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Beware Evil Women

July 15, 2005 by  
Filed under Articles

This may be the most important blog post you’ve ever read.


This one email will be able to save you tons and TONS of heartache AND money IF you heed the advice you’ll find within it.


Because the advice I’m about to give you is designed to protect you from THE most dangerous and harmful thing on the face of the planet…


Just like all things, there is good, and there is evil.  The good can be a tremendously positive force in your life, filling it with joy and happiness.  The evil, however, can cause tremendous pain, suffering, and even DEATH.

It’s no different with women.

There are good women in this world, and there are women that can only be described as EVIL.  The purpose of this email is to help you spot the bad ones so you can save yourself from untold suffering and focus all your attention on finding a good woman that you can have amazing experiences with.

The first thing I want to say about EVIL women is that it is important to spot them early!  And once spotted, it is important not to have any type of contact with them if you want to enjoy complete happiness in your love life.

Of course, sometimes it can be very tempting to have a one-night stand or hot-and-heavy fling with a woman who is bad for you.  And sometimes, everything can turn out okay.  But that doesn’t mean you’re not still playing russian roulette with your love life!

The best defense against EVIL women is knowing the type of woman you want.

EXACTLY the type of woman you want.

When you know what you want, your search for the woman that’s right for you becomes much narrower and focused, so instantly you filter out a great many of the women you’ll be wasting your time with.

For instance, let’s say you’re looking for a serious girlfriend…

What are the things you’d want in a woman who’s going to be a good girlfriend?  Let’s say you’d like a woman who really enjoys outdoor activities (because that’s what you enjoy).  So you’re girlfriend has to be an avid outdoorsman.  BOOM!  You’ve just narrowed your search and eliminated a good 90% of the EVIL women that are out there.

But there’s still that 10% you have to look out for.

The next thing you should be aware of is if she is in a profession that lends itself to "unbalanced" personalities.

For instance, if the girl is, or has ever been, a stripper, a prostitute, or a porn actress, her chances of causing you incredible amounts of trouble are EXTREMELY great.  And we’re not just talking about the mental trouble either, they could very well give you a disease from which you may never recover!

Another thing to look out for is self-destructive habits.  If you notice the woman you’re with is a heavy drug user or alcoholic… RUN.  Do not get seriously involved with women who drink too much, do too many drugs, or both.  These are women who will care more about the substances they abuse than YOU.  And they are also women who care nothing about themselves, and getting emotionally attached to someone who cares nothing for their well-being is a painful endeavor.

Some people criticize me for saying this, but I do believe it… BEWARE SINGLE MOTHERS!  If you’re getting involved with a woman who already has a kid, you’re opening yourself up for a great deal of trouble down the line.


Because if she got pregnant once by some other guy,chances are she’ll get pregnant by YOU!  Even if you use birth control!  And if she DOES get pregnant, chances are she’ll go ahead and have the baby.  This means that whether you break up with her or not, you’ll be stuck paying child support for the next 18 years!  Now, if the idea of shelling out your hard-earned cash for a kid you never wanted to a woman you don’t like for the next 18 years of your life doesn’t appeal to you — STAY AWAY FROM SINGLE MOMS!

In addition to that warning above, single moms will always choose their kids over you, which means you will always get the short end of the stick when it comes to her time and attention.  So if you want lots of sex and adventures in your relationship, you can throw that away when dealing with a single mom!  And not only that, but depending on what state you live in, if her kid gets attached to you, you might be legally liable for child support EVEN IF IT ISN’T YOUR KID!  Check your local laws to be certain.

Watch out for women who are too clingy and get jealous easily!  These are women who are incredibly insecure, and most likely they will cheat on you!  In fact, the more jealous they are, the more likely it is they are sleeping around.  This is because people tend to project their own behaviors on others, and if they think you’re cheating on them, chances are it’s because they, themselves, are cheating (or thinking about it!).

Watch how the woman treats her own family.  Typically, women who have good relationships with their mother AND father are well balanced women who will treat you well.  If they hate EITHER of their parents, chances are they’re going to end up treating you the same way.

As a side note to this, loot at how her parents treat each other if you get the chance.  If their relationship is a good one, chances are the relationship you have with her will be good too!  The same is true if the parents have a BAD relationship.

