Dating Older Women

July 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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Got this email from a reader that sparked my interest…


Hey man, I read the
blog daily – it keeps my day exciting, no doubt about it.

I’m a younger guy,
just turned 23 yesterday, and am totally into dating women in their 30′s. I was
wondering if you could create an article link for PUA’s to discuss this aspect
that is rarely mentioned but many PUAs are still game for experienced women. I’d
love to share some of my insights and hear what everyone else has to

Let me know,


Okay, DK, if you want it, here it is.  Personally, I don’t think it’s bad to date older women.  In fact, if your a younger guy, you can learn a LOT from dating women who are older than you (and many of them are much easier to pick up than the 18 to 25 year olds).  So here’s a thread for you guys to discuss everything you know about dating older women.

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