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The Pick Up Artist 2, Ep. 2 Recap: I Like Pickle-Juice

October 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Warning:  This Recap Contains Spoilers!

Hey there boys and girls, its time for yet another fun-filled recap of VH1′s The Pick Up Artist!  So dust off your over-sized goggles and put on your sleeveless fur-lined vests, its time to waste yet another hour of your life watching geeks embarrass themselves and strike out with chicks.

We start the episode with the remaining contestants in shocked disbelief that Fat Gay Alex got his ample posterior kicked off the show.  Apparently, none of the guys have actually SEEN the first season, and know that people get eliminated from the mansion – especially if they are:  fat, gay, old, or a race other than white.

Matt Powers is so upset, he says “Its going to be hard to sleep tonight.”  Funny, I thought it’d be hard to sleep with Fat Gay Alex prowling around the bunkbeds in the dark, looking for unsuspecting nerds to molest.  But what do I know?

The next day, the group is whisked away to a “secret location” (which looks disturbingly like a low-rent porno store in the Valley).  They’re at a mysterious “Italian Club,” with Mystery, Matador, and Tara waiting out front, along with a mysterious looking doorman.

Simeon starts salivating, saying he thinks they’ve been whisked away to a STRIP CLUB, and then starts masturbating furiously.  Little does he know that no stripper would be up in the daytime to hang out with a bunch of geeks with no money – but hey, let the guy dream.

Mystery is looking to start helping the guys build their confidence when talking to women.  So for their first reward challenge (i.e. the challenge where you get Tara to do something demeaning afterward) the guys get to spend quality time with some “quality ladies.”

Hmmmm.  In the first season, a line like that was followed by storytime with a class full of first-grade girls.  I’m thinking this year they may have put a twist on it and gone with geriatrics.  Will I be proven correct?

Asian Brian is hoping to meet some strippers, club girls, or FREAKS.  Either way, he’s so excited his afro starts steaming.

So the challenge is to approach some women and have a conversation.  Simple, right? The guy who makes the best impression wins a “secret accessory” from Mystery’s private collection, and a special tutoring session on how to use it.  Though, I’m sure most of these contestants already know how to use ruphies.

So it’s “game on” and the guys all rush in ready to meet some hot chicks to find… YES!  Geriatric women!  (Can I call them or what?)  Apparently when the Italian Club isn’t selling low-rent porno, it doubles as a bingo parlor for all the major GILFs in the area.

All the old ladies start cat-calling the fresh, young, supple man-meat that just walked in the door, and now the contestants look not only disappointed, but kind of sick to their stomachs.  This is VH1′s the Pick Up Artist!  Did they not expect this coming in?

Simeon, in particular, seems disappointed.  I guess his fantasy of eating the flesh of a stripper has to be put on hold for now.  Well, there’s always next episode, Simeon!

So the guys go to work and start joining the old ladies.  All of them seem to be doing well talking to the women about the most boring, inane shit imaginable.  Matt Power’s is in GILF heaven, since he seems to like to practice his GILFitude at his bubbies old-age home.  Yeah, baby, yeah.

Simeon’s strategy was to schmooze, compliment, and offer to to pay the old women for sexual favors.  Its obvious Simeon is well practiced in flirting with old women, because he does it well – acting as gay as humanly possible.  Hey, old women love gay guys, right?

Asian Kevin is even managing to bore old ladies, which HAS to be hard.  Sensing he’s floundering, Asian Kevin does what any guy would do – puts the burden on the women by asking them for “cool stories.”  Unfortunately, I’m sure all their stories have to do with the old woman’s husbands killing asian people in World War 2, so they do the right thing and keep their mouths shut.

Asian Brian seems to REALLY like the GILFs.  “Talking to these old women, its like they’re cougars!” He explains.  “Except they are like SABERTOOTH!”  Oh yeah, you can tell Simeon and AB are already planning to tag-team one of these old biddies, London Bridge style.  I mean, how could he NOT win them over with great pick up lines like “I love how you guys STINK.”  Smooth.

Finally, Mystery shows up to end the awkward pain I’m going through watching this trainwreck.  VH1 has put together a nice little bingo card with all the contestant’s faces on it, and he asks the ladies to vote for the contestant they liked the best by stamping their favorite with their bingo markers.

