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“Catch Him & Keep Him” Author Responds!

July 6, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So there was a bit of controversy a while back about the latest book to be coming out of David DeAngelo Communications called "Catch Him And Keep Him," which seems to be a Double Your Dating type book for women.  It ruffled a few feathers of the readers of this site because they felt like David DeAngelo was trying to tell women exactly what to do to combat what he teaches guys to do.

Frankly, I don’t see it that way.  And when I contacted the DYD crew about the site, they responded that the author, Christian Carter, was part of the DYD crew and someone completely separate from David DeAngelo.

This, of course, was not believable to MINE’99, who insisted that David D was trying to pull a fast one, that Christian Carter was a made-up name, and that this was some type of "major scandal."

Well, it seems the real Christian Carter has visited the site and didn’t like what he saw.  Here’s his response…

Christian Carter writes:

So the truth is a PURELY subjective matter here?

It’s fascinating to see lies become truth and truth become emotional
ammunition here at a group that I would think prides itself of being
above practices like this.

Same common issue – different context.

I’m in awe of how I’ve been transformed into another human being by
your desires to "hate" or your fixation on the evil, misdirected and
absurd. I guess it’s more interesting that way though…

I’ve gone from myself into David DeAngelo simply through the power
of your thinking and wishing for all the bad things that you fear in
others to be true.

Plus, we all like nothing more than to see people who hold
themselves in high-esteem take a topple. (and I imagine there’s also
some childish short-sided financial "gain" that some of you think
you’re getting by espousing your "truth" – or at least you hope your
making sure other people don’t have too much more than you do)

Would anyone even think to try and meet me or talk with me? I am a
real human- being that does NOT happen to be David DeAngelo, Eben Pagan
or any other name that would apparently not smell so sweet here.

If you’re at Cliff’s Seminar, feel free to ask David about me and who I am.

Actually, I’d like to show up there and talk with to you since you know so much about me.

Then you could tell me all about me.

Hey – and then you could find a way to hate me too.

Seriously – does anyone want to talk, or are you happier living in your version of the world?

Not to be exposed for the idiot he is, MINE’99 spews forth this venomous reply…

MINE’99 writes:

Someone ALLEGING to be "Christian Carter" wrote:

"I’m in awe of how I’ve been transformed into another human being by
your desires to "hate" or your fixation on the evil, misdirected and
absurd. I guess it’s more interesting that way though…

I’ve gone from myself into David DeAngelo simply through the power
of your thinking and wishing for all the bad things that you fear in
others to be true."

So you are claiming you are the person who authored the Catch Him
And Keep Him ebook? Despite the fact that the writing style is almost
identical to Pagan’s. And you also write the newsletters too..is that
what you are claiming?

So Deangelo has NOTHING to do with this, other than lending
marketing expertise, his staff, his money, etc. He gets no profit from
it either.

    Please…pull the other leg while you are at it.

"Would anyone even think to try and meet me or talk with me? I am a
real human- being that does NOT happen to be David DeAngelo, Eben Pagan
or any other name that would apparently not smell so sweet here."

Sure. I’ll meet you. But in the meantime, are you saying YOU
authored the Catch Him And Keep Him ebook? That you write the
newsletters as well?

And that DeAngelo/Pagan has nothing to do with the marketing of
this project, even though you were described, by Thundercat, as a DYD
team member.

In the final analysis, if you wrote the book at Pagan’s request or
he is involved in the marketing of it, it is still a betrayal of his
DYD customer list. He’s still promoting and marketing a product that
tells women to avoid the men who do the stuff he teaches in the DYD

  Care to respond?

If you’re at Cliff’s Seminar, feel free to ask David about me and who I am.

Actually, I’d like to show up there and talk with to you since you know so much about me.

Then you could tell me all about me.

Hey – and then you could find a way to hate me too.

Seriously – does anyone want to talk, or are you happier living in your version of the world?

To which Christian replies…

Christian Carter writes:

RJ – I don’t know you. Therefore I feel no need to explain myself, my writing and my association with David D.

After reading where you’re coming from on posting board, I’ve
reached the conclusion that you’re not a person I want to spend my time
with or respond or engage with.

You’ve deceptively claimed that you know what the book is and
intimated that you’ve read it. Tell me what the name of the first
chapter is? I find you’re knowledge of all this amusing since no one
has seen my book besides my editor and a few women I’ve given advanced
copies to.

So say what you want and come to your own conclusions. I’m not going to read or respond to any of your posts in the future.

But thanks for your attention and the publicity/controversy you’re creating.

What’s the deal with MINE’99 and his obsession with this whole thing?  I mean, it’s not like this book is COMPETING with him in any way, unless he’s released some product that teaches women how to hypnotize men into relationships, in which case he’s guilty for the exact some thing he’s acusing David D of.

But when it comes down to it, MINE’99′s posts just wreak of petty jealousy and spite.  Why anyone would want to learn anything from this man is beyond me, since he seems to have obvious problems and issues a person with "guru" status just simply should not have.

