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DYD Mastery, Day 4, Tyler Durden Recap

May 7, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews


Hey all,

Well, I finished typing up the Tyler Durden recap for today, and man, is it a long one!  Loaded with lots of great PUA info for sure!  My brain is offically fried.  Anyway, I realized while typing it up that I had forgotten to do a newsletter for last month, so the idea struck me that I had to make this month’s issue of the Sandbox EXTRA good.  So here’s what I did:

I decided to release the Tyler Durden recap in my next newsletter.

Now, before I hear you guys start groaning, don’t worry.  The newsletter is available RIGHT NOW!  All you have to do is sign up for the newsletter over in the left hand column of the site.  It’s 100% free, loaded with great info, and you can unsubscibe at any time.  I’ll also never sell your personal information or anything like that, so your email is safe with me.  If you’re already a subsciber to the list, you should have Tyler’s recap waiting for you in your mailbox.

You can also sign up by filling out the information below:

To Sign Up For The Sandbox
Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:

Let me know what you think of the Tyler Recap in the comments section of this blog entry.

Just so you know, David D said that the Masters Series will be out in about two months, so if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to his email list so you get the product offer when it’s released!  Remeber, you can’t buy it through his website!  Click here if you want to sign up for his list.  By doing so you get 3 emails a week loaded with tactics for dating and seducing women.

Also, if you guys wouldn’t mind, be sure to e-mail the Double Your Dating Crew and congratulate them on their hard work and for making such a great product come together!  Email them at:  If you liked my recaps, be sure to tell them what you liked about them as well!  At the very least, be sure to mention my website.  It’s greatly appreciated!  =)

Get Your Free Guide Here!


27 Responses to “DYD Mastery, Day 4, Tyler Durden Recap”
  1. mimicker says:

    Basically it seems like a recap of td’s posts on mASF. And as someone was saying earlier, david d.’s stuff at the seminar was just a summary of his newsletters. In fact, in one of DYD’s newsletters someone asked where there was an archive of his newsletters and David D. said there wasn’t one anywhere (haha, liar!). And that he would never allow one since he takes stuff from the newsletters to create new products (i guess that’s why FS’s archive ended)… Now, I’m starting to believe that I don’t need to buy any more products to become a PUA, b’cuz it’s all on mASF for free. Though I’m still thinking of taking a workshop someday…

  2. intlzncster says:

    THUNDY!!!!! One fuckin’ DYD mastery seminar….and you are already turning into a marketing GOD! TD recap in the Sandbox…hilarious. Good idea though (I already signed up so I could care less). Get a little more exposure to the DYD marketing machine and you will be rolling in greenbacks. hahahha. Nice.

    Good to see Papa still sporting his silver pimpass loafers from ZU that he bought in Australia. Its funny, he was wearing these cool NewRock boots the whole time, but didn’t start getting mad props till he bought those things. Reminds me of some futuristic Asian Tony Soprano with those things on.

    Oh, and for the dude above?….get your ass to an RSD workshop & seminar, cause you haven’t seen shit. TRUST me.

    And Thundy, in case you haven’t gotten your nuts stroked enough by the rest of the crew on this blog…nice bloody work this week, mate. Fuckin’ gold.

  3. xt says:

    Funny. On the first picture, Tyler looks like Vegeta as super sayajin. This tall hair thingy is really obvious and makes Tylers look more evil, while he is looking more ‘nice guy’ on the other pictures.

  4. Mystery says:

    I love 26! He’s a 10!

  5. Mystery says:

    I love 26! He’s a 10!

  6. Mystery says:

    Hell, I’ll say it AGAIN! 26 is a 10!

  7. C-Lo says:

    I was on the RSD website and saw that they are coming out with audio products and e-books. Does anyone have any idea when these are coming out? I am very interested in this.

  8. Thundercat says:

    I know the guys have been working on them for some time now. Expect the guys to release them before the DYD Mastery course hits the market in about two months.


