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DYD Masters Recap, Day 4

May 6, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews


Okay guys, here we go again with my last recap of the DYD Masters Seminar.  What a great experience this turned out to be.  Whenever I go to one of these seminars, I always come out feeling like I learned something.  And you do meet interesting people at these things.  That’s one of my favorite parts of going to events such as this, because you always come out having met lots of interesting people, and even a few new friends.

The last day of the Seminar, in my opinion, wasn’t as good as Day 3, but it came awful close, mostly due to Swinggcat and the Real Social Dynamics crew sharing some amazing stuff with the audience.

The Good

The day before, I had heard that Day 4 was going to be nothing but guest speakers, so I was sure to actually show up on time this day (though that was quite an ordeal, seeing as how I was out late with Rick H and crew the night before).  I had enjoyed the guest speakers so much on Day 3, I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any of the ones presenting on Day 4.

But David D took the stage yet again in the morning to share his last bit of new material with his audience.  The attendees had thinned out a bit on this day, since I’m thinking most of them probably had to catch flights back home so they could be back for work on Monday.  Also, all the RSD boys were absent, probably recovering from the night before.

David D talked about the kind of tests women through at you to make you jump through hoops.  These included the following:

–Acting jealous to make you change how you behave
–Complaining about something you do emotionally
–Using affection or sex as a tool to get what they want and rationing it
–Being unavailable
–Mentioning that other men are interested in her to see how you’ll respond.

He went on to say that women will act differently if you’re one of the guys who “gets it.”  You can say “Stop that stuff” in response to her tests and she’ll know what you mean.  You won’t feel out of control all the time, and she’ll feel more satisfied in general.

He also went on to talk about Universal Problems for Guys when it comes to approaching women.  They are:

–Anxiety approaching women, fear of rejection
–Fear that an attractive woman won’t like them
–Performance anxiety
–Fear of making a physical advance
–Nervousness first talking to a woman or on a first date

One common denominator among most men is them putting too much importance on one specific situation or outcome rather than placing the importance on getting the bigger picture.  David D reminded us that these things are universal.  Almost all men experience them in one way or another.  You need to realize that this stuff is natural and you can overcome it if you want.  The first step to doing so is to stop putting too much importance on any one situation and thinking long term.

David D then went on to outline his key principals for approaching women.  They are:
–Now is better than later (sort of like the 3 second rule)
–Saying anything is better than saying nothing
–It’s all upside, no downside (you lose nothing by approaching a woman)
–If this one doesn’t work, there will be 100 more women later (plenty of fish in the sea)
–At worst, I learn something, and the lessons that are learned are priceless
–Have one default thing ready to say
–If she doesn’t go for you, it’s her loss

If you have an interest in learning more about approaching women, be sure to check out my book The Art of Approaching.

After he finished with his material, David called Orion onto stage.  Some of you may remember Orion from past DYD products, including the Advanced series and the Interview series.  Orion is also one of the old time SS superstars from back in the day, and can also be heard on the BHSC, along with his Magical Connection Videos.

It’s obvious David D and Orion are old friends.  In a seminar where it was evident David D did not have much rapport with his guests, Orion was one of the few he seemed to be able to interact well with on stage (the other two being Rick H and Marie).  David D recounted how he’s seen Orion get up to 25 numbers in one evening, and told the audience how Orion approached one of the actresses who was filming a movie in the hotel a few days before and got a number of pictures with her (I think it was the red-haired chick from That 70’s Show).

Anyway, Orion talked about things to do on dates.  He also talked about his Tarot Cards, and how he likes to use them with girls to escalate things.  The biggest thing I got out of his interview with David D was when Orion said “Any limitation can be seen as a huge advantage.”  I think this is good stuff because so many people look at their limitations as barriers, whereas when looked at a different light, they can actually be beneficial.

Orion’s interview wasn’t all that long, so I don’t have much to write about when it comes to it.  He did pass out his own Tarot Cards that he designed and used on dates, and they were pretty cool.  They even have little poems on them you can read to the girl which explains what the card means.   Orion also offers personal seduction coaching through his website and offered to give DYD attendees a special discount off his tarot deck.

The next guest up on stage was Swinggcat.  At first, David D started interviewing him like he was doing with Orion, but once it became clear that Swinggcat wasn’t going to give David a chance to talk (He’s up there with Mystery when it comes to hogging the stage =) David walked off and let Swinggcat run the show.

Swinggcat talked about his Kill Bill metaphor about how there are two types of guys with women:  The Worker Bee, and The Renegade Killer Bee.  He said that in order to be good with women, you have to be a Renegade Killer Bee.