I haven’t read Christian Carter’s book, and I don’t know anything about it.  It’s obvious that David D is marketing the book, but the only women who will be buying it/reading it will be lowly ugs who can’t get a guy, so chances are I’m not going to have to deal with any women who’ve read this book.  And if they have read it, so what?  What’s the worse that could happen?  They seduce you into a relationship with them? 

Heaven forbid.

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47 Responses to ““Catch Him & Keep Him” Author Responds!”
  1. setarcos says:

    I only glanced at the web page.. seems like a very similar writing style and marketing style as David D.

    Perhaps David D made the web page or gave the author serious tips?

    He had me fooled though, I thought this was David D applying his “Think and Grow Rich” methodology and growing his market. I thought it was a genius business move. And since I don’t consider David D much of a Dating Expert but more of a self-help guru geared towards men frustrated with women, I thought his principals are very applicable to any gender.

    But since this guy claims to not be David D, I can’t give David that credit :)

    Live and let live. (And seriously, its not like Christian Carter is stealing your market)

  2. Maverick says:

    Just to put a few actual facts out there.

    “Catch Him, Inc” is a front company owned by David Deangelo Comminications. There are numerous ways to confirm this, an easy start would be to check the domain contact;


    Catch Him Inc.
    3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy
    5th Floor
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
    United States

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com
    Created on: 24-Mar-04
    Expires on: 24-Mar-07
    Last Updated on: 20-Jun-05

    Administrative Contact:
    DeAngelo, David operations@daviddeangelo.com
    David DeAngelo Services Inc.
    3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy
    5th Floor
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
    United States
    8882443323 Fax –
    Technical Contact:
    DeAngelo, David operations@daviddeangelo.com
    David DeAngelo Services Inc.
    3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy
    5th Floor
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
    United States
    8882443323 Fax –

    I don’t know who wrote the actual book, but it’s certainly financed, marketed and supported by David D, which given his other market I personally feel is a little shady.

    But then another fact would be that David D. has little game and is basically the greatest keyboard jockey the community has ever seen. DYD is almost wholly based on his observations of RickH and extrapolations of Rick’s behaviour. Some are correct, some are just worthless and some are very wrong.

    Mind you the faux guru is fast becoming a trend in the community, just look at the author of this site :) Tho I will admit that while the material in Art of Approaching is wholly un-fieldtested by the author, it’s at least fairly good as it relates to approaching and for a guy new to the game can give them enough material and incentive to get off the starting blocks.

    If you really really really want to get your money’s worth and learn from someone with genuine skills then the only true way is either to attend a workshop (watching Mystery, or Todd/Xaneus in action when they’re “on” can be jaw dropping) or if that’s out of your price range then find local guys via masf/lairs and hang out with them. I promise you that even the latter would out-game David D or Thundercat on any day of the week.

  3. intuit says:

    This Carter guy may have written the materials and let David D. handle the marketing. Makes complete sense, hence the similarities of the page.

  4. Truth says:

    The issue to me isn’t whether David D. is Christian Carter. To be honest, I really don’t care. We can all agree that David D. does fully support Christian’s ebook, since he is marketing it and Christian is a DYD team member (employee).

    The real issue is that David D. supports a guy who teaches women to withhold sex and calls guys like us “emotionally unavailable”. If a man preaches against what you teach and insults your whole customer base, you should not support his product. Unless of course, David D. doesn’t care about his customers and only wants to make as much money as possible (which is exactly what is happening).

    I disagree with TC about only lowly UGs reading this. Beautiful women read cosmo and other girly magazines. That is where they get their dating advice. David. D is now supporting a guy who wants to become the new cosmo and preach against our agenda. It’s fine for people to disagree with our choice of lifestyle……

    ….but it is not ok for someone to pretend to champion it…..

    …..then sell us all out to this Christian Carter……

    ….just to make a few bucks…….

    ….that’s just dishonest….

    …..and that’s the…..


  5. oliodome says:

    This Truth guy should call himself OPINION.

    he seems to have nothing to do but post comments in this blog everyday about who is wrong or non righteous and almost everything he says can be proved to be not true.

    You could almost read whatever Truth says, write the exact opposite and you will get something closer to the


    I guess communities meant for nerds would attract all this drama that the readers love so much. People who can- DO! People who cant …….GOSSIP!

  6. oliodome says:

    This Truth guy should call himself OPINION.

    he seems to have nothing to do but post comments in this blog everyday about who is wrong or non righteous and almost everything he says can be proved to be not true.

    You could almost read whatever Truth says, write the exact opposite and you will get something closer to the


    I guess communities meant for nerds would attract all this drama that the readers love so much. People who can- DO! People who cant …….GOSSIP!

  7. oliodome says:

    This Truth guy should call himself OPINION.

    he seems to have nothing to do but post comments in this blog everyday about who is wrong or non righteous and almost everything he says can be proved to be not true.

