my official instructor is going to be Atilla, a good friend of Ranko and a semi-natural (my judgement)… I meet Ranko, Atilla and my co-student (officially the coolest guy I have met in my life) Olaf. So we start with the debriefing. I really appreciated this part of the WS, because it showed just how personalized and how well fitted it is to the person attending. The debriefing was basically Atilla getting to know our backgrounds, our goals, desires and to set some basic framework and direction for our WS. In this short conversation of ours he understands quite well where we’re coming from.

He disperses a boatload of wisdom, advice, tips and methods… Which unfortunately for me, I do not catch, so I would recommend that when you do the debriefing; definitely have pen & paper handy. I learn at this point his background (why I call him semi-natural)… He was always the guy who approached, who had the guts to try, who had social proof… But he never was good with the follow-up and attracting of women (self-proclaimed at this time wussy)… so he got involved into the community to learn to be better with women. I connected with him well because he too is into self-help, nlp, books etc… Except he went out there and used it (ooops) : )… In any case I would rate this part of the workshop quite highly now, because I could see during the workshop that it was a highly functional part and not just a symbolic act like some people complain with other workshops. He actually made good use of all this in making the workshop quite personalized and fitting to the individual.

He makes good use of the fact that Olaf had done a lot of approaches so he uses the end of the debriefing to send me in with him at a seated 2-set. I officially do my first totally cold approach and it goes just ok, as in neutral. And I get my first glimpse at how Attila does what he does. He explains a single concept in a few sentences and it sticks with you. Unlike some people who make 12 DVD products on just that one simple concept (sigh). So he introduces me in this particular set to 2-3 concepts I should have known and used. Which to me are instant AHAs!!

So we depart until the official start of the workshop. In the meantime until Attila and Olaf appear I decide to approach for directions one girl with keeping in mind the 2 of the 3 concepts that Attila introduced. Even though I approached with an obvious excuse (directions) I get an awesome reaction from the girl. So yeah I decide these 2-3 are a MUST at any approach, and actually come up with a fail proof exercise based on these 2 that anyone can do at any time to at least start approaching. I soon meet Attila and Olaf at our meeting place… And IMMEDIATELLY Attila grabs me by the hand and shows me some girls to approach, while giving me a good excuse (material)… It goes on pretty cool actually from the start (so I get my first great opening), but then it fizzles out as I have nothing more to say… And this is important in how Attila works; he comes up with ingenious exercises and material on the spot. He makes it so you do the approach with no hesitation, you learn what you needed to learn… and it’s no longer a problem… At which point you come back to him, asking for the next step on the sequence as you now have a higher quality problem :D .

Somewhere at this point Olaf is complaining how he doesn’t like places where all the girls just want to dance (was a salsa place haha), and asks Attila for specific advice. He gets it… And then when I tell him I love to dance and get much attention and interest when I do it… On-the-spot he gives me (demonstrates) to me a way to get girls on the dance floor. Just like that, instantly. In fact the explanation he gave me… If DeAngelo got a hold of it, he’d make a whole product out of it called “Meeting women while dancing in bars and clubs”… But I digress.

The point is that he gives you these golden pieces of advice, you go AHA, and never have to worry about that thing ever again At this point we do a venue change and go to a karaoke bar. Here we learn about winging as Attila shares with us in a couple of sentences the most crucial concepts needed for winging… And sends us off into a set… Sorry, again no 5 DVD explanations on “Winging tactics and methods”. I do not do as well on this set so when ejecting Attila explains to me body language stuff in a couple of sentences and from then on I execute it perfectly for every following approach. We do a couple of other seated sets, we do openings flawlessly, we get into fluff talk for 3-4 minutes and then we eject.

Interesting! Before I couldn’t open right, then my problem was not being able to stay after the opener. And now my problem was I didn’t know what to do once I got girls attracted to me… speaking of a high-quality problem!! At this point we make on average some 2 belief-changing realizations after every set and Attila’s debriefing on them (not exaggerating at all!!). He then gives us a cool exercise to do on interest indicators, and then a really awesome exercise for coming up with situational openers on the fly. After some 5-6 approaches we venue change.