  9. TailFactor says:

    Hi Thunder,

    Thanks for the great (and objective !) coverage of the DYD Seminar, particularly the pictures. They left me with the following impressions:

    1. Most RSD type guys are young, in good shape, and better looking than average.
    2. The domination of the seduction community by these type of guys calls into question the broad applicability to ordinary or even ugly guys of their methods.
    3. One thing about RJ is he seemed to have a lot of ugly students who claimed they got laid using SS. RJ himself isn’t exactly Brad Pitt, or even an RSD looking guy. It also seems like even most of this new generation of PUAs did study under RJ at some point.
    4. I read some of Mystery’s archive on and saw the video at . I do admire him immensely, but even he seems to pay reluctant tribute to SS. Although he joked about it at the DYD Seminar, he appeared at the SS Seminar a few months ago and, according to RJ, Mystery recently admitted to the NYT reported that he does use SS at certain points.

    Although RJ can be a complete ass and everybody seems to be turning on him now, I tend think he is right when he complains that the seduction community is shifting more and more to reliance on good looks, clothing, expensive cars, playboy mansion houses (aka Project Hollywood), and “clubbing”. This defeats the purpose of studying seduction for most men.


    1. Do you know of any fat (50-100 lbs. overweight) guys who are fairly good PUAs ? If so, do they use SS or something else ? I am really interested in this because I am a guy with natural good looks, but I have had a serious weight problem most of my life.
    2. Although SS is really hard to learn and many guys never saw a benefit, ultimately weren’t there a lot of ugly guys who did in fact get laid a lot with SS ? I mean I find it hard to believe that all of the testimonials on RJ’s website and particularly on his promotional videos are bogus.
    3. As all of RJ’s formerly loyal students now seem to be turning against him, are they confusing the message with the messenger ? Just because RJ can be an ass, does not prove that SS methods do not work. A lot of these same guys used to claim that SS was the ultimate pussy magnet.
    4. Isn’t there a great danger that if you have young, good looking guys, with a Hollywood mansion, who were previously trained by RJ – and may be subtlely still using SS technology – trying to teach ordinary ugly guys the seduction skills they use while clubbing on the Sunset Strip, that it just won’t be applicable ?



  10. TailFactor says:

    Also, one thing I forgot to mention:

    1. Although RJ can be a big jerk and his products seem to be poorly organized for learning, he does seem to have a core method, with definite techniques (i.e. patterns, hand gestures, tonality, etc.).
    2. I listened to the CD set that David D. put out a while back (and then pulled from the market ???). David D. did seem to be more mannerly – although is this changing ??? – and professional in his delivery. However, I agree with RJ that there does not seem to be much method or definite technique, just a lot of interviews with guys who studied under RJ and now pull a lot of wool.

    Again, I think the litmus test of a seduction method is can the old man, the ugly man, the fat man, the poor man, the deformed man,… all use it to nail at least a 7HB under the age of 30.

    This is all most of us are looking for. What methods can really deliver on this challenge ???????

  11. intlzncster says:

    TailFactor, I wrote a really long reply, but the Lair somehow fucked up and erased it. Here’s the waterdown version:

    Your limiting beliefs are what would stop you being successful with RSD, not the method itself. Your post is littered with limiting beliefs, most prominently, that looks is important in seduction, and that the major methods out there are based upon the level of your attractiveness. Get over yourself man. (on a side note: your handle better not be the result of you being an actuary…)

    >1. Most RSD type guys are young, in good shape, and better looking than average.

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. The camera lies a bit. TD and Papa are definitely not in good shape. Yet they still pull ass like champs. We even joked about how their fitness was falling by the wayside at the RSD event I attended.

    >2. The domination of the seduction community by these type of guys calls into question the broad applicability to ordinary or even ugly guys of their methods.

    At an RSD workshop, I personally witnessed a fat, bald, 40-something guy who barely could speak his NAME with any conviction in front of the other students when he first arrived. This guy finished the weekend, by getting into and holding sets with girl HALF his age at some of the highest quality venues in my city. Too bad looks are very important for the RSD method, or this guy might actually had some SUCCESS! Give me a break.

    >3. One thing about RJ is he seemed to have a lot of ugly students who claimed they got laid using SS.

    Don’t be fooled by guys online who say that they are ugly and now get laid using a certain method. Go actually find some of these guys and see if its real or not. A lot of people online are full of shit (read LSE keyboard jockeys). The mix of looks between different methods I bet is not all THAT different (although I haven’t met any of the SS list). Also, some guys will claim that they get laid with a method, when it really only happened once in the past year or two. It was probably a Fool’s Mate anyway, and they were closer to fucking it up than not.

    >It also seems like even most of this new generation of PUAs did study under RJ at some point.