He went on to elaborate that most people have shortcomings that make you believe you can’s succeed with women, and that’s the Worker Bee mentality where men are trying to please women into looking past those shortcomings and liking them.

He said this mentality is because most men don’t know what attraction is.  He went on to define attraction as “It’s what women respond to, not what they prefer.”  The harsh truth of the matter, he said, is that women prefer tall, dark, and handsome guys with big dicks.  But that’s not necessarily what they may respond to.  Women respond to your actions and your communication, so there are things you can do to create attraction, even if you’re not what she prefers.

Swinggcat elaborated that if you can create the emotion in her that she is constantly wanting and reaching for more of you, you define yourself as the one who is the PRIZE in the interaction.

Swingg also touched on belief systems and why they are important.  He echoed the thoughts of many other guest speakers at the seminar by saying “Our beliefs become our reality.”  He also talked about the importance of having a strong intent when talking to women.  Having that desire to do whatever it takes to achieve your intended outcome and having the belief that can happen is the key to being successful in life and with women.

He then went on to share exercises for creating a strong intent, and how he will visualize women he’s talking to as feeling sexual tension and being attracted to him, and that because that’s his frame, women will go along with it.  He then touched on Frames and Metaframes, and said that within every interaction, people’s actions have an underlying meaning, which is defined as the “frame” of the interaction.

Now it was time for Swinggcat to talk about traits women like.  He said that women like guys with extremely high standards, because it gives them a model to strive to live up to.  He talked about a routine he has to communicate this to women, that goes as follows:

“Are you adventurous?  Are you spontaneous?  If you were in kissing school, what grade would your kissing teacher give you?”  (get her answer) “Let’s find out.” (kiss her)

He explained that this technique works because he gets her to ratify that she’s adventurous and spontaneous, then if she backs out of the kiss, she’s seen as a liar and incongruent.  After you’re done kissing her, he’ll then give her a grade that’s lower than the one she gave herself, to get her to qualify to him and communicate that he’s the one judging her and therefore has the high standard.

He also said that women like guys who challenge them.  Anything you can do to get a woman to qualify to you is a good thing, because that’s when they are wanting and reaching for your approval (after all, you’re the one who’s setting the challenge).

And finally, he said that women like guys who have a strong reality.  How do you have a strong reality?  By defining the underlying meaning of the interaction as you being the prize.  You also want to control the frame.  You know you’re controlling the frame because you’ll be the person doing the least work in the interaction (ie:  they’re the one’s trying to engage you).  Swingg elaborated that you want to focus on yourself and give the woman directions and take a strong lead.  You want to bring them into your story.  You do this by taking the spotlight in the interaction and not asking too many questions.  He said you always want to bring her into your world when you meet a woman.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Swinggcat and his method and philosophy on picking up women, be sure to check out his website  You can also email him at

After Swinggcat came a guest speaker I was not familiar with.  His real name was Eric, but he goes by “Hypnotica,” and is a friend of Steve Piccus, the unsung godfather of the seduction community.  A lot of the concepts that Steve Piccus developed were the basis of a great many things we now take for granted.


Hypnotica really lived up to his name.  The guy is the very definition of a Man.  He reminded me of Wolverine from the X-Men movies.  He had an extremely large presence, and when he was up on stage, he OWNED the room.  Hypnotica is a hypno-therapist, and talked a great deal about energy and other wu-wu stuff.  But when he talked about it, it actually made a lot of sense.  In a way, it reflected what Amber had shared with the seminar on Day Two, but was much more relatable due to Hypnotica’s stage presence.

He talked about how masculine energy is nothingness, and feminine energy is love, and how the ultimate goal of the feminine is to open up the infinite and embrace the nothingness of the male.  He described anxiety as misused energy, and how you have to give yourself the flexibility to fail.

He talked about the mediocre man’s existence, and how mediocre men enjoy nothingness.  Then women enter in, and the mediocre man buys into their energy.  They move to the masculine extreme of nothingness and lose their way.

Hypnotica described the job of the man as opening up the woman to nothingness and God.  He said in order to do this, you must know your life’s purpose and take time to practice and think about life.

I know in reading this, you guys are probably thinking “this sounds like complete bullshit,” and in reading it myself, I agree with you.  But Hypnotica’s presence was so powerful, you could FEEL what he was getting at when he talked about this.  I really believe this will come through if his section makes it onto the final product.