So we approach sets and now opening is natural, no problem, fluff talk goes awesome but I keep ejecting saying I ran out of things to say. So Attila (again in a couple of sentences) explains to me how to go into rapport. At this time he also quite well explains the steps of advancing… When to advance and how… So after him doing his unbelievable simplified magic I do my next set, get into awesome rapport with this girl and advance smoothly from one step, to the other, to the other… and we’re doing the basic touching at this point. Then we do an interesting winging technique we learned from Attila and change girls at this point. So with this other one… I go even deeper, I am caressing her hair… she’s really into me… and I get her phone number and set up a date for the next day. Shiiiaat. This is my first ever instant phone number and date set-up. In the debriefing Attila gives me an awesome kiss close/test technique I could have used.

Mid-review notice: The interesting thing to note is how fast progress is made on this workshop. Just 2 hours before I had trouble opening right, and now I am getting ready to kiss close, setting dates, getting numbers… And pre-ws I never ever even opened!! How’s that for progress haha : )

So I do a few more sets, they all go pretty well and then a big shift occurs… I actually do 2 approaches out on my own, no-one told me to. I just do them, spontaneously. Hmmm… interesting. The place closes and the girl I number closed actually passing by grabs me by the ass *wink* “see you tomorrow” hehehehe! I like that : )

Main belief/behaviour changes on this day: 1) I approached every single kind of set imaginable… seated, standing, loud, quiet, lone wolves to 7-sets (and pre-ws I had never approached even a lone wolf). 2) I acquired the belief (which I will always have from now on) that rejections don’t exist. Really! It’s now a hard ingrained belief in me 3) I don’t give a fuck about anything at all…

Day 2

Day is the best day for the theory stuff that is actually practically useful. In the day we learn a boatload of great exercise on how to develop fluff talk, how to tell stories, how to be interesting. How to talk about anything at all (the most boring facts even) and having them leaning into you with excitement. At this point we also get this special sheet with 28 questions, which when answered bring out great captivating stories. When I saw this sheet, I went YEEEAAAH. I felt like kissing the sheet. After you do this session, you can never EVER again have the excuse that you don’t know what to talk about. You will be bombarding girls if you wanted to after this session.

We learned how to make stories, how to make them unbelievably interesting as well as how to fluff talk. At this time he also disperses about a dozen great general tips and advices on everything from sex to grooming to tricks for making conversations interesting at any point. He also shared some Indicators of interest that I was not aware of and that made me slap my fore head, some things you could have never possibly guessed! He also at this time mentioned a bullet-proof vest for when a girl tries to blow you off on the opening (unbelievably rare with what you learn), it’s just a simple line, but I went YEAH after hearing it. Now the thing is… A lot of the stuff he shares and gives is things you have probably already heard a hundred times, but never used. How come? Coz you have heard/read them among a 1000 other non-useful stuff and filler.

Here on this workshop, you only get the BEST of the BEST of the BEST skimmed and filtered out of the filler. You just get those GOLDEN bullets and nothing else. Yes this workshop is primarily about the overall frame, the higher levels, but still these techniques and tricks are quite useful. You’ve had instructor go thru all the possible crap out there, tried it all and came out and given you only the best, the stuff that you do need to know, use. So when he shares something with you, you accept it, integrate it into you, forget it and basically have it work for you from the start and with every single encounter into the future.

An interesting situation was when our formal part ended and we were chilling… This babe comes walking by the café like she’s THE shit. Everybody is looking at her, and her ego as inflated as it is, gets even bigger. So we ask Attila who she is and he tells us that she’s a Croatian TV star… At this point Olaf stands up and approaches her. From the distance we see that she’s smiling, giving interest indicators to Olaf, the whole lot… Then a freaking photo reporter comes running by and starts taking photos of them two!!! Ha-ha, Olaf you’ll be famous man!

The night:

Not a very good night for me state-wise, no sleep and I looked like shit. But the instructor was so good, that I got awesome results and progress regardless. Also Zagreb was empty (everyone off to the seaside)… so not much to sarge with. But regardless day 2 was a day where he removed our last sticking points. Basically we could hold any set for as long as we wanted to… We only ejected when WE lost interest and basically this day cemented in us all the learning, it all became automatic and just simply natural. The main thing, the main shift on this day was that even when I was away from the instructors and just chilling, honest to god no wanting to approach or anything… I found myself just approaching girls out of the blue, for no specific reason or intent. I am getting awesome attraction and everything without ever giving it a thought.