I’m going to bet Simeon was able to control his serial killer impulses well enough to win this one.  Let’s see…

And the winner is:  Matt Powers!  Yes, it seems all his practice with his bubby paid off!  Way to go seducing all those randy old Sabertooths, Matty-boy.

Matt Powers can’t wait to see what he gets for winning.  I hope he’s ready to be disappointed because I’ve seen Mystery’s accessories, and none of them are worth talking to 80 year old women for.

Back at Project Arizona, its time for the guy’s first “pick up lesson.”  Mystery starts laying down some knowledge on how to approach women and start conversations.  He lays down the typical indirect openers.  Simeon says “It was like being given the secrets to the universe!”  Yeah, if the universe is all about repeating lines that have been beaten to death in the clubs.

(Actually, if you ask me, these segments should be what the show is about instead of lame reward challenges.  This is where Mystery actually shines.  But I digress… back to VH1′s master plan to embarrass everyone even remotely associated with the network.)

After the pick up lesson, Mystery presents Matt Powers with his reward – A BAG!  Er, uh, what’s INSIDE a bag, rather.  Mystery will reveal what’s in the bag to Mr. Powers later on.

Now the guys divide up into groups so they can practice their openers.  Tara gets to share all her “female insights” with the guys so they know what a real, live girl wants in the club.  Mystery tries teaching his group about the NEG – something which I can’t wait to see Asian Brian use.  “An example of a neg,” he explains, “is Lay-DEE!  Stop EYE-FUCKING me!!!!”  Then AB shares his brand new “Pull My Finger” neg.  Oh yeah, this will be good.

It seems Matador has been snorting a bit too much cocaine lately, since he’s teaching the guys to go up to women and say “I like pickle-juice.”  I guess I was right before when I said Matador’s pick-up prowess drops when he’s not wearing his magical sleeveless raccoon fur vest.

Mystery FINALLY reveals his secret accessory to be:  a fuzzy boa.


Yes, seriously.

I don’t know what’s worse – the fact that a reward was a $3 fuzzy black boa, or the fact that Mystery needed to give a LESSON on how to use one.  Poor Matt Powers.  That’ll teach you to win a challenge.

Now its time for the guys to board Project Manhood and head off to their first field test.  They’re all nervous and frantically cramming for their big test.  Now, we get to flash back to Mystery is his candle-lit lounge and leopard print fur jacket as he narrates exactly the challenges his students will be facing tonight.

So the goal of tonight’s field test is to open sets and reach the hook point (you know, the point where the girl DOESN’T want to call the cops on you?).  I’m going to try and pay attention to the fact that Mystery is explaining the challenge, and not to the fact that Matador is wearing a skin-tight see-through red-mesh shirt.  Honestly, is there a store that sells gay indian cowboy clothes somewhere in Hollywood?  Where does he get this stuff???  When Matador starts dressing sluttier than Tara, something is very, very wrong.

In the club, VH1 reminds us that there are no actors.  Now it’s time to see grown men make asses of themselves!  (Which is what this show really comes down to in the end, isn’t it?)

The first one up is Matt Powers with his ultra-secret feather boa accessory!  (Shhhh!  Don’t tell nobody!)  The boa is doing its job, though.  Matt gets complimented on it right away.  He just doesn’t seem to know what to DO with those compliments!  Instead of locking the girl in like Mystery taught, Matt just stands there looking like a retard.  “What a waste of an accessory!” Mystery cries.  I believe I said the same thing when they announced J-Dog wouldn’t be back this season.

Matt finally gets a nibble when a girl runs up and approaches him.  Unfortunately, he loses her in a short few minutes when the drunk girl who accosted him starts accosting one of her female friends instead.  D’oh.  You nooze, you lose, Mr. Powers.

Now its time for Todd to strut his stuff.  He opens with no problem, just like he did the first time.  He’s smiling, he’s negging, he’s using false time constraints – yeah, my prediction that he’s going to be one of the finalist is looking pretty good now.

Caveman Greg is up.  Let’s see if his new look is going to help him out.  He goes into a set right away, but his stories are pretty bad.  (Hint:  Never talk about Andy Dick to a girl – EVER.  EveryAndy Dick Story in the universe is always distrubing.)  So after Greg is done talking about how he choked out Andy Dick until his face turned purple, the girl asks “What was the point of that story?”

“Ohhhhhhh SNAP!” exclaims Matador.  Well, I guess it could have been worse.  He could have told her he liked pickle-juice or something.