To give you an idea how powerful his presence is, I’ll share an anecdote with you from the seminar.  At one point, an attendee got up and asked a question.  The attendee was rambling a bit, and Hypnotica boomed out “STOP!  What is your purpose?”  The guy froze, and tried to answer, but again, Hypnotica replied “STOP!  What is your purpose?”  His presence was so powerful, the attendee started shaking and tried to reply.  Again, Hypnotic said to him “STOP!  WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE!”  Seriously, everyone thought the attendee was going to cry.  It reminded me of a scene from the movie Fight Club where Brad Pitt has a convenience store clerk on his knees with a gun to his head, and changes the guy’s reality.  That’s what Hypnotica did.  He pulled the guy’s life purpose right out of him and gave him a powerful direction to move in.  it was quite powerful.


Then, Steve Piccus took the stage, and the two men took the seminar through a guided visualization layered with hypnotic suggestions.  It was quite a relaxing part of the seminar, and Hypnotica told a great story involving a hunter, a unicorn, and a lion that will be important later on in the recap.  This was a very trippy presentation, and had I been high, I’m sure it would have changed my life.  As it was, I just ended up falling asleep.  Whether that was from the hypnosis or the lack of sleep the night before, I’ll probably never know.

If you’re interested in learning more about Hypnotica and Steve Piccus, and their form of radical hypnotherapy, you can check out their websites.  You can find out more about Hypnotica at and visit Steve Piccus’s homepage at  I highly recommend you guys check both of these things out, especially if you have an interest in hypnosis and NLP.

So next up was the big coup de grace for the seminar, and that is the Real Social Dynamics crew!  David D got up on stage and gave a big buildup for the guys, then introduced Tyler Durden, who told everyone about RSD and what they’re up to and what they’re about.  He then introduced PlayboyLA, who took the stage.


PlayboyLA was probably the most profound of the RSD guest speakers.  If there was a guy out there who didn’t know anything about this stuff, he’s have been wowed by PlayboyLA’s speech.  First thing PlayboyLA did was do an entire 10 minute set with nothing but canned material.  It was extremely smooth and polished from one story to the other, and he performed it as if he was sarging an HB on sunset.  He also spun an impromptu routine from the story about the hunter, the unicorn, and the lion Hypnotica shared with the group.  It was truly a sight to see, and really set the bar high for the other presenters who came after him.

PlayboyLA talked about building Material and Routines.  He said that at the beginning stage, you want to keep your material light and fun and short.  For the middle game, you want to keep to cocky/funny routines for the attraction phase, but as you pass into the comfort phase, you want to make them longer, keep them funny, but they have to start demonstrating personality and give a glimpse into your  life, while opening the way for you to start light kino.  For the end game, he said your routines have to build a connection with the girl and lead them into a more sexual/seduction mindset, while you escalate things both physically and emotionally.

He said that you MUST build tension when doing your routines in order to get attraction, and to reframe everything the girl says so it’s cocky/funny and you’re leading the process.

PlayboyLA’s talk was fantastic, and gave a lot of great information.  It was a real highlight of Day 4.  Next up, he introduced the one, the only… PAPA!

Papa hopped up on stage and talked briefly about how to be an effective wingman.  Papa isn’t much of a public speaker though, so he seemed a little awkward up there, but held his own well.  Most of his talk was on lifestyle, and how the RSD crew lives their lives.  He talked about Project Hollywood, which he said has been upgraded to Project Mayhem (a-la Fight Club) where they’re trying to get guys around the world to get awesome houses close to their city’s nightlife so they can life the life of the Pick-Up Artist.  I won’t be surprised if Papa’s talk got cut, because though it was interesting, it shared little in the way of tips and tactics that would be useful for the guy who wants to learn to get better than women, so don’t be surprised if it’s not in the final product.


Next up was The One and his regular wingman Dreamweaver, also known as RSD’s “Top Gun Wings.”  The took the stage with great gusto and energy, and their entire talk centered around what it means to be a good wingman and help your buddy score.  I found this talk to be extremely interesting, since they had a great deal of fantastic information to help guys support each other while in set.

The talked about how wingmen have to have rules, and that you and your wingman need to know the rules before interacting with women so you’re not stepping on each other’s feet and getting upset with each other.  They said the first rule of a good wing is:

“Whoever opens a set, controls the set, and gets his choice of the target.”

That means, the guy who does the hard work and opens the set not only gets to pick the girl he goes after, but he also takes the lead in the set.  So the wingman is there to support him, and tackle any UGS or Obstacles within the set.