What did you do to me Attila!?!?

From the dozen or so sets I did… I especially well remember my first direct approach. While we are passing the city square, Attila (obviously noticing I am ready for direct) sends me off to a girl at the bus stop. I approach her, turn her around, look her deep into the eyes and go “I like you, what’s your name”… It wasn’t hard for me to be congruent with this since she was a 9… Should have seen the look on her face, she almost stopped breathing, she was so dazzled… Then there was an odd silence where we just gazed each other like 2 lovers, I felt like I was in a movie or something… and actually I didn’t have to do much, she practically ended up trying to seduce me.

Day 3

Ok this is the day when we get to work with the legendary Shark. He is going to be showing us day-game, but since we were so impressed with his thinking, beliefs and view on the world (he impacted the entire community!!!), we decided to drain every single thing we could from him :D :D So we do some day game approaching and… Lemme tell you something. It WAS scary at first. I finally got that rush of adrenaline and heart pumping and anxiety that I thought I would get the first day. But nooo, that was easy… I can’t believe I never approached in clubs before. A baboon could do it. But day-game was IT. So we learn everything that there is to know in day-game approaching. How to approach (physical part), how to remove mental blocks, how to handle AMOGs/Boyfriends. And most importantly how to go for instant dates… So lemme summarize how the WS gave results.

First approach – girl looks at me with a face of shock, waves her hand and tells me to get lost-. Fifth approach –girl reacts well to my opening, is smiling and receptive, but I eject after opening for having no clue what to do -10-th approach, I get the girl smiling, laughing at my jokes, giving me compliments and giving a clue that she wants an instant date “we’ll continue shopping now”…  All of this achieved with simple 2 sentence briefings from Shark after an approach. One interesting approach was when we were in a bookstore and we see this cute girl leaning against the shelves. She happened to be my type exactly actually.

So Shark sends Olaf, he goes up to her and the last moment… he bails out!! And Shark is like… Go. At this moment I must have changed a few dozen shades of white… I mean Olaf was almost like a role-model to me, and to see him not approach, and then ME approach!!! So I go in there looking like a soldier sent on a kamikaze mission! So I approach her and even though my major BL clues are ok… She reacts confused to my “hi”. So I go ahead with the infamous shark opener “Do you know who you remind me of…?” And she’s like all confused… I’m like “Of some girl I should meet”. I give her my hand and ask her name and she’s like “Eh, no I can’t” [confused face] haha. And this point I’m like I don’t give a fuck about anything so I go “Why the hell not?!”. And she goes “Because you don’t know me and you approached me like you know me.” Hah- she’s a matrix agent! And I’m like yeah whatever… She actually gave me indicators of interest later on?!  Anyhow that was the practical part, and it was good.

But the BEST part of day 3 is getting to spend time with Shark and his philosophy. His view of society and his frame are intoxicating. You can NOT be left unchanged after this session with him. Nothing will seem the same anymore. You will acquire new eyes. You will see the entire game and even the world in general in a different way. Just him sharing his philosophy in the middle of the day-game approaches… It propelled me and Olaf into a different frame and way of doing things. Some things just became laughable after that… Also at the theory/philosophy part he shared with us the way of beating our biggest enemy (the inner game part). It was unbelievably simple, yet profound and powerful.

With the understanding we then got (the highest level of viewing everything)… he went into translating this into practice. How this translates into you always knowing what to say and do with a woman… Because you’re aware of the highest levels that even she’s not aware of consciously. He basically took the whole understanding of women that he imparted upon us and put it into one single weapon. This weapon you use on a woman and she’s pretty much yours. After this session you can never have the excuse of not knowing what to talk to women about or do with them.  And he simplifies things a lot, which is I am certain the key of his success. He pretty much streamlines the entire inner game into 2 -3 concepts and gives you 2-3 tools / weapons to use. You go out, use them and get results. Even though unfortunately I can not go into details and specifics of all the things he shared (I have 10 pages of notes just on this session)… When he unveiled all this on us… I and Olaf were pretty much crushed mentally. Shark drops on you such paradigm shifting things, that basically your brain is fried. After this session you are basically left knowing everything you will ever need to know, you have the whole picture. Shark gives you the pieces of the jigsaw that change everything!! When Shark left us, we both determined that our heads were spinning. Literally, we were simply in shock. So we took shark’s advice who told us “All will be ok, it’ll all fall in place, just go and sleep until the night”… And right he was…

