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Kicked And Banned — Again?

March 9, 2006 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Okay, breaking news…

(I know how you guys all love drama, so hold onto your hats, this one’s a doozy)

Since 2003, I was a member of an elite message board knwon as Mystery’s Lounge.  It was a great place where the best PUAs in the world got together to discuss concepts and ideas and all that great stuff.  Then, something happened to change that… namely, Project Hollywood.

After Mystery got betrayed by Tyler Durden and Papa, he began to focus more on his own career and less on the community.  He disowned the original Mysterys Lounge, instead opting to create a new one for his workshop students.  So the old Mystery’s Lounge morphed into a message board called only "Underscore."

It was basically the same thing, only without a new name and Mystery posting there all the time.

Then, a wierd thing started to happen.  Most of the really good PUAs stopped posting there, and the Real Social Dynamics guys began to invite a bunch of their "followers" to join the board.  This is about the time when I stopped visiting the board.  It wasn’t fun any more, most of the cool guys I liked had left, and the information wasn’t all that great.

(Plus, I have this site which takes up all of my posting power, so I usually had nothing to say on underscore anyway).

And today, I find out that I’ve been uncerimoniously KICKED AND BANNED from Underscore, formerly "Mystery’s Lounge."

Here’s the email I got from Toecutter:

Toecutter writes:

If you are not following the lounge, we have just had an audit where everyone has posted a vouch for all the people that they know (including what they have seen in-set). We have kiced a whole bunch of people.

What you needed to be retained was to be vouched for by a minumum of 2 people…

You were vouched for by 3 people: Style, LittlebigDick and Christophe. All are in copy here. The problem is that your membership was called into question by by Jlaix and others.

Your membership in the lounge makes you a part of our community. Most of us have been vouched for by like 20 people. So it has come down to you … the man … Thundercat … has been called into question. Further, your blog has been accused as being anti-lounge.

So at the end of the day, you are loosing this, man. Let me tell you the score….

You are out … right now it is 28 to 1 (I have abstained).

There is nothing I could do. Jlaix (who is in copy), put a case against you, and I put it to the lounge.

At the end of the day, as you can see, you are more than voted out.

So there is the story. If you want to discuss, please e-mail me in return.’

I have included (in copy) everyone here so there are no secrets, but if you want to discuss it you can e-mail me privately.

Look forward to discussing it with you.


Now, I haven’t been on "The Lounge" in over a year, so I can’t say I’ll miss it.  It doesn’t surprize me to see that a message board filled with RSD members has decided to kick and ban me, since it seems to be a crime to point out their shady business practices and penchant to lie and over-exagerate their abilities.  So I can’t say it’ll be a big loss to me.

I’ve made good friends off what used to be "The Lounge."  When I was first made a member, it was a magic place for me.  Lots of great PUA knowledge, and lots of cool guys.  Unfortunately, it’s degenerated into something that no longer has any magic for me.  I don’t know half the guys on the underscore lounge, and only half of the ones I do know are people I care to associate with.

I always liked Jlaix, never had anything against him, and think he’s a brilliant comedic writer and kick-ass karaoke singer, but it’s apparent his loyalty to RSD is unshakable.  That’s a shame.  I see way to many cool guys get pulled into the "Tyler Cult" and get all wierd and vindictive.

From my point of view, I quit the lounge a long time ago, so I’m not going to fight being banned from RSD’s after-school club.  I was never a fan of having to "prove yourself" to be a member of the board, since being a cool guy you could learn and discuss things with was always enough for me.  But the egos on the board liked to have the "Underlings" prove their worthiness to be a member of their club.

The fact is, I’m happy with my life.  I have great friends, a great job, I’m doing what I love, and though I haven’t found the girl for me yet, I am going out on plenty of dates and having a great time (as opposed to when I first joined The Lounge and was a hopeless AFC).  I feel I’m on my way to achieving what I wanted when I first joined the community, and this success makes me feel I have nothing to benefit by being a member of underscore anymore.

Just like when I was banned from the Speed Seduction list for speaking out against Ross Jeffries, I’m now banned from underscore for speaking out against RSD.  Good riddance, I say.  They can have their fan club.  I’ll survive and probably be better off for it.