Now its time for Rian to show us what he’s got.  He’s doing the short set method, which looks like its working well for him.  Then he starts up with the Elvis opener.  It seems Rian is doing pretty well, and keeps approaching sets – but he keeps ejecting way too early.  However, he did much better than the first episode, which is saying a lot.

Its Simeon’s turn to enter the club and do his thang.  He comes in with “great energy,” as Mystery puts it, only to be told to “Shut the fuck up” by the first set he talks to.  I guess they recognized him from his sex offender mug shot on the internet or something.  Oh well, back to masturbating in your own feces on your houseboat, Simeon.

Tara is still in love with her favorite serial killer, though.  She keeps bitching out all the girls who can obviously tell Simeon is a creepy, creepy, creepy dude.  Oh well.

Now its Karl’s turn.  Can he do better than Simeon?  I’m willing to bet that as long as he doesn’t get knifed by some jive turkey, yeah, he’ll do better.  To Karl’s credit, he does approach, but you can tell he doesn’t have the confidence to hold the set’s interest.  The girls just ignore him, much like every other girl in the world.  Owch.  Karl now falls into a schizophrenic spiral as he begins frantically talking to himself.  Never a good sign.

Asian Brian is in da house next.  Please, God, let him use the “pull my finger” neg.  Tara tells AB to “work dat fro!”  I guess she’s moved on from Kung-Fu Master of the universe to “weird asian afro dude.”  AB opens sets, and not to disappoint me or America for that matter, actually used the “I LIKE PICKLE-JUICE” opener!  YES!  YES!  YES!  Matador is very proud of himself, and starts rubbing his nipples through his see-through red mesh shirt.

Asian Brian is actually doing well.  He’s being friendly, goofy, and non-threatening.  He even throws a Borat reference in his pick ups for good measure.  Cameron Teone would be proud.  I’d have to say this round goes to Asian SMOKIN’ BALLS Brian.

After the tsunami that was Asian Brian, we get Asian Kevin.  Will AK be able to outdo AB?  We shall see.  He doesn’t seem to evoke much confidence, claiming he threw up in his mouth before entering the club, but hey, that’s never stopped Matador, why should it stop AK?

Kevin barrels into set, and just doesn’t stop talking.  Not only does he not stop talking, he doesn’t stop swearing!  Asian Kevin is talking like a drunken sailor with tourettes syndrome.  He’s also completely ignoring the guys, who you can tell don’t like this foul-mouthed fruitcake cursing up their ladies.

Yes, that was painful.  Asian Kevin, my other choice for the finalist, did not do well.  His lack of social calibration is very painfully obvious.

That concludes the challenge, and all the students gather outside to meet back up with Mystery, Matador, and Tara.  Tara uses her catch phrase “Hey guys!” and Mystery starts praising the work the student’s have done.  He then he announces the winner:  Asian Brian!

Asian Brian is in such shock, he lets his mouth hang open for a few seconds.  Yes, that’s how shocked he is.  I guess liking pickle-juice pays off for some people.  Who knew?

As a reward for winning the challenge, AB gets to pick two guys as his wingmen to protect them from elimination.  Asian Brian will have a hard time picking who to protect, because according to AB:  “These guys are like my family.  They’re like a hair on my butt!”  Its nice to know Asian Brian has as high regard for his family as he does for his ass hairs.

The next day at Project Arizona, the politics of elimination begin.  Poor Asian Brian is having such a hard time, he has to interrupt his confessional by violently vomiting.  That’s what you get for liking pickle-juice so much, motherfucker.

After AB agonizes over his choices, it is time for the customarily over-dramatic elimination session.  Mystery is sporting his fuzzy top hat and eyeliner, so you know he means business!

The students file into the elimination room, and Mystery begins to lay down the rules.  He gives the PUA-Pendant speech, letting us know that each medallion symbolizes some crap about something that has nothing to do with pickle-juice or smoking balls.  (Ain’t that a shame?)

Tonight, they are awarding the white PUA pendant.  Mystery gives the first PUA Pendant to AB, and then asks him for his choices on who his wingmen will be.  AB chooses Caveman Greg and Todd.  Mystery lavishes praise on Todd, and shits all over Greg.  He then dismisses the three immune students.

Now it’s time to start eliminating fools.

Mystery starts hating on all the students that are left, pointing out everything they did wrong in the club.  Not that Mystery is out of line here, these guys did do pretty poorly.