The night:

When I woke up that night I felt an unbelievable sense of centeredness, of calm and inner piece… Shark was right… It all fell into place. It was time to go out and kick ass now. So…This was the best part of the seminar. This was wow… It’s like I spent the whole night basically feeling like I’ve been a natural all my life. I was approaching the best girls in the club, getting awesome results. Going around, having fun, getting indicators of interest from just about every chick in the club… Day 3’s night is basically the time when you get glimpse of what it feels like to be at your best. It’s all a blur to me now, the experience really… The point is, this is where it all comes together. You see what its like to operate at your level 10. We did everything imaginable, mixed sets, 2 sets, 9-sets, 5 amogs and 1 girl sets (don’t ask lol), 10s and 1s… Everything!! It’s the compelling future to shoot for when you come back home. Attila also gave us a sheet, a structure of the approach. Basically a step-by-step guide of the GAME… He did warn us that he dislikes structures, and this is just a rough guideline. BUT hey a giving structure to a computer geek!!! Damn… I felt like I was holding the holy script in my hand he-he

Comments/Critique on the workshop:

What can I say…? It’s a life changing experience. I mean I was the guy who before the workshop was below zero. And I got experience what it’s like to be operating at my 10. But to summarize it as simply and as clearly as possibly; it’s not just about overcoming approaching techniques, anxiety etc… No in fact this workshop is much more advanced; in fact I’d recommend it better to guys who already approach on a regular basis.

The only problem I could see with this is that a lot of the success that you get on the workshop, you get it from catching the instructor’s feelings and frame. They’re contagious. Yet they don’t teach you how to get into that frame/state on your own… So that’s a bit of a problem I see there. Another thing is I guess that relates to shark. He’s awesome for the philosophy/inner game stuff. But (and this is me guessing), I don’t think he would be such a great instructor at night. Because he’s a natural a lot of his best attributes he has unconsciously, so I don’t think he can teach you everything he does. You will get much more from modelling him. On the other hand Attila is the best possible choice for an instructor as he to some extent can identify with a non-natural (he-he, what a word).

The results Attila gets from you are almost like magic, you have no idea how he does it. But he just does. He’s very unstructured and coming up with just the right exercise, explanation or concept on the spot. By the end of the first night all your sticking points will have been removed. This whole thing is not a biggie either. Just mentioning this if anyone has perhaps the chance of picking whether he works with Attila or Shark at night, I’d pick Attila for night and Shark for day. But since I got that in this workshop, I think I got the perfect workshop!! : ) Another issue is obviously the price… Since I’ve deposited the price has been steadily climbing up… All I can say is that I was unbelievably fortunate in that I got to work with Fidentia while it’s still brand new and in the promotional stage.

So I got a workshop with 2 students at 2 instructors for 600$. If you want my honest opinion, which I am sure you want if you’re reading this review… I would definitely if I knew then what I know now, no matter what, done again this workshop for the price I did it at. BUT… if it were the price of say an RSD bootcamp (1500$) and it had for example 6 students (their capped number)… I don’t think I would do it again. But for now while its still hot and upcoming I would urge every ASF kid to do it. Hell if I was rich, I would probably donate a Fidentia WS to every ASF member or at least a session with Shark.

Another random thing I wanna throw in here is their attitude towards the student. It was sooo personalized that at no time do you feel like a client, you feel like you’re visiting your older cousins for help with your game. In fact money never ever even got mentioned. They never mentioned it! It wasn’t until us (the students) were practically going like “can we please pay!?” that money got involved. … In the sense of personalization, we always at all times felt like they understood exactly what we want and are asking for. The workshop was unbelievably flexible and personalized to the student.