Also, look to see if the woman you like also likes children.  It doesn’t matter if you want to have kids or not.  If a woman does not like kids, that’s a statement about her own capacity to love and nurture!  If she hates kids, then it’s a very good possibility she is incapable of deep commitment and personal connection, and will end up using and abusing the man she is with!

And finally, if you find out that you’re with an EVIL woman, do not hesitate to DUMP her immediately!

And when I say dump, I mean DUMP.  Delete her number from your phone, do not see her or talk to her again.  Cut her out of your life completely!  And if she comes crawling back to you promising to change, DO NOT TAKE HER BACK.  She won’t change, and she’ll make your life even WORSE than it was when you were with her before.  Be strong and leave her behind completely, and work towards finding a good, positive woman to have in your life.

You can’t protect yourself 100% from EVIL women, but if you follow the guidelines I’ve given you above, then you have an extremely good chance of filtering them all out.

So how do you find yourself a good woman?

Well, odd enough as it sounds, the quality of the woman you can get directly depends on how high you value yourself!

This means building a strong self-image that you can present to the world.

In my book, The Art Of Approaching, I go into great detail on how to do this.  Everything from building extreme confidence with women, to how to get them to go out with you is in there!  If you haven’t checked out my book yet, you can do so by clicking on the link below:

Click Here To Download The Art Of Approaching!

Learn everything I have to teach, and you will be able to find a GOOD woman you’ll want to be with for a long, long time.

Wishing you success,


Get Your Free Guide Here!


35 Responses to “Beware Evil Women”
  1. Magnus says:

    Ha ha ha ha fxxxing awesome!

    Somehow when I started reading this, I thought “this article is going to end with a link to Art of Approaching”.

    I think my brain must subconsciously recognise the formula you use for producing these infomercials.

    There are no evil women. You betray your faux PUA status by spreading this belief.

  2. The Outlaw says:

    I do beliveve there are evil women just like there are evil men but some of the women listed above would need more help than avoidance case in point the single mother now call me a fool but i love single mothers just because I love kids and would be willing to take care of a kid thats not my own but I agree with thundercat stay away from the women you cannot not change and thats really negative namely my sitster

  3. Shinji says:

    Thank god Husky is selling an ebook that has the answer!! Finally!

    1. get attention “This may be the most important blog post you’ve ever read”

    2. manufacture a problem “EVIL women..” play on fears “you’ll be stuck paying child support for the next 18 years!”

    3. present self as solution. “Learn everything I have to teach, and you will be able to find a GOOD woman”

  4. Jason says:

    This is hardly new stuff, in a nutshell: Avoid needy women, drug users and single moms. I bet most 12 year olds know this. Also how many of us are ever gonna end up seducing a porn star?! Maybe the guys who go to top LA nightclubs (thus eliminating 95% of us!)

    I dont see how the art of approaching works on building your self image? Aside from the newbie/mystery missions which is hardly life changing stuff. Want your self image fixed? Go to a Major Mark seminar.

  5. Blincubus says:

    While this isn’t new material it is certainly necessary for many guys, especially AFCs. Many times AFCs will settle for a girl that settles for them. What I mean is, many guys are so damn lonely they will take anything that comes along that looks half-way decent. I know this because I used to be one those guys and many of my old (now married, God save their souls) friends are married to these emotional nightmares.

    Many guys that frequent seduction websites know to avoid these psychos or simply bone and disown them. However, that could still get you in serious trouble as TC pointed out w/ single mothers. However, any of these psychos could present problems just as serious. I know because I had one of these superneedy psychos stalk me for 2 and a half years. Did you read that, 2 1/2 years!! And I didn’t even screw her. I went on one date with her after which I realized to not get involved with her. I avoided ALL contact with her and she still wouldn’t leave me alone! I had to get the police involved several times too.

    This is just a great reminder of the vigilance we rAFCs and PUAs need to have everytime we go out…

    Hope this helps that lonely AFC lurking the site.

  6. Handsome Man says:

    I remember back when, when TC used to actually feel a little bad for plugging in his product. Now he just does it shamelessely. Loose ethics perhaps?

  7. Thundercat says:

    It’s my site, I can plug what I want. =)

    I still only recommend stuff I believe in, though.