I know RSD has their own secret message board where they like to sit around and plot the end of the world, along with the demise of me, Style, and David DeAngelo.  Personally, I believe that they like to use the underscore lounge to steal all their latest ideas, and then use their private RSD board to plot how to use said stolen ideas in secret.  (I have no proof of this, like I said, it’s justa theory.  However, the fact that they do have a secret message board has been verified)

So it’s apparent that RSD, in an attempt to punish me for speaking out against them, has gone the juvenile "nanny-nanny-nanny" rout by kicking me off a message board and excluding me from "the elite."

(Though the fact that I’m still friends with a lot of the good PUAs out there kind-of defeats the purpose, don’t you think?)

I can’t say I’ll miss posting on the board formerly known as "The Lounge."  This blog has always been a better outlet for me than the Lounge ever was.  And where else could you find 300-reply long threads of Papa and Tyler under a billion different aliases.  =)

(Just kidding, I know Papa and Tyler get others to do the dirty work for them.)

The funny thing is, I actually MET the requirements for staying in the underscore lounge.  I can remember back in the day when it only took 1 person to vouche for you to stay a member, and I got 3.  I guess I should feel special that it took an emergency message board-wide vote to kick me out.  Though to be fair (and stroke my ego a bit), the people who could REALLY vouch for me are people who never bother to post on that board anymore (people like Swinggcat, Roadking, Craig, and others), so I feel I’ll be in good company with them.

I find it funny my blog is said to be "anti-lounge."  That was never the case, and I always went to great pains never to reveal anything that was posted on The Lounge on my site without permission.  If by "anti-Lounge," they mean "anti-RSD," then I can see where they’re coming from, since underscore is now synonymous with RSD.  That is the only part of the whle ordeal I’d take to task and argue with, but it’s just not that important to me to defend myself to the people who wanted me out.  They can’t get revenge any other way I suppose, so they have to resort to stupid school-yard stuff like this.  Waaa-waaa.

My mom always says "The best revenge is a life well lived," and I feel I’m living a great life right now, just like I hope you and the other good souls on the underscore board are.  In the end, that’s more important to me than a membership to a boys club, and it should be important to all of you as well.

So in the end, I’m just gonna keep doing what I do, and have a great time doing it, and let RSD sit in their dark corner and plot my demise.  Maybe if RSD and MINE’99 ever team up, we could have a real Superfriends Showdown or something like that.  =)

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507 Responses to “Kicked And Banned — Again?”
  1. I am definitely not a phoney!

    My farts are as real as they get boy!!!
    U want proof?

  2. assbandit says:

    no thanks. despite the fact i take pleasure in posting on this blog. i actually pickup decent girls and get laid. like i did yesterday. mmm the sex was good too. maybe i should start doing workshops…

  3. RSD fanboy says:

    I bet u can’t beat our prices.

    Value for money? We deliver.

    And now with jerrari added to our team as an executive coach, we are simply unbeatable.

  4. Cerebral Dub says:

    The password ain’t working dude.

    I’m green when it comes to computers and shit, but how difficult could it be to hack the site?

  5. Sirducer says:


    Random samaurai. Not only are you the ugliest toothless bastard everyto be expelled from your mother’s anus. yoa are also a TRUE keyboard jockey


    hahahahahahaha you fucking small dicked, loser. We all have proof of exactly what a FAGGOT you really are.

    Buy some tweezers for your penis. u really are an ugly, vile mother fucker

  6. Alessandro says:

    I’m back! Where have you gone don won ton? When I find you, I’m gonna spread your spindly oriental legs wide open, bend you over, then cum in your anal passage till you explode.

    Then I’m gonna urinate over your remains and eat it up with chopsticks

    mmmmmmmmm sweet and sour pork suprise.

    Come to my my little fortune cookie. daddy’s waiting……..

  7. Random.Samurai says:

    These posts are really scraping the bottom of the barrel now. This site should be closed down. Have fun weirdos.

    See you on mASF, if you’ve got the balls to post under your real name in a discussion.