Probably the most important thing The One and Dreamweaver had to share was that you have to act like your wing is the coolest guy ever.  You have to make him out to be simply AWESOME, just as cool as you are.  They also said that you should always laugh at what your wing thinks is funny, which is really important in supporting your wing.  Act like he is the funniest, coolest guy in the world.  Always support your wing.

I got a lot of great stuff from The One and Dreamweaver’s talk, and it is really important for you guys out there who go out with other guys on a regular basis to sarge to learn this stuff.  There’s lots more, but I won’t go into detail here (buy the product, fellas), but I will say this is a part of the presentation where I got a lot of new tactics from.

Next up was a real treat, not just for me, but the audience as well, and that was from the TWO-MOTHERFUCKING-DASH-SIX!!!!  Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, we’re not worthy!  We’re not worthy!  We are in the presence of the one and only Twentysix!!!

Twentysix took the stage and instantly lived up to all the hype that surrounds him.  Not only is Twentysix the most genuine guy out there, but he is also one of the funniest!  If you guys have not picked up his interview with David D yet, you need to do that NOW!

So Twentysix took the stage and instantly had the audience roaring with laughter.  He talked about how he goes out four times a week, and if you want to get good, you gotta start approaching regularly.  But the biggest part of his talk was on roleplaying and using props.  He talked about how you want to roleplay that the girl is a total dweeb and you’re the coolest guy in the world.

He used a cigarette case to act like it was the girl, and talked in a very funny “girl voice” making it sound like the chick is completely retarded.  He also said a fun thing to do is grab something, pretend it’s a microphone, and sing a song about the girl.  He demonstrated with a spoon and bounced around the stage singing…

“Marry… Marry is retard-ed… my name’s Mary and I’m a lose-er!  Look at me, I’m a loser and my name’s Mar-ry!”

That’s not a direct quote, but you get the picture.  When Twentysix did it, it was funny, trust me.  He also likes to do that when a girl’s on a cell phone.  He’ll go up beside them, act like he’s on a cell phone, and imitate the girl.  But when he talks on his phone, he’ll say stuff in his “girl voice” like “Meeeehhhh!  I’m stupid!  My name’s Mary and I’m stupid!”

He also likes to play games with girls.  One of them is “Fuck, Marry, Kill” which is a game he got from listening to the Howard Stern show.  You play it by pointing out three guys in the club and telling her “You have to fuck one of them, marry one of them, and kill one of them.  Which one would you do what to?”

He’ll also do stuff like ask a girl for her cell phone and start playing games on it in front of her.  He also likes to play slap hands with girls, and give them noogies and Indian sunburns and other stupid stuff.  Twentysix was also big on recall humor, and said to keep bringing up stuff that was funny earlier in the interaction, because it’s still gonna be funny (and creates a connection by putting it in the realm of “in joke”).

He also shared a real novel way to use your cell phone, and how your cell phone, as a prop, can be your best wingman ever.  You can act like you are the MAN on the cell phone, walk around the club demanding outrageous stuff on the cell, like you’re having a really intense conversation:

“No, you tell Spielberg you shove it!  This movie is getting made TOMORROW!”

He also said that if you’re at a club alone, instead of just sitting in a corner with your drink, whip out your cell and act like you’re talking on it.  It will make you look less pathetic, because it’s natural to be alone when talking on the phone.


Twentysix had other great things to share, and introduced Xaneus before leaving the stage.

For those of you who don’t know who Xaneus is, he’s one of the guy’s living at Project Hollywood.  Well, not really.  He actually lives in a tent in Project Hollywood’s backyard.  I hereby dub him with the new nick-name “Nature Boy X.”

Anyway, Xaneus takes the stage and talks about application of cocky/funny stuff.  He shared a few anecdotes of pick-ups he’s done.  He was pretty awkward on stage though, and kept breathing into his microphone.  After a while, it sounded like Darth Vader was in the room (only this time, it sounded more like “Pooo-Ahh, Poo-Ahh” when he breathed).  I don’t think Xaneus will be kept in the final product because his talk was light on tactics in addition to all the audio problems caused by him breathing into the mic.

Lastly was Sickboy, the last superstar of RSD.  Sickboy has also done an interview with David D, and had a very laid back presentation on stage.  He talked about the picture routine, and how you take self-portraits with girls.  He also talked about how powerful it is to make fun of a girl’s mannerisms (Best Friends Test, Girl Code, Accusing them of having ADD).  He also talked about Body Language, and how you want to be laid back and approaching at an angle.  He shared that the best way to get women engaged really quickly is to bust on them.