The breakdown is thus:

  • Rian – left sets too early
  • Karl – Flipped out after getting rejected once.
  • Simeon – Too high energy, and scary to women.  (Seriously, I didn’t add that.  Mystery said this!)
  • Matt – Didn’t use his accessory.
  • Kevin – Cussed way too much and unaware of the discomfort he created.

“And so it begins…” intones Mystery as he begins awarding medallions.  (Seriously, could we get any more over-dramatic here?)

The first one Mystery reveals to be safe is:  Rian.  Apparently, his ability to open a 6-set put him over the top.

The next one to be safe is Matt Powers.  The drunk girl who accosted him because of his boa was his saving grace this week.  He gets to stick around for episode 3.

Now we’re down to Asian Kevin, Serial Killer Simeon, and Karl.  Mystery says there was nothing about any of their performances which impressed him last night.  I beg to differ.  The amount of rejection Simeon experienced was incredibly impressive!  But I digress…

Mystery gives Simeon the reprieve, but warns him that he must gain control of his creepy energy.

It’s now down to AK and Karl.  I think Karl is toast.  We shall see – and in the most overly dramatic way possible.

Now Tara and Matador get to join in the hating.

Tara says Karl’s worst enemy is his self-doubt.  I think his worst enemy is his schizophrenic break with reality, but hey, I’m not an expert like Tara is.  Matador says Kevin needs to be more aware of certain things, like wearing see-through shirts that prominently display your nipples.

Mystery claims he’s “going with his gut” on this one.  He says Karl needs to get over his demons.  He then says Kevin let him down.  Then, in a shocking twist to my finalist predictions, Mystery boots Asian Kevin.  Not that this is a surprise, since anyone who’s asian, indian, middle eastern, or black seems to not have a chance on this show.

Honestly, this is an odd choice for elimination, since I thought Karl did much, much worse than AK.  But whatever.  Karl’s in, AK’s out.

As Asian Kevin leaves, we get the obligatory montage of his time at Project Arizona.  AK says his time at the mansion was “priceless.”  I say it was dull beyond comparison.  At least we didn’t lose anyone interesting this week like we did last episode.

Next week’s episode looks particularity embarrassing, which means it will be particularly awesome.  Kosmo is back, and the prospect of the Kos hanging out with Asian Brian will just be too good to pass up.  Can’t wait to see it and write about it for all you flamers out there.

Until next time, y’all.

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2,721 Responses to “The Pick Up Artist 2, Ep. 2 Recap: I Like Pickle-Juice”
  1. sham says:

    So what happened to your radio show? Are you taking a hiatus from that?

  2. kendo says:

    I look forward to seeing what kind of gay getup Matador will be busting out of next week.

  3. CoS says:

    Thundercat, when are you going to do another radio show? You have good stuff to share with everyone.

  4. Paul says:

    That was really funny! Specially the bashing on Matador…

    To everyone who says this was not funny just to flame:

    You are a retard with NO personality.

    And to everyone putting up links to Barrys show:

    I like the show and I listen to it, but you putting links here to flame Thundercat is NOT funny anymore. Get a life

  5. fucker max says:

    I like the show and I listen to it, but you putting links here to flame Thundercat is NOT funny anymore. Get a life

    ok thunderblob fan what sort of life would you like us to get?

  6. Thundercat says:

    To everyone wondering about the podcast…

    I haven’t given up on it. It’s just there’s a lot of things that happened this month which meant I had less free time to do a show like that. I don’t think people realize how much work goes into those things. The fact that Barry can do one every day is just proof the man is not human, lol.

    We’ll start the podcast up again soon, I just need to work a few things out before we do so. The key for me is to make sure it doesn’t become work – once it does, I have to stop doing it.


  7. rev31! says:


    the show that killed TC’s

  8. John says:

    Good write up TC, pretty funny stuff.

  9. Kevin Feng says:

    Hey this is Kevin Feng from the show. Mystery and I are cool despite getting kicked off. Even being on just two episodes opened up a lot of doors for me.

    “Not that this is a surprise, since anyone who’s asian, indian, middle eastern, or black seems to not have a chance on this show.”

    LOL, I just had to laugh my ass off on that comment.

  10. Mr. Right says:

    Good glad TC is starting the podcast soon now barry will have more exposure

    Barry Rules

  11. fucker max says:

    Who’s that dude sleeping with your girlfriend?