  8. Keyboard Jockey says:

    I’m tired of all you keyboard jockeys typeing your keyboard jockey nonsense to other keyboard jockeys who think that everyone else is a keyboard jockey. Its keyboard jockeys like you that all these keyboard jockeys sit there and jock their keyboards about. Then there are all the other keyboard jockeys out there who keyboard jockey around with their keyboard jockey attitude and think that because they can tell who the other keyboard jockeys are that they can’t possibly be keyboard jockeys. Quit keyboard jockeying around and let the rest of the keyboard jockeys be keyboard jockeys without all you keyboard jockeys keyboard jockeying it for the rest of the keyboard jockeys in keyboard jockey land.

    If you think Im a keyboard jockey it’s because your keyboard jockey mind is keyboard jockeying like the keyboard jockeys that started this keyboad jockey stuff in the first place.

    A bunch of keyboard jockeys started all this keyboard jockey stuff way back in the day of neuro linguistic keyboard jockeying and then newer keyboard jockeys keyboard jockied with neg-keyboard jockey hits and DHKJVs and IOKJIs and buying keyboard jockyism temps along with make the keyboard jockey hoe say keyboard jockey no. Then there was inner keyboard jockey game and keyboard cocky and jockey funny. We cant forget about Push keyboard and pull Jockey. Of course there’s Keyboard Direct Jockey Game.

    What am I missing?

  9. beast says:

    lol this blog should remain FOREVER!! The posts are fucking hilarious. I reckon even Mystery and TD come here to troll every now and again!!

    Anyway back to victimising random sam and don won ton

  10. gunbitch says:

    i think seduction.gr filesharing is now seductiongr.com

  11. elited says:

    Everyone who is hacking the Secret lounge stay safe! They spend a lot fo money on security and especially when it comes to pressing legal charges!

    The have some badass hackers on their side too and chances are that they will get you and make you pay majorly for anything.

    They don’t kid around so be really caredfyul!

  12. UNDERSCORE says:

    hey underscore insider dude can you post more stuff. give us some tactical methods they’ve been posting… those elitist pua bastards can’t hide forever

  13. papa says:

    Guess who’s back, back again, papa’s back, te…oh man, pissed myself. Back in a minute. I’ll let new executive coach “J” take over while I change my nappy…

  14. lesbian seagull says:

    The world is a rainbow
    That’s filled with many colors
    Yellow, black, and white, and brown
    You see them all around

    The world is a rainbow
    With many kinds of people
    It takes all kinds of people
    To make the world go round

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    and when we work together
    It’s such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful when we live in harmony

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    And when we work together
    Its such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful
    When we live in harmony

  15. lesbian seagull says:

    The world is a rainbow
    That’s filled with many colors
    Yellow, black, and white, and brown
    You see them all around

    The world is a rainbow
    With many kinds of people
    It takes all kinds of people
    To make the world go round

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    and when we work together
    It’s such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful when we live in harmony

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    And when we work together
    Its such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful
    When we live in harmony

  16. lesbian seagull says:

    The world is a rainbow
    That’s filled with many colors
    Yellow, black, and white, and brown
    You see them all around

    The world is a rainbow
    With many kinds of people
    It takes all kinds of people
    To make the world go round

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    and when we work together
    It’s such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful when we live in harmony

    Now you be you
    And I’ll be me
    That’s the way we were meant to be
    But the world is a mixing cup
    Just look what happens when you stir it up

    The world is a rainbow
    with many kinds of people
    And when we work together
    Its such a sight to see
    The world is beautiful
    When we live in harmony