Sickboy wasn’t on stage for too long, because much of the typical RSD tactics had already been covered.  He entertained a question or two before leaving the stage.

If you’re interested in RSD or want to take a workshop of your own (they also offer seminars and personal coaching), be sure to check them out by clicking here.  As a side note, if you sign up for there stuff through my site, I get a commission, so share the love!

The Bad

Not too much bad on Day Four as the seminar was winding down.  I found Orion’s interview to be a bit unstructured and lacking any substantial information, but a DYD seminar without Orion is like going to a movie without popcorn.  It’s just unnatural.

Some of the people had a hard time with Hypnotica’s presentation, probably because the sour taste of the Amber experience was still fresh in their mouths.  But a lot of people were more tolerant of what Hypnotica had to say.  Many agreed that Hypnotica’s speech before the guided visualization was actually really good and had a lot of interesting stuff in it.  It was kind-of weird to see such a manly guy talk about wu-wu stuff though.

As I mentioned before, both Papa’s and Xaneus’s talks will probably be cut because they didn’t have much good information in them that can be applied to people outside the community.

One thing I was surprised about was how much the RSD crew actually shared with the audience.  I was actually sinking in my seat at certain points because they were giving away such good stuff (and stuff I use regularly).  Before long, we’re gonna have thousands of guys using David Bowie, Best Friends Test, Who Lies More, etc., etc.  I wish they had given away some new stuff so I wouldn’t have to go out and learn some new routines, damn them!

The Ugly

Not a whole lot of ugly this day either.  I overheard David D talking to someone about how he was worried that Hypnotica and Steve Piccus’s thing was wierding out the audience.  The friend David D was talking to joked about why Steve Piccus always has to talk about unicorns in some fashion or another.

The biggest Ugly of the day was Rick H making fun of the RSD guys on stage.  He could be seen in the back of the room making quips about them, and later on in the hallway (particularly about Xaneus living in a tent, but hey the guys still gets laid, so what does that say about his skill?  YOU GO NATURE BOY X!!!!).  Of course, after hanging out with Rick the night before, I realize this is just Rick, who busts everyone’s balls.  Of course, there might be a twinge of jealousy there, but oh well.

One of the things I was surprised to learn was how much Hypnosis/NLP stuff PlayboyLA uses in his material.  I talked to him about it afterwards and he revealed to me that he had a background in SS before he got into RSD.  After seeing him in action a few times, I can say without a doubt that PlayboyLA is the only person I’ve seen who can combine so many different styles of pick-up so successfully.  Probably one of the reasons he’s so good!

There were also rumors of a drug-induced outing after the seminar involving one of the Guest Speakers, but I won’t mention who that was since I wasn’t there to see it for myself.

David X also showed up after the seminar ended and mingled with a few of the guys for a while.

My Experience


It was a bittersweet ending to the DYD Master’s Seminar for me.  I had a great time and loved meeting and hanging out with everyone there.  It was like a big vacation for me.  But I was also exhausted and looking forward to getting back to my normal life.

After the seminar, Mystery, Herbal, Little Big Dick, and a friend of Herbal’s all went out to dinner.  We were eventually joined by Dreamweaver and The One, and had a great meal while unwinding from the weekend’s events.

Overall, this seminar was really, really good.  The quality of the speakers was mixed, but the good certainly outweighed the bad.  In the finished product, I’m sure the wheat will be separated from the chaff.  I can’t wait to see how the finished product ends up, and I think it will be a great resource for everyone looking to take their game to the next level.  I can’t wait to see it for myself, and look forward to doing a review of it for my site.  David D told everyone that the Masters Series would probably be out in about two months, and will go for around $400 for audio and around $500 for the DVDs.  Personally, I think it’s a fair price for the wealth of information that will be in this series.  Hell, the Mystery, Swinggcat, and RSD portions are worth the price alone.

If you are a beginner and have read these recaps I’ve done, or if you’re just more interested in learning more about DYD, check out the website and buy the book. If you buy the Double Your Dating ebook through my site, I get a commission off it.  Don’t underestimate those commissions, they help me pay to keep this site up and running!  Ideally, I’d like to make enough where I could do something like this all day long.  =)

You can get the Double Your Dating ebook by clicking here.

A Special Note

Okay, I know a lot of you are thinking “But wait, what about Tyler?  Didn’t he speak at the seminar?”  Well, my answer to that is yes.  Yes he did.

“But Thundercat, where’s Tyler’s recap?”