    You could almost read whatever Truth says, write the exact opposite and you will get something closer to the


    I guess communities meant for nerds would attract all this drama that the readers love so much. People who can- DO! People who cant …….GOSSIP!

  8. sandworm77 says:

    Truth wrote:

    “The real issue is that David D. supports a guy who teaches women to withhold sex and calls guys like us “emotionally unavailable”. If a man preaches against what you teach and insults your whole customer base, you should not support his product. Unless of course, David D. doesn’t care about his customers and only wants to make as much money as possible (which is exactly what is happening).”

    Duh, duh, and duh.

    One has to wonder if Thundercat would be so easy on David D if he weren’t a DYD affiliate, and, in that sense, “a member of the DYD” team.

    C’mon. It doesn’t really matter if DeAngelo wrote the book; he’s marketing it, supporting it with his staff/team, throwing his weight behind it. He’s endorsing and promoting, pushing a product that teaches women to WITHOLD SEX.

    Jesus H. Christ on a pogo-stick. What more do you want? What more do you need to see?

    If I paid someone 500 bucks to run Thundercat over with a 65 Buick, wouldn’t I be as morally(and legally) responsible as the guy who did the actual driving?

    “Christian Carter” may not be DeAngelo, but he’s certainly acting at DeAngelo’s encouragement, if not actuall direction and employment.

    And…..if DeAngelo has nothing to hide, and he really does care about his customers reading this blog, why won’t he come in here and at least speak up? Does he care so little(or fear so much) that he can only let his flacks and flunkies speak for him?

    I say again, if you are going to Cliff’s seminar and you are a DeAngelo customer, he OWES you a personal explanation. So ASK HIM! Right in front of the rest of his customers so THEY get the benefit of the answer as well as you.

    And Thundy; your lack of integrity and utter ball-licking in the name of your ongoing affiliate relationship with DYD shows what a toothless, ruthless and utterly unethical whore you truly are.


  9. sexyevil says:

    LOL LOL LOL…….

  10. Truth says:

    Odiodome, I understand that you may not be intelligent enough to figure out how to post a comment. However, no one should be subjected to your off-topic babble 3 times…..

    ….and that’s the…..


  11. terrelite says:


  12. sexyevil says:

    whos got the book??? I want to see it….

  13. tingly1 says:

    I’m with Truth and RJ on this one ALL the way (excluding negative comments made by RJ to TC, of course).

    Plain and SIMPLE: David D. is about THE MONEY. DUH! He’s DEFINITELY behind Christian Carter if he’s NOT him. Just look at the damn site…it’s obviously influenced by DD to some capacity.

    If you’re buying DYD, you’re buying a nullified product thanks to Christian Carter (CC). Your “C&F” is repelled by the power of “withholding sex.”

    I’ve READ the DYD ebook, as I’ve stated before, and to be BLUNT…it’s GARBAGE overall. I’m thinking I’m going to get some “magical” (or even a sound) system for banging chicks left and right, and I get lame vague advice here and there with no real value.

    Thank GOD I read the book for FREE and that I only did so for fun…as I can get laid without all “methods” etc.

    Last note, I’v come to the conclusion that David D. is a King Keyboard Jockey. Period. Marketing GENIUS…but KJ nonetheless.

    Has anyone SEEN him pull chicks? Notice in all of his seminars “it’s taken him YEARS to *research* this stuff.” In other words: take other people’s shit and recycle it as his OWN…LOL.

    He REAKS of a guy who can’t get laid…then again, if you flash enough of the money HE’S making from his seminars, then I guess you can get a two for one at a ANY Las Vegas brothel…lol.

    …you have experienced…

    …the feeling at the bottom of your stomach…

    …that can only be described as…


    (HA! Beat THAT “Truth”…LOL. I think your exit is the coolest in the community…next to MINE of course…LOL.)

  14. renzky says:

    sexyevil wrote

    whos got the book??? I want to see it….,

    Buy it.

  15. Pollyanna Gamma Girl says:

    Women have been warned about players and nice guys who might turn out to be players over and over for thousands of years. The warnings have never worked. I don’t think there is any danger that women will lose interest in attractive men just because we have once again for the umpteenth time been warned in the Catch/Keep ebook. The warnings function a bit like promises of something exciting about to happen and serve to build anticipation. It basically has the effect of promoting not just players but all men.

    I don’t think the Catch/Keep ebook is warning women against the whole “seduction community.” I think it says women should avoid the kind of player who is in the game only for the ego gratification (conquer her and make her orgasm to prove you are a man). Most of the guys in the “seduction community” seem to be nice guys interested in building their skills in attracting women. See mainstream media article in Razor magazine http://www.fidentia.org/Media/razor_magazine.htm for a mostly positive review from a woman who was pretty skeptical.