  17. Like you guys didn’t see this flame shit coming when they did it to me?

  18. Jlaix says:

    fuck you,

    thundercat you are shit with no game
    the same goes for mystery, david deangelo and ross jeffries

    face it, RSD gets all the business and you get leftover scraps

    do the world a favor and shut down your useless businesses and stop selling your shit routines that nobody wants

    we get 10 times the customers the rest of you get put together, and our routines work

    your routines and teachings are so crap they actually hurt other peoples game

    all go to http://www.realsocialdynamics.com if you want a real product

  19. Bolivia says:

    You guys are amazing. It’s 3:03 in the morning. In about 3 hours I have to be up and get ready to go to work, BUT I enthusiastically decided, after finally reaching the last chapter of “The Game”, to search for one of the sites or chat lounges that were so glorified in this amazing book. Here I am searching and scavenging impatiently, expecting to find one of the havens I read so much abou. A place full of bedazzling and astonishing insight, where I can meet and speak to characters that I’ve become so familiar with in my own realm of reading. But to my dismay, L O-fucking-L, I find the biggest, most juvenile cat fight, unimaginable to anyone that’s been intrigued and enamored by this secret society. I just turned 24, How old are you guys? Carrying on with this bitch-like bickering. I came here in search of some new pointers, not to here you guys go back and forth at each others throat with such harsh and impaling comments, what’s up with that? Seriously Jlaix & TC guys I read about, who received nothing but praise. On my first introduction to a seduction sight or PAU sight I’m welcomed with this, post of such bickering, engaging in infantile gestures? Get the fuck out of here. I was under the impression that this SOCIETY was well organized and unified, an endless venture with once AFC’s now turned PUA’s or even better, mPUA’s, that helped improve the lives of un-nurtured AFC’s or guys like me, who have some game, but never really get the 10′s there after.

    Well, I’ll tell you what, ladies. I’m a young New Yorker who constantly tries to surround himself with HB’s on the weekend. I came here to learn from you guys, and become part of what I considered an elite society of social intellects, but I’ve been snubbed with foul play here. It seems you can’t even see eye to eye, or even acknowledge the greatness this book has attributed to YOUR community, greatness that’s inherited more pupils ready to learn from you’s than you can imagine. But your too wraped up in your greed and your ego’s. If you fuckers have nothing to offer except how to succumb to your feminine traits, than your going to lose alot of great potential like me. If I have to start my own blog for guys who only care about sarging, sharing tips, unifying and re-constructing what you guys are destroying, than so be it, I’m no pussy. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, unify this damn society, get guys like Mystery, Styles, DeAngelo(I’ve read some of your post on cocky funny my freshman year, 3yr ago, great stuff man), Little Big Dick, Craig, RASPUTIN, STEVE P., wow, back into a sights like these, and lets get this fucking magic flowing again.

    Tu Amigo,

    P.S. I’m interested in socializing with alot of you guys, if anyone wants to keep in touch, or your a New Yorker like I am, i’m willing to go sarging, learn and share with anyone, Especially where alot of my white bro’s go wrong on picking up Spanish chicks. LOL my e-mail is Esniederf@yahoo.com. I’ll be around here but I’m still going to search for more sites out there, I’m a little hurt by what’s going on here. Sad! And no I’m not Bolivian, I’m Dominican-American, it’s just a nick branded in H.S.

    A comer Crica mi hermanos, Crica, Crrriiiiiicaaaa!!! LOL Peace!

  20. Newbie faggot Bolivia says:

    Hey guy, Ireally brought the cocky funny thing to another level, Random.Samurai/ Don Won Ton -Style!

    Ijust took out the Y, et VoilГЎ:


    We sould organize gay trains all over the country, this can’t be a privilege only to the army!

    The first gay train will be held in Ohio withg RSD-master instructor Random.Samurai and his Strap-on-wing Don!

    Get in line….

  21. L8er says:


    You are too late man, you should have finished that book about 6 weeks ago, really.
    This is just the tabloid of the community now. Ok so the posts may be juvenile, but it is my guilty little pleasure and i now a lot of other people enjoy it as well.

    I can tell you are a newbie because you think The Game is the best book you have ever read and opened up a new way of looking at the world.
    It was a fun read but nothing more than that, do not give it excess value.

    Now just take 2 openers and a short story for in the set into the field and slowly build from there. Don’t over-study.
    And for godsakes have some fun.

  22. I am mad says:


    You dusty toothless jewish R and B singing hooker, come here and braid my ass hair! Fuck you and know that “The Game” that you have read is COMPLETE BS….you know and even that sick one breasted toothless mother of yours knows that guys lie and exagerate on how many lays they get….