Well guys, Tyler’s presentation was so big, so good, so amazing, that I have literally pages and pages of notes.  As I was writing this recap out, I looked down and thought “Fuck, there’s just too much here.”  So I decided to split things up a bit.  Tomorrow, Friday, May 7th, I’ll be posting a total recap of everything that Tyler covered at the Masters Series in as much detail as I can, so check back here for some stuff that will LITERALLY blow your mind!

To Be Concluded…

Get Your Free Guide Here!


36 Responses to “DYD Masters Recap, Day 4”
  1. Endiphrnt says:

    Nice! For guys who didnt go to the summit and curious about what these supa Stars looked like…TC nailed it with the pics.

  2. rocker44 says:

    Damn, I wish I could have stayed to see all the RSD guys.

    Quick comment on Xaneus. In my workshop Friday night I was in a couple sets with him. What really impressed me was at one point we were getting AMOG’d by the waiter. He commented this waiter is a total flirt. I just made an offhand remark that waiters have to be if they want to make any money and my roommate is the same way. Using that information he made up an inpromptu routine right on the stop to AMOG the waiter. Then two minutes later he uses the same routine to open a really hot waitress.

    My impressions of this guy was he’s the real deal. I mean come on, he pulls to a tent night after night with the line “Do you want to go camping?”

  3. K says:

    Nice reports! The only thing I don’t like about it are the pictures. Come on, how many of those guys look better than average? Except for Herbal and the old guys everyone looked good. As a not so good looking guy this makes me wonder again.

  4. DoctorOwl says:

    K, they’re only “above average” because they take any care in their clothes and looks at all. I’m sure anyone else could do the same at least to a degree. I sure as hell did.

  5. harp says:

    Another great review, TC.

    Approx. how many attendees were at this seminar?

  6. harp says:

    And isnt “hypnotica” Eric (the guest speaker that says to be a “sex god”) from the DYD advanced series?

  7. mimicker says:

    That’s funny… i was thinking the opposite. “damn these guys are ugly!” ;)

  8. K says:

    I actually don’t think these guys dress up really nice or look like they have a nice trained body.

  9. justin says:

    Yes, it is him (Hypnotica)…david said last time that he knew the most about giving women pleasure and building pleasrable states in women.

  10. Revan says:

    TC, I really like what youve done with the site,really cool stuff..I also very much enjoyed the review

  11. Dreem says:

    This seminar seems like the interview series all packaged into one product. That’s why it’s called ‘Masters’. It’s about all the PUAs coming together and talking about their different methods.

    I am not registered for the interview series CDs so haven’t listened to the interviews, apart from the DavidX one which I got for free with another DYD product I ordered. For those who have listened to the interview series CDs and also attended this seminar… were the contents the same, less, or a super-set of the CDs?

    I tried purchasing previous months copies of the interview series CDs like the TD, Greg and Sickboy interviews but David D. doesn’t ship interviews for previous months. When you register you start from the current month. This is really annoying. Does anyone know how to get copies from previous months??

  12. Chris says:

    It’s nice to finally have a picture of all those well known people. Thank’s a lot for that TC.

    I don’t think they are good looking, it’s true that attitude and nice clothes can help anyone. Look at the movie Cypher for example, at the beginning the guy looks like a nerd and at the end, a real playboy : but it’s still the same!

  13. SirLancelot says:

    Seriously, it’s important to go to a seminar and see these guys in real life if you think they’re naturally good-looking, because mostly they’re definitely NOT. A few guys are, and they actually have trouble because chicks prejudge them as players.

    The ugliest guy at the RSD seminar was . . . I kid you not . . . Tyler himself.

    These dudes look good because they peacock and get into shape. (Tyler peacocks the best of all, despite his lack of natural good looks.)

  14. Dangerous says:

    Yeah maybe some of these guys are above average or ugly in looks..but many did not start off so totally money. Trust me guys..I have seen a picture of Two-Dash many years ago in a Steve Piccus HIPPIE look… it’s fuckin hilarious.

    Have fun,


  15. fink says:

    Ive hung out with most of the RSD guys at one time or another and they’re all about average looking except for TheOne, who’s got a Sylvester Stallone thing working for him, and PlayboyLA, who is just plain-and-simple devishly handsome in a great pretentious artist kind of way — and when he operates on all cylinders, let me tell you, boys, the girls gather to him, moths to a flame. It’s especially interesting to watch him work next to TD, because (I think) they deliver much of the same material; but their styles are fairly different. And yet both styles work.
    If you haven’t taken an RSD course, and think you can get all you need from ASF, you’re wrong, imho, or at least unless you’ve got some natural game, it’s going to take you much much longer to get up to speed. I’m not affiliated with TD and his crew. I’m just a big, grateful fan. Those guys are geniuses!

