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Know When To Dump That Bitch…

July 10, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Sometimes, I just don’t get men…

HONG KONG (Reuters) – A Hong Kong woman who blinded her boyfriend in one eye in a fight six years ago has been jailed for jabbing a chopstick into his other eye, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Last November, Po Shiu-fong, 58, accused long-time boyfriend Kwok Wai-ming, 49, of having an affair, the South China Morning Post reported.

During the row, Po stabbed a plastic chopstick into his left eye, which she had already blinded six years ago when she poked it with her finger.

"Po became hysterical when she saw the wound and mopped it with a towel. The pair then went to bed," the paper said.

"The next morning they had another argument in which she grabbed a chopstick and stabbed Kwok’s right eye," it said.

Two days later, he sought medical treatment and filed a police report against Po, whom he had dated since 1993.

The paper said he didn’t report the attack six years ago, telling the court his silence was "a love sacrifice."

Kwok lost 10 to 20 percent vision in his right eye, the paper said.

Po was jailed for six months on Tuesday.

"If I forgive her, God would not forgive me," the paper quoted Kwok as saying. "No matter what, nothing could compensate for the loss of my eye."

I’m sorry, but if a girl STABS ME IN MY EYE, that’s a cue to dump her and never ever EVER get back together again. EV-ER.  What kind of a hard-up loser would stay with a girl who repeatedly STABS HIM IN HIS EYE?  This loser definitely got what he deserved for being a total dumb ass.  But I do think this is good commentary about the state of affairs for men who simply can’t get laid, so they stick with whatever woman they can get, even if it’s BAD for them.

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