    I bet your coming in here thinking your going to be the GREATEST seducer of all time huh?….yea right buddy, just stick with that dark fat nosed Nigerian girl in your class, who happens to make your Gordita consuming ass silently fart, when ever she licks her 7 pound jungle monkey lips…

    Our friend Thunder, the Male booty hunter, has been in the “game” for 10 years and he has almost H-closed ( h = holding hands), let alone get a kiss on the cheeks….and he’s been letting “gurus” stab his shit for the last 6 years in hopes of a mildly retarded girl and above can see him for who he is and not his Carl Winslow body shape.

    All the “gurus” are full of 5th world Dominican Republic shit, and will do anything to take your section 8 money (and yes, pun intended Moda fucka)…..so stick to your “cocky yet never funny” material and keep getting that “you’re an asshole” line from the girls and slightly smirk, while preparing to seduce your right hand to jack you off….

    We love you ThunderNipples, fuck these sorry saps who think laying a “hotbabe” is the only reason for living….you don’t need them so long as EBONY porn is still in buisness…

  23. Squelch says:

    hahahahahahahahah that was hilarious dude

  24. jockey comedy says:

    If you seek info on pickup visit http://www.mysterymethod.com/forum for indirect game or
    http://www.direct-method.com for direct game.

    But if you want to laugh your ass off, then welcome to Thundercat’s blog.

  25. PieroIlBello says:

    is not needed a registration to post here?

  26. stfu says:

    Shut the fuck up PieroIlBello, you retarded makkaronimunchin’ fag queen and go comb yo mama’s mustache!

  27. JC says:

    would it be safe to fuck a girl in the ass without using a condom?

  28. AssBandit says:

    JC you stupid shit – have you been reading the posts – everyone on here takes a big hard one up the arse from RSD, especially J and Random.Samurai (u ugly fucker) they know what they are doing when it comes to gay sex – its like being in prison where you are some butch muscle guys bitch!
    so back to your question – erm whats this thing you call a ‘girl’??

  29. Up the Shut Fuck says:

    Safe for whom?

    Safe for the girl? I say: who cares?

  30. Jay says:

    Can someone please come and do me up the arse?

  31. Fucker says:

    i vote to kick you from your blog.

    you deserve it

  32. Let's Do It says:

    Guys let’s try to make it to 500 posts! Let’s do it for our homie TC.

    Oh and Rand Samugay is the ugliest chode i’ve ever seen. Fucking hideous creature!

  33. Let's Do It says:

    Guys let’s try to make it to 500 posts! Let’s do it for our homie TC.

    Oh and Rand Samugay is the ugliest chode i’ve ever seen. Fucking hideous creature!

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  49. BVZ_Moskva_s says:

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    В современной сфере, где время – деньги, быстровозводимые здания стали реальным спасением для коммерции. Эти современные конструкции сочетают в себе твердость, экономичное использование ресурсов и быстроту установки, что делает их отличным выбором для разных коммерческих начинаний.
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    1. Быстрое возведение: Минуты – основной фактор в деловой сфере, и объекты быстрого монтажа обеспечивают существенное уменьшение сроков стройки. Это значительно ценится в случаях, когда актуально оперативно начать предпринимательство и начать зарабатывать.
    2. Экономия: За счет усовершенствования производственных процессов элементов и сборки на месте, бюджет на сооружения быстрого монтажа часто бывает ниже, по сравнению с обычными строительными задачами. Это позволяет получить большую финансовую выгоду и получить лучшую инвестиционную отдачу.
    Подробнее на [url=https://bystrovozvodimye-zdanija-moskva.ru/]https://scholding.ru/[/url]
    В заключение, моментальные сооружения – это идеальное решение для предпринимательских задач. Они объединяют в себе молниеносную установку, финансовую выгоду и долговечность, что обуславливает их превосходным выбором для предпринимательских начинаний, желающих быстро начать вести бизнес и получать прибыль. Не упустите шанс на сокращение времени и издержек, идеальные сооружения быстрого монтажа для вашего предстоящего предприятия!

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