  8. Shinji says:

    its not that he’s plugging his stuff, can’t hold that against him, it’s that he dresses it up in a phoney article form. a half-assed attempt at stealh marketing i guess. it wouldn’t be so bad if it was labeled at the top “advertisement” and people could choose to read it or not. it’s intellectually dishonest to pretend it’s anything other than an AD.

    what i do these days is read the end of his “articles” first and see what he’s pitching. Works on that catch her if you can guy’s mailbag as well.

  9. xmen says:

    Watch out for women from personal dating sites like alt.com or sexsearch.com.The_One fxxxxd them.A girl was hiv positive,his hiv test was negative.Pure luck imho.We got to be careful these days.

  10. masterclass says:

    the_one’s hiv problem…yeah the worst story I’ve ever read but hey,shit happens! What does the story teach us?Don’t fuck evil women with evil condoms! Condoms are not trustworthy these days!ROFL

  11. Johnny says:

    “Some people criticize me for saying this, but I do believe it… BEWARE SINGLE MOTHERS! If you’re getting involved with a woman who already has a kid, you’re opening yourself up for a great deal of trouble down the line.”

    Hmmm, should Hypnotica take this advice?


    Could I Be Hypnotized?

    By Thomas Lux

    Page 3 of 5
    San Diego Reader
    November 11, 2004

    Next he switched to a repetitious litany that seemed to have a sense of structure, that emphasized forgiveness — of others, of myself. Then he moved on to a similar riff on gratitude. These basic tenets are not new — they’re the foundation of many religions, many 12-step programs, hell, they’re a part of the common sense we should all learn on our journeys, but this time not only did they make logical sense to me but I also felt them in my body. Emily Dickinson, arguably the greatest American poet ever, said that her test of a real poem was if, reading it, she felt as if the top of her head had been taken off. She was speaking hyperbolically, metaphorically (poets tend to do that!), but she meant that the best poems don’t only enter us cerebrally, they affect us physiologically as well. A.E. Housman put the same feeling in a different manner: he said if he read an authentic line of poetry while he was shaving, he would cut himself. I was feeling something similar.

    After Känd brought me out of the trance he explained that for the effects to last I had to do homework, I had to re-imagine my images, I had to continue to practice forgiveness and gratitude. He taught me a technique using acupressure points and the repetition of certain phrases I could use if the negative, obsessive thinking returned in spades. I wanted this issue to stop renting so much space in my head. Hypnosis helped tremendously. The issue did not disappear, but it was greatly diminished, and the techniques helped keep it away when it lifted its ugly head to take a bite out of my ass. It was also clear to me — I could feel this in my body — that the hypnosis did not just cover up or mask the issue, its pain was diminished, the pockets of poison were reduced to the proportions of pinpricks when before they had gone through me like swords first slathered with the saliva of a Komodo dragon.

    Erick Känd told me about another San Diego­area hypnotist named Eric Von Sydow, professionally known as Hypnotica. I did a little research on him and found out that he often worked with a hypnotist named Steve Piccus (he’s coming). I heard them referred to as “the Penn and Teller of hypnotism” and, more interesting to me, “the bad boys of hypnotism.”

    I met with Von Sydow first. He’s in his early 30s, about five ten, dark-haired, and massively built. I had heard him described as “stocky.” Not true at all: he is ripped, clearly has tremendous upper-body strength. He lifts weights about five times a week and has the biggest biceps I’ve ever seen live. His physical strength comes in handy sometimes at his night job: he’s head of security at a strip joint not far from the airport. He likes the work and refers to it as his personal laboratory to study human behavior and dynamics. What he employs more often than his strength on the job are his hypnosis skills. He uses them to deal with obstreperous patrons as well as with the psychological difficulties the dancers experience.

    Von Sydow is a San Diego native who became obsessed with hypnosis and other healing arts in his teens. Like Känd, Von Sydow has done stage hypnotism. It’s not easy. On his third show ever “I put nobody under. At least those people knew it’s not fake.” As a young man, he did some serious searching, studying massage, herbalism, metaphysics, storytelling, shamanism. He experimented with mind-altering substances. He ran naked through the hills. In the desert, he buried himself up to his neck. He participated in dadaist-like pranks. He was “training my senses to create a richer texture to consciousness.” Now stepfather to two teenagers, he also told me, “I think I freaked my parents out during this time. My apartment looked like Willy Wonka’s house.”