    DYD is really about doing dating and pickups in a way that will keep sex open as a possibility for the future whether the future is in 10 minutes or a couple of months. If you have really good foreplay skills (see Sex Secrets eBook by David DeAngelo for a bunch of stuff that would work on me) you can IMHO stop at 2nd base and a woman will respect you as a man who is in control of himself and a man she knows can rock her world whether you do it then or make her wait for it. DYD doesn’t say you have to take it all the way when you get physical so it’s not really out of line from what is advised in Catch/Keep.

    I’m not really ready to settle down yet or even have a serious boyfriend but I think most of Catch/Keep is good general advice for women. I don’t really feel like it’s a contradiction to DYD – it’s more of a complement. Serious/Flirtatious (female equivalent of Cocky/Funny) is a bit more sophisticated and interesting than what I do now and I think a guy will enjoy it more. I think I can dream up some ways to put it to good use and have some fun and keep my options open. I think it helps to have read DYD to understand Catch/Keep. If I didn’t know about DYD I don’t think I would get near as much out of Catch/Keep. Of course I also would have never found Catch/Keep in the first place if it wasn’t for DYD.

    My only real problem with Catch/Keep is the part about consciously making a guy wait for sex. I have some serious ethics about following through and not being a prick tease. If I knew I wanted a guy and he wanted me and I was consciously making him wait I think I’d get pretty creeped out. And that would go triple if I was trying to build a real relationship. Is there really a biological basis for why a man would take at least a month to develop infatuation chemicals? I don’t think a woman is really in love in the beginning either. I think if there is anything in the beginning it’s all infatuation chemicals but some women think it’s true love for some reason. Or maybe I’m just a cold hard cynic.

    As far as whether Christian Carter is really David DeAngelo it’s just hard to tell. The format is the same and the parallels drawn because of the format are really clever and interesting to me. At first I was very sure DD was CC but as time goes on I am less sure. The tone of the book and newsletter is completely different from DYD. CC is much more serious than DD. It’s a good book anyway no matter who wrote it. I just happen to think it’s better if you also have DYD. One thing that really made me laugh was the warning to women about being clingy. This isn’t very nice or straightforward but sometimes if I just want to get rid of a guy I will go clingy to scare him off. There are lots of ways to mess up with a man but clingy has got be the number one way to scare him away very fast. So if you are a man looking for a way to scare off women who are trying to trap you into a relationship you might try the parallel tactic – act a little sex starved and desperate and see how fast she dumps you when she thinks all you are after is sex.


    I think the web page will scare men a lot more than the actual book.

  16. Pollyanna Gamma Girl says:

    >>The real issue is that David D. supports >>a guy who teaches women to withhold sex >>and calls guys like us “emotionally >>unavailable”.

    I know I used the “withhold sex” phrase in a previous post and I think I was wrong and just having an emotional reaction. What he says is that a man is willing to wait if he wants a relationship which is actually a different thing. I think I was just reacting with disappointment because I really like sex and I like for it to happen pretty quickly. Maybe if I was looking for a real relationship I would be willing to wait.

    I don’t know that he was calling players “emotionally unavailable” so much as saying that a lot of men are or feel at a disadvantage when it comes to feelings and they need some help and understanding from women. I think a woman can kind of take a crowbar to a man’s feelings when she tries to open him up and pull out the feelings she wants and he isn’t willing. And that can (and should!) feel manipulative and scary to a man. Men can tend to only share their feelings with the womaon they are in a relationship with. If a man only shares feelings with one person and doesn’t have other outlets for emotional connection then he can wind up emotionally isolated and at risk for verbal abuse from the woman because of it. No man is an island but maybe it’s better to be an island than to let another person control your emotional life. Find other people to share with too. And only share what you want to share. They are your feelings, not hers.

  17. Chaco says:

    OOOHHHH I love Gunwitch..what a big hairy man..a manly man.. who I loove a manly Gunwitch.oohhhhh

  18. The One says:


    I suspect that “Carter” is a common acquiantance of ours who used to live in San Diego.

    I suspect that “Carter” is a common acquaintance who used to live in San Diego. (The frat-boy looking guy…. ;-)

    That’s my guess.

    The One

  19. ripped off consumer says:

    Can someone here please explain how a commercial guru can “sell out”?

    The way I see it is that their job is to make as much money as possible. I’d say it’s about time the ladies started getting fleeced as well by these snake oil salesmen as well. Although I doubt that there is as many morons in the female camp as there are in the male seduction “community”.


  20. Jason says:

    “I suspect that “Carter” is a common acquaintance who used to live in San Diego. (The frat-boy looking guy…. ;-)


  21. sre94 says:

    Craig still lives in San Diego. Saw him three times over the 4th of July weekend.

  22. Anon says:

    Guys, get real. Plenty of people and business work both sides of the street without any morality conflict – business consultants, lawyers, advertisers, all sorts of coaches, etc.

    If it upsets you, ask yourself is it because you feel ‘betrayed’ (as a lot of you are claiming), or is it more likely that you are ‘insecure’ about more women knowing about your game.

