HIV Outbreak in Pornoland
April 19, 2004 by Thundercat
Filed under News
I heard about this story last week, and found it to be quite sad, especially since living in LA, most of the people affected by this type of thing are in my immediate area. There has been an HIV scare in the adult industry after a major male porno star, Darren James, contracted HIV during a vacation in Brazil (where I read somewhere that a great deal of the prostitutes down there have HIV and can buy fake bills of health for around $10 American). Now, people who work in porn get tested once every three weeks for HIV, but apparently James came back to work and did scenes with around 12 different people before he was retested after his return from South America.
Of those 12 original people (called the 1st generation), each one of those people could have had sex with up to 12 other people each. It’s said there could be as many as 5 generation within the adult industry alone. One 18 year old girl who had been in porn for less than three months has already contracted the disease from Darren James after being in a gangbang scene with him. There’s no telling how many people could be affected.
Because of this, the adult video industry is halting production for up to 60 days until they can get this whole mess sorted out and figure out who’s infected and who isn’t. Of course, this means that there are going to be a lot of women in and around the San Fernando Valley who are going to be without a steady income for the next month or two. What does this mean? Well, basically the local strip clubs are going to be PACKED with girls looking to whether the storm, as well and prostitutes and escorts upping their time out on the street. Of course, for all you know, these girls could be infected with HIV and they don’t even know it.
I guess this brings up an interesting concern when it comes to guys who try and have as much sex as “Players” and “Pick-Up Artists” do. It’s one I’ve heard echoed by a great many guys in the community, and that is “What about STDs?”
Well, there is no easy answer to this. Typically, the response I get from seasoned PUAs when I have asked this question is “Always wear a condom.” There’s not much more you can do other than that, really. But still, there is that danger whenever you meet someone that they could be a loaded gun waiting to go off. I know that a good friend of mine was told by a girl he was seeing that he gave her an STD, and for two weeks until he got his test results back, he thought his life was over. This is a scary things folks.
I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on this, and any tactics/techniques they may have on how to stay safe and clean when it comes to getting down and dirty.
Oh, and by the way, if you’re interested in finding out more about this Pornoland HIV scare, check out Adult Video News for all the latest details.
I think that people in the adult industry took comfort in the fact that a STD routine testing schedule and infrastructure were in place.
That comfort has been shaken to the core, and understandably that sense of security has been revealed for the illusion that it was.
The porn stars named as either being infected, or possibly being infected were exposed to that risk by someone in their community and social circle.
If you really think about it, you’d more likely be infected with a STD from someone you know and trust, as the precautions that you’d take when dealing with a stranger/acqaintance/fuck buddy wouldn’t be felt as necessary with your LTR….
It may very well be that a PUA who deals with multiple women who he doesn’t know well enough to have detailed sexual history of each handy [and takes precautions PRECISELY because of this - including examination of their overall lifestyle] is safer than couples in an LTR, in which one partner is engaging in UNDISCLOSED AND SECRET risky sexual behavior and infects the other because of the openess and trust led to the decreased use of condoms and/or other methods of disease prevention.
Who’d ever expect to be infected by someone they know and trust?
Doro Ajani
Wow, that really sucks.
My guess is, they’ll probably just put restrictions on stars who leave the US to do filming elsewhere and require more testing.
Adam Glasser aka. Seymore Butts has already said he’s gonna start using condoms in all scenes except for oral stuff.
Kinda sucks IMO, and not in the good way.
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