  12. Chuckles The Assclown says:

    Get back Johnny…

    …back to that wasteland known as Usenet.

    Back to where the “seduction mafia” can train up it’s $hill$ by taunting and baiting you day in and day out.

    Back to your own self-made personal hell.

  13. jeanne says:

    im a single mother. i own my own home, have a steady decent paying job and have raised my children to be self respecting emotionally healthy females. It is difficult enough to do all of the above but now to be labeled “evil” please…who thinks this way? so im to be punished further because someone wants to sell a few books. listen single mothers are just like anybody else theyre not evil. dont listen to this stupid man

  14. sexy evil says:

    LOL LOL Thundercat you ASS ClOWN

  15. Blincubus says:


    You don’t appear to be the ordinary single mother. Great job at defying the odds! I do agree with you that “evil” is a horrible word to use.

    I believe the point that was trying to be made was, it’s not worth getting involved with women that are not emotionally available (in the long term). However, this logic could be applied to anyone. Many of the women listed tend to be more often than not, in this category and not worth the effort.

  16. ripped_off_ consumer says:


    please realise that this “Thundercat” character is just another internet scam-artist preying on timid, gullible and inexperienced men with zero action in their love lives.

    Look at how many guys are seeing through all this commericial seduction crap and taking the piss out of him and the others in the comments here.

  17. what says:

    Where is the story by The_One with this HIV girl…I want to read the story…that simply sounds scary

  18. SPG says:

    How about “Beware of Self Help Hucksters Who Pretend to Have Your Back?”

    Mr. Pot, meet the evil Miss Kettle.

    You know what? I think I’ll write that on my blog. And, no, I won’t link to some site to try and bilk people out of money, because I’m not in that game. I make an honest living.

    Nice plug for your book at the end of a very worthless post.

  19. Common Sense says:


    Everyone should stay away from this post. Reading is gonna hurt you – I didnt go past the first line. “Evil women” bah….

    The title itself shows how dangerous THIS POST is. Its gonna fuck up bad lots of people.

    But then again, who cares.

  20. xmen says:

    right so

    let’s talk about a pick up guru who has got aids (where’s the_one ??)
    any other fidentia diseases we don’t know about?

  21. intuit says:

    Simply luda-kris

  22. FoodForThought says:

    “Beware Evil Women”

    TC, to be clearer, I think what you meant was:

    “Beware of Evil Women”

    Or better still to set the scene that your article is a summarised mass of over-generalisations and stereotypes, perhaps the following would have been more apt to introduce it as:

    “Beware of Potentially Evil Women”

    Also, the word “Evil” is of course massive overkill – these women aren’t outright malevolent and damnable; they’re just possibly problematic. Through exaggeration, you risk insulting a lot of people. So how’s this instead:

    “Beware of Potentially Troublesome Women”


    “… Risky Women”
    “… Dicey Women”
    “… Hazardous Women”
    “… Precarious Women”

    Of course none of those have the attention-grabbing punch of “Evil Women”.

    I’m all for a little hype where it’s useful, but shouldn’t the title at least be congruent with the article content. Seems to me you of all people should be familiar with the concept of congruency. ;-)

  23. JSteed says:

    when is this blog gonna be updated?

    any thoughts on the new DD product abt Bars & Clubs?

  24. bucket says:

    so does the new DD product have Mys’s presentation?
    anybody know? I know its got Craig and Orion/Ben and may be Marie I think

  25. tingly1 says:

    DD does it again: “Bars and Clubs.”

    Next it will be “How to Seduce women wearing a Tu-Tu.”

    Come on guys do you “get it” yet?


  26. Jason says:

    I have “Meeting women in bars and clubs” Its a questions and answers section starring Craig, Will and Tyler. Basically the guys in the audience ask questions about typical stuff and Will provides the great spontaneous answers, Craig provides some good fratboy style stuff, and Tyler pretty much sits there silent the entire way through (I dont know if he was nervous or taking this whole “the alpha is the person with the least emotional response” too far)

    Complete waste of money, the only good thing to come out of it is a routine Will gives about a guy selling meat outside a bar. Plus you have these middle age computer programmers asking about how to seduce a 10 in a nightclub.. yeh good luck!