    If it is the latter, I’d suggest Style’s mainstream book ‘Game’ is likely to have far more of an impact than another product supported by David D.

  23. The Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    “If it upsets you, ask yourself is it because you feel ‘betrayed’ (as a lot of you are claiming), or is it more likely that you are ‘insecure’ about more women knowing about your game.”

    Why are doing something that is disgenuine and feels more like a “game” to you? As long as that is something you are comfortable doing and is natural for you to do, what’s it matter what she says or thinks?

    First and foremost, though, it’s only a “game” if you’re manipulating a woman. This isn’t about playing woman, lying to them or hurting them; that is the Psychology of the little boy, not mature man. Little Boys take take take, while Mature Men engage in a reciprocation, mutual growth and love between himself and the woman/women in his life. Which one do you want to be?

  24. justice says:

    The mere title “catch him and keep him” explains what this despictable ebook is about: Dehumanizing men into a lower specie that needs to be caught, by using manipulative behavior, like:

    “It’s far better to save your touches for short and infrequent moments that will surprise and enchant him.”

    “you would like to take things from “casual” to “committed” ”

    “your man doesn’t do nice things for you, call you, or make plans the way he used to… and you’d like a fast and easy way to get things back to the way they used to be?
    ” —Why shouldn’t SHE call me and do nice things for me, isn’t it what DeAngelo repeats in a lot of his emails!?

    It also criticize and prevent women against what deAngelo is teaching:

    “A lot of women will decide whether or not they should put energy into building a relationship with a man based on ATTRACTION.

    Yes, attraction is important. But it can also be DANGEROUS.

    ” Women too often give up sex to a man in the hopes that it will translate into a relationship” give up sex!!?

    “Have you ever slept with a guy very quickly after meeting him, but as it started to happen you got that sinking feeling in your stomach? You knew it was a mistake, but you did it anyway. And then the thing you KNEW would happen actually happened: He unexplainably disappeared from your life. Honestly, have you ever had this happen?”

    “This book wouldn’t be complete without the inside “dirt” from us MEN.”

    “make him want to do twice as much for you to get your attention ”

    “How to use powerful emotional “triggers” to practically FORCE a man to fall for you ”
    —Force a man to fall with emotional triggers?? This last one made me sick in my stomach.

    “The 3 different types of “players”, and how to identify each one FAST ”

    “A way to spot a man who is too immature to have a loving relationship, FAST… so you can be sure to NEVER give up your time or your heart to someone who isn’t “available” or capable”

    I could go on and on, but what I’m going to do instead, and what I would recommend to anybody that was offended by DeAngelo publishing this material, is to hurt him where it hurts the most: Return all the products that you have bought from him… He thinks that, based on the manipulative books he has read that because he is selling this to “losers that can’t get laid” that we will not have the guts to return the products and he will keep the profit… Give him a little surprise…

  25. The Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    “If it upsets you, ask yourself is it because you feel ‘betrayed’ (as a lot of you are claiming), or is it more likely that you are ‘insecure’ about more women knowing about your game.”

    Why are you doing something that is disgenuine and feels more like a “game” to you? As long as that is something you are comfortable doing and is natural for you to do, what’s it matter what she says or thinks?

    First and foremost, though, it’s only a “game” if you’re manipulating a woman. This isn’t about playing women, lying to them or hurting them; that is the Psychology of the little boy, not a mature man. Little Boys take! take! take!, while Mature Men engage in reciprocation, mutual growth and love between himself and the woman/women in his life. Which one are you?

  26. Johnny says:

    “First and foremost, though, it’s only a “game” if you’re manipulating a woman. This isn’t about playing women, lying to them or hurting them; that is the Psychology of the little boy, not a mature man. Little Boys take! take! take!, while Mature Men engage in reciprocation, mutual growth and love between himself and the woman/women in his life. Which one are you?”

    It’s a “game” when your entire frame (sex with no commitment) is tilted towards your desires at the expense of hers, and you play little “games” like never promising her anything explicit and reminding her of this when she’s hooked, etc. That’s what CHAKH is going to teach women how to stop.

    I think the biggest problem they’ll have in selling the book is that women, far moreso than men, tend to react better to mainstream publishers than to the guru types we see on the net pitching to men. If David D. or the guy that wrote CHAKH got on Oprah, like the author of He’s Just Not That Into You did, then he’d have incredible influence.

  27. Johnny says:

    “Christian Carter” may not be DeAngelo, but he’s certainly acting at DeAngelo’s encouragement, if not actuall direction and employment.”

    In the newsletters, “Christian Carter” said his real name was “Mark Matthews.” Don’t know if he’s a “frat boy” but would that be the frat where all the guys have their last name begin with the same letter of the alphabet as their first name?

  28. Sydney says:

    I have to say the marketing is very interesting…
    I can see this carter is probably setting up to do seminars.