    When RJ calls himself the originator, he’s right in one respect. He had the first, viable, WELL-known system out there. Pre internet and everything. All the guys who are offering products now, had, at some point, trouble with this area of their lives and went to seek help in solving it. At one point, other than quack psychologist mars/venus crap, RJ’s was the only product available. He did help start to form a focus for the movement now known as the seduction community (he didn’t start the movement though as that’s been around for hundreds of years). Now, most of the guys offering products now, started with SS by DEFAULT. There was nothing else. They then went on and improved upon and figured out different elements related to PU that now are more widely applicable. Its only now that you are getting generations of guys who haven’t started with SS, but now start with the other methods.

    >4. I read some of Mystery’s archive on and saw the video at . I do admire him immensely, but even he seems to pay reluctant tribute to SS. Although he joked about it at the DYD Seminar, he appeared at the SS Seminar a few months ago and, according to RJ, Mystery recently admitted to the NYT reported that he does use SS at certain points.

    Nobody said SS is completely useless. But I highly doubt you’ll find anyone saying Mystery relies on SS in his method. Even RJ won’t say that. Does he use it? Yes. Is it necessary for his method? No. All that tells you is that RJ’s method has some applicability in the seduction process. But its not even close to being the whole enchilada.

    > the seduction community is shifting more and more to reliance on good looks, clothing, expensive cars, playboy mansion houses (aka Project Hollywood), and “clubbing”.

    As far as clothes go, its something you can change EASILY. So why wouldn’t you? Its important to women how you present yourself. It also helps define your persona in a way. Why would you not want to maximize this completely CONTROLLABLE aspect of the equation? Some guys are just married to their pocke protectors…what are you gonna do?

    And for the Clubbing thing: Clubs are the ultimate training ground. They are like ancient greek gladiator arenas. The hottest chicks, the biggest bitch shields, the most sets, the gnarlyiest AMOGs, the most competing stimulation, the most times you’ll hear/compete with HeyYa in one evening…. If you can be successful in the club, you’ll be successful anywhere. Practicing in the club makes it so that when you take your game outside, you are a veritable GOD in other arenas. Does this mean you must go to clubs to be a good PUA? No. Does it help? Yes. Look, if you don’t like clubs….don’t fuckin go. The RSD methodology works anywhere, period.

    >1. Do you know of any fat (50-100 lbs. overweight) guys who are fairly good PUAs ? If so, do they use SS or something else ? I am really interested in this because I am a guy with natural good looks, but I have had a serious weight problem most of my life.

    If I’m not mistaken, Thundercat himself is no spring chicken. I’ve never seen a pic so I can’t verify. But he has learned how to be very successful with women despite his so called limitations. He also originally studied SS and now focuses primarily on RSD, Swingcat, and MM. Send him an email for a personal opinion on this stuff.

    >2. Although SS is really hard to learn and many guys never saw a benefit, ultimately weren’t there a lot of ugly guys who did in fact get laid a lot with SS ? I mean I find it hard to believe that all of the testimonials on RJ’s website and particularly on his promotional videos are bogus.

    I would say that the testimonials submitted BY RJ to the public are real. Does that mean the testimonials submitted TO RJ by the students are real? No. Some I’m sure are. But again be wary of the whole keyboard jockey thing I mentioned earlier.

    >3. As all of RJ’s formerly loyal students now seem to be turning against him, are they confusing the message with the messenger ? Just because RJ can be an ass, does not prove that SS methods do not work. A lot of these same guys used to claim that SS was the ultimate pussy magnet.

    Again, this goes back to RJ having the first wellknown available system on the market. There was nothing else, so SS naturally was the “ultimate pussy magnet”. Once other systems came out, and some guys created some truly amazing shit (ie Mystery) things changed. I think people get overly dramatic online about former students “turning against him”….in the ultimate battle for good and evil, the evil RJ monster is being defeated by the wizard Mystery and his loyal knights of the RSD round table. Please. New systems are developed to ensure progress in this community. Its called growth. The opposite of stagnation, and its good.

    >4. Isn’t there a great danger that if you have young, good looking guys, with a Hollywood mansion, who were previously trained by RJ – and may be subtlely still using SS technology – trying to teach ordinary ugly guys the seduction skills they use while clubbing on the Sunset Strip, that it just won’t be applicable ?

