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Radical Honesty

May 24, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

Swinggcat put out a new newsletter that I thought was really good.  For those of you out there looking for great, consistent, FREE sources of info on how to be good with women, sign up for Swinggcat’s newsletter on his site.  I get a lot out of it, and I’m sure you will too.  For those of you who missed his last one, I’m reposting it here for you guys to check out.

Swinggcat writes:
Hey guys,

For the last couple of weeks I have had the pleasure of teaching my step-by-step system for ATTRACTING women to a few select guys. With every one of these guys there was the same thing missing. This one thing, however, is something that every guy who is incredible with women has. Being privy to this one secret can distinguish the magnetic Casanova from the floundering Waldo.

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of “What this secret is?” I’m going to review some basics.

As those of you who have read my book know, ATTRACTION is not what a woman prefers. Women prefer model-esque looking men on the wake of manhood, who are lumbered with bank accounts analogous to Bill Gate’s, elephant sized penises, and tongues that have the stamina of world class boxers. If this is what attraction was, most of the male population would not be getting laid. The collective male sex drive would be so deprived that the world’s petroleum source would be exhausted within the next year.

ATTRACTION, however, is what you do to a woman’s mind and body. The “body” part is creating the emotion inside her of wanting and reaching for more of you. The “mind” part is you defining the underlying meaning of the interaction between the both of you as you being the one who is the PRIZE.

Often times ATTRACTION starts on the periphery of consciousness. At first the person feeling ATTRACTION towards another is barely even aware of it. Unknowingly, the person begins to reach and want for more of the person they are attracted to.

A caveat: I am not talking about judging a person as ATTRACTIVE – for example, thinking, “Wow…that girl is really hot!” This is not ATTRACTION. ATTRACTION is when a person – psychically or physically or both – begins to reach and want for more of another person. Some examples of this would be: leaning into another person who is leaning away from you, or trying to impress someone to get their validation.

Am I saying that you should never be attracted to a woman? No! – that would make you gayer than my flaming gay hairdresser who – “even he!” – is occasionally attracted to women. Being attracted to others is a normal part of our biological hardwiring. Letting a woman, however, become attracted to you first and letting her always be a little bit more attracted to you than you are to her, allows you to be the PRIZE in the interaction. As those of you who have read my book know, always defining the underlying meaning of your interactions with a woman as you being the PRIZE creates a space for her to continuously become more and more ATTRACTED to you.

Okay, so now for the big secret that distinguishes guys who get more women than rock stars from guys who only have one woman in their life – good old Rosy Palm!

Do you want to know the secret? If your answer was “yes,” that’s really gross because it means you’re ATTRACTED to me.

Okay okay already! – I’ll tell you the secret so you’ll stop being so attracted to me.

Guys who are really good with women are acutely aware of when a woman creates the emotion in them of wanting and reaching for more of her. Because they are aware of this, they can consciously stop themselves from wanting and reaching for a woman (Remember: if you are not conscious of it, then you do not have the control to stop yourself from doing it).

Being aware of this, furthermore, opens guys up to noticing what women do to trigger men to feel the emotion of wanting and reaching for more of them. Women are naturally seductive, men are not. Guys who are awesome at attracting women learned how to do this by paying close attention to how women triggered attraction in them, and then started using these very strategies back on women. All of my strategies for generating attraction in women, for example, are based on the strategies women used to trigger me to feel ATTRACTION towards them.

Most men, however, let their ego and pride cloud them from objectively seeing when a woman is generating attraction in them. Most men have a hard time admitting when they are, for example, acting needy towards a woman or trying to win her approval or letting her disrespect them or only listening to her blab on about something that does not interest them in hopes that she will sleep with them…or whatever.

Learn to be RADICALLY HONEST with yourself when a woman triggers the emotion in you of wanting and reaching for more of her. This will enable you to develop at a rapid pace and start becoming aware of elements of human psychology that most people are oblivious to. Many of the tools in my book will help you do this. My book is probably the only material that exists next to real life experience that will help you notice when women are triggering you to feel ATTRACTION for them. Come check it out:

I am going to share another secret with you that will enable you to generate a special form of ATTRACTION with every woman you encounter for the rest of your life.

A few weeks ago, I saw “Mean Girls,” a movie about high school cliques, popularity, and mind games girls play. In the movie one of the girls demonstrates RADICAL HONESTY when she says, “Just because you hate someone doesn’t mean you don’t want them to like you.” These words really hit home for me. If I am really honest with myself, I can think of a few times when there were women I consciously couldn’t stand, yet did all sorts of subtle things to try and get them to like me. And trying to get a woman to like you is a manifestation of having the emotion of wanting and reaching for more of her. So, unknowingly, I was actually ATTRACTED to some of these women who consciously repulsed me.

So what is the lesson to be learned?

DON’T do things to try and win over women who have personalities that rhyme with witch.

Furthermore, just because a girl tells you that she can’t stand you, doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want you to like her. And her trying to get you to like her is a manifestation of her wanting and reaching for more of you. Put in other words, she’s ATTRACTED to you.

The interesting thing is this: Most women want you to like them. And because of this, most women, on some level, already are ATTRACTED to you. Most women stop being attracted to a guy because he lets her know too early in the interaction that he likes her. By not being so apt to let her know that you like her, she’ll try and get you to like her – she’ll reach for and want you to like her. And this, my friends, is a form of ATTRACTION. In my book I go into depth on how to recognize when women do things to get us to like them, and how to use this to generate MASSIVE ATTRACTION in women. So, if you are ready to learn these secrets and start having incredible success with women by using my massively field tested step-by-step system for ATTRACTING women, pick up my book today. But only do so if you really are ready to start succeeding with women. If you aren’t, that’s fine. My book, however, is strictly designed for people who are ready to succeed. Don’t start reading my book if you’re not ready to start living your dream life with women.  If, however, you are ready – and I don’t care what level you’re at! – start using my down to earth system and you will make progress – guaranteed!

So, take a giant step towards achieving MASSIVE SUCCESS in this area of your life by clicking on the link below.

‘Till next time,


Great stuff.  I think Swinggcat is developing some top-notch techniques with some incredibly strong principals behind them.  And for those of you who are curious, the movie “Mean Girls” is based on the book “Queen Bees and Wannabes,” which I have for sale on the left column on the page.  I have the book, and it has some interesting stuff in there, particularly about how women categorize themselves and their friends within their social circles.  It’s some pretty interesting stuff.  I may do a review of it when I get a chance, but until then, if you wanna check it out, buy the book from my site so I can get that healthy $0.07 commission!!!  =)

You can also sign up for Swinggcat’s free newsletters when you opt into his site here.

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