    First hit them with a book that says “hey YOU are not the problem it’s what you DID that was the problem” then hit them with a seminar (and make it a DVD product called an “advanced series”) of course the EGO kicks in now and not having the ‘advanced’ material presupposes you’re not advanced, so away you go buying “advanced” material so you can be BETTER than almost eveyone else out there. Funnily enough the book also promises to make you better than most people.

    So what will the advanced material have? oh that will be the part where they say “actually it’s not only what you DID but it’s who you are”.
    Then it’s a product combining both into a blend of “developing who you are” and “things for you to do”. They’ll probably call it something to do with ‘communication’. Again this product will promise to make you better than just about everyone else.

    Onto the other problem with ‘carter’ and mr pagan. If pagan is supporting this product the only explaination for it all is MONEY. Because this guy carter is spitting out bullshit that pretty much EVERY woman would pick up on.. for example:

    “You CAN learn how to understand men and get them to be open up and understand you. You can learn how to CATCH that great guy, and how to KEEP him.”

    In other words “learn how to TRAIN a guy to do what you want” but let’s look a bit deeper at the implication of this… if this girl is looking to KEEP a great guy… the great guy should ALREADY understand her. If he didn’t he would lack rapport and she would be less interested in him. Hell if he didn’t understand her he wouldnt even understand how to get her attracted so she’d have to train THAT as well…

    Another Example:
    “I spent well over a year carefully documenting and writing about my experiences. I spent much of that time researching, interviewing women, and working out all the ways a woman can get what she wants out of a relationship without scaring off the man she loves…”

    In other words “how to manipulate a guy without getting caught” everyone knows if a woman gets what she wants all the time out of a guy she’s going to get bored of him, so I don’t see how this is HELPING any woman at all.

    Another Example:
    “Wouldn’t it be nice to skip the dozens of dates with lame and shallow men most women have to go through… and fall right into the arms of the man you really want?”

    This smell’s like something internet dating related if you read between the lines, but on first glance (and probably how it’s meant to be read) you think “how is this possible in the real world… I’d like to know”.

    going down the page… lets see… oh here’s something I talked about earlier:

    ” Would you like to have an almost “unfair” advantage over all other women when it comes to meeting and attracting the man you want… including those women who might be prettier and younger than you?”

    I knew it would have something on “being better than everyon else” there’s no point in selling if you dont play on people’s ego’s.

    Here’s a retarded one:
    “Are you tired of dealing with men who never really commit?”

    No.. she just happened to go to a site called “catch him and keep him” because she’s looking for multiple sex partners who never commit…

    Let’s look at some more:

    “Secretly ALL MEN want to find a woman that gives them that “forever” feeling… and when they do, they want to keep her all for themselves.”

    Yeh I have one… Secretly ALL MEN she goes out with also want to fuck her hot little sister, hot best friend, hot cousin, hell even her mother if she’s hot, oh and they want to keep HER if they get the chance to fuck one of the others.

    I can’t be fucked goiing on I haven’t even reached half way through that page… on the bright side the book might have some good points and hey in the end we’ll all probably download it off a P2P network anyway.

    Mr Pagan though he may in some regard want to help people obviously put no thought into supporting this product which seem’s to be designed at controlling a man.

    That’s right I said it, the women who purchase these books will most likely be girls just looking for a way to keep a relationship long lasting while not losing who they are, and can know what to do when things go wrong. In other words… average girl’s who’s idea of a “great guy” is an equally average guy with a bit of confidence.

    I’m sure a fair few guys in the community have known a girl who was with some guy they COMPLAINED to you about, some guy who was a prick or arsehole… and you were screaming out “LEAVE HIM” and she couldn’t!
    Well perhaps a book like this will give a few of those women the ‘balls’ to LEAVE in those situations and not be so caught up in it all. If this is what part of the book does then it’s a good thing.

    Anyway… Take Care everyone and Have Fun.


  29. Johnny says:

    From “Polyanna Girl” (just don’t ask her who she is since she’s afraid of the big bad internet):

    “Women have been warned about players and nice guys who might turn out to be players over and over for thousands of years. The warnings have never worked. I don’t think there is any danger that women will lose interest in attractive men just because we have once again for the umpteenth time been warned in the Catch/Keep ebook.”

    That’s tantamount to saying that the book won’t change a thing and that women will continued to be used.


    “The warnings function a bit like promises of something exciting about to happen and serve to build anticipation. It basically has the effect of promoting not just players but all men.”

    The book isn’t promoting anything except that it claims to help women avoid the men they say have been using them.


    “I don’t think the Catch/Keep ebook is warning women against the whole “seduction community.” I think it says women should avoid the kind of player who is in the game only for the ego gratification (conquer her and make her orgasm to prove you are a man). Most of the guys in the “seduction community” seem to be nice guys interested in building their skills in attracting women.”

    Nice guys generally don’t behave the way the material in the community teaches men to behave, unless you believe women who look worse than 8 don’t deserve sex, and that a man who believes that is “nice.”


    “See mainstream media article in Razor magazine http://www.fidentia.org/Media/razor_magazine.htm for a mostly positive review from a woman who was pretty skeptical.”