    Getting nude and rude in your bed … I’m that guy, call me Mr. Right

  12. sham says:

    If these guys hate this site so much, why do they keep coming here?

  13. Ray Gordon says:

    Do the contestants on the show realie their “opportunities” with women come from being on TV rather than any game they are teacing?

    That they are so hungry for status and fame says they know what women want more than “game.”

    Yet another case of the Hollywood elite misleading the average guys.

    Any contestant on that show who was even half the loser they were made out to be cannot go around as a guru the next year, as if they’ve solved everything, since there is no long-term analysis of their outcomes.

    Since when is getting laid by being on TV news?

  14. Anonymous says:

    “He’s doing the short set method, which looks like its working well for him.”


    thunderblob, stop acting like you have any game

  15. dafd says:


  16. dd says:


  17. Heehee Roy Gordon!
    How much have you paid Google on your debt? How much are you about to have to pay Mystery when you lose your lawsuit again?
    You have to be the longest standing community virgin by now. And if you had learned a good system insteading wasting all your time on vendettas and hard-headedness you’d be getting laid like all us other old-timers by now!
    It’s so funny I’m crying for you.
    Seriously. You’re more trapped inside your mind than Cid Barret was.
    Newsflash: People learn how to get laid, Ray. By beautiful women. And you refuse to be one of them.

  18. ELEV8 says:

    that dude todd is definitely not a newbie.

  19. Lifeguard says:

    Seduction Maestro,

    What do you know about seduction? Not much more than Roy..

    You play “patty-cake-patty cake” with your patterns and gimmicks
    Real Men know how it’s done
    They don’t use fag tactics….

    Women want a MAN

    ’nuff said

  20. GregM says:

    did the producers put something in the food? everyone seemed to be puking this episode.

  21. jc says:

    Does anyone know if the VH1 is on DVD? I guess I could watch it online as well. Someone said that the first season was based on looks, i guess thats not much of a surprise.

  22. Ray Gordon says:

    All these comments about how “women want an alpha” are missing the underlying problem: SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Whether it’s 300 PUAs or 300 AFCs wanting the same SHB, that’s not going to change.

    Does every guy really think he’s alpha? Is he rich? Does he own property? Hold political office? Is he famous? DHV only works when the target wants a HIGH-VALUE MALE to TAP INTO HIS RESOURCES, i.e., GOLDDIGGING. You’re like women who think they can use teasing to get ahead without putting out the real thing. ONe thing really hot women do NOT want is men who TALK like an alpha but lack the money and power to back it up. Once those requirements are introduced, the same 90-95 percent of rank-and-file PUAs is still disqualified.

    Even if women still find this PUA stuff appealing, when 1000 times as many guys are running it, they may still hvae sex, but it won’t be with anyone but the first PUA to game her.

    Want to know how powerful money and fame are as seduction tools? Every last “guru” gives up ALL his tricks anytime a book deal or TV show is wved in front of them. What openers do you think THEY use? Hint: “I’m on tv” is one of them.

    “Loser AFCs pay my rent” is another.

    Or, my favorite: “We have a lot in common; we take large amounts of money from desperate men.”

    If women like LEADERS, those who FOLLOW these gurus are disqualified for that fact alone.

    Wake up, the game is OVER. You’re like Charlie Brown standing on the pitcher’s mound in the pouring rain wondering where everyone went.

    For all you guys talk about being so desirable to women, there’s never a hottie within miles of any of you.

  23. jhjh says:

    where did u dissapear thundy?

    we miss u like u miss a big pork stake(?)

  24. Anonymous Coward says:

    Hey, thundercat, will you be doing any more reviews of the show? Because I just love them :D

  25. fuckstick says:

    suck a cheetahs dick
    your podcast smells like shit
    barry kirky call him mr right

  26. Art Bell says:

    Moe-show yow !!

    Someone come out with a product for TC called

    ‘How to do a Friday Show’

    ‘Double your Podcasting’

    Is he waiting for AFC adam aka his pops ????

  27. fucker max says:


    Revolution31.com has a traffic rank of: 90,830
    I’m known to have some skills…. i just don’t like to talk about them.

    i know more techniques on pick-up than you can even….. specu-late.

    Its just not that big of a deal…

    It takes me 13 minutes to steal any girlfriend.