Post workshop thoughts:

I know everyone wants to know the how many, what, how, where – post workshop… So lemme first get the practical part out in the open and then get to the stuff that really matters…

I sarged a girl on the train home and got a date… Wherever I went I got 10 times more IOIs than before. I naturally get into flirty conversations with clerks, attendants, strangers. I can without a problem say hi to anyone I want to. I got 3 new acquaintances in my gym in just one week (had none in 4 years previously)… I am funny, relaxed and engaging with people. Oh and I no longer have any excuses, just laziness ha-ha…

Ok happy? : )

Here’s the deal. On this workshop you learn EVERYTHING you will ever need to know in your entire life to get a handle on this. Really! Everything! In fact when I came back… I would look at these books, videos, seminars on dating… and they all seem so FUNNY and ridiculous… Skimming thru ASF seems like watching kids in kindergarten. Yes now I am left without anything to do… It’s scary… They took away all my excuses and creative avoidance away… I no longer need to learn anything new. I no longer need to ask any more questions… My whole paradigm shifted… It’s now no longer a matter of “how will I”, “will I”, “If I will” or anything like that. It’s now just, “when I”. Seriously, since the workshop I live in a state of total centeredness and trust in the future. It’s now just another integrated part of my life, I no longer have to ever worry, think or ponder about it. It’s just natural. Sure… there’s a lot of work left… You don’t come back and live every day like its day 3 of the WS… You drop a bit to a lower level… Usually somewhere between where you were pre workshop and where you were on day 3.  But it’s no longer an issue. It’s something that you will naturally progress in, live a fulfilling life around and just forget about LEARNING. It just becomes a natural part of your life in which you progress at your own pace.

For the logically inclined among you (i.e. all men) it means

Pre-WS: -2 (no kidding, totally asocial guy)
On WS: 9-10 (you name it, I can approach and attract it – in a club)
Post-WS: 3-4 (friendly, social guy who gets flirting and attraction from women easily, but no cold approaches yet)

The common pattern that is apparently seen with this workshop is that guys peak at the workshop, they come back home and drop a few levels (getting to be much above where they were before workshop)… And then eventually over time build themselves back to the Workshop level thank to the post-workshop support. Anyway I feel it in my gut that I can never EVER go back to who I was… It’s simply impossible. They killed that guy literally. I am now at least at the level of the average guy… I know I can get a girlfriend now in the usual ways of acquaintances, social circles without a problem. It’s going to take some time and effort to get to where I want to be ultimately, but I have all the tools, weapons and the exact map now. It’s now just a matter of time. Before the workshop I felt soooo disoriented. I would try one thing, then give up, then try another, then get another product, then do this, then that, then the other newer thing and then!!! Boom I would get depressed. And then frustrated, and then start all over… Now post-Workshop none of that is present… I now have THE map. That’s it… I just need to go and take the journey.

Post-workshop support:

Now when I read a previous review and it said that the private forum in itself is worth the price of the entire workshop, I was thinking “ok, he’s exaggerating”. But lemme tell you, he wasn’t from what I’ve seen so far. I mean, just imagine the fact that it’s a forum filled with people that went thru the exact same experience as you did, before you; the best instructors (in my opinion) on the planet and unlimited support. They go far beyond what their call of duty is from what I can see with the help they’re giving students that they have worked with a looong time ago. And the pattern is just that, they rebuild everyone back to the WS levels and above. I also got a phone call from my instructor Attila :D and he will be calling me back again. : )

In any case… I got from this workshop exactly what I wanted. I got direction, I got focus, I got the how and now I can make some money on Ebay selling my old products :D Anyhow I am actually not that pleased with this review because it in no way does it do justice to the workshop, it just simply can not show just how pleased I am with it. But I had to hold back in fear of writing something that looks like a TV shopping testimonial (god I hate those). What you want to know is whether you should take this workshop? Well I think it was pretty clear by my review that I think every single guy who isn’t Rick H should take this workshop! Now : )

Get Your Free Guide Here!


53 Responses to “Fidentia Workshop Review”
  1. Karl says:

    We really need password-protected private accounts to post from on this site to prevent this kind of stupid name-stealing. :)

    Karl wrote:

    I thought you said Nightlife was a natural?

  2. Handsome Man says:

    Check out the address of Fidentia even though they’re in San Diego, Cali:
    155 Glendale Ave #14 Sparks, NV 89431

    Fidentia Corp’s Robert knows how to work the system. There’s little to no tax for corporations in Nevada. Good job guys.

  3. 541544 63724I wish I had a dime for every bad write-up I?ve read lately. I also wish other writers had your talent and style. Thank you. 278654

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