    You’ll learn nothing new that you cant find elsewhere.

  27. Jason says:

    Ooops forget that, I thought you were referring to the “Ask me anything Volume 2: Meeting women in bars and clubs” and not this http://www.doubleyourdating.com/barsandclubs

  28. Ninja says:

    Jason, I have to take the diametric opposite point of view from that Ask Me Anything: Bars and Nightclubs.

    Craig was giving some good advice and some other non-useful information too. Will was absolutely the worst of all 3 of the guys when he was answering questions. It’s like Will is trying too hard to be smooth and his answers reflect that. He is one of the guys you have to wonder how he made it onto the monthly interview series. Tyler was the totally coolest guy on stage. Yeah he didn’t smile much, but when Will was talking and giving ridiculous answers, Tyler was well justified to keep the alpha demeanor. Will was getting what you call at times “courtesy laughter.”

    You can tell Tyler’s advice comes from experience, while Will’s advice comes from a place of trying to be smooth. The best advice came from Tyler on that video:

    You go up to a group of chicks and say playfully, “OMG That is so cute, I heard that about New York girls, I’m gonna tell my friends in LA about you, you guys are so awesome.”

    Girls: What?

    TD: (Backturn)

    Girls: Hey! Hey! We’re not typical NY girls! (They’ll keep calling him back.)

    TD: Dude it’s cool, you guys are awesome, I told you.

    Girls: No! No! (Now, they keep pulling him back.)

    TD: What? I told you you’re awesome.

    Girls: (Keep on trying to qualify themselves to him)

    The biggest part is not the words as showing that you’re not affected by them.

  29. Spacedevil13 says:

    Evil women… For every one who don’t think a women can be just as evil and malicious as a man here are some stories. My friend met this “nice” girl at a bar they hit it off. He went to her place had a one night stand. He woke up with a burning sensation in his leg. She stuck a butterfly knife in his leg. He got up and she was standing at the door way laughing at him. Worst part is he did nothing wrong to her.
    When I broke up with my Ex she tried several times to run me over with her car smashing other cars in the process. Then tried to accuse me of stalking her. Why would I stalk her if I dumped the bitch in the first place. Well my employer backed me up..I was at work when I was suposedly stalking. The majority of women are decent folk but there sure are a nasty few out there who aren’t.

  30. Silk Corrosion says:

    Thundercat is refering to single mothers that are out on the hunt. like jeanna must be to be at a site like this.

    Most single women that aren’t single due to a husbands death are single for a reason.

    1)their man was a pussy: in which case she’s a low quality women

    2)SHe’s a nutcase: in which case thundy’s right.

  31. S.O.G. says:

    Silk Corrosion:

    lol. The LOWEST expected pregnancy rate for condoms (if they’re always used correctly) is 3% per year.

    You might want to filter your thoughts through some sort of basic knowledge of reality and simple reasoning about said reality (you know, that thing that’s supposed differentiate human beings from animals? (or — lol — men from women according to people like you) before you speak them out loud.

    Just so, you know, you don’t end up sounding like a complete clueless fucking idiot.

  32. Mario Luna says:

    Hi guys, I´m about finishing a new book on Pick Up Arts (or Venussian Arts as Mystery would say)… I think I´ve done a good job and I expect it to be a total hit. The only problem is that I´ve written it in Spanish (I´m Spanish) and I don´t have the money to pay for a good translation. Is there anybody there who´d be interested in helping me out with it? The person who does it will get a percentage of the profits. Interested people can send me an e-mail (neolupos@hotmail.com).

  33. People make evil people.

  34. Jim says:

    Evil Women?
    This would not be complete without the late Janet Rotenberg.

    Married for money
    Left her husband when he took ill on honeymoon to go out and enjoy herself
    Told her husband he was responsible for her cervical cancer
    Openly admitted using and abusing men and thought it was funny
    Refused mediation because her husband could not commit to giving her ‘her share’ of his fathers ‘will money’ even though his father wasn’t dead
    Lied in court about her lack of income even though she had 2 lodgers and a job
    Lied about her husband to ‘drum up sympathy’
    wormed her way into peoples lives pretending to be their friend only to get out of them what she could

    May this evil bitch rot in hell!

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