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Gunwitch is an Idiot?

February 12, 2004 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Well, someone’s throwing some gasoline on the flames in Gunwitch’s direction on the General Boards of mASF today.  Not that Gunwitch isn’t a controversial figgure in the community, I mean, it’s nothing new that he gets flamed due to his confrontational "Holier than thou" posting style and rather unique method on seduction.  But this post in particular is rather revealing, and seems to have caught on with the people on the boards.

LowRider69 writes
This shit is completely unacceptable. I’m not reading or taking any advice from Gunwitch anymore. I realized the guy is a fucking moron after reading this archived post.

I have to RESPECT the people I take advice from and I don’t respect the shit quoted below.

I thought i’d re-post it since there are tons of non-white guys on here and you might want to RE-THINK listening to this moron.


"Whats with all the posts on "my superior indian women, who are hard to get". They look like shit compared to white women (so who cares), cant speak proper english so IMO they are DUMB (sorryif thts redneck offensive but if you dont speak english you are a moron as its THE language), and in general stink like bolonge or something.

RAPE EM, if you are in the states as theyll have to go to an embasy to file a report cause they cant even talk to an american pig.

As far as flap ass, american indians go offer em a bottle of rubbing alcohol after closing time and theyll suck your dick, just to drink it.

Sorry if i offend anyone, but "dot in the forehead" AND klingon style "native" americans are useless fucks if you ask me. Never met a black i didnt like, same with latinos and asians, REDS suck though im my experience. I think thy should be banned from the board."

You can read all the drama here.

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5 Responses to “Gunwitch is an Idiot?”
  1. Dangerous says:

    yeah..I was skimming through asf last night a bit and noticed the thread. I thought it was a TD and Gunwitch flame thing, took a look and it was Lowrider who is a pretty good poster and a guy from my local. I have not met him yet however guys like #9,26 etc from my turf have hung out with him and talk highly.

    Anyhow I noticed it, felt like jumping in for a moment because I felt a bit on edge but I am just avoiding overall internet BS altogther. I have read some of Gunwitch stuff and to me although its is a good read it honestly reminds me of the guy who is drunk at the bar and hits the numbers, or what most natural men and what my male friends do in interactions with women… nothing too creative or intelligent.

    Gunwitch is living in a totally different context and part from where we live so his conditioning and such and way at looking at things may be a bit tainted and fucked……..not my concern his life not mine.

    From my understanding and this may be limited but I have met under 50 guys in this community and majority are not of ethnicity..I there is differences in outlooks.

    Hey there is some guys I know who are at the LEVEL TOP PUA and they have projected there limitations as to how my game and what venues I should be sarging. Certain things cannot be changed..I can’t go chasing everyguy down who is calling me a paki or sand nigger…(i have paid the price from the law in my youth)…I don’t have the time or energy for it anymore.

    As of late I have been thinking how to add the concept and this was thrown on me from RJ’s teachings,some yoga, and hinduism…NONATTACHMENT. Why should I invest my time and energy even breath or typing for that matter on trying to correct..or defend when there is so many limitations through this medium itself and with issues that are broader then this small community.

    I got to keep on moving forward regardless of the Archie Bunker types in this online seduction world…..BESIDES I am so smooth, exotic, and sexy ….SUPERFLY like Ron O’Neil. :)



  2. PistolWitch says:

    “RAPE EM”

    Ah …like isn’t that what “Gunwitch” method is really? “Make the “ho” say wtf?

  3. Bogdan1024 says:

    Thundercrap you are a piece of shit.

  4. This is Barry Bankruptcy on

    I’ve disagreed with TC in the past, but I completely agree with this blog post calling out Gunbitch on his questionable teachings.

    I also found it funny that Gunbitch can’t spell (a born American), yet makes fun of Indians who have trouble pronouncing words.

  5. rsdnation says:

    Gunwitch said “RAPE EM”? I’m not surprised. The guy is 31 and still lives with his mom. He has the emotional development of a 16 year old. He has never been out in the real world yet on his own. He’s never even worked a real job yet. He’s been sitting at home since he graduated high school just farting around on the computer. When someone never moves out, gets a real job, and starts their own life, they don’t finish emotionally developing and maturing, which would stop them from ever saying something stupid like “RAPE EM”.

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