    I get approached a couple of times a day…. even when I’m not dressed well…


    puGAY 100% rsd shill

    Summa Maximus III 100% rsd shill/faggot

    fucker max
    View Public Profile
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    #15 Today, 08:42 PM
    fucker max
    Senior Member Join Date: 2008 Sep
    Location: nowhere
    Posts: 474



    Free site dedicated to Seduction Tips and Dating Advice for Men. Updated reguarly 5 days a week.

    Thundercatseductionlair.com has a traffic rank of: 118,847

  28. fucker max says:

    Revolution31.com has a traffic rank of: 90,830

    Thundercatseductionlair.com has a traffic rank of: 118,847

    time to shut it down fatboy…………..

  29. Bornatural says:

    Wake up, the game is OVER. You’re like Charlie Brown standing on the pitcher’s mound in the pouring rain wondering where everyone went.

    For all you guys talk about being so desirable to women, there’s never a hottie within miles of any of you.

    Oh my, its the boy who cries wolf. The guy who does NOT understand PU, can’t even begin to know what seduction is. Ray, all you know is the canned stuff, thats as far as your mind can grasp.
    It doesn’t matter how many people see this little stupid show…it doesn’t change anything. Like you, you never change, after 8 years you still can’t get a girl, sale a product, or anything else for that matter, you are a legal loser as well.

    Poor Ray, hes the little train…that never left the station.

  30. puGAY says:

    R.I.P. Thunderblob

  31. TheBlob says:

    “Updated reguarly 5 days a week”

    R.I.P Thunderblob

    listen to the Barry Kirkey Radio Show


  32. Ray Gordon says:

    Oooh, didn’t take long for the haters to resurface.

    \WHat he calls “PU” is a group of commercial interests preying on desperate men who buy into media cred and find out too late that the results they read about aren’t what they’ll get unless they already could get those results to begin with.

    Real men don’t hide, and don’t have to cyber-AMOG like the marketing-jerkoffs online do all day. A rea’ “PUA” ilke he claims to be would haev women in view and not be posting to suasage-party blogs.

    Hmm, if Mystery was the “world’s greatest PUA” why isn’t he fucking the A-list? my cousin fucked DIANE LANE in high school, and lived with two Playboy centerfolds in successive months, and he wasn’t even famous.

    Go back to the YMCA lair with all your loser KJ friends. If chicks love game and PUAs, so much, where’s your harem? Not the five-fingered one either.

    Exactly. Silly BOYS.

  33. Ray Gordon says:

    Mystery gets laid because he knows Style and people in Hollywood and tosses money around like water.

    He must be doing a lot of “protecting his loved ones” since these days he seems to love social-climbers and golddiggers which some men equate to prostitutes.

    Mystery canh’t handle any free-speech environment because he can’t handle the questions that would be asked of him or the points raised. That makes him beta, and those who don’t care a step below that.

  34. Ray Gordon says:

    Hey, which club in Austin was Season 1 shot at?

    Answer: None. It wasn’t a real club.

  35. Bornatural says:

    \WHat he calls “PU” is a group of commercial interests preying on desperate men who buy into media cred and find out too late that the results they read about aren’t what they’ll get unless they already could get those results to begin with.

    I am sorrow that you do not have the mental or emotional capacity to understand PU.

    Real men don’t hide, and don’t have to cyber-AMOG like the marketing-jerkoffs online do all day. A rea’ “PUA” ilke he claims to be would haev women in view and not be posting to suasage-party blogs.

    Posting like you do?….like how you can post to Usenet 400 times a day…lol. Wheres your woman Ray…..thought so….snicker. Oh that right, you hypnotize yourself into believing you are a woman so you can get off…..hey, yours words, right there on usenet.

    Hmm, if Mystery was the “world’s greatest PUA” why isn’t he fucking the A-list? my cousin fucked DIANE LANE in high school, and lived with two Playboy centerfolds in successive months, and he wasn’t even famous.

    Ray keeps bringing up this old cousin, like somehow that makes himself a PUA.

    Go back to the YMCA lair with all your loser KJ friends. If chicks love game and PUAs, so much, where’s your harem? Not the five-fingered one either.

    Go back Home Ray, hey I heard you are posting from a public library now…..thats sad.
    little man…..
    I’m in my 40′s and I’m doing girls in their 20′s…..too bad Ray….I know your little heart wants a woman soooo bad….sniff.