    These guys travel all over the world and their techniques work EVERYWHERE and in ANY situations you can come up with. Stop creating this imaginary bullshit in you head. It has nothing to do with hollywood, mansions, limos….. so sue the guys for trying to increase their levels of success to unheard of levels.

    >2. I listened to the CD set that David D. put out a while back (and then pulled from the market ???). David D. did seem to be more mannerly – although is this changing ??? – and professional in his delivery. However, I agree with RJ that there does not seem to be much method or definite technique, just a lot of interviews with guys who studied under RJ and now pull a lot of wool.

    People have been saying for a long time that DYD is a system. I don’t think it was ever ment to be a step by step seduction system ala Mystery Method. Its meant for guys who are starting out: destroying the crap that society feeds you, giving a few techniques to be successful with women (ie C&F, 2Steps…), but most importantly: it teaches you how to ACT around women. This is something most guys SUCK at. I think all AFCs should start with DYD and move on to the more complex systems.

    >Again, I think the litmus test of a seduction method is can the old man, the ugly man, the fat man, the poor man, the deformed man,… all use it to nail at least a 7HB under the age of 30.

    Stop looking for online validation from someone, and try these methods out for yourself. Take an RSD workshop. Attend a MysteryMethod Seminar. Go to an SS seminar. Find out for YOURSELF which method is best.

    Look man, if I had to give you some advice, it would be this: you need to correct some things in your innergame, along with learning methodology to pick up chicks. Your own mind is holding you back on so many levels, that if you keep thinking this way, none of these methodologies will be successful for you. Good luck bro.

  12. The One says:

    Hey Tailfactor,

    I think that intlzncster addressed your points pretty well. I’ll just add a few lines.

    A lot of people always want to start arguing about methods and systems. There are not a whole lot of different systems and methods out there.


    When the Master DVD is released, you’ll see glimpses of what Mystery Method is about, and what RSD is teaching as well.
    It is not some super secret invention.
    Basically, we have taken the natural process, backwards engineered it, and explained how it works.
    A lot of the so called “Naturals” cannot really describe what it is that they do. This is why asking them for advice is often useless.
    Their responses often sound something to the tune of “Well, I just talk to them.”
    What they don’t realize is their own body language, tonality, social behavior, breaking rapport, frame control, and related matters.
    Yet, they do all of these things.

    When you see the DVD, watch the part where TD talks about looking down on the ground for a quick second before answering a girl’s question.
    It is so subtle and obvious, but most of people miss these social cues.
    These quick moments of uncertainty which illustrate lack of confidence will be picked up by women and the guy will be blown out.
    He’ll never even realize that such behavior is costing him in his interaction with women.
    There are badlooking as well as goodlooking guys who make such mistakes constantly.
    They both are not very successful with women.
    I could go on and on, but I think you get my point.

    I think Playboy uses SS in late game, but he is the ONLY one out of the RSD Crew who does.
    Hopefully, the DVDs will give you a good idea of the programs.
    Good luck

  13. TailFactor says:

    Hi The One,

    What would you list as the common principles underlying all the methods that work ?

  14. Dangerous says:

    I’m not the One but after a while in this community you may recognize certain things that overlap between teachers, methods, etc.

    For me, I think of takeaways and punishment/reward as almost the same thing. Some guys talk state while others talk buying temperature. At first it may seem confusing but EVERYONE is moving towards the same thing…more pink.

    Wherever you are at… be happy with your success. Be aware of your own STICKING POINTS and work at it whatever way you can. Also some of these RSD boys started pretty average just a few years ago BUT figured out how to make themselves into 10′s.

    These things can be done simply through some change of attire and taking care of yourself. CREATE YOUR OWN STYLE and let everything flow including the systems, methods, and advice in this community through your own lens.

    I myself am a 6 to 7 in looks best but in a club in gear I am a fuckin 10 maybe not in game skills YET but in regards to presentation itself..fuck yeah anyday…and you can do the same.

    Figure whats your niche and what you want…work within it at first and GO BEYOND IT as well.

    There is no perfect system in this field. Take the best from all and what you come with and create your own style suitable for you.

    Oh by the way some of the RSD camp who had SOME exposure to SS which is true, but some don’t even touch it. Like Two Dash uses more MM, DyD, and stuff TD and himself fucked around with before RSD even came about.

