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The Return of Maniac High???

February 11, 2004 by  
Filed under News

This word just came down from TokyoPUA concerning the possible return of Maniac High to the community.

TokyoPUA writes:
I thought I posted this before, so hope it doesnt turn up twice.

Anyway, I have been trying to get Maniac to post again, and I think that within a week or two he will. Its been too long since we had his very unique brand of PU knowledge on this board.

So for those of you wanting to be the first to see the other “Return of the King” do some keyword searches for “Maniac” or “Maniac_High” as well as “bisexual” and “threesome” in the near future, since I expect his first post will be on these interesting topics!

This is exciting news for some, though I’m sure I can hear the collective groan of others, considering the ammount of controversy surrounding Maniac High and his legitimacy. He did, however, change the face of the online community with his use of jargon and acronyms. If he comes back, it should be interesting to say the least.

You can read the thread here.

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2 Responses to “The Return of Maniac High???”
  1. limelight909 says:

    im glad one of the old schoolers is thinking of coming back. I wonder what they have to say about all these new methods coming out.

    Im even more interested in hearing from Svengali. His posts are limited, but they are very dramatic. anyone know what happened to him?

  2. 117382 220067Magnificent activity! 971728

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