    Mystery canh’t handle any free-speech environment because he can’t handle the questions that would be asked of him or the points raised. That makes him beta, and those who don’t care a step below that.

    Mystery has a forum, where people can say what they like, M used to post to usenet too.
    Everyone left usenet over you, you can’t post anywhere long, before you are banned. YOU challenged M, and backed out……you are just a pussy Ray.
    You can’t handle any questions, you threaten to sue when people bring up the fact that you can not even pick up a homeless woman….HAHAHA

    But look Ray, I feel sorrow for you, if you want I’ll teach you MM to approach and SS to close the deal. I’ll help you get a girlfriend….are you excited? I’ll show you stuff thats not in any book….isn’t it time, you had a woman too?

  36. What happened to fatboy? Did he fucking die?

  37. Art Bell says:

    I agree with His Royal Rossness !!

    How about updating this site before another site takes over?

    TC, no podcast is one thing, unfortunate since you talk about the scene and the learning process, which Barrie does as little as possible,

    Barrie is like the AFC who talks about the weather and everything else, but is scared to talk about the hook up, so listeners leave.

    Sampling Halloween and one-word voice clips is 1% scene 99% rambling – at least AFC Adam has some feedback (having his chick on the show keeps it quite PC).

    Chop-Chop, bang bang!!

  38. Bornatural says:


    How did 3.0 do? You sale alot of copies?

    To be honest I’m curious as to where it would benefit myself any.

  39. Joe D. says:

    Stefan is one unfunny prick on Barry’s show. WTF?

  40. Bruce Min says:

    Great post about the series…

  41. Dear Dick-breath Cocksucker Poser, I Mean Ray Gordon says:

    Kindly post any pics of any chicks you’ve bedded down recently. Or any testimonials of satisfied customers who have purchased your pea-brained little misogynistic afc ebooks. Or any empirical proof whatsoever that you, as an alledged PUA, are fit to shine the shoes of Mystery . He’s not perfect, but as least HE has a verifiable track record.

    Hmmm? We’re waiting…

  42. Ray Gordon says:

    Mystery’s “track record” includes threatening suicide several times, threaetning a reverend with a knife, threatening to throw Herbal through plate glass because Herbal slept with Katya, and ucsing ACTRESSES as targets in his “reality” show where he had a chance to prove his method on camera.

    Mystery’s “game” now is money and fame. Yours seems to be “flunky game” or telling the world how you think another man is better than you. The students don’t seem to realize that they are losers to the targets just by virtue of being students. They want the men who TAKE their money, the gurus, FOR their money. Time was, that wasn’t game, that was social-climbing and golddigging.

    Anyone who thinks Kate Walsh was into Mystery should ask her husband what he thinks of that.

    Keep in mind one last thing: my books cost $20-30 each. Bootcamps cost thousands. A guy could concubine a HOOKER for two months for what a workshop costs.

    “Lifestyle” is just a word for money, and women who are into “lifestyle” are going to want it shared with and spent on them. That’s not game, that’s prostitution and golddigging.

    I can see why you get so verbally aggressive: it sucks to lose a debate.

  43. Ray Gordon says:

    Love those cyberAMOGs, pretending to be tough with their insults, letting out all that rage at the women who LAUGH at them.

    Mystery uses the money and status he gets from his LOSER students to get women to talk to him. Some GAME.

    Mystery is a violent little coward who lets his loser flunkies run their mouths online while he rakes it in from desperate loser guys who will still be losers no matter how hard they study. Remember, that’s why guys don’t have to worry about the mainstresm. 99 percent of the men who see the methods will ultimately FAIL with them.

    It’s funny that 100 percent of men think they are the 1 percent.

    Dweebs like you would shit their pants before ever having the balls to insult anyone from anywhere but behind a monitor.

    DId Mystery call Kimmel’s personal assistant a “hired gun” who was there only for her looks? She’s a 22 year-old SHB ((or that’s who it was). Did Mystery game HER? Saw her HUGGING Kimmel on one show too; guess one has to do what one has to do to stay employed, and a host has to do what a host has to do to get some on-air play.

    Hey, let Mystery game SARAH SILVERMAN! She’d rip him to shreds even worse than she did Kimmel after using him to get more famous.