    Hope she plans to stay an 8 or above through her old age if this is the type of man she wants. Do “nice guys” trade up when a hotter option becomes available the way community guys do?


    “DYD is really about doing dating and pickups in a way that will keep sex open as a possibility for the future whether the future is in 10 minutes or a couple of months.”

    And CHAKH is about a woman not being such an easy sure thing for men. If he’s caught and kept, he’s not doubling his dating, now is he?


    “If you have really good foreplay skills (see Sex Secrets eBook by David DeAngelo for a bunch of stuff that would work on me)”

    Wouldn’t you have to be attracted to the guy first, or does any guy who knows that stuff automatically get a chance in bed with you?


    “you can IMHO stop at 2nd base and a woman will respect you as a man who is in control of himself and a man she knows can rock her world whether you do it then or make her wait for it. DYD doesn’t say you have to take it all the way when you get physical so it’s not really out of line from what is advised in Catch/Keep.”

    You say you don’t believe sex is bad, yet you give points to men who stop at second base? I suspect men buy seduction books for the purpose of how to learn how to get a little farther than that.


    “I’m not really ready to settle down yet or even have a serious boyfriend but I think most of Catch/Keep is good general advice for women. I don’t really feel like it’s a contradiction to DYD – it’s more of a complement. Serious/Flirtatious (female equivalent of Cocky/Funny) is a bit more sophisticated and interesting than what I do now and I think a guy will enjoy it more.”

    It sounds more like readers of the two books would “next” each other.


    “I think I can dream up some ways to put it to good use and have some fun and keep my options open. I think it helps to have read DYD to understand Catch/Keep. If I didn’t know about DYD I don’t think I would get near as much out of Catch/Keep. Of course I also would have never found Catch/Keep in the first place if it wasn’t for DYD.”

    Once the talk shows start covering the game, we’ll get to see women on the talk shows discussing this. Perhaps “Poly” here will be represented by women in the real world who share her unique point of view.


    “My only real problem with Catch/Keep is the part about consciously making a guy wait for sex. I have some serious ethics about following through and not being a prick tease.”

    I think “Poly” used to act in beer commercials.


    “If I knew I wanted a guy and he wanted me and I was consciously making him wait I think I’d get pretty creeped out. And that would go triple if I was trying to build a real relationship.”

    What if you were trying to build a good reputation and cut down on the risks of promiscuity?


    “Is there really a biological basis for why a man would take at least a month to develop infatuation chemicals? I don’t think a woman is really in love in the beginning either. I think if there is anything in the beginning it’s all infatuation chemicals but some women think it’s true love for some reason. Or maybe I’m just a cold hard cynic.”

    You can be anyone you want online.


    “As far as whether Christian Carter is really David DeAngelo it’s just hard to tell. The format is the same and the parallels drawn because of the format are really clever and interesting to me. At first I was very sure DD was CC but as time goes on I am less sure. The tone of the book and newsletter is completely different from DYD. CC is much more serious than DD. It’s a good book anyway no matter who wrote it. I just happen to think it’s better if you also have DYD. One thing that really made me laugh was the warning to women about being clingy. This isn’t very nice or straightforward but sometimes if I just want to get rid of a guy I will go clingy to scare him off.”

    If you’re hot and he wants you, that won’t work.


    “There are lots of ways to mess up with a man but clingy has got be the number one way to scare him away very fast. So if you are a man looking for a way to scare off women who are trying to trap you into a relationship you might try the parallel tactic – act a little sex starved and desperate and see how fast she dumps you when she thinks all you are after is sex.”

    So you believe you should give sex to the men who pretend not to want it, or who are fucking other women so they won’t appear desperate with you. Gotcha.

  30. oliodome says:

    some readers here seem to post her as their no 1 hobby, and they have nothing better to do than post rubbish here.

    and its always the same few people who are the empty vessles who make the most noise.

  31. Shinji says:

    LOL, fuck pagan and his shell games. I’ll bet thundy makes more money through affiliates than trying to peddle those ebooks of his.

  32. Anon says:

    The Distinguishing Gentleman shut down his brain and wrote “Why are doing something that is disgenuine and feels more like a “game” to you?”

    Huh, WTF… DG, you’ve been posting comments on this blog like you’re down with all this shit, and now it seems all along you’ve been clueless as to the fact that there’s a huge difference between a guy who is “playing a game” and a guy who “has ‘game’”.

    Just so it’s clear, when a guy “has game” (in *the community* lingo) it means he has skill, knowledge, insight and experience with ‘wooing’ the ladies. It says nothing about how he goes about it or why.

    On top of that, “a game” (as you’ve used it) is still waaay open to interpretation. There are “good games”, “bad games”, “romantic games”, “punishing games”, “sexual games”, “loving games”, “insincere games”, “passionate games” and so on. But for some reason, out of all the good and bad possibilities, you assumed a negative view. I think that says far more about *you* than you might have realised.