  16. BJ says:

    man…didn’t recognize two dash! did anyone get laid during the seminar?

  17. StripperPUA says:

    Geez TC – when do we get to hear from Tyler?? And do you have a fancy mug of him too? I can’t WAIT to see his uglyness! Actually, I hear he is average looking, which is good in that it confirms you don’t have to be super suave to be good at the game. I love that pic of The One and Dreamweaver…although T.O. seems to be propping up his MUSCKLES ala Buster Douglas. Also, I was recently in NYC and went to a roundtable with Playboy…wow, amazing stuff, a WEALTH of material, yes, but his presence and style are so smooth and comforting. I imagine he comes in far under the radar. My friend and I both agreed that he was like a true life Cary Grant style PUA. Anyway, enough of the props…so, when does TC reveal Mr. TD!!

    PS – whats up with Xanues’ shirt – DUUUUUUUDE! YIKES!

  18. Andez says:

    dudes, I’ve seen Tyler, dont get your hopes up, hes not ugly. Hes definitely above average and dressed very cool when he was out sarging. Anyway why is everyone obsessed with the pictures. My mailbox keeps junking the DYD newsletter so I never found out about the seminar until too late, but it sounds like it was great.

  19. intlzncster says:

    Good thing TC didn’t post a picture of Sickboy, cause all you looks-worry-warts would be shaking in your boots. Even I’M attracted to that guy. And I’ve only seen pictures of him.

    Oh yeah, TD is definitely AVERAGE looking. Not even above average (sorry TD). He’s got pasty skin, red hair, and a belly. Oh yeah, and he pulls ass on the level of most rockstars. You do the math.

  20. Gunwitch says:

    Yeah take anything theone, playboyla and hypnotica say with a grain of salt. I called my roomates girl in here to look at the pics. Only one opinion from one chick but them 2 could get laid doing the “hey wanna fuck” opener by her reaction to them.

    looks wise A guy like tyler or 26 or papa, or myself once ya see the pic I got to put up, are who ya should listen to about getting laid.

    Even if you yourself are good looking why fill your head with nonsense information about plaecbo pick up tactics some near male model is using and thinking are working for him.

    Great reports all around, look forward to the tyler section thing for sure.

  21. justin says:

    The difference between these guys is that Hypnotica didn’t talk about getting laid he talked about stepping into becoming a powerful man. He talked about aligning with the force…kind of reminded me of star wars stuff but Anyone that was there could feel his presence, whatever he is doing works.. I talked with him afterwords (kind of scary the intesity of his focus) He answered some questions that were bugging me, he was down to earth . The others talked more about techniquk most of it was good but they were talking about different things. I really enjoyed the diversity although some carried on too long. All in all good stuff.

  22. rocker44 says:

    That seems to be a really good picture of Playboy, I didn’t notice him looking that good.

    But seriously, most of these guys are average looking. Even Mystery is rather average looking when not peacocked (except for his height).

    When they’re all dressed up and going out to clubs they look good. Anyone can do this. And you don’t have to dress like a freak to do this. Remember that women are just as much attracted to bikers and outdoorsmen/adventurers for example as they are to the rockstar/hipster look that these guys take on.

  23. The One says:

    Wow, judging by the replies here, you’d think I was Tom Cruise or George Clooney…..

    Guys who are worried about looks should get over that hurdle. There are physical you can control:

    *How you dress
    *Your Shoes- (Very key)
    *Your body- (everyone can get on a workout regiment.)
    *Your grooming. (Shaved, showered, etc…)

    Sickboy literally looks like a male model.
    Before being in the game, he was getting LJBFed all the time. What does that tell ya?
    You can have looks and still not the type of girls you desire.
    TDs photo will be on here soon and you’ll see that he is not a super goodlooking guy.
    He is not ugly either. However, he carries himself confidently, his FRAME is extremely STRONG, and he dresses well.

    Anyway, this has been my experience…
    Wait, Let’s NOT forget STYLE! As Thundercat calls him the Jedi, he has a shaved head, and is about 5’8″ tall.

  24. Kineti[c]harm says:

    No doubt that PUAs like PlayboyLA is goodlooking, Mystery even looked manly and not bad.