    Mystery is an orginal in his own right and uses very little SS…I mean very little or hardly none at all in a pure way at least like maybe some qualification phase.

    I’m not hear to debate my man but tell you that these boys started in some of the same places like everyone else. Maybe some had better then average looks but still had to work through anxiety, inner game shit, and just plain ol field experience.

    Some of these guys had to learn how to be socially cool which is crazy for me to understand because I never had that problem. Everyone has there own SP’s and shit, everyone has different learning curves and some things may take just that much longer for you to GET IT…it’s all good.

    Have fun and keep on rockin with your bad self.



  15. AnthonyM says:

    I can totally see where tailfeather is coming from. I’m trying not to let those limiting beliefs get to me, but as a scientific person I like having proof that it can work for me. It’s such an investment of time and money…RSD, MM, this mastery workshop, the cheapest SS stuff…over $2,000. I’m on financial with school. If I make more than $485 a year from working for the school, it counts against my fin aide. People are in binds and somehow have to demand proof before buying :-/

    I’ve yet to see any 5’6, underweight, average or below average 20 yro, trouble with conversation, person just turn into this awesome pickup artist or at least just someone whose very successful with women. It’s a limiting belief, I know, but from what I’ve seen overweight people have it easier than underweight b/c they have that physical substance women want. Not a skinny kid. I know this mindset/frame/belief might disgust you, but it’s something I’m trying to get over.

    And it’s a good point that not everyone should have to peacock themselves up and make your friends THINK you’ve turned into a freak when that’s not the style you truly like. I want to learn more about Major Mark…apparently he has frequent young hot girls asking him to fuck them…but he’s all about marketing so who knows if that’s true or doable for anyone else.

    The SS people look pretty normal too…kind of like David D. That attracts people who can relate. It’s often hard to relate to RSD/Mystery even though you KNOW they’re damned good.

    I’m just being honest about this from my perspective and I talked to others at the seminar about it too. Not trying to cap on ANYBODY, but sharing a view others have too. Hopefully I’ll get so good at this, I can be a success story one day..but motivation is lacking here.

  16. Cowboy303 says:

    Looks like the Mastery DVDs and CDs are available from David D.’s website.

  17. hunter101 says:

    What is the link? I cant find the site anywhere.

  18. Anonymous says:

  19. Cathy says:

    I love it – all my girlfriends have read the books and these sites…they’re hilarious! I’m not supposed to write in, but I just can’t hold off anymore!

    What you guys don’t realize is that we KNOW when we’re being played. A neg is a huge compliment and pathetically cute. After a night out we all sit around and talk about the lines, the negs, how we responded to them depending on the guy, etc.

    Some girls even find sport in throwing out IOI’s and then reject hard at the close.

    If you’re cute, we won’t say anything and we’ll play along. A confident yet somewhat nerdy guy is attractive.

    What we do find a little sad though is the desire to close with the sleaziest girl in the bar. How much of a challenge is that?

    Here’s a secret, if the gal is dressed sleazy and is mentally messed up, she probably will sleep with you regardless of your game. And if your game is ONLY working on her, you need a new strategy.

    Getting the number is only 1%. Sustaining a relationship with someone or pair bonding with, that’s the real score.

    Email me for the PUA moves that have kept us around for a few months wanting more. Hint#1:aggressive sarging is cute at the bar, retarded on the date.

    My friends and I have all gone out knowingly with PUA’s – (including some mPUA’s) and couldn’t wait for the date to end. Shut-up already. We don’t mind the lines when your trying for the #, but the date is when we want to meet the real you. And there’s a whole different game that only a handful of guys know how to play at that point.

    After discussing it with my girlfriends, I’ve discovered that only some high profile PUA’s actually know how to play at this point.

    Some of the stuff coming from the RSD seminars is really tired.

    I’ve heard some new material that’s really good, it’s really evolved from some of the tired stuff. I don’t know where it’s coming from because it’s not the typical Mystery/Style/RSD formulas.

    For all you standard RSD followers – keep it fresh for us. We like that.

    Good dating,


  20. Style says:

    Haha you fucking faggots. I sold all you virgins out so i could get another pool for my mansion. Have fun jerking off losers!

  21. R_NZ says:

    What Cathy doesn’t seem to get is that after a year of being idiots, we actually start to understand women, and we learn that they know, and that they’re players too.

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