  44. Can't we all just get along? says:

    Let’s call a quick truce here where both sides cut the ad hominem attacks for a spell…

    Mr Gordon…if as you allege Mystery is such a violent power-hungry con-man who fleeces his loser afc flunkies etc., fine. So be it. We should be more interested to learn a working model for success than to worship the golden calf of a cult of personality anyway. Who gives a shit about any given flamer’s personal opinion of you or Mystery? It’s all about learning the best tactics and strategies which will help us more rapidly achieve our goals with women, regardless of the source – right?

    Please elucidate and edify us on your perspective on the following vital elements of game:

    - How does one most effectively open and APPROACH a chick, both if she is alone and in a set?

    - How does a guy successfully ENGAGE her in conversation?

    - How does he ESCALATE and NUMBER CLOSE?

    I have my own understanding of the vital skill-sets…derived from my own hard-won experience and through a working synthesis of Mystery-Ross Jeffries-Juggler-Vin DiCarlo et al., observing naturals and other sources. My application of these methods and philosophies has resulted in some success; like any humble aspirant I aim to improve even more. In this vein, I am interested in your concise explication of the above inquiries…again, all sides please temporarily refrain from ad hominem attacks.

    Of course volumes can and have been written to address the above questions. My commission to you, Mr. Gordon, is to PITHILY demonstrate how your system of game trumps what you would call the feeble efforts of that over-rated illusionist from Canada.

    Then we can resume the vicious flame wars.

  45. Bornnatural says:

    Mystery’s “track record” includes threatening suicide several times, threaetning a reverend with a knife, threatening to throw Herbal through plate glass because Herbal slept with Katya, and ucsing ACTRESSES as targets in his “reality” show where he had a chance to prove his method on camera.

    Yours include threatening underage girls, peoples family’s, with baseball bats and HIV….I could go on, but its all in your posts on usenet.Public record.

    Keep in mind one last thing: my books cost $20-30 each. Bootcamps cost thousands. A guy could concubine a HOOKER for two months for what a workshop costs.

    You down to hookers now….they dont require game, just right for you…..lol.
    There is NO method in your books. You had one “follower” that people know of and he turned against you and said it had made his life worse. Where are your students?….why can’t you produce one?
    Why are the two approaches you posted in 8 years so laughable? Your idea of picking up a stripper is to take prawns into a club…..you know nothing about women…nothing.

    I can see why you get so verbally aggressive: it sucks to lose a debate

    There is no such thing as a debate with you. Your failure gets pointed out to you and then you want to sue. You have no life, you have no women, you have nothing….you keep bringing money up as the only way to get women because it justified your failures.
    There are lay reports on every forum, using the methods…..maybe you should read and learn.

    Love those cyberAMOGs, pretending to be tough with their insults, letting out all that rage at the women who LAUGH at them.

    Ray, you are a pussy, its posted that your elderly mothers boyfriend whipped your ass under the kitchen table, so please…..little man. Your own words snare you.
    If you are so good, why did you BACKOUT of a contest with mystery?….lol.

    Dweebs like you would shit their pants before ever having the balls to insult anyone from anywhere but behind a monitor.

    LMAO….ray….get back on your meds…you are scared of your own shadow. Plenty of people have offered to meet you, you refuse them all. Do you mean the monitor at the library?….no money to fix the crappy apartment pc?…damn….maybe you should get a job, if you can find one.

    Hey, let Mystery game SARAH SILVERMAN! She’d rip him to shreds even worse than she did Kimmel after using him to get more famous.

    Mystery, mystery…..you are so jealous, he became great, you were left with your middle school ideas when everyone moved on. You cry like some little kid, over Mystery….banned from every forum, because you are nothing…KJ’s have more ability than yourself.
    Hey, lets see you game ANYONE….thought so……theres NO video of Ray even talking to a girl.
    No audio, nothing but a few little books typed out on MS Word….oh hows that going with the pay 100, 000 to get instructed by Ray?….HAHAHAHA.
    You still stalking Ashley?….you know the girl from the erotic hypnosis courses, the ones that have BEGGED you to leave them alone.

    Ray, get some help, the last 8 years, its like listening to a broken record, you say the same things over and over…..and NO ONE cares

    Run back to your pathetlic little life, all one has to do is pull archives from usenet to see what you are.

    You guys watch, his next post he will be threatening to sue………:)

    Anyway, hes starting to bore me again, it doesn’t take long. Hes went so far downhill, that’s its not amusing to flame him anymore….see ya Ray…..I hope you do get laid before you get to old….good lucky buddy!

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