    And if I may finish by being an absolute smartarse, there’s no such word as “disgenuine”. I think you meant “disingenuous”. That’s a mouthful, so feel free to stick with the more easily recognised word “insincere” next time. ;-)

  33. sexyevil says:

    Hey Anon
    Listen here speeeellinnnnnng beeee champ…

  34. sexyevil says:

    why don’t you give DG the reach around..you seem to be infaCtuated with hiiiiiiimm

  35. The Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    Awww shucks, I’m feeling the love here.

    Seriously though, fair enough assumptions Anon. I can definitely appreciate how you would find a big difference between “playing games” and “having game”. “Playing games”, to me, is basically manipulation; having clandestine intentions with little benefit to her – I’m sure you see what I’m saying. Those are no good, in my book. Having “game”, yeah, totally different story – I’d say you’re definition was pretty spot on.

    Where I’m coming from on this is, if you have “game”, that’s cool. Just make sure that all involved are getting benefit from. I see a lot of guys wanting to go out and have lots of sex just to fulfill themselves and bring nothing to the woman. Yes, we still have a reptilian brain who likes to eat-sleep-shit-have sex but we also have the limbic and neocortical brain, so let’s consciously create some good emotion there – eros, amor or agape. That’s what I’ve been trying to get at, Anon.


  36. The Distinguishing Gentleman says:

    Awww shucks, I’m feeling the love here.

    Seriously though, fair enough assumptions Anon. I can definitely appreciate how you would find a big difference between “playing games” and “having game”. “Playing games”, to me, is basically manipulation; having clandestine intentions with little benefit to her – I’m sure you see what I’m saying. Those are no good, in my book. Having “game”, yeah, totally different story – I’d say you’re definition was pretty spot on; more than anything it’s the pinnacle of success in “the community”.

    Where I’m coming from on this is, if you have “game”, that’s cool. Just make sure that all involved are getting benefit from. I see a lot of guys wanting to go out and have lots of sex just to fulfill themselves and bring nothing to the woman. Yes, we still have a reptilian brain who likes to eat-sleep-shit-have sex but we also have the limbic and neocortical brain, so let’s consciously create some good emotion there – eros, amor or agape. That’s what I’ve been trying to get at, Anon.


  37. Anon says:

    A complete loser wrote:
    “Listen here speeeellinnnnnng beeee champ…”

    “why don’t you give DG the reach around..you seem to be infaCtuated with hiiiiiiimm”

    Hehehe, there’s always someone dumb enough to take the completely obvious flame bait.

    Next you’ll be qualifying yourself to me.

  38. Anon says:

    Carter, I think I know who you are. (Though I’ve never met you)

    David D. I’ve been to one of your seminars.

    Good stuff boys. I like what you do.

    All you other idiots. You’re AFC’s and you don’t get it.

    You CAN’T teach a woman to not respond to this shit, it’s IMPOSSIBLE.

    If your fluid and frame properly, who cares what a woman thinks she knows. If you can’t, then your screwed anyway.

    Now go get laid.


  39. Truth says:

    It’s not about women knowing what men do. Just like we still fall for their tactics, like chicks who show off their bodies, b/c it works. It’s really about something else.

    Society does enough stuff to tell women not to put out and put social pressures on them to ensure that men don’t get laid. That’s why you have to isolate a woman and befriend the peer group lots of the time, in order to get the lay. With all those pressures, do we really need another one added to the list?

    Now a so-called “advice guru” is telling women to withhold sex. It’s not the message that we really want put out there. In fact, it’s the complete opposite of what we believe, which is that sex is mutually beneficial, and it’s fine to indulge in it, for both parties.

    There’s an old saying, “if you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem”. Christian Carter is preaching against our agenda, and there’s no reason to support him. Now David. D. is supposed to champion our agenda of having sex with lots of women and that that’s not a bad thing, for men or women. However, he is now supporting someone who is preaching against the very agenda that he has championed.

    There is a name for someone who goes against what they preach and believe in, for monetary gain. We call that a sell-out. By supporting Christian Carter’s “no sex without commitment” mantra, David D. has sold out his supporters…..

    ….and that’s the issue…..

    ….and I can’t compete with Tingly’s far superior exit…..

    ….so Tingly, you definitely have me beat……

    ….and that’s the……


  40. sexyevil says:

    Hey Anon,

    Please like me……….

  41. BG says:

    I think Anon has a good point in his last comment.

  42. kualityc says:

    hahaha sure its is ok to come here to gossip and talk about the sensationalism like these guys even matter to your lives.

    But it is also ok for people to laugh at people like Truth and Johnny, Tingly who post long replies here several days of the week and making themselves sound like weirdos.

    haha imagine if everyone in the world were like them. That posted their opinions like what they say is definitely the right thing.

    hahaha but it is nice to watch them make all this noise around here though.

    At least they are enjoying themselves.

  43. Anony says:

    [/i]no more italics please?

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