  25. harp says:

    Hmm…I met Sickboy at Mystery’s NYC seminar a few weeks ago. He’s goodlooking…but based on these pictures, I’d have to cast my vote for PlayboyLA as THE HOTTEST PUA ALIVE. Well not really, but he looks like a stud :-) . Maybe we should have a poll? ;-)

    Hypnotica/Eric has a sexual, bad-ass look about him that I can see girls liking. Mystery has the whole “tall” thing goin for him, along with his black/mysterious persona and his personality contrast with regards to that persona. The others look to be average at worst, most would probably be viewed within 7.5-8.5 range, with the exception of the older guys, who are horrific.

  26. Endiphrent says:

    Very tru, the first time I met TD he had just woken up from like 5 hours of sleep right before the Summit started. I had no idea who this guy was becuz he introduced himself by his real name. I thought he was just another Lair member from DC or something that crashed at the mansion. I was totally shocked when protocol told me who he was, cuz I pictured him to look more like…Tommy W. The guy looked like shit dressed in a t shirt and some addidas warm ups. Well he got groomed to talk and his outfit made him look money. Wasnt as dramatic like a complete make over but it did the trick.

  27. Seminar Attendee says:

    I am a seminar attendee.

    Hypnotica definitely has a strong persona and is very commanding. He has a natural “Asshole” thing that we all know works with women.
    Women like assholes.

    However, his handling of the weakling who was asking questions proved nothing.
    It was as if I was watching a guy beat up a little kid.
    It was DISGUSTING to watch.
    Big physical super muscular guy manhandling a guy who has a handicap, by the way.
    Yeah, that really helped that guy a lot.
    What a joke!

  28. intlzncster says:

    Alright, the fact that this thread is even being discussed is a little scary. I understand the whole looks issue that guys have, cause I had it at one time….but once you are exposed to this stuff, that shit should be gone. Take an RSD workshop/seminar. You’ll get over it faster than you can say “TD pulls alot of ass.” Christ, you’d think I’m their personal marketer or something. Papa, where’s my cut of the dough buddy?? haha

    Look, if you shaved TD’s head, put him in a white tshirt and khaki pants and some penny loafers….he’d still game and close as many chicks as he’d please. It’s his fuckin frame guy’s. I don’t care if you are whereing a red PVC snakeskin jacket….if you walk into a group of six built alpha dudes and one chick…blow out the dudes, and grab the chick….it AIN’T how you look.

    OH SHIT! The One mentioned Style is 5’8″ tall. Isn’t he the most powerful jedi?? I’m only 5’7″! I’m FUCKED! That means I’ll never get laid again! Oh well, its off to beat my one inch penis for the rest of my life.

    Stupid logic right? Good things chicks aren’t the least bit logical.

  29. justin says:

    to seminar attentdee-You know i talked to that guy (that hypnotica you felt beat up on) at the seminar and he was scared because he was conforted about his bullshit but he said it helped him out a lot..He said hypnotca “eric” gave him the first steps to take of whta he already knew. Yeah the guy had terets but hypnotica didn’t let his handicap get in the way of his dream. Hypnotica said to him…go and do it. Maybe what everyone had been doing is feeling sorry for him and letting the guy the make the excuses that he was trying to make…I thought and after talking to that guy he did him a wonderful favor.

  30. mgm says:

    i Agree with justin

  31. coolman2828 says:

    Yes, that moment (Hypnotica) was truly powerful and I expect any man there playing the waiting game with his life and cautiously waiting for the right moment to take charge and find happiness might go home and make some definite decisions, phone calls, quitting a dead end job, whatever… to get on the right path once and for all. Stop worrying about next week and imagine who you want to be 5 yrs from now.. and DO IT!!

  32. iceburn says:

    When are the new DVDs going to be released?

    Any news from the DYD camp??

  33. Cowboy303 says:

    Or any news on the audio CDs?

  34. Marina says:

    The problem is, DeAngelo was outwitted by Mystery, TD, Major Mark and a couple of others so if DeAngelo releases his Advanced seminar with the above mentioned characters prominently featured on the new DVD’s, what’s going to happen is FREE publicty for those above, and DeAngelo will be exposed for not having a real system of getting laid. Then the others will take over the seduction community.

    On the other hand if Deangelo doesn’t feature those speakers, then he will be exposed as a phony. So you can see the dilemma DeAngelo and his business partners are facing.

    Cocky and funny doesn’t get me laid. What does is….. NO! I can’t tell you, I have to make an e-book or some videos and give you my secrets to make lots of money!

    Just you wait, more drama unfolding!

  35. Mai-MarriageInvitation says:

    Oh, guys, I am exhausted.

    I think I will read 500 hundread pages of romantic novels and get married…

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